• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 2,530 Views, 57 Comments

Fears of a Chaos Lord - Iamsorry

Discord has been having trouble sleeping due to horrible dreams and he's afraid to tell anyone about them.

  • ...

Ch 1: Dreams

“No! Please don't!” the mismatched creature yelled backing away from a group a shadows. The creature had been running away from them for what felt like hours now in this endless void.
“Monster! We are going to lock you away for good this time!” one of the shadows said stepping forth revealing it to be a purple unicorn.

“No Twilight! Please you have to believe me! I didn't do it!” he yelled again his whole body trembling as he saw the element of magic appear around her neck and matching crown the element itself was slightly grey.
“Silence Discord, we all know what you did.” Twilight said her eyes as lifeless as steel as she stared down at him.
“Ha now that’s a load of horse manure! We know you can’t tell the truth.” another shadow said, a light orange earth pony with a stetson hat on stepped out of it.

“No please Applejack you have to believe me! I would never betray what I hold dear to me!” he yelled again as he dashed past them, the element of honesty appearing around her neck as he ran past her, it too was grey. He ran as fast as he could trying to get away from them and the elements. He didn't know where he was going; this void looked all the same to him as he ran.

“You better run you varmint! We will find you!” her voice yelled with a laugh. He ran some more before he heard something closing in on him something fast.
“Ha! That’s funny it’s almost like you know what loyalty is!” a shadow said as it dashed past him knocking him to the ground with a hard thud. He looked over at the flying shadow as a cyan Pegasus floated out of it. The element of Loyalty appearing around her neck, again grey.

“You don't even know what loyalty is! A monster like you doesn't deserve it.” she said a twisted grin on her face.
“No Rainbow Dash please! I've changed! I would never hurt my friends! I’d do anything to make them happy! Anything!” he yelled again as he stood up only to feel something behind him. He turned and looked down at a beautiful snow white mare standing there looking up at him, her eyes emotionless as stone.

“Oh how precious, he's trying to be a gentlecolt and trying to be generous to boot.” she said with a smile before it turned into a wrapped frown.
“But I highly doubt you even know what generosity means you brute, I bet you never thought of anything but yourself.” she said her voice distorting a bit as the Element of Generosity appeared around her neck like the rest it was a shade of grey.

“And friends? Sorry to break it to you big boy but no pony would ever be friends with you.” she said coldly with a chuckle. He stepped back only to hear a cannon go off behind him knocking him to the ground a painful ring in his ears. He looked back and saw a shadow holding a cannon with a wide smile. This smile had no emotion in it at all though, that terrified him. A smile of false joy was a terrifying sight.

“Awww did poor little Dissy fall down?” it said as a bright pink mare stepped out the smile becoming wider than before.
“No pinkie not you! I thought you liked my chocolate rain!” Discord yelled in near tears as the element of laughter appeared around her neck.

“Oh I did, but I got bored of it really, and since I’m bored with the rain I’m bored with you so bye bye Dissy! Don’t worry we will have a 'Discord is gone forever' party when we’re done with you!” Pinkie Pie yelled with glee as she stepped forth. Discord dashed past her making her laugh as she turned to face him. Her laugh sounded so horrible, a cackle really echoing around the void.

“Oh Goody! We get to play hide and get sealed away in stone!” she yelled as she hopped after him. He ran as fast and as far as he could away from his so called friends. Oh who was he kidding? Himself? He knew they were never his friends if they were why would they wear the elements near him? Tears ran down his eyes as he ran, his heart feeling as if it would burst out of his chest at any moment. Why? Why did he have to make friends?! It would have been better if he never was reformed! Suddenly he tripped and fell scrapping his body against the endless void.

He groaned in pain as he tried to stand only to hear whimpering. He turned to see a yellow Pegasus with her back turned. Her sobbing barely audible, he knew who that was and it made his fur stand on end.
“Fluttershy? Are you OK?” he asked stepping close to her.
“No I am not OK Discord, and it’s because of you.” she said turning her eyes filled with such sadness, yet she wore the most wicked grin on her face making him stop dead in her tracks.

“I didn't---"
“Be quite Discord, yes you did you did all this.” she said pointing into the darkness. He followed her hoof only for his eyes a shrink. Bodies of dead ponies young and old surrounded his feet as if he was standing in a pond of death. Colts, fillies, mares and stallions all looking at him their eyes filled with rage, fear, and sadness.

