• Published 10th Oct 2013
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On My Honor - Honored Service

Honored Service, the human that saved Equestria from any evil you can name. A warrior at heart, who's special talent is killing and maiming anything that seeks to cause harm to those he cares for, is sentenced to a normal life in Ponyville.

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I'm Doing Stuff Luna; Things

On My Honor

I'm Doing Stuff Luna; Things

By: Honored Service

Edited by: CommanderWolffe

“And just one more shape.” I planted the tip of my knife into the dirt and swirled the blade to the side creating a long spiral in the last rune on the six pointed star. The sun leaked through the canopy of the Everfree forest as I stood up and sheathed my knife, taking a step back and looking at the completed rune. It had only taken five weeks, three days, six hours, and forty-two minutes to complete, but it was picture perfect. It was a flawless copy of the rune in the scroll. I aimed my gauntlet at the completed rune and charged up the sealing spell so that nothing would disturb my baby’s rest while I gathered the final three artifacts needed for the spell to be completed. I launched the spell, blood red energy surrounding the rune and outlining all the shapes and symbols carved painstakingly into the dirt, before the air above the rune began to shimmer.

“Well that’s new.” I observed the air as it continued to shine as the spell finished its work. “Very strange.” I walked closer to the spell and noticed that not only was the air continuing to shimmer, but faint pops and bursts of energy continued to come from the shimmering air. “I don’t know if this is a good thing or not.” I wondered aloud as I picked up the satchel I had with me that contained the three artifacts that I had gathered already.

I reached into the canvas bag and slowly pulled out a long dark blue feather, recognizably one of Luna’s feathers. Or, also known as the alicorn feather that the spell required. I looked at in the dim light of the forest before a crack of energy sprang from the shimmering air above the rune and hit the feather. I jumped back in surprise, the feather staying suspended in midair as I walked around it. On its own, the feather slowly traveled across the rune towards the designated spot the scroll said it would needed to be placed. It floated above one of the points and then rested right above the rune on that point. I walked over to it and plucked it out of the air before putting it back into my bag.

“Okay… thanks rune, but I got to get the others first.” I shook my head and began the short trek out of the forest and towards my house, which thanks to some help from my friends, was nearing the final stages of its completion. The second level of the house was almost done, the only thing needed to be done was complete the ceiling then furnish the house. I shrugged my bag off my shoulder and tucked the magical artifacts and the spell scroll away into the hidden compartment on the wall in my future bedroom. I looked around at the empty space and realized that I would need to get some furnishing because I don’t think that having just my weapons decorating the house would be very welcoming.

I did though take the time to buy a sleeping bag to sleep in till I was able to get some adequate sleeping arrangements made. I sighed as leaned my sword, the Element of Protection, against the wall next to me as I crawled into my sleeping bag. It was only six or so in the evening, but I had some very early morning plans. I was going to hunt down a water dragon.

“Good morning Honored.” The calm voice said from directly above me.

“JESUS!” I stumbled backwards and collapsed across an old log. The XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle fell my grasp and landed in the grass and ferns near me. I looked up to see Princess Luna smiling innocently at me from atop a dark cloud. “Come on man. I nearly had a heart attack.” I sat up and reached over, untangling my weapon from the ferns it had fallen into. I stood back up and shouldered the rifle.

“Are you not happy to see me?” Luna asked as she hovered her cloud directly in front of me, blocking my view.

“No Luna. I’m just kind of preoccupied; that and the fact that you scared me to death.” I grunted out while trying to peer around her cloud.

“I have just been observing you for some time and seen you just sitting and standing in the one spot for almost two hours. What are you preoccupied with?” Luna asked, stepping lightly off the cloud and standing next to me staring at what I was looking at.

“Wait you’ve been watching me?” I looked away from the sniper scope and shrugged, “well I’ve been watching this cave hoping that it would be the home of the water dragon, but so far there has been no movement.” I sighed and adjusted the sights on the scope for the hundredth time in the last two hours. I was bored senseless.

“A water dragon?”

“Yup.” I said, training the crosshairs back onto the center of the cave. “And I’ll stay here as long as I have to.” I kicked a leg out and knocked my backpack over dumping the contents of it onto the ground. A few days’ worth of hydra steaks, precooked, tumbled out and covered the area around me. Luna sniffed one of them before making a gagging sound, sticking her tongue out to emphasize her dislike.

“I can see and smell that.” She said while looking back to the cave. “You do know that the only thing in that cave is a large, scary dragon and his massive horde.”

“Wait. What?” I said turning from the scope. “You mean that isn’t a water dragon?” I quickly reached under my chest armor and took out my notebook with Daring’s notes in it.

The water dragon should be the first dragon you see when following the river into the Everfree forest. He is said to not be violent unless provoked, but I’d keep my distance. Maybe try getting him hurt from a distance, or sad for a nonviolent approach, to get the tears.

“This is the first dragon I saw.” I said pointing to the cave and then handing the notebook to Luna. After following the river and saying a quick hello to Reginald, the first nonviolent creature I had meet in Equestria, I found this cave where the dragon was resting. The dragon was large, smaller than Galdishmessh… Galdismessshes… he was smaller than Gal, but still was pretty damn big compared too little ol’ awesome me. He had green scales covering the majority of his body, with a yellow green stomach and matching spines along his back and head.

