• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,349 Views, 433 Comments

Celestial Gift - Wolfsalvo

An ODST that was on the Forward Unto Dawn during its destruction is sucked through a wormhole with plenty of other debris. Follow his tale as he crash lands in Equestria.

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Knowledgeable Day

Chapter 3: Knowledgeable day

(Princess Celestia's P.O.V.)

Sitting across from the strange being as he was looking around nervously, I had done my best to alleviate his fears, but he seemed to still be feeling scared. If only Twilight and her friends were here, they would be able to show him that he isn't in any danger. When the doors opened up, he shot his head behind him and over the chair, and I look over and saw it was just one of the cooks bringing in some platters of food, tea, and drinks. Not only was I trying to make a good impression, I was curious if he ate and drank the same things that every other pony did.

Clearing my throat after the platters were on the table, I dismissed the cook with hope of calming down the figure in front of me. When he was looking at me, I waved my hoof over all of the platters, before speaking, "Go ahead and have whatever you want, but I personally recommend the tea…" I watched as he looked over the various items in front of him, before I said with a question in mind, "I don't believe I ever caught your name…"

His eyes were instantly looking at me with an intense, but curious sparkle in them, but I didn't have to wait for his name long. "My name… my name is Steel." He said, and his gaze drifted down, before it rose back up and he asked, "What is your name?"

Smiling, it seemed that he was finally starting to trust me some more, and I nodded my head as I said, "It is a pleasure to meet you Steel, my name is Celestia, co ruler of Equestria."

The smile I received from Steel was a nice sight to see, At last, he is showing some form of emotion. "Doesn't Celestia mean the stars?"

Nodding my head slightly, I used my magic to pour two cups of tea, but Steel had just made his first choice from the platter in between us, and I made sure to pay attention so that I could start my own research on him. I had to also make sure I didn't overfill the cups, but I made sure to watch from the corner of my eye as he raised the small berry pastry to his face.

When he took a small bite, which was the first time I had seen his teeth, and I noted how they looked similar to a pony's. Setting the Kettle down now that I knew he at least ate the same thing as anypony, I used my magic to get Steel's cup to him. When he looked up at the cup, he flinched, before he took it carefully. I wonder what it was that scared him… the cup wasn't too high… or perhaps he doesn't know about unicorn magic.

"Steel." When he quickly raised his eyes and gave me his attention, I used my magic to raise my cup, as in a toast, and that was when his eyes did widen again. That confirmed my thoughts as his eyes locked onto my teacup, and I let an amused smile cross my features before I asked, "Have you never seen magic before?"

"I have heard of it, but it never really was proven to be real… until now at least…"

Nodding my head slowly, it showed through his actions that he had never seen magic before, but then something that had been on my mind for a while came back, and I asked, "Steel, just how I am a mare, and the stallions that are here are my guards, and pony's for those in the smaller villages; what are you? Sorry for my saying, but you are the strangest being I have ever seen in all of Equestria."

"I'm a human… you mean you have never seen one before?"

Shaking my head, I took a sip from my cup, before I asked, "Please do explain what a human is…"

(Steel's P.O.V.)

While I rummaged through my Drop pod, Princess Celestia was working on a scroll of some kind, but I didn't know what it was for. I had exchanged information and knowledge with her for over an hour, completely uninterrupted, all while enjoying the flavorful pastries that she had her cook bring out during the beginning of our conversation. I hadn't trusted her at first, and I had made sure I had visual on three exits at all time, but most of those exits were windows. Now however, I trusted her enough that I didn't mind that she stood somewhere behind me as I was stripping my pod for its contents. I had since retrieved my helmet, but upon request from the princess, I left it off. Even if I don't trust most of these… ponies, I need to maintain a friendly disposition. I might not be ONI, but I'm sure they would rather a peaceful and friendly first encounter… unlike how the covenant had attacked us right away.

Placing my pistol on my hip, I couldn't help but feel proud that I had brought the M6C Socom Special Forces pistol instead of getting stuck with one of crews bulky standard issue pistol. I hadn't packed a main weapon with my gear, as being a medic entailed me to heal others and get them back in the fight; meaning I was packing medical gear rather than combat gear. Though in my current situation, maybe it isn't such a wise idea to have a pistol and only a combat knife. At least I have this armor upgrade, it will help with whatever kind of task I need it for, but applying it without harmful drawbacks may be a little hard.

Standing back up after retrieving all my supplies, I now had my backpack full of medical equipment, sterilizers, bandages, medicine, and enough painkillers to knock out an enraged brute chieftain; I knew this from experience unfortunately. I had a week's worth of rations and a days' worth of water, but with what my situation looked like, I probably wouldn't need it for a while, unless things went south. But I shouldn't be trying to do anything that would make me a target, being a medic means I am only in this unit because I was able to pass training.