“NO! I DIDN'T DO THIS!” Discord yelled as he stared at the bodies trying to push them away only to have his mismatched hands covered in blood the moment he touched them.
“Look at what you did.” her voice said coldly distorting a little. The eyes, the eyes of the dead staring up at him, why why did he recognize them!?

“No! I didn't! Please Fluttershy you’re my friend! The only friend I ever had!” he yelled tears running down his face as the dead continued to stare at him.
“Yes, and that was my mistake I won't make it again.” she said as she took a step forward.
“Look at what you did to my poor angel.” she hissed at him. He turned and screamed as she held the mutilated body of her pet rabbit.

“No please! Forgive me!” he yelled tears running down his face as he tried to fly only to have a chain warp around his body. He turned to see Twilight standing there the chain coming out of her necklace.
“Enough of this Discord.” she said coldly as she began to glow. Discord struggled as hard as he could trying to get free only to have another chain wrap around his paw pining it to the ground.
“Yes we have had enough of you, you fiend you.” Rarity said standing next to Twilight the same chain sticking out her necklace as well.

“Time to get rid of this varmint, don’t you agree Rainbow?” Applejack said her chain wrapping around his eagle hand pinning it to the ground.
“Yup I couldn't agree more AJ!” Rainbow said her chain wrapping around his legs keeping him from running.
“Please! Give me another chance!” he yelled sobbing as he tried to get free trashing wildly but to no avail.
“Aww Dissy I didn't know you were a big cry baby.” Pinkie pie said as another chain wrapped around his neck squeezing it hard chocking him as it did. He struggled more but to his horror the more he struggled the tighter the chains became. He was suddenly lifted into the air being forced to look forward.

“Look at what you've done.” Fluttershy said coldly her voice distorting as she talked. He looked up at her only to close his eyes tightly.

Voices began to fill the void growing louder and louder as the seconds passed. He opened his eyes and looked down. All the corpses staring up at him and to his horror they were chanting the names.
Over and over again the bodies yelled at him, their faces suddenly melting. He knew right then and there who they were; they were the ponies he wronged during his reign of chaos.

“Look at what you've done!” Fluttershy yelled as she stepped forward. Discord closed his eyes again trying to drown out the voices. His face was suddenly jerked upward but he kept his eyes closed.
“Look at what you've done!” she yelled again as she placed her hoof on his cheek. The chains suddenly began to pull, stretching his body. He screamed as his body was slowly being pulled apart. He opened his eyes, he screamed at what his saw. Fluttershy stood in front of him her eyes missing as blood dripped from her sockets.
“Look at what you've done!” she yelled as the chains pulled harder and harder.


“NOOOOOO!” Discord screamed at the top of his lungs as he thrashed in his bed kicking over furniture and other objects much to dismay of some of the animals around him. He continued to scream before he sat straight up suddenly a cold sweat running down his face panting heavily.

“...the same nightmare.” he said continuing to pant heavily as he sat their shaking trying to catch his breath. He wrapped his arms around himself and pulled his knees close to him as tears began to run down his face as he sat in his bed. He quickly scanned the room noting that he was still in front of the fire place on his soft round bed. Fluttershy had tried to get him a proper bed but he enjoyed a nice big doggy bed especially since he could call dibs on the spot in front of the fire place. He choked back a few sobs as he sat in the darkness the sun's sun light slowly peaking over the horizon still hugging his knees to himself.

“Why do I keep having this horrible dream?!” he hissed angrily to himself as he sniffled a little, he hated feeling this weak. Suddenly the sound of a door slamming open and hurried hoofs got his attention.
“Discord! Are you ok!?” a panicked female voice yelled as the hoofs got closer sounding near hysterical. He froze for a moment, fear still fresh on his mind. He quickly cleaned his tears as he looked up at the stairs. There stood a yellow Pegasus, her eyes telling him how worried she was. It broke his heart to see his best friend in near tears like she was; it only made him feel more shame.

“Oh umm, nothing Fluttershy.” he said dully as sighed regaining his composure, thankful that it was just a dream.
“Discord I know when you're lying.” she said sternly, but gave him a kind smile as she stepped closer to him yawning a bit.
“Come on tell me what's wrong.” she said her voice soothing as she sat in front of him. Discord turned to avoid eye contact.
“It was nothing, just go back to sleep.” he said quietly. She sighed as she stood up.