“Honored. Water dragons live in water.” Luna said matter of factly, before tucking the notebook into the waistband of my pants. Danger close! I quickly jumped back, removing the notebook and grumbling to myself, before tucking it back into the inside pocket of the chest armor.

“So you’re telling me that a mean, scary and bad dragon lives in that cave.”


“And he has a giant horde of gold and riches.”

“And I’m sure magical artifacts and weapons collected from over the ages.” Luna said while looking at me.

“And has he done anything to cause him to have ill feelings with the Equestrian government?” I was trying to hold back a sequel of excitement.

“Well one hundred years ago I believe he tried to attack a newly forming town. If what those old history tomes said are correct.” Luna stopped talking and then looked down at me, seeing the smile plastered to my face. “Honored. No.”

“Oh but yes.” I said, the smile not moving as I shouldered the sniper rifle and slowly began walking towards the cave.

“Honored. A dragon hasn’t been killed in over a century! And he isn’t provoking you anything!”

“But he’s got stuff I want and he may or may not have tried to destroy a town, making him bad. That’s enough for me!” I shouted back, the thought of having fun fighting an actual dragon and getting riches driving me on.

“Honored!” Luna screamed after me, then a bright flash appeared in front of me. I ran head first into the soft feathers of Luna’s side before falling back, suspened in Luna’s dark blue magical aurora. “This isn’t you!”

Luna held me above her as she gave me an angry glare. “Really? What’s happened to you?” She lowered me closer to her, so I was on her eye level. “Over the past few weeks you’ve become obsessed with this spell. And all the fighting? We, my sister, Twilight, and myself put you Ponyville so you could learn to solve problems without resorting to violence, and yet it seems every time we turn our back on you, you’ve run off on some dangerous journey risking your life for no reason other to just visit your home.”

I sighed and went limp in Luna’s magic. I gave a loud huff before hiding my face behind my hands. “I’m sorry.” I looked up, I could feel the tears I’ve been hiding for so long begin to break free. “I’ve been trying so hard to complete this spell, it’s going to allow me to see my family. See the world I left behind. My friends, my real non-pony family.” I cried out as I thought about the long near two years I’ve been gone. By now they all must think I’m dead and long gone.

“And I have nothing to lose here. What’s keeping me tied to this place? My only calling in this world was throwing myself into insane situations of danger to protect the innocent of this world. And I was removed from my job, sent to live in Ponyville because you three Princesses saw the monster I was. I am violent, it’s what I am; a human. Just wait until you see my world. My one calling in life, using that violence to protect you ponies is what kept me sane I guess. That and her, but she’s dead and I have no purpose. I guess the spell gave my life new meaning again.”

I finished my rant as tears fell from my cheeks and landed on the ground beneath me. I looked up to Luna and saw her looking back at me with tears beginning to brim on her eyes. “Honored…”

“No please it’s alright Luna,” I looked back to the cave, “I understand why you guys sent me away. I was a potential threat sitting in the castle. I was a ball of destructive energy just waiting to blow. And I know what you did with the last ball of energy that was just waiting to erupt. You sent it to Ponyville and it was tamed by a pegasus. Y’all thought the same thing could be done with me. But honestly, I don’t think I’ll be okay until I get closure on Earth. My Earth.”

“Johnson,” Luna placed a hoof under my chin and raised my head up so I was staring at her large blue eyes, “I don’t think you’re a monster. Maybe just a tad bit mentally unstable. But that makes you, you.”

I sniffed and wiped my gauntlet across my nose, “You mean it?”

“Yes. The sanest unstable human I know.”

“Thanks Luna. I don’t know if I could have taken on a huge dragon anyway.” I said waving off the cave.


I spun around and watched as a massive green claw smashed through the mouth of the cave, crushing a cluster of trees instantly turning them into tooth picks that shot out in every direction.

I quickly tugged my sniper up to my shoulder from its sling and racked the bolt back and pushed it forward, the .300 Winchester magnum round fitting into the chamber. “Luna can I fight now?” I asked turning around and feeling my heart skip a beat.

The sound of a heavy metal bolt locking a 7.62 into a chamber filled my ears as I saw Luna standing in a battle stance, her legs spread apart, her head pointed down and a 240B heavy machine gun floating beside her in a dark blue magical aurora. “Only if I am allowed to help.” She said as her wings fanned out behind her and she gave me a wicked smile.

“I think I can allow it.” I nodded dashing forward towards the incoming enormous green dragon.

“Luna?” Princess Celestia walked into her sister’s room trying to find the younger sibling. “Luna dear, I was wondering if you would care to join me for dinner? But you’re not here and I’m still talking to myself.” Celestia said while poking around her room. Her sister always looked around her room, even if she had told her numerous times to not do it. Why can’t she do the same?

“Oh well since you’re not in here I guess I can look at your diary you think is well hidden.” Celestia said over her shoulder, just in case the alicorn was still around. But after a moment of nothing, Celestia smiled and walked over to the large bookcase next to the desk. She yawned and flicked a hoof out, knocking a book back and causing the shelf to flip around, leaving a small cut out behind the row of fake books. Celestia picked up the blue book with a crescent moon on it.

“Well since you’re not here I guess I’ll read it.” Celestia said before flopping out her sister’s bed and opening the diary towards the last page that was written on.

