Darkness, something Shining Armor never thought he’d see in the royal castle. This darkness reminded him of when he faced Sombra alone, his teleportation spell the only thing saving him. But now he was back in the darkness, though he was happy he wasn't alone this time, he turned his gaze to the changeling he just met today and already he somehow knew what he was thinking. He looked back to his wife and his…fling, holding each other terrified at what would happen. Shining knew that no matter what would happen, he and Razor would sooner die than letting the two rulers come to harm. He didn't know where Celestia was, she disappeared into the shadows, but he knew she could handle herself, since he was married Celestia took second place for the mare he would protect above all else. The darkness chuckled making them all gulp a bit as each one huddled closer to each other.
“Mmm…My My, what have we have here? A false Princess of Love, and a Queen who thinks too much of herself.” The voice said, the group looked around shaking slightly.
“Wwwho...who are you? I ddddemand to know who yyyyyou are this iiiinstant!” Chrysalis said, her voice shaking as she did. The voice only chuckled evilly.
“My my, such a big mouth, we need to take care of that.” The voice said as a click was heard. Chrysalis watched in horror as her mouth melted off, she quickly dropped to her knees and tried to pick up the puddle. Cadance laughed a bit at her, but quickly covered her mouth as she heard a hiss/growl.
“Do you enjoy others pain and fear?” the voice asked, she felt like the voice itself was coiling around her, gently squeezing her.
“Hey! Stop this at once!” Razor yelled as he ran to the queen, hissing at the darkness as he stood next to her his horn flaring up angrily. Shining quickly took his place by his wife’s side, his horn glowing, as Celestia stayed silent watching them from the side. The voice once again chuckled darkly.
“Now that is adorable! Two knights in shining armor, for one of you quite literally, but we don’t need you.” The voice said with a growl as the darkness wrapped itself around them and pulled them into the ground slowly.
“Shining!” Cadance shrieked as she grabbed onto his hooves, only for them to slip away. Razor quickly disappeared into the darkness as his queen tried desperately to hold onto him, only for him to be snatched away from her. Now there was only Cadance and Chrysalis, all alone in the void as the voice continued to laugh.
“Two little rulers out in the darkness without the light of the sun to guide them~” the voice sang as it sounded as if it was circling them. They quickly clung to each other shaking.
“One wanted nothing more than for the big bad bugs to leave her beautiful kingdom, not wanting to help out a race on the verge of death~” it said with a chuckle.
“The other wanted nothing more than to give her subjects a home, and was willing to do anything to achieve it, even burning down a whole kingdom to do so~” it said in a still singing voice.
“Now one must ask this. Who is the monster here? ~” the voice asked as the room seemed to flicker a bit.
“The one who says she’s the embodiment of Love, but was willing to Kill an entire race just because she didn't like them?” the voice asked as Cadance screamed as she felt an arm around her, she quickly clung tighter to Chrysalis both in near tears.
“Or the one who wanted to feed her people, at the cost of another kingdom?” the voice said. Chrysalis clung to Cadance as she started hyper ventilating, only then did she realize her mouth was back but she did not dare speak. The voice chuckled again as two red glowing eyes began to appear from out of the darkness, their yellow outline shining as the red orb glared at them.
“One must ask if these rulers should be left to rule, or simply removed from this plane of existence.” The voice said as the eyes glowed brighter, as rows of razor-sharp teeth began to form beneath them, the two rulers watched in horror as the floating face stared at them.
“I think I know the answer to that question, time and time again I have seen kingdoms fall and fail because the rulers of said kingdoms would rather see them burn than flourish, so I think I’ll take care of this problem before it gets out of control.” The face said with an evil grin. To their horror, a skull began to form, then veins and muscle, before brown fur began to grow. They were now staring at a head that was growing two different kinds of horns; a large slender neck began to, from behind the head, grow longer and longer before forming into a large body. A large lion paw began to form, its claws already out and tapping at the floor, as an eagle claw quickly followed suit. The creature was so large its head was big enough to cover the palace doors if it wanted too. The body coiled around them as it chuckled, clearly larger than it was letting on since most of it was still hidden in the darkness. Cadance and Chrysalis held each other in total terror as they stared down the beast. The creature opened its mouth showing off his teeth, each tooth was as large as a hoof as it snapped at them.
“So who’s first?” the creature said, growling a bit as he leaned in showing off his teeth.
“No! Please! We will be proper rulers!” Chrysalis yelled as she clung to Cadance, while also trying to use her as a shield.
“Uh yeah! We promise we will be better rulers!” she yelled as she tried to back away from the mouth, the beast stared at them for a moment before grinning.
“Oh really? How can I tell you’re telling the truth?” the creature asked as what they assumed was his tail started wrapping itself around them slowly.
“We promise! We Promise!” they screamed as they started crying as they held each other. The beast chuckled a bit as he continued to stare them down.
“Alright then, Pinkie Promise me then.” He said with a chuckle. The two rulers looked at him confused.
“What?” they said in union as they just stared at him. He chuckled a bit.
“It’s quite simple: Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” he said with a dark glee as he stuck a cupcake right into his eye, moments later two cupcakes appeared in front of the two rulers, both scaring and confusing the both of them.
“I don’t like cupcakes, too sweet.” Chrysalis said quietly as she eyed the sweet treat.
“I’m trying to watch my weight.” Cadance said as she looked at the two cupcakes floating. Suddenly the beast let out a loud snarl as his tail suddenly wrapped around them, constricting them.
“PINKIE PROMISE!” he roared as he began to shake said rulers like salt shakers, making them scream in terror.
“OK! OK! Just let me live!” Chrysalis yelled as she quickly grabbed one, Cadance followed suite grabbing the other one.
“DO THE CHANT!” he bellowed as he stopped shaking them. They started to cry as they quickly did the chant, sticking the cupcake into their eyes.
“Ah! It burns!” Cadance yelled as the sweet frosting began to sting at her eye. The creature just growled as he grinned at them.
“Ahh good, but I am rather hungry, so I think your kingdoms will be fine without their rulers.” He said as he squeezed them.
“Somepony help me!” Cadance yelled as she tried to get free from his tail but to no avail.
“You mean help us!” Chrysalis screamed as she tried to struggle using her hooves to push herself free using Cadance as leverage.
“Auntie, help us!” Cadance yelled, freely crying as she tried to kick herself free while also kicking Chrysalis in the process.
“Yes! Help me—us! Please!” Chrysalis said as tears freely ran down her cheek, as she was face to face with the rows of sharp teeth. The two rulers just stared as they continued to cry. Chrysalis shook as she closed her eyes ready for the end, the pink Alicorn looked on a bit before wiping a tear away from her eye.