“I’m going to make some tea do you want some?” She said with a smile as she made her way to the kitchen.
“It’s too early to wake up please go to bed.” he said sadly as he stood to follow her on all four keeping his head low and his tail between his legs as he walked..
“No, no it’s the perfect time to wake up, I've been meaning to wake up this early to take care of the animals.” she said kindly as she glanced at the watch, it read 4:30am.

“You sure?” he asked stepping into the kitchen still not making eye contact. She glanced back at him, she knew that look. It was the same look that new born baby rabbit gave her that one time, the look of fear. It pained her to see him like this. This was the third time this week that she had ran down the stairs when she heard him scream bloody murder.

“Yes I’m sure Discord, now how about some tea?” Fluttershy asked with a smile as she got her tea pot ready.
“...well OK if you don’t mind I'd like some tea please with honey and soda.” he said as he sat down on the floor looking at her. She giggled, she had gotten used to his strange tastes. As she set the water to boil she glanced at Discord again, he was looking out the window looking up at the disappearing stars.

''Why won't he tell me about the dreams?'' she thought to herself as the water came to a boil. She served him and her the tea moments later, after pouring Discords strange selections. He sighed happily as she sat down in front of him gently sipping at her tea enjoying the warm fresh taste of orange and pine needle and a bit of lemon salt.
“You know you don't have to do this.” Discord said as he sipped his tea enjoying the flavor of soda, honey, orange, and pine needle and lemon salt.

“Whatever do you mean--
“You know what I mean Fluttershy, you maybe the element of kindness but you are just as terrible at lying as Applejack if not worse.” he said with a chuckle. She giggled at his response even though it was a bit rude to interrupt her.
“OK you caught me I can't go back to sleep, you try going back to sleep after hearing something scream the way you did.” she said taking a sip of her tea again. Discord sighed but gave her a weak smile.

“Your right I'd probably show up with all of the royal guard backing me up if it was you screaming like that.” Discord said laughing as he took a sip. She giggled as she took another sip as she looked up at him and saw he still didn't want to make eye contact. She reached over and placed a hoof on his paw making him look at her finally. Only then did she see the look of sadness and fear in his eyes, that of a small child.
“Not that I could fall asleep knowing that one of my friends was in pain.” Fluttershy said giving him a sad look.
“What’s wrong Discord? Please tell me.” she said quietly rubbing his paw with her hoofs. He sighed as he felt her hoofs on him.

“It's just a nightmare.” he said quietly sipping his tea again.
“What kind of nightmare?” she asks as she gives him a pleading look.
“Oh nothing that bad let’s just drop it, oh so uhh… how’s the weather?” he asked desperately trying to change the subject as he looked away again only to have a hoof touch his cheek and force him to look back at her.
“Discord we've been friends for a good time now, and these nightmares are affecting you.” she said firmly making him keep eye contact.

“What's so bad that you can't tell me? Whatever it is I'm here to listen and see what I can do.” She said warmly.
“But I can deal with it myself.” he said a bit coldly snorting a little.
“Yes you can, but the advantage of having friends is the fact that whatever is troubling you know that you don't have to face them alone.” she said firmly her eyes turning a bit firm making him chuckle a bit.

“You’re...your using The Stare again.” Discord said chuckling; she blushed as she looked away.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry I don’t have control of it.” She said looking away blushing from embarrassment.
“Friend.” he said taking another sip of his tea.
“What?” she asked looking at him a bit confused.
“You said friends when it should only be friend, you’re my only friend Fluttershy.” he said with a sigh as he finished the rest of his tea. Only afterwards did he realize his mistake.

“Is that what the nightmares about?” she asked a bit hurt. Discord just shrugged a bit knowing he just opened Pandora’s Box only less fun.
“Discord you’re my friend that means the others are your friend’s too.” she said in a sweet voice as she continued to cherish his paw.
“Then why do they still wear the elements when I’m around?” Discord asked looking at her with a hurt expression. She stared at him for a moment before her eyes shot open and she lunged at him taking him completely by surprise in a tight hug.

“Oh Discord I would never let them seal you away again, I already promised that I wouldn't use mine, in fact if you recall I gave it to Twilight because I didn't want something in my house that made you feel uncomfortable.” she said nuzzling the mismatched creature. Discord was shocked for a moment but sighed as he wrapped his mismatched arms around his friend, he had not gotten used to being hugged like this or at all really.

“Then why do they still wear them? I mean sure Twilight has a reason but why Pinkie---
“What about her?” Fluttershy asked looking up at him; he quickly backed off blushing a bit. Fluttershy seemed a bit more confused at his reaction.