"What is that you have Steel?"

Turning around as Princess Celestia walked up beside me, I bowed slightly, as the joke I had come up with since she was royalty and all that. I grinned as I straightened once more, only to see the small grin on Celestia's face, "This is my equipment… I'm a medic, so I heal people that get injured in combat."

"We didn't discuss fighting yet… Equestria is a peaceful place, so I must request that you remain as… polite, as possible." Celestia said, and I looked back towards her and away from my pod, and I saw the extremely serious light in her eyes while she waited for a reply.

Looking past her, I saw the calm scenery that surrounded us. Everything was serene, peaceful, and everyone seemed to not have a worry in the world. It had been so long since the human race experienced to true peacefulness of serenity such as this, and the only way I could see my presence changing it, was if I didn't help to protect it. When has humanity had a day like this since the beginning of the war? If anything else, I will fight to make sure this world and its strange people… er… ponies; don't have to suffer from what we have.

Taking in a deep breath as I closed my eyes, I relished in the scent that only untainted nature could provide, void of any and all toxins, with no pollutants, and even devoid of the noise of human activates. All I smelt was the scent of flowers in full bloom, pollen, the smell of freshly cut grass, but not as strong, and another scent; but I knew it had to be some kind of perfume that the princess was wearing. Every sound that filtered into my hearing was peaceful as well, and instead of explosions and the screaming of plasma and bullets, I heard nature. Chirping birds, a breeze rustling leaves on the nearby bushes, and the small din of nothing that hid behind everything else, almost like an invisible veil.

Letting my breath out slowly as I opened my eyes, I suddenly felt sleep cloud my mind, before I quickly shook it off as I said, "I will only fight if it means this peace that Equestria has is in danger."

The relieved look that quickly took over her features showed how tense she had gotten, and as she raised a hoof to her chest, I couldn't help but feel amused. So I enjoy the sweet serenity that this garden has to offer, but she is getting nervous, because she thinks I mean harm to her and Equestria? A jackal is probably more dangerous than me.

Turning and looking towards the forest, I felt a sudden urge to go and take a brief walk through it, but I wasn't sure if that would be permitted, as I wasn't sure if I was required to stay with the Princess, or if I was limited to the castle. Speaking of which, I turned, and looking at the castle, and saw ponies hovering around the holes I had created, and I saw where they had been repairing the roof and walls; but now they were all staring down at me.

"Well then Steel… I must attend some matters, but I will have a guard escort you to my room. When I get done, I will have a guard come and get you so that we can have another discussion on where you used to live."

(Princess Celestia's P.O.V.)

Jostling down another set of notes, I looked back up, and decided on using violet and dark blue streamers for Luna's birthday. Looking back down at the long list I had planned for the upcoming week, I felt the stress starting to intensify as I looked at the bottom of the list, and saw I had a week before The Grand Galloping Gala. Setting down the list as I using my magic to instead bring my tea cup to my lips, I took a sip of the slightly refreshing warm liquid, before I set it down again with a disappointed sigh. It is always harder than the last to make a Gala better and grander each year, but this time, I need to prepare for Luna's birthday, alongside having the Gala ready to be set up the next day and additional preparations for the guests to be well entertained and taken care of.

Looking at the list once again, I jostled down a few ideas for what could be used for Luna's birthday cake, before quickly scratching it off, and replacing it with another requisite. I may have been doing these kinds of tasks for over a millennium already, but it was still a taxing and difficult list to fulfill when I want everything to surpass that of the previous event.

When I took a glance at the door as it opened, I was surprised when my sister came in, so I quickly did my best to put on a pleasant expression, while also rolling up the scroll and using my magic to send it to my room. Standing up and making my down from the throne, I only stopped once we were closer, and I heard her ask, "Sister, are you alright?"

Taken aback, I looked towards her and asked, "What do you mean Luna?"

"The sun has started to go down, and it is time for the moon to rise."

Taking this chance to look towards a window, I was surprised to see the time of day was nearing nighttime, but the sun was shining as bright as it would in the middle of the day. "Oh…"

Using this time, I quickly started to perform my duties as the sun princess, and I watched as the sunlight began to dim considerably, before I looked back at my sister and said with a small amount of humor, "It seems today has been a longer day that usual… I think I should go get some rest now."

Walking slowly to the doors, I heard Luna call out, "Sleep well sister."

At least she can still get me to smile, despite the events that I am planning. Walking through the doors, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder back to what I had been so focused on earlier; preparations for Luna's party. I have been focusing so much attention to the details for her birthday so much, that no matter what, I wasn't able to think about anything else… even if I wanted to…

(Steel's P.O.V.)