“Chrysalis...I’m I’m sorry.” Cadance said a bit shaky as she tried to stop herself from crying, this made the beast stop and staring at her, as Chrysalis looked over.
“I’m sorry for not giving you a chance, for not letting you sign that treaty. If I could I’d take it all back. I hope you can forgive me, for what I've done to you and your people, I don’t want to die without saying I am sorry.” Cadance said as she wiped more tears away. Chrysalis looked at her a bit shocked at first, but she couldn't help but smile.
“And I am sorry for everything I have done, I am sorry for kidnapping you and crashing your wedding and I am also sorry for zapping your auntie.” Chrysalis said sniffling a bit as she couldn't help but smile some more, she didn't know why but she did felt slightly happy. The beast just continued to stare them down, grinning as he did so. Celestia sighed a bit as she stood up and made her way to the group, having seen enough from her little corner.
“And I am also sorry for sleeping with your husband.” Chrysalis said bluntly as she had stopped crying.
“WHAT!?” Cadance yelled angrily at her as she glared at the queen. Chrysalis gulped a bit before she gave a nervous chuckle.
“What?! It’s not my fault he can---
“OK that’s enough! I do NOT need to hear about my nephew and niece’s sex life and YOU!” Celestia said angrily pointing a hoof at the beast the glare she gave it would make any stallion burst into flames.
“Let them down now, you got what you wanted so let them go.” Celestia said firmly as she glared straight at the beast, it just chuckled.
“Oh? Why should I?” he asked as he began to shake his tail, making the two rulers scream again.
“I am more powerful than you, I can take your kingdom from you in the blink of an eye, why should I listen to you?” the beast asked growling at her. Celestia just rolled her eyes as her hoof shot out and grabbed one of his ears, making him yelp loudly as she pulled.
“Ah! OK! OK! Geez, rip my ear off why don’t you!?” the beast yelled, his deep voice gone and replaced with a much less demonic deep voice. The moment she grabbed and pulled his ear, the darkness vanished as if a light switch was flipped; even the clicking sound was heard. Chrysalis and Cadance blinked as they stared at the beast, before they could say anything else he vanished in a flash of bright light. They stayed there floating in midair for a moment before falling to the ground with a thud.
“Really Celestia, so barbaric!” the creature said as he reclined on her back, sighing a bit as he rubbed his ear a bit.
“Discord, off NOW.” she said angrily. He chuckled as he flashed away only to appear in front of her.
“Hello, how are you?” he asked with a big grin, she just stared at him with the biggest stink eye he has ever seen.
“What do you want Discord?” Celestia asked annoyed as she stared at him with a deadpan expression.
“Oh you know, I just wanted to come by and say hello!” he said happily as he grabbed her and lifted her up like a rag doll. She quickly flicked his nose with her hoof, making him yelp.
“How dare you! You assaulted me! You both saw that, right!?” Discord yelled holding his nose as he looked back at the pink Alicorn and the Changeling queen slowly standing up gently, a bit groggily.
“What in the bloody buck is going on?” Chrysalis said as she rubbed her head, as she looked up she came face to face with Discord, the mad god of Chaos himself. It was hard not to notice him since he was literally face to face with her, his snout pressing against hers. He stared at her for a bit before he gave her muzzle a small lick, she let out a shriek as she jumped and dived behind Cadance using her as a shield.
“How is that beast free!?” Chrysalis yelled as she pointed at Discord, making him frown as he crossed his arms.
“Auntie, Discord is free! Quickly, get the Elements!” Cadance yelled as she grabbed a nearby chair and held it in front of her as she shook in fear. Celestia just stared at them confused.
“OK, I can understand Chrysalis not knowing, but you Cadance? I sent a letter to each kingdom, I put yours above the others since you and Twilight are sisters-in-law.” Celestia said as she walked up to them trying to piece together what was happening.
“Are you crazy?! That’s Discord! Evil lord of Chaos! He did more damage than this bug did!” Cadance yelled as the chair still held firm in her magic grasp as she held it in front of her.
“Hey!” Chrysalis yelled glaring at Cadance but her attention quickly snapping back to Discord as he started to laugh.
“My my, so you’re that Cadance I have heard about. OH! That means that stallion was her brother! I knew he seemed familiar the first time around!” Discord said with glee as he clapped his mismatched hands together as he did a little twirl.
“Cadance, you should know this. Discord has been living in Equestria for the last few months now. Peacefully, might I add.” Celestia said as she stood between the group.
“Well, peaceful to an extent, dear.” Discord said with a hardy laugh, making Celestia groan a bit.
“Be quiet Discord.” Celestia said as she looked back at her niece, who was staring at her.
“OK I can buy this bug—Chrysalis and the changelings, coming to peaceful terms with us, but Discord?” Cadance said as she pointed a hoof at him.
“Discord, the most evil being in all of Equestria, is living here peacefully?” Cadance asked, still not believing her auntie.
“Yes he is—
“Are you insane!? It’s Discord, the most evil monster to walk Equestria! The one who made millions suffer! How can you be ok with him living here!? He should be put down!” Cadance yelled angrily as she pointed at him as she set the chair down on the floor but still within reach. The queen was taken aback by her harsh tone, but more importantly was the feeling she felt. She looked at Discord and saw him looking at the ground a bit sad; she could smell guilt coming off of him clear as day. But before she could do anything more he looked up at her and smiled a bit.
“Oh! You wound me so!” Discord yelled as he pulled a random piece of paper out of nowhere and began to wipe his fake tears away.
“OH cruel fate! How can I possibly live in this world if the Princess of Love hates me! Oh woe is me!” he cried as he placed a hand on his head before blowing into the paper, making it drippy. The mares cringed as he ringed it out.
“Discord will you behave—is that one of my scrolls?” Celestia asked as she used her magic to grab at the soggy paper cringing as she did. She looked it over before an enraged look crossed her face as she looked at Discord the fires of Tarturas in her eyes.
“DISCORD! THIS IS THE LETTER I SENT CADANCE!” Celestia yelled, her royal voice booming and shaking the castle itself as she yelled. Cadance, Chrysalis and Discord yelled in pain as they covered their ears.
“Ouch! Tone it down a little!” Discord yelled as he covered his ears.
“DON’T YOU---“ Celestia gasped as her lips were sealed, her mane turning from a soft rainbow color to a full hell-fire mane.
“Easy! Calm down! If you do I promise cake! Chocolate cake!” Discord yelled as he put his mismatched hands up. To make his point, a piece of cake appeared in front of him as if using it as a shield. Almost immediately Celestia’s fiery mane went back to normal before looking at Discord and the cake, she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, the pink Alicorn and queen looked at the two, Chrysalis looked at Cadance as if expecting on answer, which she just sighed.