“Dear diary, I don’t know what to think about him anymore. It seems like he has changed as he works more and more on his project. I know I’m being very vague diary, but I once again suspect that sun butt is reading you when I’m not looking. So I’ll just say that I’ve seen him go into the Everfree and I shall follow after him to make sure he stays out of trouble.” Celestia put the diary down and slowly turned to look out the window. She walked over to it and drew the curtains back, revealing the late afternoon skyline.

Across the plains and rolling hills, was the small town of Ponyville and beyond it, the dark outline of the Everfree Forest. As Celestia stared at the ancient forest a giant gout of green flames exploded from the forest and then vanished.

“Oh sweet me.” She grumbled before sliding the diary back into the spot it was originally resting in. “I really hope that wasn’t who I think it was.”

The heavy spray of machine gun fire lanced across the dragon’s side scales, punching into and cracking the green armor, but ultimately failing to go deep enough to do any real damage. I tucked and rolled to the left again as more green flames ripped forth from the dragon’s mouth and destroyed more trees behind me. I got up and ran forward, the sniper rifle resting in my hands waiting to be used for a kill shot. I was within a hundred yards of the dragon before I stopped running and aimed at a spot directly beneath one if its wings were Luna’s bullets had cracked the scales. I quickly placed the cross hairs on the spot and squeezed the trigger.


The round traveled straight and true, impacting the cracked scale and causing a spurt of dark red blood to exploded from the dragon. It reared up and unleashed a gout of green flame into the air. I could feel the heat from that blast all the way from here. Damn that shit must be hot. The dragon dropped back to the ground where it stared at me and narrowed its eyes at me.

“Wrong move lizard.” I aimed again and fired the rifle, sending round right at one of his eyes. The dragon didn’t move in time as the round punched into his eye and sent the beast reeling backwards where he hit the side entrance to the cave. Blood and gore dripped from in between his claw as he clutched the side of his face. I quickly pressed on in my assault and ran towards the wounded dragon. I was within twenty yards of him when he opened his one good eye and saw me. He spun around and lashed out with his tail at me. I tried to dodge to the left, but it was too late. I brought the rifle up to my chest as the spikey tail caught me square in my chest. I flew through the air and smashed into a tree a good thirty yards away from the cave.

“Ouch.” I coughed out as I sat up from the cracked in half tree. I shook my head and looked down at my feet. “Aw man come on!” I bent down and picked up the sniper rifle. It had taken the worst of the dragon’s tail, but it was bent at a forty-five degree angle right at the center of it frame, rendering it useless. “Now its personal asshole.”

I tossed the rifle to the side and charged at the dragon that was preoccupied with firing flames at the alicorn that was swooping over it, shooting it with long bursts of machine gun fire. I yanked one of Glocks out of its holster on my back and reached over my head and grabbed my sword made of diamond. I quickly thought about dragons eating gems and sheathed it, instead opting for my lightning enchanted gold sword. I tucked and rolled to the side as the dragon’s green tail smashed into the ground next to me. I quickly reached over and grabbed onto one of the spikes as the dragon lifted his tail back into the air, me along with it. I let go and fell down onto the dragon’s back, lifting my sword up and planting it through his scales and holding on for dear life as he jumped up and tried to shake me lose. He turned and opened his mouth to blast me with fire but I lifted my Glock up and unloaded the entire magazine of .45acp rounds into his open maw.

The dragon jerked to the side as the bullets shredded his tongue and gums to bits. I holstered the empty pistol and then charged my magic up and launched the spell into the sword. I gripped onto the sword with my gauntlet even tighter as the dragon began to spasm and jerk as my magic amplified the enchantment of the sword and sent wave after wave of magic lightning through the dragon’s body. With one last jolt, the dragon toppled over, still jerking slightly as the last of my energy left his body. I pulled the sword out of his back and slid down the side of his belly before stopping next to him. Slow shallow breaths were coming from him. I sheathed the sword and pulled out the five foot long Element of Protection before walking up the dragon’s neck. I pulled my arm back, preparing to drive the sword through his neck, killing the dragon once and for all. But I stopped.

I’m not a monster. I turned and saw Luna behind me. She was smiling at me. I sighed and lowered the sword. I stuck my leg out and kicked the dragon in the side of the head. “Oi. Susie, get the fuck up.”

The dragon opened his one good eye and stared at me. I could see him visably shaking. “I wasn’t going to kill you.” I spat out at him. I kept the sword at my side, making sure he got a good look at the length of it. “But then you went and started attacking us, so I was forced to fight back. Now I’m not going to kill you. But you need to leave. Now. Get the fuck away from here, and don’t ever come back. Because I’m sure in the dragon world, if another dragon beats another, it gets its stuff. So get away from my cave!”
The green dragon got up faster than I could blink and quickly took to the sky, flying off faster than Rainbow Dash. I waited until he disappeared from my sight and then collapsed to my side, the pain form the three broken ribs I had finally coming through.

“Honored!” Luna yelled, quickly flying to my side. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” She asked as she kneeled to my side.

“When I got hit by his tail.” I grunted. “He did some damage but I couldn’t appear weak to him, or else that little speech would have failed.” I grunted again as I felt something cold wrap around my chest, and remove my old camouflaged chest piece. Luna had my chest wrapped in her magic and was slowly pushing magic into my chest, the cool sensation of healing magic doing its work over me.

“Stupid human.” She mumbled before smiling at me. “And all this for whatever is in that cave.”