“Do you like her? Would you like to talk to--
“NO! I don’t like her!” Discord shouted feeling embarrassed giving her a pouty face. Fluttershy just looked at him, he reminded her of Spike when she asked him if he liked Applebloom. That image made her giggle a little.
"Ok ok, no need to get defensive, but I’m sure she and the others would like to help if you told them about your dreams." Fluttershy said with a warm smile.

"No, I don’t feel like telling them." Discord said taking another sip of his tea.
"Want me to tell them---
"NO!" he yelled angrily at her. Fluttershy looked at him shocked at his outbreak but sighed as she continued to rub his paw.
“Why don’t you want me to tell them?” Fluttershy asked Discord looked down in shame.

“Because it’s embarrassing, Fluttershy you have to understand that all I’ve had before we became friends all I had before that was my pride and it's still very important to me and this would hurt it a LOT.” Discord said firmly not looking up at her.
“Yes you have pride I'll grant you that but you also have friends that will not judge you.” Fluttershy said just as firmly as him. He sighed as he looked at her.

“Thanks for that but I honestly think I only have one, and you were not even my first choice. Not that’s bad or anything!” Discord said in a panic making Fluttershy giggle at him. Suddenly her smile faded and turned into a grin.
"Oh boohoo, lil Discord looks cute torturing his lil head" she said coldly her eyes staring at him in a short of glare. Discord stared at her for a moment before bursting into a laugh. Fluttershy pouted a little before she too began to laugh.

“Oh my I didn’t mean to say that!” Fluttershy said laughing out loud as Discord held her close laughing along aside her.
“Oh that was priceless! Your face! My face! That was perfect!” Discord laughed hard and loud, much to the annoyance of some of the creatures.
"I guess your rubbing off on me aren't you?" Fluttershy asked as she continued laughing. Discord laughed harder, by this point every animal in the house had been woken up by the laughter.
"I guess so! But you need more practice if you want to be a cruel evil ruler like me my dear!" he said with an evil laugh of his own as he set his tea away from him.

"Yes and my first action I would take rule would to be declared supreme ruler of the flowers!" Fluttershy yelled as she suddenly pounced on Discord making him and her roll onto the floor, she quickly began running her hooves over his ribs and stomach.
"Oh no! Mercy! Mercy all supreme ruler!" Discord yelled as she run her hooves over every one of his weak spots, she had found them the first night he had stayed over. It was a mistake to challenge her to a tickle smack down. The two laughed and laughed for what seemed like hours until exhaustion took over making them stop. They laid there for a moment before Discord broke the silence.

"Wow, hehe I needed that." Discord said wheezing a little as he laid there, he could almost go back to sleep. Almost. Fluttershy hummed as she laid there with her chaotic friend before she looked up at him.
"What did you mean when you said I was not your first choice? Was it Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked still looking up at him, he sighed as he looked at the ceiling pouting a little.

"Discord you can tell me I promise I won't get mad....unless it's something very inappropriate." Fluttershy said giving him a parenting look for a moment before giggling at him blushing a little.
"You’re really enjoying teasing me like that don't you?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I learned from the best." she giggled but stopped when Discord gave her a big grin.
"My my I wonder what Big Mac would say if he saw you acting this way." Discord said chuckling as he flicked his snake tongue out a bit. Fluttershy blushed as she looked away.

"You know about that!?" she said in a scared whisper.
"My dear I think the only one that doesn't know is Big Mac." he said with a snicker making Fluttershy blush harder. Suddenly her eyes shot open and quickly glared at him.

"Hey! I know what you’re doing! You’re trying to change the subject mister!" Fluttershy said firmly slightly angry at him, but sighed as she looked up at him.
"OK Discord." she said as she stood to get off of him. Discord looked up at her as she walked to the table and picked up the cups.

"OK what?" he asked slightly annoyed but with a bit a worry in it as well. She stayed quite as she placed the dishes in the sink.
"I'm not going to pry; you don't have to tell me if you really don't want too." She said turning on the water for a moment before turning it off.
"But remember this Discord if you ever want to talk about anything I'm here for you." she said with a smile as she turned and began to walk away.

“I thought she would be the first choice because she's the only pony that didn't run away from me." Discord said making Fluttershy stop in her tracks. She turned and saw his back was to her, she trotted to see his face as he looked up.
"Even you were scared of me." he said sadly, his ears pinning to his head as he tried to look way from her but the sudden hug she gave him made him stop.