“My auntie has a bit of a sweet tooth, let’s just say you could have taken over Canterlot if you just showed up with cake.” Cadance said rubbing her head a bit making the queen nod as she made a mental note about that. Celestia made a few motions with her hoof as Discord snapped his fingers, making her mouth whole again.
“Discord, why do you have that letter?” Celestia said calmly but firmly, her eyes looked at him making him nervous, he knew he was staring down a raging storm but he didn't need to worry, he had cake as an alley.
“Oh is it I didn't—“
“DISCORD!” Celestia yelled again, glaring at him this time.
“OK! OK! Sheesh, you need to watch that temper of yours.” Discord said with a chuckle but coughed nervously when Celestia gave a snort that would put a bull to shame.
“As I was saying dear, yes that is the letter that poor Candensa-licious was supposed to get.” Discord said grinning at the nickname he just gave her. Chrysalis let out a hard laugh as Candensa---Cadance blushed as she glared angrily at him. Celestia groaned loudly as she slapped her forehead.
“What other letters did you take Discord?” Celestia asked in a very business-like tone.
“Oh, you know, I took letters here and there… Oh and let’s not forget all the fan fic—
“Discord!” she yelled again angrily as she glared at him, he gulped a little backing away slightly.
“Easy there Tia! I only took that letter, that one single letter.” Discord said firmly, a bit worried at her glare.
“Are you lying to me? You know if the Zebras or Gryphons see you walking around they will attack first and---
“And put innocent lives at risk, I know Celestia, in case you haven’t noticed I've grown a conscience recently.” He said firmly but with his trade mark grin. Celestia stared at him for a moment before sighing.
“OK, I believe you on that part, but why did you take Cadance’s letter?” Celestia asked looking at him a bit more calmly, but rolled her eyes at the toothy grin he was giving her.
“Oh, you know me, a little chaos and havoc here and there.” Discord grinned evilly, as he glanced at the two rulers, making them look at each other worried.
“Oh and I thought it would be nice to mess with Twilight’s brother, to boot.” He said chuckling a bit as he his grin got wider. Cadance gasped loudly, making everyone turn to look at her.
“What did you do to my husband!?” she screamed as she grabbed the chair again threatening to hit him with it. Discord rolled his eyes a bit as he clicked his fingers, making the chairs legs turn into snakes, they quickly turned to Cadance and Chrysalis, making them scream as Cadance shook the chair wildly like a mad pony. She quickly threw the chair causing it to crash through a window, seconds later screams and loud rampant buzzing and hissing were heard. Discord stood there, shocked for a moment, before looking at her with hearts in his eyes.
“Oh, where have you been all my life!?” Discord yelled happily as he dashed to her and wrapped his arms around her spinning, she screamed as the mad god spun her around.
“You and me! Chaos everywhere!” Discord yelled happily as he held her up like a small doll, a small doll that kicked and flailed around.
“Put me down now!” Cadance shrieked as Chrysalis laughed at her. Discord quickly turned his attention to the laughing changeling, he quickly made his way over and wrapped his arm around her, shutting her up as he grabbed her muzzle.
“Now then, I think we need a musical number, don’t you agree?” he said with a grin as the queen tried her hardest to pull away from him, hissing and growling as she did so.
“No no, not that kind of musical!” Discord said with glee as he let go of her snout, making her snap at him the moment he did. He quickly backed away, holding Cadance in one arm as he stared at the queen.
“Now now, we don’t want the same thing with your mouth to happen again now do we?” Discord asked grinning evilly as he readied his fingers ready to click. Chrysalis quickly closed her mouth and she looked at him in fear. Celestia just rolled her eyes as she rubbed her head.
“Now then, for the musical!” Discord yelled happily as he swung Cadance around, making her scream again. The changeling just looked at him confused.
“You want me to sing?” she asked just staring at the mad god, getting more confused as he laughed harder.
“No no, my dear, you misunderstand me, I don’t need your voice.” He said grinning as he looked at her with glee. Before she could ask him he closed the gap between them pressing his snout against hers again.
“I need your body.” Discord said grinning at the changeling, her cheeks turning a bright red as she backed away from him.
“You’re going to have to get me an impossible amount of hard cider for what you want beast.” She said glaring at him, blushing slightly harder as he just chuckled at her.
“Oh, is that an offer?” Discord asked wiggling his eyebrows at her, making her blush harder.
“No! It is not!” Chrysalis shrieked as she backed away more, still blushing. Discord grinned at the blushing changeling before clicking his fingers, she flinched a bit expecting the worse but nothing came. After a few moments of silence, a small whistling sound is heard, then another and another. The whistling sounds continued to grow in number and noise as the group looked all over for the sound. Discord started laughing nice and hard as he pointed to Chrysalis. She looked a bit confused and looked down at her hooves, her eyes shot open as she saw the holes in her legs whistling. She screamed as she shook her hooves violently as she looked her body over, every hole she had started whistling a little tune. Cadance had started laughing back at the changeling as Celestia couldn't help but snort a little.
“Ah, see? Musical! Hahahah!” Discord laughed hard as he started to dance in the air with Cadance, who was laughing a moment ago, now stopped and quickly tried to free herself from him.
“I demand to know where my husband is!” she screamed right into his ear, making him drop her like she was a hot potato. She hit the floor with a thud, the musical changeling still trying to rid herself of the singing holes.
“What is with everyone in this family and yelling!?” Discord yelled as rubbed his ears, trying to get the ringing to stop. Cadance quickly stood up, glaring at Discord as she puffed out her chest slightly, but found it hard at keeping a straight face due to the whistling behind her, even more so when said changeling tried desperately to cover said holes resulting in different tunes.
“I will say it once again, where is my husband?!” she yelled again glaring at him. Discord just chuckled as he disappeared in a bright light, only to reappear next to her, pulling her into a hug.
“Oh relax! He is!” he said grinning evilly at her as he grabbed the whistling changeling with his lion paw, making her yelp as he pulled her into a hug, holding one ruler in each arm.
“Where?” Cadance asked trying to pull away from him, Chrysalis doing the same thing while her holes continued to whistle.
“Oh, somewhere that relaxation is the main objective, though I’m not sure if males are allowed.” He said scratching his beard as Celestia face hoofed. She knew just knew Discord did something that would give her plenty of legal papers that would need to be sighed.
“I warned you to stay away, but nooooo, you just had the play hero.” Razor said angrily as he was tied back to back with Shining Armor, a towel wrapped around them firmly.