“Well actually this was for a water dragon tear, and you mentioned giant horde. And well that kind of set everything off.” I said with a big shit eating grin. Suddenly pressure was applied to my chest and recoiled in pain.

“Oops, my bad.” Luna said with a small smile before turning around walking off towards the cave, a little bounce in her step.
I slowly sat up and followed after her, laying my broken sniper rifle on the ground next to my chest armor.


“You can say that again.”

A hoof was quickly shoved in my mouth. “Figure of speech.”

We both stood in front of the opening of the cave where mounds upon mounds of glinting gold bits and shimmering gems stretched out before us. I slowly walked forward until I was standing in front of the first mound. It towered over me, easily a thirty foot tall slope.

I fell forward, planting my face into the gold and gems. Rolling over, a spread my arms and legs out before closing them and opening them again. “Hey look Luna, money angels!”

Luna simply laughed at me as I rolled around in the treasure. I stood up and looked around. “I’m going to need some help getting this back to my house.”

“I think there is more treasure in here than you have room in your house.” Luna pointed out before trotting up a gold hill and then tossing a cloth bundle at me. “Besides, I thought you were just after weapons that might be in here.”

I unrolled the cloth to find myself staring at a painting of Princess Celestia and Luna that resembled the painting American Gothic, so I guess this was Equestrian Gothic. I shrugged before tossing it over my shoulder and sliding down the treasure hill I was resting on. I jumped onto another one before finding a weapons rack filled with gem covered spears that sparkled in the light. “Okay so these weapons are to fru-fruy to be used in combat, although I think I know how to use them.” I cracked a smile and began levitating some of the weapons I found along with me as Luna joined me as we walked back towards my home on the edge of the forest.

“Okay so can you just follow me? Please?” I was literally on my knees in front of Rarity, begging for her to leave her shop for just a few minutes. Well more like the rest of the day, but she didn’t like my offer of watching over the store for her while she was gone.

“I don’t know Honored. You won’t tell me why or what you will have me doing, and I can’t just close the shop down for a day. I could miss a lot of customers. With the Grand Galloping Gala only three months away, I have orders that –“

I quickly reached down into my pocket and took out a pouch filled to the brim with golden bits, fresh from my recently acquired cave. “So about your help?”

“Okay. But only for today.” Rarity said before taking the bits and tucking them under the counter. “I’m only doing this since you’re paying for me.”

“Of course Rarity. You can’t just give away your time for free all the time, a pony’s got to eat.” I smiled and waved her to follow me back towards my home on the other side of Ponyville. She remained silent as we walked, I gave warm nods to anypony we passed, but besides that, I made no acknowledgement of the pony following behind me.

“Honored are you going to tell me anything?” Rarity asked after we passed the market, a solid thirty minutes of silence.

“No.” I turned my head and smiled before stuffing my hands into my pockets and continuing to plod along towards my house. My house was finished. Well besides it being completely empty, it was just as I had imagined it. Perfect for a house nearly all built by hand… and hoof. And some magic. And pegasus wing power. Okay so I had a lot of help to get it done as quickly as it could have been.

We stopped in front of my house and I let out a long sigh and lifted my hand out of pocket, a single key dangling on a small chain. I held the key in front of me watching it swing before extending my arm and holding the key before Rarity’s face.

“Okay, you have a near unlimited budget, the first room on the bottom floor has a box of bits, it should be plenty, and also next to the box is a bunch of ornamental… things that I would like you to incorporate into the house. Also leave the basement alone.Those are my only rules. Go nuts.” I tossed the key to Rarity and began walking towards the Everfree Forest. I stopped at the tree line as I heard Rarity trotting up behind me.

“You mean, you’re turning over your house to me? To decorate?” Rarity said with wide eyes that were brimming with tears of joy.

I took a deep breath and swallowed, “Yes Rarity. I trust you completely.” I reached down and picked up my two swords, the Red Paw Pack Diamond Dog sword and my electric shock sword, Zappy, before slinging them both and stepping into the forest. I quickly stopped and stuck my head back out of the tree line, “And one last thing.”

Rarity cocked her head to the side at me.

“I swear to all that you hold dear, that if I find one lacy, pink, sparkly anything, I will utterly destroy everything you love.” I smiled before vanishing back into the forest.

“Have fun!” I called out towards the dumbstruck pony. “Now were to find that flamboyant water dragon.”

“I get to design the entire inside of the house?” Rarity turned from the dark forest to stare at the two story home behind her. Oh the possibilities! Rarity squealed in excitement as she ran into the house. She ran from room to room, planning out the possibilities that each room could hold. A rustic kitchen with a down to home feeling. Actually that rustic basic design might do wonders to the whole home. Honored was…

Well… there was no easy way to say it.

Honored was basic. Rarity thought as she looked into the first room. Sure enough a large box was filled to the brim with golden bits. Granted they were very old bits, but a bit is a bit. And sitting next to the bits was a weapons rack filled with spears, swords, shield, war hammers, and other gruesome weapons, but these ones were covered in gems and some of them seemed to be made of gold.

“I might be able to make this work.” Rarity cracked her neck and levitated her red work glasses to her face. “Let’s do this.”

“Reginald?” I called out as I walked along the edge of the river cutting through the Everfree Forest. “I just want to talk. Water dragon. You knew didn’t you?” I yelled. That bastard, I would bet all of my new fortune that he was just giggling to himself that I went all the way through this forest only to come right back to where I started.

