• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 968 Views, 8 Comments

The Random Pictures to Fiction Collection - Pics2Fics

A bunch of short scenes written about pictures.

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All the Cider You Can Drink

To say that the day’s production was merely bountiful would’ve been an understatement. With the help of some good friends, Sweet Apple Acres was able to set a new record in total amount of cider made in a single afternoon. They could easily fill the orders of two days as opposed to the running out by 3 o’ clock that everypony was accustomed to.

However, with the day’s orders been filled, another day of production planned for tomorrow, and barrels upon barrels of extra cider, Applejack decided it was time for a little fun at the expense of her old friendly rival.

"How you holdin’ up, Dash?" she asks casually, setting aside her mug.

Rainbow Dash sits across from her, eying her fresh mug of chilled cider in a way she never expected. Normally, it would be perfect on a hot day such as today. She had looked to cider in many ways; in thirst, in desperation, and sometimes she’d even go so far as to say love. But now all those feelings are gone, replaced by a full, sloshy stomach of reluctance and dread.

Funnily enough, the only thing that keeps her going is the cider itself. Rather, the alcohol content there in, squashing what little Rainbow had of her ability to admit defeat. This is a competition and therefore there was only one reasonable (in her scrumpy soaked brain) expectation of what would happen next. She needs to drink the cider to win, therefore she’ll drink the cider.

"I’m fnn…" she mumbles out, finally realizing that she had been asked a question. Taking one last look at her reflection in the apple drink, she says, "Jus’ you w-watsh ’dis!" Breathing back in, she brings the cup up to her lips and begins chugging.

Her mistake was drinking before she finished inhaling. Just a drop or two of cider went down the wrong way, infiltrating the pipeline into the lungs and causing an immediate irritation. Dash’s eyes open wide in panic at the fluid finding an unwelcome path. However, she manages to control her spasms, for if she were to burst out coughing and spill her cider, that would mean forfeit.

Controlling her convulsions, Dash continued to drink the full mug of cider while the drops in her airway seem to almost claw against the walls for freedom like an angry cat. Worse yet, she still has half a mug of cider until she could forcibly eject that invading liquid.

She powers on what some may call it bravely and most would call stupidly. The irritation grows with each passing gulp, like a hive of hornets growing exponentially within her chest. Burning and stinging, a tear threatens to spring from her eye as she lifts her head and the cup higher to polish off every single bit of liquid.

As soon as the mug is empty, she slams in back down, shaking the fizzy beverage within her stomach and causing a reaction. She begins to cough. As the carbonation comes up, she begins to burp. A broken mixture of coughing and belching as Dash wrenches forward in pain makes AJ feel a little bad.

Only a little, though. Throughout the unpleasantness, Dash was still getting all the cider she could drink for free.

"Well, I am impressed," AJ admits with a tiny nod of her head. "Y’all drank much more than I expected. More than what most earth ponies could handle, too."

"Tol’ ya’…" Dash moans out between a cough and a burp. Applejack rolls her eyes as Dash finishes clearing her lungs and stomach. Eventually, she quiets down and sits back up with a swaying that had been noticeable three drinks ago. "I c’n drink any week a’ tha day!" Dash continues. "And n- And now I’mma gonna win that hat!"

"We never bet anything, Dash," AJ responds.


"And ’em gonn win dat, too~!" Dash announces triumphantly.

All Applejack could do at this point was chuckle. "Well, that’s fair. Yer still in this. But if you want ta’ win…" she starts as she fills two more mugs from the barrel of cider beside them. With a sweep of the hoof, she knocks the two empty mugs into the growing pile they had accumulated over time of their competition. Placing one of the full mugs in front of Rainbow Dash, she explains, "Then y’all are gonna have to keep drinking."

In a fast and smooth motion, AJ brings the cup to her mouth and downs the whole thing in a few gulps. Such was life on the farm that you get a taste and tolerance for the potent beverage. Big McIntosh could put a few barrels away easily and she bet Apple Bloom would be stiff competition for Dash even if she isn’t of drinking age, yet. Still, Dash is facing Applejack currently, who slams her empty mug in front of her with a little sudsy residue lingering in the sides of her mouth.

"Yer turn, Dash," she states and she puts both hooves on the table.

"M-Motherbucker…" Dash sighs as she goes between the new drink in her hoof and the mare staring confidently at her.

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