"Oh Discord, you know if I had known you would be such a sweetheart I wouldn't have been scared of you." she said petting his head a little. He found this incredibly degrading; being petted like this would ruin his reputation. He sighed as he relaxed none the less though, the more he thought about it the more he thought Fluttershy was more of a mother figure to him than a friend and he enjoyed that. Though the thought of calling Fluttershy mommy was a bit too crazy even for him.

"In my defense I was scared of Twilight too when I first meet her." Fluttershy said still petting his head gently making him chuckle lightly. They stayed there Discord felt his eyelids slowly droop; Fluttershy noticed this and hummed a little tune trying to get him to sleep. Discord yawned a bit as his eyes finally closed. Fluttershy sighed happily as she continued her humming, his tail suddenly wrapping around her form slightly. A bit protectively as well, that made her smile even more. This was one of the few times Discord was truly harmless. She prayed that nothing would ruin this moment, but living with Discord she has learned one thing “Murphy says hi”.

A loud frantic knock was heard at the door making him jolt up he’s eyes shooting open. He nearly tossed Fluttershy into the air but thankfully his tail didn't slingshot her past her ceiling. She patted his head noting the worried look he gave her and just smiled again. Another knock was heard.

"Coming." Fluttershy said with a sigh as she let go of Discord and walked over to the door. Discord followed closely behind her curious to who it was at this hour as the knocking continued this time a bit more fanatically.
"Sheeze she's coming alright hold your horses or do I need to get some rope!" Discord yelled angrily but chuckled none the less even though he got a glare from Fluttershy.

"Hush ya over grown lizard!" a southern voice yelled back, Fluttershy opened the door to great her friend.
"Applejack! How are you?" Fluttershy said opening the door letting her friend come in. she just eyed her as she stepped in.
"What are ya’ll doing up already?" Applejack said walking in.
"The sounds of a cat using her fiddle woke us up." Discord said snickering as Applejack glared at him. He yelped as Fluttershy gave him a wack across his arm.

"Behave mister, now Applejack what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked turning her attention back to her friend, not noticing Discord sticking his tongue out at her.
"Right its Winona she’s sick and Ah don't know what's wrong!" Applejack said a bit frantically.
"Relax, she’s probably sick of all the apples eh Applejack." he said with a grin, Fluttershy was about to smack him again before Applejack stepped in angrily.

"Hush you! Don’t think you can go around poisoning little critters and get away with it!" Applejack said angrily taking Discord off guard.
"What are you----
"She hasn't gotten sick once! Not until after you got here! And as ah see it your to blame!" Applejack yelled again angrily. This time Discord snarled at her, this made Fluttershy look at him worried. He only made that sound once and it was when he thought his friend was in trouble. She still needed to go apologize to Mr. Bear.

"How dare---
"And Ah swear to you that if anything happens to my little dog ah will come after you and buck the living daylights out of you before Ah make sure your sealed in stone again!" Applejack hissed angrily making Discord just stare at her not saying a word. Fluttershy stood still not liking what was happening, she looked over at Discord who was at this point was growling slightly. This was bad Discord was not in any mood to dear with as he puts it crap. Especially not after the whole nightmare thing and Applejack was just making it worse.

"Now hush before Ah go get my element and put you back into the dirt where you belong!" Applejack yelled once more. Fluttershy stomped her hoof and glared at her friend that was the last straw.
"Applejack! That is enough!" Fluttershy yelled at her, Applejacks eyes looked at her in shock as blinked a few times the realization of what she just said hitting her like a frozen water balloon.

"Oh my gosh ah-----
"I'm out of here." Discord said angrily as he shoved his way past her nearly knocking her down and took off into the sky before any of the mares could say another word. Applejack quickly followed him outside just in time to see him disappear into the clouds.
"...sorry" she said rubbing her eyes a bit as she looked down in shame. She looked back and saw that Fluttershy looked at her angrily as she darted into her house, before Applejack could say anything the door slammed hard.

"Oh come on Sugercube I need--
The door opened quickly with an angry Fluttershy standing their holding a saddle bag. She quickly closed the door behind her as she quickly walked past Applejack.
"Let's go." she said coldly as she continued down the road. Applejack shook a bit at how cold her voice sounded at that moment, but shrugged it off as she trotted next to her friend.


"Well uh the stars sure look nice don't they?" Applejack asked as she walked next to her friend. A heavy silence had grown between them as they walked passed a sign that said "Sweet Apple Acres" and pointed them in the direction. Fluttershy remained quite as she continued to walk, Applejack stomped her hoof on the ground angrily.
"Alright I had enough of this! Ah already said ah was sorry!" Applejack said loudly as she made Fluttershy look at her. A few passing ponies looked at them before quickly trotting off.