“You slick suave fruit.” I mumbled as I kicked a rock into the river. I stopped and looked down. The rock that I kicked was originally resting a ring of other rocks. A camp fire circle. “Oh my god.” My words died in my throat as I stopped and dropped to my knees. I was staring at my camp site from when I first came to Equestria. The simple camp site next to the river. I looked over to the side and saw a dulled purple scale with two different indents carved into it. The mold I used to cast the original bullets I had used.

“How the fuck did that work anyway?” I asked picking up the improvised bullet mold.

“Yes how did it work out?” I turned to see Reginald resting against the riverbank with his chin in his hands. “Well judging that changelings failed, the shadows failed, and whatever else failed, ill assume that you came out victorious.” Reginald smiled at me before winking.

“You!” I shouted before running up to him, “You knew that you were the water dragon, didn’t you?”

“What?” Reginald leaned back, holding his hands over his chest, “What moi? A water dragon?” He laid a hand over his head and looked down to me in a dramatic fashion. “Oh if only I had the grace, the poise that those majestic creatures had.”

I gave him a deadpan stare.

“Oh wait, I am.” He laughed as he fell back into the water, sending water over the edge of the river and crashing down all over me, soaking my jeans and shirt causing them to stick to my body.

“Thanks. Reggie.” I grumbled out through clenched teeth. I quickly summoned magical fire into my left palm and threw the ball of flames at my feet, creating a quick vortex of pure magical fire energy that dried my clothes in a few seconds. “Listen Reginald you know why I’m here, so please just cry into the cup.” I lifted a cup up and wiggled it back and forth.

“And whats in it for me?” He asked, eyeing me up and down.

“Oh come on, you too?” I sighed and stomped my boots into the damp ground. “Come one, why can’t anyone just be like ‘oh what Honored? You need something? Sure since you know saved the day like eighty bajillion times, I guess I can do this one little thing for you. And you got sucked away from your own planet for two years and you just want to visit for three days so everyone there will stop thinking you’re dead. Sure I’ll give you this minuscule little thing.’ Why can’t it ever be like that?” I flopped backwards and panted up at the sky as a shadow slowly covered me up.

I lifted my head to see Reginald slowly clapping his hands at me. “I’ll say Honored, if you weren't a soldier or whatever you are now, that would have won you a Neigscar award. You would have beaten Ponard DiTrotio.”

I sniffed, “You mean it?”

“Sure, it’s not that hard to do.” He smiled and then looked down to me. “I hate to be a bit of a jerk, but I was going to give you some tears anyway, even without the whole… tantrum.” He gestured to me, and the filled cup resting by the edge of the river.

I coughed and tugged at my shirt. “Um yeah… please don’t tell anyone about that.” I quickly added, “Or anypony.”

“Sure, no problem. My gorgeous lips are sealed.” He motioned throwing away a key and smiled. “Although if only the cameras had been running.”

I walked over to the bank of the river and picked up the tears. One step closer to seeing my old home. I looked up to the sea serpent and smiled. “Reggie?”

“Yes Honored?”

“Thanks for being my first friend in this world. You showed me kindness when you could have just ignored me and left me to fend for myself out here.” I gestured behind myself towards the dark opposing forest where I had emerged. “If it hadn’t been for you I wouldn’t have been able to save this world from the evils that revealed itself. So in a way, your kindness is what really saved Equestria.” I reached out a hand placed it on the smooth scales of Reginald’s stomach. “Thanks Reginald.”

Reginald smiled and wiped away a single tear from his eye. He placed one large hand behind me and patted my back, “You’re welcome Johnson. I… I always try to be friendly and I’m glad to see that it paid off. This forest, my world can be dark and sometimes you have to be light to guide others through it.” I pulled back from the giant serpent. I smiled up at him before walking back towards the edge of the forest.

“Thanks again Reginald.” I waved good bye to the water dragon and began walking back to my house, but first I think I had something else to do.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” I squealed as I slid down another mountain of gold. I stopped at the bottom of the pile and began shoveling golden bits and gems into a large bag. Once it was filled, I hefted the massive sack of gold onto my shoulder and left the cave, headed straight for a bend in the river. It took a little longer than I would have liked, but then again I was carrying at least forty pounds of gold and other precious gems. I reached the river and looked around, no sign of Reggie anywhere. I grinned and then dumped the bag into the river.

Thousands of bits and gem splashed down into the river, sparkling the whole way down. I poured the entire bag out, making sure that every bit fell into the water. Hopefully Reginald liked sparkly money and gems.

“Aw Hell, who wouldn’t?” I laughed and began humming to myself as I walked out of the forest. I poured the cup of tears into a small glass vial and tucked it into my pocket. Pocket full of tears and a heart lifted thanks to Reginald. And having a huge cave filled with gold wasn’t a bad feeling either. Feeling like Smaug in this bitch.

I pulled out my notebook as I walked and crossed off my list I had made.

Magic reflector pool water
Water Dragon Tears
Blood from Ancients lost
Celestial Stone of Life
Scale of a Guardian
Alicorn Feather

“Okay so just two things left. The fuck is blood from ancients lost? And scale of a guardian?” I scratched my head and flipped the pages to find Daring Do’s notes.