“Shut it! So umm… ladies can we, ummm…look the other way?” Shining Armor asked a bit nervously, sweating bullets and not because of the steam. They had landed head first into an all-mare bathhouse, making the mares scatter at first. Now said mares surrounded them, swinging towels with soap bars in them in their hooves as they walked closer to the males.
“Well, what do you think girls?” one of the mares said as she stepped forth, the other mares just booed at them as they readied their weapons.
“If we survive this I will kick your flank so hard your cutie mark will fall off.” Razor said angrily but whimpered quickly at the mares glaring at him and Shining.
“Get ‘em!” a mare yelled as they pounced.
“Not the face!” Shining yelled as the mares pounced on him and the changeling, swinging the towel bars, kicking and punching at them as they got lost in the horde of mares.
“Discord I know I should of led with this, but what are you doing here?” Celestia asked as she watched Discord move the two rulers around like dolls as they flailed about.
“Oh you know, helping out.” He said with a grin as the flailing rulers tried to get away from him.
“How is this helping?” Celestia asked looking at Discord as he played with her niece and what she hopped would be her new counselor. He stopped playing with them and held them at his sides smiling.
“Why, by bringing the changeling race and pony race together in peace! And bringing two bitter enemies and making them best friends now!” he yelled happily as he squeezed them tightly.
“We are not friends!” Cadance yelled angrily as Chrysalis nodded agreeing with her for the first time.
“I said Best Friends Forever!” Discord yelled angrily as he shook them violently, making them scream.
“Discord enough! You can’t make ponies or changelings like each other when they can’t even stand each other.” Celestia said groaning as she walked over to her throne and sat down with a huff.
“Sure you can! You do it all the time! Like me or no sun comes up!” Discord said with a laugh as he started juggling the 2 rulers.
“For the love of all things changeling, make him stop!” Chrysalis yelled as she tried to catch herself with her wings but they failed to work.
“Yes, please auntie, make him stop!” Candace yelled as she burst into tears.
“Oh look now, see what you did, you made her cry!” Chrysalis yelled angrily.
“And why do you care if she’s sad or not?” Discord asked catching them finally giving them a chance to relax. Chrysalis looked at him and opened her mouth to answer, but stayed silent.
“And Cadance, do you want the whistling to stop?” he asked the sniffling princess, she looked at the changeling who had forgotten about the holes until now and was trying desperately to cover them.
“..Yes, please I've had enough… Sure, it was funny, but now it’s just cruel.” Cadance said sadly as she wiped her tears away only to be pulled closer to Discord and held firmly against his chest as he did the same to Chrysalis.
“See! Best friends! They now care about what happens to each other! Isn't that what friendship is? Making your life more comfortable by making others less miserable?” Discord said with a squee, the two rulers had stopped trying to fight him and just sighed, defeated by the mad god. Celestia stared at him with a deadpan expression.
“Discord. ….That’s not friend--.” Celestia stopped speaking as she saw the look in his eyes, and how they sparkled like a cat, even a purr was heard. The two rulers looked at him shocked, he was purring!
“…fine, its close enough, now please let them go Discord.” She said hopefully but he held them firmly as he grinned.
“But why? We are just getting to know each other, right?” he asked looking at both of them at the same time, they screamed as his eyes went from normal to walled eyes, like a chameleon, he even gave the little flick of the tongue.
“Discord, enough! Keep this up and I will tell Fluttershy what you have been doing!” Celestia yelled angrily at him as she snorted. His smile quickly faded into a frown as he just stood there quietly closing his eyes as he gave a sigh.
“Fluttershy…” he said quietly letting go of the two rulers, he kept his head down as he turned to leave.
“…Sorry for bothering you Celestia, nice meeting you Cadance, you too Chrysalis.” He said as he walked away, not making eye contact.
“Yes yes now—wait what?” Celestia asked blinking a bit her brain taking a second to process what was happening. She looked at him and noticed him just walking away, she was taken back at his sudden change in his mood. Discord was unpredictable to a degree but she knew one thing, he would never just leave quietly. She shuddered at the memory of him singing before she and Luna sealed him up.
“Discord, are you OK?” Celestia asked after a moment of silence trotting up next to him, she’d never seen Discord act like this and it unnerved her, to say the least. She inwardly cursed the gods for that. Discord acting…normal worried her and she knew a greater force was chuckling at her right now because of that.
“Oh nowhere, just getting out of your mane dear.” He said with a weak smile as Celestia continued to walk next to him. Chrysalis looked on with an intense gaze as she studied the strange being ignoring Cadance asking about what she and shining did together for 3 weeks.
“Discord what’s wrong? All the time I've known you, you never just get up and leave….quietly at least.” Celestia said trying to get him to look at her, he just rolled his eyes as he continued to walk. Discord just frowned as he continued to walk.
“Usually you want me out of your mane, and the one time I decide to do just that, you complain typical.” Discord said a bit annoyed, rubbing his head a bit.
“Exactly! Discord, you've never done anything I've said before, so please tell me if anything is bothering you, please.” Celestia said trying to get in front of him.
“Uh nag nag nag, I swear Celestia you get more annoying each time I see you.” Discord said rolling his eyes again as he continued to walk. He stopped in his tracks, he blinked a bit as he tried to move that’s when he noticed the faint gold glow around him. He gave a low growl as he gritted his teeth as his tail flicked angrily.
“Celestia, you’re really and I mean Really pushing it today.” Discord said angrily making his powers flare up, easily breaking the magic field around him. He turned around and faced Celestia, she noticed the look in his eyes, he was not amused a look she rarely saw. She stared him down thinking of what she should do next. Cadance and Chrysalis stood at the sidelines, watching in silence. Cadance noticed the intense look the queen was giving to the two gods.
“Discord I just want some answer—
“And you think taking away my right to not talk is the way to go?” Discord asked looking at his claws annoyed as he flicked them, she just stared at him silently.
“What, nothing to say? Finally going to shut that hole you call a mouth?” Discord said, looking up from his claws at her, she winched inwardly. She knew Discord was rude at times, but he was so to try to be funny, but this was just rude for the sake of being rude.
“Discord what’s the matter? You can tell me.” She said hoping to get some answers from him, he just scoffed at her.
“I can, but I won’t, nothing is going on you noisy brat, so just drop it.” He said giving her a cold glare, she noticed his red eyes were slightly redder than usual, though she didn't know why.
“Discord, stop acting like a child and—
“I don’t have to tell you crap Celestia!” Discord yelled angrily, taking her back at his sudden outburst. She stared at him in shock as he glared at her.