"It's not me you have to say sorry to." She said angrily this made Applejack shudder, it was rare for her to be angry.
"Ah know!" Applejack yelled angrily before tossing her hat at the ground angrily as she covered her face in shame.
"Applejack what's wrong?" Fluttershy asked her voice showing that she was a bit worried but still angry. Applejack sighed as she picked up her hat and dusted it off.

"I...I haven’t been sleeping very well, with Winona being sick and Applebloom panicking over some boy issues, and with Big Mac and Granny Smith out of town for a few more days on business, I have been working really hard trying to balance everything." She said sadly a she looked down at the ground. She felt a hoof on her shoulder making her look up. Fluttershy was smiling at her; the anger seemed to have vanished from her eyes.

"Oh Applejack you’re a great friend, but you really need to know when your way over your simple country head." Fluttershy said with a smile. Applejack just stared at her in shock her mouth hanging open. Fluttershy quickly caught on to what she said and covered her mouth.
"Oh my gosh! Sorry! Some of Discord's personality rubbed off on me!" Fluttershy yelled in a panic her eyes giving her the famous Fluttershy puppy dog eyes; even Discord was powerless against this power. Applejack just stared at her for a few more moments before she burst out laughing.

"Wow girl ya know how to buck when ya need too!" Applejack yelled as she laughed hard, Fluttershy stood silent before she began to giggle, and soon the giggle turned into a laugh. They laughed hard for a few moments before Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder.
"Sugercube ah have to admit something, since you have started hanging out with Discord you've...changed." Applejack said with a weak laugh as she looked at Fluttershy. She looked at Applejack confused.

"Oh really? How?" she asked a bit worried about the answer.
"Well for starters ah can hear ya perfectly, you're not whispering that much anymore." Applejack said as she let go of her friend.
"And not to mention you're not as.....shy or as scared anymore." Applejack said with smile.
"Well you can't have a housemate like Discord and not as he puts it 'grow a spin' you really can't." Fluttershy said with a giggle. Applejack laughed at that nodding at her.

"I mean he at one point had me waking up to his head lying on my lap and started to sing his own good morning song." Fluttershy said shivering a bit. Applejack stopped laughing and just stared at her shocked.
"Wow really? What else does he do?" Applejack asked a bit nervous of the answer. Fluttershy sighed as she began to walk ahead as Applejack followed her.

"Well other than that he’s done quite a lot of things that earned him a timeout." Fluttershy said as she continued walking. Applejack walked next to her with her mouth wide open in shock from the list she was getting from Fluttershy. Everything from living shadows to him walking around without his head, having a pet Manticore at one point that he called Buttons, exploding food, to screaming food screaming out in horror the moment you poked it with a fork.
"Wow sugercube how did you put up with him?" Applejack asked as she continued fallowing her friend shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well like I told Celestia he really is a sweetheart when you get to know him." Fluttershy said with a smile as she could see the farm up ahead. Applejack was silent for a bit before sighing.
"Hey sugercube mind telling me what was up with him?" Applejack asked still feeling a ping of guilt in her chest. Fluttershy was silent for a moment before looking back her.

"You noticed it too?" Fluttershy asked as they continued on their way, she could see a little filly standing in the frame of the door.
"Well yeah, ah mean every time ah give him lip he retorts or says something along the line the lines of him taking all of us with him before he laughs and lets lose some of his fancy magic." Applejack said as she waved at the little filly making the filly wave back.

“This time though he just…took it and left, to be honest I was expecting him to tear me a new one or at the very least come home to rabid potatoes eating the farm again.” Applejack shuddered at the memory; to this day she can’t eat a potato without making sure it wasn't alive first. Fluttershy remembered that day, it was the day Discord had to help her on the farm all day and come home to a timeout, a loooong timeout and desert. After a moment of silence she sighed and looked at the farmer pony.

"I guess I will tell you, but after we make sure Winona is ok." she said as her slow walk turned into a trot.
"Hi Fluttershy!" the little filly said with a smile on her face though Fluttershy could tell she was that she was tired, that was confirmed when the little filly yawned.
"Hello Applebloom, you shouldn't be up this early." Fluttershy said warmly as she walked past the young filly.
"Ah know ah was just worried about Winona." Applebloom said yet another yawn escaped her lips.
"Where is the poor thing anyway?" Fluttershy asked looking around for the poor dog.