Honored, I’m kind of confuse on this blood artifact. They are many things that are considered lost and ancient. Alicorns are ancient as are dragons. Humans like yourself are also lost and ancient but the possibilities for this are long. Many of the creatures around the world are ancient. I’m sorry but I can’t be much help here. But for the Scale of a Guardian, I think I can help you.

The legend of the Guardians. You’re a Guardian now you know that right? Well judging by that look on your face you have after reading that will assume you didn’t know that. The ancient guardians were the creatures that used the Elements of Sanctuary or protected them. Now you get it. So you must find the Guardian that has scales. Good luck with that.

“So a guardian of the Elements of Sanctuary that has scales?” I thought aloud while tucking the notebook away. “None of the current holders have scales. So it has to be a previous one, but who is still alive or where can I find…” I stopped talking and looked to the west, through the thick forest.


“You want to what?” Twilight placed her book down and looked to me.

“I want to try using your hot air balloon thing please. I want to go for a nice flight to try and calm my nerves.” I lied through my teeth at my friend. Oh man this was going against everything I believed in, but I’ll be damned if I get stopped from completing this spell just because Twilight is scarred I might rip apart the fabric of the universe.

“And why would you be feeling so stressed?” Twilight narrowed her eyes at me. “You shouldn’t be doing anything that strenuous.”

I gave her a deadpan stare, “I just gave Rarity free reign to design and decorate the interior of my house.”

“I want it back by night fall.” Twilight said, tossing me a set of keys before turning back to her book.

“Awesome.” I grinned mischievously and sprinted form the library to her backyard where the balloon should be.

Well that’s a hot air balloon, I think. I was staring at a pink basket attached to a shit load of rope and a huge bundle of cloth that was squashed on the ground next to it. “So how does this work?”

I stepped into the basket and looked around. “Um balloon activate. Start? Begin tutorial?”

“Perhaps one should put the keys into the burner and start that first.”

I jumped and smacked my head against the metal bars holding up a large lamp looking thing. The burner I guess. “Ouch…Luna?” I rubbed my head saw the Princess of the Night approaching me. She gave a warm smile before stopping next to the basket.

“The one and only.” She nodded to me, “So what are you doing in Princess Sparkle’s hot air balloon?”

“I’m going…” I quickly scanned the area to make sure that studious princess was nowhere to be seen, “I’m going to visit the Ancient Guardian Gal.”

“Oh you mean Galdishmessh?” She said, saying his name perfectly.

“How’d you say his name like that? I thought only forked tongues could pronounce that.” I said staring in awe at the Princess.

“Well normally you’d be right, but I happen to be very good with mine.” She smiled innocently before poking the basket with her hoof, “So can I come with you?”


“But I gave you a feather.”

"Yes, but the exchange for that was you get to come to earth with me, not ride in the hot air balloon.” I stated before sticking the key into the burner and turning it. A flame leapt up and began inflating the pile of cloth on the ground with hot air. Slowly the shape of the balloon began to form.

“But…but…” Luna was staring at me with large eyes as she stuck out her bottom lip in an attempt at a pout.

“Nope. Sorry your highness, that won’t work.” I crossed my arms and she ‘hmmfphed’.

“Fine I didn’t want to ride on your balloon anyway.” She pouted even harder and sat back on her haunches as the balloon lifted off the ground as it continued to fill with hot air. I waited in the awkward silence as the balloon continued to lift off the ground and soon the basket was rising off the ground as well, trying to float up into the afternoon sky. It began its ascent but suddenly it jerked to a stop.

“What the?” I looked down to see that the balloon was tethered down by a thick rope. Luna was sitting right next to it and looked at it and then up to me. A smile slowly began to creep onto her face. “Luna could you please untie that for me?” I asked but I had a feeling I knew what the answer-


I sighed and slumped down into the basket. “Fine.” I grumbled to myself from the bottom of the basket. “If I let you come will you untie it?”


“Oh my God.” I slapped a hand to my face and sighed before bouncing up and down rapidly, causing the basket to rock back in forth. “Fine you can come.”

The balloon began to rise into the air as Luna then glided into the basket. She sat next to me and folded her wings up. We sat there as the balloon began its journey over the Everfree forest.

“Soooo…” Luna said rubbing a hoof across her chest. “Why are we going to see Galdishmessh?”

“Okay stop pronouncing his name right. Its… weird.” I said while adjusting the flame in the burner. “And I have to get one of his scales to complete the spell rune. Well that and some blood from an ancient lost.”

“An ancient lost?” Luna asked looking at me from across the basket, “Well do you know what that is?”

“No,” I said taking out my notebook and reading over Daring Do’s notes again, “And Daring Do didn’t seem to be able to help me anyway.” I lightly tossed to notebook to Luna before taking my backpack off and sticking my hand into it and digging around for something. I pulled out a bundle of cloth. I unwrapped the cloth and took a bite out of the hydra stake I brought with me. I watched as Luna’s nose scrunched up and she looked up from the notebook. She sniffed the air and then looked over to me.

“Really?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

“Want some?” I asked holding the meat out to her. I smiled and waved the cooked meat in front of her.

“No.” She turned away and made a gagging noise.

“If you don’t like the smell you could always leave and not have to come with me.” I pointed out before biting off some more meat. Damn this stuff is good. I’ll have to pull some more out of my freezer and try making some jerky covered in spices. Oh I’ll try that when I get back. And maybe frying some up with eggs that would be good.