“Why should I tell you anything? You’re nothing to me so what right do you have to pester me?” he asked coldly as he flicked his tail in annoyance.
“Discord…we are frien—
“Friends? Really Celestia?” he asked as he started laughing at her, he continued to laugh at her before finally stopping his laughter turning into a dull chuckle. He wiped his eyes a bit as his cold glare returned.
“If you and I are friends, then I’d suggest that queeny over there to run as fast and as far as she can, because if you treat your friends the way you do I’d hate to see how you treat your enemies.” He said with a dark chuckle as he stared her down, she remained silent. Cadance and Chrysalis looked on in silence as the two gods stared each other down.
“Do you think we should step in?” Cadance asked a bit worried, the changeling only shook her head lightly.
“Normally I’d say yes, but I wouldn't want to get between them, do you?” Chrysalis said quietly as she stared on, noting Celestia’s angry look.
“Discord, stop being such a child!” Celestia yelled at him angrily making him growl at her.
“What have I done to y---“
Celestia stopped in mid-sentence as she thought about what Discord said before looking down slightly, the changeling in the room noted the strong emotional shift in Celestia. She didn't know today would be so interesting.
“That’s what I thought. Finally remembered all the things you did?” Discord asked coldly, hissing a bit as he circled around her as she stayed quiet.
“If you need me, I’ll be around.” He said coldly as he walked past her. As he did he gave a smug look as he got ready to head back to his new home that was until the door burst open.
“Tia!” a voice whined as a dark blue Alicorn trotted in angrily.
“Did you take my piece of cake again—Discord!?” she yelled happily as she saw the mismatched creature; he quickly turned and smiled back at her. The anger and coldness in his eyes evaporating as he laid eyes on the happy Alicorn.
“Luna!” he yelled as he practically tackled her to the ground, wrapping his arms around her.
“Finally a pony that actually knows what fun is!” Discord yelled happily as he held her up like a doll, making her kick lightly as she giggled a bit.
“Discord! It’s so good to see you!” Luna said smiling at him, he just chuckled as he held her.
“Yes, it is good to see me, isn't it?” he said with a laugh as Luna giggled at him shaking her head a bit. he grinned more as he put her down.
“What are you doing here Discord? Last time we checked, you were sharing residence with dear Fluttershy.” Luna asked as she stood next to him as he just chuckled a bit.
“Oh you know, saying hi to everypony and visiting your pain-in-the-flank sister.” He said rolling his eyes a bit but grinned as he pointed at her. She scoffed at him, giving him a glare, but he ignored her as he circled around Luna.
“Ah yes, my sister can be a pain, but she is still my sister.” She said with a grin as Celestia gave her an angry “Hey!”
“So Discord, how are things going on in Ponyville?” Luna asked with a warm smile. Discord yawned a bit, getting Luna’s attention as she looked into his eyes.
“Oh you know, same old chaos-less boring town, though I do tend to spice it up when I can.” Discord said with a laugh, not noticing Luna’s intense stare. After a few moments of silence he looked at her a bit confused.
“Discord, have you been sleeping well?” she asked a bit worried, he just rolled his eyes at her.
“Oh please, I sleep like a log, sometimes in a log” he said crossing his arms a bit, but smiled at her, she just stared at him making him groan.
“Oh come on, why does everypony freak out when I wake up a bit early? Seriously, it’s not that bad, not as bad as queeny over there sleeping with Candalicious’ hubby.” Discord said grinning as he pointed over at Chrysalis, making her eep loudly. A loud face hoof was heard as the two rulers turned and glared at each other.
“Hey that’s right! Why did you sleep with my husband!?” Cadance yelled as she pointed her hoof at the changeling as she started yelling at her, throwing a few swears at the queen making her hiss a bit.
“Hey, it’s not my fault he wanted the better experience that I can give!” Chrysalis yelled back with a hiss. The two began to bicker again as Discord just laughed at them. Celestia groaned loudly as she rubbed her head a bit, knowing full well Discord threw a match onto a gas filled room. Amongst the chaos, Luna kept her eyes on Discord as if trying to read him. He was laughing and smiling but something was off, his fur seemed ruffed up. His eyes were redder than usual and he just looked tired. Being the Princess of the Night, she could spot a pony that was having trouble sleeping, or a Draconequus in this case.
“Discord, are you sure nothing’s wrong?” Luna asked a bit quietly, making him turn to look at her.
“I know we are not exactly friends Discord, but I want to fix that, make amends as it were.” She said kindly as she looked up at him, he looked back at her and rolled his eyes a bit.
“Nothing to fix Luna, what’s done is done….there’s nothing you can do to fix the past.” He said a bit bitterly but grinned at her.
“So what’s up Lunabutt?” he asked ignoring the bickering in the background, she just stared at him, Tia might not be as observant as her but it didn’t take much to tell Discord was hiding something.
“Oh you know Disco, just watching my glorious night at…..well, at night, and playing these new things called “Video games” by day, oh and as Tia puts it, setting a bad example for being a princess.” Luna said happily as she grinned at her sister’s misery.
“You are! What princess gives imported hyper coffee to the nobles!? You have any idea how happy I am that I decided to have cameras banned from the castle!?” Celestia yelled as she held Chrysalis and Cadance in midair, each trying to kick each other as she held them. Discord and Luna gave a hard laugh at her.
“Really?! Hyper coffee?! That’s brilliant!” Discord yelled as he laughed, making Luna laugh alongside him.
“I learned from the best.” She said with a grin.
“Ah, so young grasshopper has learned from her master.” Discord said in an overly stereotypical eastern accent making Luna go into a laughing fit as Celestia thanked the gods that her meeting with the diplomats of The 4 Houses of Shao was moved to next week, she was more grateful as Discord pulled out a staff and his goatee grew all the way to his feet as he stroked it. Discord held his complexion for only a few seconds before he burst into a laughing fit as the staff and long beard poofed away.
“Oh Discord, thou should have seen us on Nightmare Night, which was truly a night to remember!” Luna said after her fit of laughter died down a bit, but she continued to snort and giggle.
“Oh! I heard about that! You turning into Nightmare Moon again and scaring the little kiddies right out of their costumes and claiming the candy for yourself!” Discord yelled happily as he laughed again. He continued to laugh, enjoying himself with Luna as she gave her impression of Nightmare Moon. The laughs, the joy, this is what he needed. He knew he made the right choice coming here after the stressful night he had, he needed a good laugh.
“And then we--I was dubbed favorite princess by a young Pip” Luna said proudly, she didn't seem to notice Discord’s shark-like teeth as he grinned his laughter stopping and turning into a low chuckle.