"She’s in the living room." Applejack said trotting up behind her. Fluttershy nodded as she made her way to the living room as quick as she could. The small brown dog was lying in the middle of the room panting as she whined a bit.
"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy shouted as she rushed over to the dog. She kneeled next to the little dog and gently prodded her gently making her whine some more. She gave a more intense look at the dog. She hummed as she began to pull out some medicine out of her saddlebag.

"Applejack can you come over here?" she asked putting a medicine next to the little dog. Applejack trotted over quickly but stopped when she saw Fluttershy pulled out a needle along with some bandages.
"What are ya'll going to do?" Applejack asked as she laid next to her dog petting it a little.
"I'm going to give her some medicine, I don’t know what’s going on so I need to do what I know and take it from there." Fluttershy said placing more bottles on the floor.

"Applejack can you please hold her down?" Fluttershy said readying the needle. Applejack looked nervously at her and slowly held down her dog.
"Ahm mighty sorry." she said nervously as she gently squeezed the small dog’s stomach.


The strange sound filled the room making both mares stop whatever they were doing. Applejack just stared at the small dog lying down. Suddenly the small dog shot up onto its feet wagging its tail happily barking a little as she did.
"What the---OH SWEET CELESTIA!" Apple Jack screamed as she covered her nose as quickly as she could.
"What's---OH!" Fluttershy yelled as she covered her nose too dropping the needle as the room filled with the foulest smelling scent they have encountered.

"What have you been feeding her?!" Fluttershy yelled coughing as she covered her noise but still breathing in the smell.
"What in the name of the Apple Family name did you eat girl!?" Applejack yelled as she dashed to a window and opened it. She breathed in fresh air and coughed; she was shoved over slightly as Fluttershy ran to the window and took deep breaths with her.

"I have never smelt something so horrible in my life! And this is coming from a mare who lives with The prankster of them all!" she yelled as she coughed her eyes tearing up. Discord had made stink bombs before but nothing he made compared to this. This smell would be enough to seal him in stone for another thousand years. They stayed at the window breathing in and out eager to get foul smell out of their lungs.

Fluttershy glanced back in and saw something that got her full attention, Winona was pawing at a side of the rug in the dining room Applebloom's area to be exact. A second later she saw the small dog pull out a small dark green object gnawing at it.
"What is that?" Fluttershy asked as she walked into the dining room thankful that the awful smell was gone now.
"What's what?" Applejack asked back as she turned and fallowed the yellow Pegasus into the dining room. Applejack saw her dog gnawing on something as Fluttershy picked up the small dog.

"What in the hay are you chewing on? Spit it out!" Applejack commanded loudly and Winona like the dog she was barked happily at her dropping the object. Applejack looked down and saw what it was.
"Is...Is that a Brussels sprout?" Fluttershy asked looking down at the chewed up green mess. Applejack glanced up and looked past her at the area it was and at the small filly that was lazily eating a cereal.

"APPLEBLOOM!" Applejack yelled making the little filly jump up in her seat nearly spilling her bowl.
"Have you been feeding your greens to Winona!?" she yelled again.
"No Ah haven't!" the young filly yelled back defensibly. As if forces greater than Discord himself where present Winona got free of Fluttershy and grabbed the green mess and walked happily to Applebloom placing the green object in front of her barking happily as she wagged her tail.

"Traitor." Was all the little filly said glaring at the small dog.
Fluttershy sat on the couch petting the small dog as Applejack chewed out her little sister about feeding the dog her veggies. She looked over at the pouting filly feeling a bit sorry for her but she should have known better. They went back and forth for a bit until Applejack stomped her hoof and pointed her hoof to the stairs.
"Now get marching back upstairs now young filly! You’re grounded for today! Now get going or it will be longer ya hear?!" she yelled.

"Oh come on!" Applebloom yelled groaning.
"Don't you 'Oh come on' me young filly! Now get up there now before Ah tan your hide!" Applejack said raising her hoof again, Applebloom bolted out of her sisters reach and dashed up stairs with a yelp.
"And if you do it again no crusading for a week!" Applejack yelled just as a door was slammed angrily. Applejack sighed as she looked over at her friend who was still petting the dog, rubbing her belly.
"Ah swear Discord could take some lessons from that little filly when it comes to creating some ruckus." She said flopping down on the couch next to her.