“Oh you’re not getting rid of me that easily Honored. If think that some meat will scare me off, then you’ve got another thing coming. I’ve seen lots of meat and I shan’t be intimidated by it.” Luna stated as I tried to hold back a wave of laughter.

“So meat doesn’t scary you? You like meat?” I snickered as she just stared at me.

“No meat doesn’t scare me I just don’t like meat being waved in my… oh you are the most immature soldier we have.” She blushed red before looking away from me. Silently fuming at my clever wittiness that has once again beaten her.

I stood up and looked over the side of the basket to see the Everfree forest passing along underneath us. I smiled and realized I was so close to completing the spell. Then it would just be a quick casting of the spell and then, wham bam, I’d be visiting Earth. My Earth.

Oh man what if things have changed? What if two years here is like sixty there? What if everyone was dead from some nuclear war and zombies covered the Earth? What if I got captured by the CIA and was experimented on because of the magic I could do? OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD I couldn’t go back. Too much has changed I’ll be a freak, I’ll be hunted or shot or stabbed or –


I reached up and felt the side of my face. Luna was smiling at me. “Sorry but you had this look on your face that said ‘slap the ever living magic’ out of me.”

I rubbed my cheek before nodding and taking a deep breath. “Thanks Luna I guess I needed that.” I took the notebook from Luna and read over the notes on blood of Ancient lost. Well to be an ancient lost, the blood would have to come from a species that was ancient and lost.

“Okay Luna you're old right?”

“Wow you really know how to flatter a lady.”

“Shut up not like that.” I pinched the bridge of the nose. Is this how I always acted? “But in your knowledge, what species are extinct and ancient?”

“Well I mean till you came along, Humans and the… well now that I think about it that was the only species that has ever been extinct on this planet. There are a few that are near extinct, or it seemed like they were.” Luna placed a hoof to her chin and leaned against the railing of the basket before peering out over the vast forest beneath us.

“What was that?”

“Well alicorns, but with Twilight that makes four of us, so that’s more than there was. But you’re still the only human. Bat ponies were thought to be extinct, but upon my return they reemerged.” She gave a long pause before turning towards me, “So unless more humans have appeared in Equestria, then you are the only ancient lost species that I know of.”

“Then that’s another artifact found,” I said while taking out my notebook and crossing off another item. Last but not least was the scale from Gal. I wonder what I would have to trade for that.

“Wait. You can’t be serious.” I stood in front of the massive orange and gold dragon outside of his mountain on the ledge overlooking the vast expense of forest and rolling hills.

“Oh but I am human.” Gal’s voice was deep and calm as he spoke. He had his head resting on the floor of the cave so that he was on eye level with me. “I am serious.”

“But you just want to give me one. No bargaining? No trade? You don’t want a favor?” I was dumbstruck. This dragon had simply reached behind his wing and plucked am orange scale off his back with his teeth and then held it out to me.

“What do you have that I could want?” Gal said, giving me a toothy grin. “You brought a balance back to this world, something that goes beyond any type of worldly value.” He then looked over to Luna and nodded, “You even brought an old friend to visit a lonely dragon. And friendship is a gift all its own.”

“Again it is wonderful to see you Galdishmessh.” I shuddered at her perfect pronunciation of his name and sat back against the wall behind the ledge to look at the landscape. I’d give the two older beings a time to catch up.

“It is indeed a most pleasant meeting. I was surprised to see you with the human. A dragon had stopped by not but a few days ago and told of being removed from his cave and horde by a human and a dark colored alicorn. I should have known you to would have been together.” Gal said while turning to look at me. I nodded and continued to doodle in my notebook.

“Oh yes we worked together on that one. I more of stopped him from killing the dragon.” Luna said smiling at me.

“Good. Just like any rouge animal, it can be tamed.”

“Hey!” I looked up from my doodle of a city getting hit by a massive bomb. “I’m right here you know.”

“I am aware.” Gal said while chuckling deeply and breathing out a puff of smoke. “I’m glad you have found a ‘friend’ Luna.” He said with a wink.

“Yes me too Galdishmessh,” Luna sighed and looked to the dimming sky line, “Me too.”

“So human,” Gal turned to me and lightly tapped my chest with one of his huge talons, “What do you plan on doing in your short journey home?”

“Well I want to see my family. You know show them that I didn’t die in some freak accident. And to see how the world has changed, and if time allows, show off my powers to the world. Shake things up a bit.” I smiled and thought briefly about performing a one night magic show; with real fucking magic.

“Well just be careful. You know this to be your last time visiting, don’t leave on a bad note.” Gal said while picking me up in between his two talons, so that I was facing him suspended in midair. “You can be a bit reckless.”

“A bit?” Luna asked.

“Okay so a lot.” Gal said laughing before lightly putting me down next to Luna, “But I have a feeling that you are going to have a good guardian while you are there.

“Oh yeah. That.” I sighed and looked to Luna. “Yeah so I have to bring her since she gave me one of her feathers.”

“Is that so Princess?” Gal raised a large scaly eyebrow at her. “A Princess so willing to give away a feather?”

“Yea she really wants to go.” I said looking towards the setting sun. “I’m sorry to have to leave so soon Gal, but I told Twilight I would bring the balloon back by nightfall, and I kind of don’t want to piss off another alicorn.”