I had been staring out the window for the past few hours, taking in everything that was happening outside, and the many different sites I had to take in. It was fascinating to say the least, here I was, on yet another planet, but this time I didn't have a fight to expect, nor the constant worry that someone was running the risk of dying in my hands. I had already received the Purple Celestial Star for multiple injuries while in the field, but it was all part of the job when you're an ODST medic. But now, I was in the room of one of the rulers of this planet, and even though the day was drawing to an end, I was left to stay in her room; lest I get lost or end up somewhere I shouldn't be.

Crossing my arms and looking towards the distant towns on the horizon, I noticed a drastic change in light, and I glanced over and squinted my eyes, and saw the sun starting to dip below the edge of the land. Hmm… seems the days last longer here before it starts to truly get dark. At least it isn't like Alpha Centi IV… those days had been horrible; two hours of night, and thirty four hours of hot, blazing sun. Why anyone chose to colonize that horrible dessert world is beyond me…

Sighing softly as I closed my eyes, I let my thoughts go back to my early childhood, before the war threatened everything I knew. I had been living on Ricchezza when the news had reached my family, but by then, the insurrectionists had already ruined my family's riches. From what had once been a rich and prosperous planet, it had been reduced to ashes and cinders within the next month, having been the one of the first inner colony that the Covenant had found.

I buried those painful memories, but I wasn't able to burry all of them.

Spinning around and getting into a fighting stance as I heard a small gasp, I noticed the surprised expression that was over Celestia's face. I quickly dropped the fighting stance as she seemed to catch her breath again, and she said, "Steel… I'm sorry, but I had forgotten you were waiting for me here." She seemed to look down, before she said, "We won't be able to talk anymore right now… but I need to find somewhere for you to stay tonight."

Looking back outside, I took a glance up, and saw the moon rising in the sky, before I turned around and said, "If it is alright, I would prefer to walk around this castle so that you can get to sleep."

"Surely you do not intend to stay up the entire night?"

While that hadn't occurred to me, I didn't want to disrupt her sleep anymore that I already seemed to be doing, so I decided I could tough it out tonight; or I could always just have an energy bar. "I'm an ODST Hell jumper, I'm sure I can stay up an entire week if it was needed…"

I saw the confused expression on her face, but I only shook my head as I did my best to suppress a grin, but I was failing horribly. Walking towards, and then past, Princess Celestia, I grabbed the door knob, but I was stopped when she said, "Before you go, can you tell me why, and how, you are a Hell jumper?"

Turning around so I could properly address her, I looked down for a second, before bringing my gaze back up and into her solitary exposed eye. "Ahem… well, ODST's drop down from outer space, and as we are falling into the planet's atmosphere, our pods… or that shooting star as you had mistaken it, gets extremely hot. I have heard about a few people dying from how hot it gets, but that is very rare… but that is because of the heat literally cooking them inside the pod. Hence, the reason why we are called Hell jumpers, because we quite literally, jump into hell." I finished, but I looked away from her gaze, as I felt like I had just said something that should've been explained differently; especially without the death chances. "But, I think this time, I didn't jump into hell, rather I jumped into a paradise instead…"

It technically is true. I'm not in any kind of war or battle that is threatening my life at every turn with every shadow that is made. Who knows, this might be the first paid vacation I will ever get… unless the UNSC never finds me. "Well, thank you for that bit of knowledge Steel…"

Bowing my head slightly with a grin, as the thought of the UNSC had caused my previous smile to drop, I started to turn around, before I added, "Sleep well Princess Celestia, I will see you whenever you wake up in the morning."

After I said that, I walked out of the room, before I gently and quietly closed the door behind me. Now that I was out of the room, I turned around, and I began to walk down the hallway, with no destination in mind, but exploration instead.

Author's Note:

Welcome to chapter three everybody, and I would like to say, WOW to the amount of fav's this story has achieved already! I had even seen my story on the top of the home page and in the popular section for how well it is doing, and that makes me impressed. Please, by all means, keep adding favorites and thumbs, because that means I'm apparently doing something right. Now, I would like to point out, this chapter shows how Steel isn't that stereotypical human in an HiE fic, because it even showed he is less dangerous that a jackal. Now now... that doesn't mean he cant handle himself... as he even said that he knocked out a brute with the amount of painkillers he carries around (lets just say it was mostly morphine xD).

I updated this story today, because I want to have both this story, and the same version on Fanfiction.net to be updated simultaneously, that way one wont be on chapter 4, and the other on 3. I will try to keep writing for this story for regular updates, but College just got a whole lot more... interesting... and my palm is bruised on my left hand from crashing a bike. (I'm so glad my luck held up and there was no cars behind me... narrow ars street...)