“Oh, Pip eh?” he said with a grin, only then did Luna see the danger, but it was too late the shark had caught his prey.
“Yes…he’s a friend Discord.” Luna said firmly but Discord only grinned at her.
“Oh I’m sure he’s a friend…a close friend.” He said winking at her making her blush.
“Oh I can just picture you two in a tree.” He said with glee as he chuckled, making Luna blush harder
“What are you---
“Though knowing you and your last “friend”, we can skip the wedding and go right onto the baby carriage.” Discord said chuckling evilly, knowing full well that he just put Luna on castle arrest.
“WHAT!?” Celestia yelled hearing the last part as she shook Cadance and Chrysalis angrily as she glared at Luna.
“Tis a Lie! Night Hoof was just my night guard!” Luna yelled blushing as Discord covered his mouth snickering, he stopped for a moment to look at her.
“Oh really? Poor Pip, he will be heart-broken.” Discord said giving her his best sad eyes, she only glared at him.
“He is but 7 years of age!” Luna yelled blushing hard as she waved her hoof at him. Discord looked horrified at her as he backed off.
“Luna! Shame! I bet he hasn't even had his first wet drea—
“Discord! He is but a friend!” Luna yelled blushing hard at the fact of him suggesting such things. Sure pip was cute but in that dawww kind of way.
“Ah so he’s not your colt friend?” Discord asked a bit confused.
“NO!” Luna yelled stomping her hoof angrily. Discord just stood there playing with his goatee.
“Ah ok, then you should have said so then.” Discord said waving his finger at her. She was about to say something, but him giving a loud laugh silenced her.
“Oh! Who’s the new Colt friend? Is it Big Mac? Ooh, maybe that new librarian Magus Storm?...Twilight?” Discord said grinning as Luna grew more flustered by the moment.
“Oh I know! It’s me isn't it? Of course it is! Who could be more worthy than me after all?” Discord said as he disappeared, only to reappear in a wedding dress next to Luna, quickly pulling her into a tight hug.
“Kiss me, my love.” He said as he made the dreaded kissy face, making Luna flail around in an attempt to pull away from him.
“Tia! Make him stop!” Luna yelled as she held his face, stopping him from getting closer as she couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
“Kind of busy here!” Celestia said holding down the two rulers, this time a muzzle firmly on each of their faces and held down by a short chain. Luna was at the mercy of the beast as he continued the kissy face.
“What about you and Fluttershy!?” Luna yelled, making him stop and look at her tilting his head in slight confusion.
“What about her?” he asked confused as he backed off slightly, the dress gone in a flash, though Luna couldn't help but notice a black lacey band on his thigh.
“I heard she kissed you! That means you got farther than I ever did!” Luna said grinning as his face went beat red.
“It was a kiss on the cheek!” he yelled blushing hard, she just grinned.
“Oooh? That’s a bit kinky, where did you kiss her?” Luna asked a bit innocently as Discord grew redder than an apple.
“The cheek on my face! And it was after I gave her a gift!” Discord yelled back blushing, only then did he realize what happened.
“Revenge is sweet.” Luna said as she booped his nose, grinning a bit. He stood there for a moment before he sighed a bit but chuckled a bit.
“Oh, you got me good.” He said grinning as he looked at her grinning face. He tapped his chin a bit before grinning back at her, her grin gone the moment he looked at her.
“So…I got further than you?” he asked grinning as Luna blushed knowing he just turned the tables on her.
“Shut thy trap!” she yelled, her face a deep shade of red by now, to her shock he gave a big yawn, stretching as he did. He groaned a bit as his back gave an audible pop. After he was done stretching he cursed himself as he looked at Luna, she was staring at him as if trying to read him. His mind was racing a bit, knowing full well he just did something to suggest he was not at 100%. Great now the questions would never--
“Ah, I’m guessing waking up early is still new to you?” Luna asked smiling up at him, he just stared. Did she really not see it was more than that? Why would Luna give him that? He could have used that simple excuse to get Celestia off his tail… for now at least. So why did Luna give it to him?
“Yup! But you know Fluttershy and her infernal rabbit of hers, always up and at’em” he said grinning, hoping she would buy it. She stood silent for a moment before smiling at him.
“Well, if you’re tired, maybe a nap would do you some well?” she asked eyeing him a bit, he just scoffed and looked away.
“I don’t—
“That and I think Tia is giving you the hint to leave, unless you want a war to break out.” Luna said grinning as she pointed behind him. He blinked and looked behind him, only to see Celestia glaring daggers at him as Cadance and Chrysalis floated in midair as they still tried to get at each other’s throat, still bickering about who’s the better wife. He grinned a bit as he chuckled. Oh how he loved making her life miserable and how he enjoyed having to change how she held them to keep them still. Ah sweet sweet Chaos.
“Well, I suppose Fluttershy has gone long enough without seeing my magnificent face.” He said with a laugh, he quickly disappeared only to reappear in the middle of the two rulers gently knocking Celestia out of the way. To their dismay he pulled both of them into a hug.
“Anyway! Nice meeting you ladies, we should really do this again!” he said hugging them both as they tried to get away from him.
“NO!” Chrysalis yelled angrily
“I’d rather go on a date with her!” Cadance yelled pointing her hoof at him. He grinned evilly at them.
“Oooh really? Well that’s going to be a fun night for Shiny. Oh speaking of Shiny.” Discord said evilly as he clicked his fingers, making a ball of light appear in the middle of the room.
“NO! NOT THE MANE!” Shining Armor yelled as he frantically swung a plunger as Razor laid out behind him, out cold. The room went dead silent as the group looked at the duo. Shining took a moment to realize he was no longer in danger and exhaled before giving a big smile.
“Thank Celestia, we’re safe!” He said putting down said plunger. There was a snicker, then another and then soon the room was filled with laughter. The princesses, The Queen and The Discord all pointed and laughed at them. Shining stared at them for a moment before looking down and, to his horror, he saw why they were laughing. His hooves where polished and painted a hot pink with glittery finish, his white coat had been glitter-bombed as a few kiss marks marked his body. His flank had a few bite marks on it specifically on his cutie mark. His tail sported a bright pink bow and pig tail.
“Well, I didn't know he was into that kind of things! He could put the entire red light district out of business!” Discord yelled, making the girls laugh harder. Shining looked for the closest shiny surface. Discord snapped his fingers making a mirror appear in front of him making him scream at what he saw. His mane was done up in pig tails and topped off with yet another pink bow. His eyes had blue eyeliner around them, they too glittered. His cheeks had a pink blush to them. And to top it all off, his lips sported bright red lipstick, bringing out his eyes. A loud groan made Shining turn. Razor stood up, holding his head a bit as he did, his legs feeling like jello. Chrysalis burst out laughing harder than the rest as he stood. His carapace was painted a baby blue, his fins had polka dots in them and each of his holes had a bow tied to them, he was even sporting the same bright red lipstick that Shining Armor had on. Razor looked a bit confused for a moment before he looked down, his eyes bugged out as he looked at the failed art project that he called his body. He quickly glared at Shining.