“Another?” Luna asked turning towards me, “Who else is mad?”

“You.” I smiled and looked at Gal. “Fus?”

“Fus.” He laughed again, causing smoke to curl around his fangs and out of his mouth. He turned to Luna, “I’m sorry your highness.”


“Fus Ro Dah.” He spoke calmly as Luna was propelled by his voice down the slide that was the tunnel we walked up to get to Gal. Gal and myself exploded into laughter as Luna’s screams vanished down the tunnel after her. I walked over to the edge of the tunnel and looked back to Gal.

“One for old time’s sake?” I asked.

“Sure, why not human.”

I gave a thumbs up to Gal as he whispered the three magic words that sent my shooting down the tunnel.

“Im not talking to you.”

“That’s fine.” I shrugged my shoulders and laid my head back against the basket as the hot air balloon began its journey back to Pomyville. How it got there without following any type of air current was beyond me. Like magic I guess. Twilight probably enchanted it to go wherever the rider wanted.

“So now what?” Luna asked me from across the basket.

“Oh I’m sorry, I thought you weren’t talking to me.” I smirked as Luna simply huffed at me. “Fine, stop your pouting. I guess tomorrow I’ll plant the magical artifacts, add some of my blood and then, well hope for the best.”

“You know once you return to Earth, your Earth, everything will be different. You were right to some degree. Two years here could be ten there.” Luna said softly, obviously trying to not scare me.

“I know.” I covered my face with my hands and then just stared at my metal gauntlet covering my left forearm and hand. The blood red diamond in the center of my palm glowed with the magical light of my eternal source of magic. “I’ve always had this feeling. I didn’t want it to change. But… But no matter how badly you want something. Even if you try with your whole being, things will change and there is nothing that one can do about it. Time will move on and the people, the ponies, will move on with or without you. The best thing to do is live with the circumstances around you and try to improve with them, not curse them and wallow in the fact that change is happening.” I looked up to Luna who was staring at me with her mouth slightly agape.

“Honored that was… wow. I sometimes forget how wise you can be should you want to be.”

“Thanks. I think I heard that one from a movie.” I gave a small smile.
Luna said nothing, but she shuffled around so she was sitting next to me in the hot air balloon. She gently laid a wing across my back, “Don’t worry Johnson, after tomorrow everything will be better. You’ll get the closure you’ve been needing.”

“I hope so Luna.” I closed my eyes and balled my fists together. “Because if I don’t get it, then I’ll get something out of it.”

The morning sun rose into the sky. But I was already awake as it climbed over the Everfree forest. I quickly made the final arrangements to my home. Rarity would have flipped if she saw what I did. Now I didn’t change much, but just a little. I added a few more decorative weapons here and there, but honestly Rarity got it spot on.

Mainly all the furniture and cabinets, was done with wood, dark woods, keeping with the simplistic style I had in the entire house. She added greens, browns, and dark colors to the walls and curtains, and she had even added rugs to most of the rooms. Most of the rugs were covered in different dark shaded patterns that drew each room together. She made each bedroom different, mine being the biggest and having a beautiful bed with a canopy over it. Something I thought I wasn’t going to like, but when the curtains closed around it, it somehow projected the night’s sky onto the inside of it. I’d have to give Rarity props for that one, it was breath taking.

I was happy with her work. I looked across my bedroom at a mannequin set up that was wearing my armor. My old ACUs from Earth were the base to the outfit while my very worn chest armor was on top of that. Next was the arm and leg golden armor pieces crafted by the Equestiran Guard. I had most of the pieces fixed and hammered out to get rid of the dents and scratches that had accumulated over their surfaces from the fights they had been in. The cutie mark crusader patch on the left shoulder was re-painted so it shined with a dull sparkle. My chest rig was filled with magazines for my M16A2 and the shoulder holster that held my Beretta-turned-magic-pistol was under the dummy’s arm. On the back of the belt was the double holster that held both Glocks, with their silencers attached. On the same belt was Bad Bertha, the large Bowie knife and next to that were a few simple throwing knives I had collected from my new horde.

I had the Element of Protection strapped to the mannequin’s back as that would be my magical amplifier for the spell casting in a few short hours. And the final thing on the mannequin was the iconic symbol I wore. The golden helmet with the green feather plume. I had no repairs made to it. Some of the feathers were burnt off or sliced away, and the golden helmet was covered in numerous dents and scratches, but it was my helmet and it had been through the shit with me.

I rechecked the satchel I had looped over my neck, insuring that the magical artifacts were still in it. All accounted for. The only thing that wasn’t in the canvas sack, was the blood from a human, but I knew where to find that. I sighed and sat down on the large brown sofa Rarity had purchased. I kicked my feet up onto the coffee table, something Rarity would be very pissed about, and laid my head back. I’ll try and get at least a few hours of sleep before the afternoon. Then Luna would get here, and then… well then I’d go home.

The dark shadow creature slowly emerged from the cluster of trees near the newly finished house. He watched with piercing red eyes as the human within the home nodded off to sleep for a quick nap.

“What are you doing Honored?” Covert wondered aloud as he watched his friend. He had spent nearly two weeks gathering the artifacts and yet now he was just waiting to use them. Strange. He usually isn’t so reserved about things. And the feather from Luna?

How stupid was this guy.

Covert rolled his eyes and just continued to watch the human. If he thought he could slip away from his shadow, then he was wrong.