“You!” Razor yelled as he shoved Shining Armor angrily.
“You just HAD to get involved didn't you!” he yelled as Shining glared back at him.
“Well I had-
“No! No, you did not Have to! You just felt like playing hero, trying to impress your wife!” he yelled at Shining, making him glare at the changeling.
“Hey, you would have done the same for your queen!” Shining Armor yelled shaking his hoof, leaving a trail of glitter as he did.
“My queen can defend herself quite well, unlike your wife!” he yelled angrily, earning a “hey!” from Cadance. As the two males started a shoving contest and bickering spreading the glitter more. Celestia stood holding her head groaning as Cadance and Chrysalis started bickering about who the better wife was. She made a mental note to look for a bottle of aspirin the size of the moon after this is over. Luna stood laughing at what Discord had done. Discord stood there holding the two rulers, smiling warmly at his chaos. Even now he still got it, he didn't need magic to create chaos, he just needed his powers to bend reality to his will and create chaos. He shrugged, knowing that was the same thing but only grinned as an idea popped into his head.
“Hmm…should I ruin this beautiful moment?” he asked to nopony in particular. He gave a yawn feeling his energy draining, no doubt Luna looking at him as he smacked his lips. He looked at Celestia, she was looking straight at him as if studying him with a slight hint of anger. An idea quickly made its way into his head, making him grin evilly before looking at the two rulers.
“Well, it’s time for me to go ladies. I know I know, don’t cry.” He said making the mares roll their eyes.
“Good riddance!” the group, except Luna, yelled angrily making him frown slightly before grinning again.
“But before I do, I will leave you with a gift.” He said making Celestia slightly worried as she took a few steps ready to stop him.
“Kiss” was all he said as he grabbed Cadance’s and Chrysalis’s heads in his hands and pushed them into each other, making their lips touch. The whole room went dead silent as the raging Shining quickly turned into a wide-eyed blushing colt, the makeup did nothing to hide it. Razor stared in horror at the sight of his queen kissing the enemy, possible ally. Both rulers remained still, not moving an inch as he held them there, making sure their lips touched. Celestia looked on in pure terror as she stood with her mouth hung open, her horn quickly flared as she pulled out a small coin purse and handed it to Luna, making her grin with a ‘Hazah!’
“Ah, sweet moments.” Discord said happily as Cadance’s and Chrysalis’s horns flared as they glared at him, death in their eyes.
“My word! How ugly.” A white stallion said sounding disgusted, turning his head up at the changelings walking about. A few of them hissing at him as the carriage he rode in was pulled into the courtyard.
“Prince Blue Blood we really—
“Silence peasant! I did not give you permission to speak to Me.” he said silencing one of the stallions who was pulling him. The others just snorted angrily as they pulled in, one of them walking up to the side of the door and opening it.
“Bring me my pillow. I refuse to set hoof on this soiled ground.” Blue Blood said staring at the worker like he was dirt. The worker only scrunched his nose as he bowed.
“As you wish.” He said turning away and started to trot away. Blue Blood closed the door again, worried that some changeling would dare enter his carriage.
“You all stay away, you dirty things.” He said, making a few turn and hiss at him, making him eep.
“Now now, I am royalty, if you come close I’ll have the guards squash you!” he said, using a stick he kept in the carriage for when the common folk came too close, and started jabbing at the air with it. A few changelings just tilted their heads in confusion as more of them just ignored him. He smiled proudly as he stayed in his carriage. His smile quickly faded as a loud boom shook the court yard, all of the changelings quickly running into the castle as the sound of a window shattering echoed throughout the courtyard. Blue Blood started screaming at the top of his lungs as he pranced around in his carriage.
“Guards! Workers! Somepony help me!” he yelled frantically as he screamed like a little filly flailing his hoofs around. He quickly noticed a rather large shadow covering his carriage; he looked up and saw something coming at him.
“What in auntie’s name is---
It crashed into the carriage, making it collapse on itself in a pile of broken wood, glass and fur. The worker quickly came back to the carriage, he dropped the pillow at what he saw.
“What happened here!?” he yelled, quickly running to the mess. A paw punched though the mass as a tall slender figure stood up.
“That….was….awesome!” he yelled happily as he gave a loud laugh as changelings and royal guards flooded the courtyard, most of them wearing bandages and limping. They quickly surrounded the mismatched creature as he stood and laughed.
“Wow! Those two are a pair of fire crackers!” he said happily as he grabbed a random guard and pulled him up.
“I wonder if Luna and Celestia like to kiss like those two did. Ooh the scandal!” he said happily as the guard only blushed trying to pull away.
He turned around looking at the large doors burst open as two very angry rulers came out, dragging a stallion and changeling, who tried to hold them back by pulling on their tails, only to fail. Most of the crowd burst into laughter at the sight of the males, making them blush as they tried in vain to save the mismatched creature.
“I’ll skin him alive!” Chrysalis said hissing loudly as she and Cadance made their way to him.
“Not before I break every bone in his body!” Cadance yelled, as they got closer and closer to him he only grinned.
“Oh, are you going to include me into your fun? I don’t mind and I don’t think he minds either, the more the merrier!” Discord said happily as he held up the guard, making his face go pale.
“I have nothing to do with him!” he yelled trying to pull away.
“Really? I thought you said you wanted to bed the two princesses.” Discord said making the guard flail his hooves.
“What?!” Luna and Celestia yelled glaring at the guard for a moment before glaring at Discord.
“Yeah, he said that! And that changeling over there said he peeks on his queen when she’s showering.” He said pointing to a random changeling in the crowd, who looked like he was just told he would be executed immediately. This only served to anger the two rulers more as Discord grinned sheepishly.
“Well, uhh…look at the time! It’s past my…um------- Smoke bomb!” he yelled throwing something at the ground as the courtyard filled with a thick black smoke. Soon the whole courtyard was filled with coughing ponies and changelings.
“Why must you encourage him!?” Celestia yelled as she breathed in the black smoke going into a coughing fit.
“You’re too serious Tia! Learn to relax!” Luna yelled back, using her wings to push away the smoke, coughing as she did.
“Who touched my flank?!” Shining Armor yelled spinning around, trying to see who grabbed a feel.
“Wasn’t me” Chrysalis said coughing as her horn flared. Soon every changeling started to flap their wings, buzzing loudly as the smoke moved away, the Pegasus in the yard quickly helping them. Soon the smoke dispersed after a few moments of flapping only to float into the city covering the sky in dark smoke, the sounds of panicking ponies quickly filling the yard making Celestia groan once more. Discord was nowhere to be seen, the only thing left of him was a pole with a sign on it. Celestia was the first to reach it worried about what it would say, Cadance, Chrysalis and Luna quickly made their way to it, only to scream at the fact the note was talking to them.
“Is this thing on?...Oh! Well Tia, this has been fun even though you were a pain in the ass but sadly I must be going, its limbo night. So I’ll stop by another time, maybe with some whip cream!
Yours truly, Discord”
The note then went blank as Cadance and Chrysalis only snorted angrily.
“You may have saved your hide.” Chrysalis said angrily, hissing a bit as she did.
“But mark our words, you will pay.” Cadance said glaring at the note, hoping it would somehow hurt the mismatched god. They gave a snort before retreating into the castle, each plotting against the mad god. They vowed to get revenge, even if it was the last thing they ever did. The crowd quickly started to disperse, a lot of them still laughing at the two pretty upped males.
“I don’t swing that way!” Shining yelled angrily at one of the guards. Razor grabbed Shining and pulled him away, sighing about needing a bath. The guard mumbled something as a nearby changeling chuckled.
“What! No no, hold up what did you say!?” Shining yelled, pulling away from Razor as he pulled off his ear rings.
“Hold my earrings” Shining Armor yelled as he tossed the earrings at Razor before chasing the stallion and the changeling as Razor followed behind them.
“Oh come on! Let it go!” he yelled as they disappeared into the castle. Luna stayed standing there, staring at the post, being quiet for a moment before being nudged by Celestia.
“Luna, what was wrong with Discord? His moods have always been…well, chaotic, but this was odd, even for him.” She said, hoping for an answer as Luna turned to look at her.
“Tia I wouldn’t worry about it, yes he did seem off, but it’s Discord. Chances are next time we see him he will be back to normal…at least, his version of normal.” Luna said smiling as she looked at the post poofing out of existence. Celestia scrunched her nose a bit as she turned, only to hear a low groan making her stop in her tracks.
“Luna, did you hear something?” she asked as a changeling walked up, sniffing at the crushed cart.
“I think he’s dead.” He said sniffing the cart again, making Luna tilt her head a bit.
“What? What do you mean—oh gods, it’s Blue Blood’s cart.” Luna said, quickly jumping off, Celestia doing the same, making the changeling yelp as he ran off. The two princesses’ horns flare lifting and tossing away the wreckage to reveal a lifeless Blue Blood under it.
“Blue Blood! Are you ok!?” Celestia yelled grabbing him and shaking him violently making him gurgle a bit as she did.
“Tia! I don’t think shaking him would help at all!” Luna yelled, stopping her from shaking him, she stopped and looked at him worried. He stayed still for a moment before his eyes opened and looked at her, his eyes spinning.
“Oh thank the gods that—
“Twinkle twinkle little pickle how I wonder how butter is grown.” He said slurring, his eyes continuing to spin as he passed out, making Celestia sigh.
“Yup he’s ok.” She said sighing as she placed him on her back and started to head into the castle.
“You do know when he and Chrysalis meets there will be bloodshed right?” Luna asked following her, making Celestia groan.
“After what Discord did, I can handle anything Chrysalis and Blue Blood can do.” She said going into the castle. Luna stopped just before the door, Celestia walking in, she turned and looked at the sky.
“Discord, I hope you’re ok, and I hope you learn to trust us in time.” She said smiling a bit before walking in, following her sister. Suddenly remembering her quest for that magical bottle of hers.
Discord grinned at he turned, seeing the two rulers fuming before tossing the mirror away, making it burst into bubbles. He chuckled a bit as he stretched.
“Oh I SO needed that.” He said smiling as he continued to stretch grinning happily but winced a bit as a sharp pain shot though his shoulder.
“What the—“ he held his shoulder a bit and blinked, he removed his paw and his eyes widened.
“Blood?” he said blinking at the purple liquid, this was new. He’s gotten hurt before in the past, even enough to need medical attention, but that was after something that would have killed a normal creature. His mind raced with thoughts, he barely took any damage at all and he was bleeding. This unnerved him as he held his shoulder, feeling the liquid run down. He squeezed it wincing at the pain slowly growing, his heart beat quickening.
“…The Tartarus is happening to me?” he thought for a moment before his paw flared with magic, quickly healing and dulling the pain. His mind raced with how he managed to get this kind of cut but nothing came to mind, they didn’t hit him that hard…did they? He sighed as the pain dulled away to nothing as the cut healed itself. He looked at his shoulder relieved that it was as good as new. He continued to think wondering why he had gotten hurt so easily, last time he needed to heal like this was when he did that thing to Celestias private collection of cloths, He shook his head shrugging at the idea of socks and panties. He sighed rubbing his shoulder a bit.
“Must just be an off day. Nothing a quick nap won’t…fix.” He said, biting his lower lip a bit before shaking his head again.
“Come on Discord! Just forget about that stupid dream. You had it already, you can relax now!” he said growling slightly as he sighed. He knew it was just a dream but something in his gut told him to not ignore it.
“Maybe I should…tell Fluttershy more about my dreams?” he thought to himself as he conjured up a pink cloud and plopped down on it. He sat there thinking about what she said before Applejack angered him, she will feel his wrath too. He gave another loud yawn smacking his lips a bit before laying his head down on the soft bed.
“Nah, I don’t need help I can handle this on my own.” Discord said yawning more as he stretched on his cloud his back popping a bit in the process.
“I’m sure Fluttershy is too busy to be bothered with such trivial things anyway.” He said, giving another big yawn as his eyelids lowered little by little until they closed. He sighed in content as his tired eyes finally got some rest as he quickly drifted off to sleep, eager to rest, not noting the figure floating nearby. The figure watched him its eyes full of hate.
“The buck is he doing here?” the figure asked, glaring hatefully at Discord as it moved closer leaving a streak of rainbow behind it.
“Maybe it’s time to teach him a thing or two about napping in my area.” The figure said grinning as it gathered up a cloud, quickly turning it black. It gave a chuckle as it hovered the black cloud over the sleeping Draconequus.
Discord, take a chill pill. This is to much chaos, even for me!
Can't wait to see more!
yes...good >:3
So, when can we expect a update? There is no rush, but I simply want to know.
Love this! Can't wait for more