"Oh I'm sure it's not that bad." Fluttershy said as she shooed the little dog off her lap much to Wynona's disappointment. Applejack just stared at her making Fluttershy a bit bashful.
"Ok your right Applebloom and her friends can give Discord a few tips…erm remind me to never leave them in the same room." Fluttershy said laughing nervously. Applejack chuckled a bit but she made a mental checklist to never let Applebloom sleep over at Fluttershy’s when Discords there.

"Speaking of Discord, care to tell me what's eating him?" Applejack asked glancing out the window as if she was expecting to see him crash though the window, like he did at her 1000th apple picked party that pinkie threw for her. Though Pinkie Pie didn't mind it at all, she was glad he crashed the party. Well crashed into it as he pointed out but still.
Fluttershy looked up at the ceiling and sighed getting Applejacks attention.

"Applejack I’m not really sure if I should tell you, he didn’t want anypony finding out." She said sadly looking at her friend.
"Oh come on sugercube, we are friend’s and if that snake in the grass is your friend then he's mine to." Applejack said with a warm smile. Fluttershy looked away before speaking again.
"Then why do you always come over wearing your element? In fact tonight was the only time since he's been living with me you've come over without it." Fluttershy said looking back over at her friend.
"Well Ah....Ah---

"You see where I’m going with this?" Fluttershy asked cutting her off. Applejack just stared at her, she was right tonight was the first time she has visited them without her element present for him to see.
"Friends need to trust each other and he thinks that he going to go back into stone because he thinks you’re all still afraid of him afraid he's still evil." She said firmly making Applejack lower her head not wanting to make eye contact.

“Why are you girls still scared of him? I know for a fact he’s not evil anymore he’s been nothing but a sweetheart since he’s moved in. Sure he pulls a prank here and there but he does it because it’s his nature and I wouldn't force him to stop being who he is.” She continued as she placed a hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

“You should see his look when he sees any of you show up ready to seal him away if he so much as coughs wrong, sure he can hide it but I can see it in his eyes. Every time you’re all over, he ether leaves or goes to a quiet corner, and that makes me sad that he acts like that because you girls won’t give him a chance.” She said waiting for Applejack's response.
"Is that the reason he's having trouble sleeping?" Applejack finally asked looking up at the yellow Pegasus. She just looked at applejack shocked.

"How did---"
"The bags under his eyes, when you hang out with somepony like Rarity you tend to notice things like that." Applejack said looking a bit worried at this point. Fluttershy looked at her a bit before nodding.
“I know he's having nightmares bad ones." She said sadly as she looked at the ground.
"How bad?" Applejack asked patting her back as she did.

"He’s been waking up screaming his head off tonight would be the 3rd time this week he’s done it, and now that you mention it....I don't think he's had a decent night's sleep in a while." Fluttershy asked as she felt tears poke the back of her eyes.
“What scares me is the fact he won’t in fact refuses to tell me, I had to practically pry it out of him just for him to admit he was having bad dreams.” She said sniffling a little.
"Is it really because we show up with our elements?" Applejack asked feeling a ping in her stomach.
"I'm not sure all I know is that the nightmares are terrible to make him scream like that." Fluttershy said as she closed her eyes.

"....how does he sound?" Applejack asked a bit hesitantly.
"...I ...I can't even describe it, it’s so horrible, I ....I can't go back to sleep after I hear it." Fluttershy said as tears began to weld up in her eyes.
"Sugercube what's wro---
"What if he goes back to his old ways?! What if he gets so bad that we have no choice but to seal him up again!? I don't want to do it! I won't! I don't want to lose my friend!" Fluttershy yelled as she clung to Applejack crying into her shoulder.

"He can't leave me, not after all we've been though the two musketeers he called us!" she cried more and more. Applejack just held her stroking her back rocking back and forth.
"Ah promise you sugercube that won't happen, Ah'll make sure of it myself if Ah have too." Applejack said as she continued to stroke her back.

"And Ah’ll make sure to tell the others that---
"No! You can’t!" Fluttershy yelled in a panic as she pried herself away from her.
"Why?" Applejack asked a bit worried at her reaction.
"They will think he's unstable or dangerous I don't want them to think any of that!" she said crying.

"Promise me you won't tell! Promise me!" Fluttershy practically shrieked at her friend, her eyes begging her. Applejack sat there looking into her eyes, to Fluttershy it felt like hours had passed but in reality only a moment had passed by before she sighed.

"Ok sugar cube Ah promise heck Ah Pinkie Promise." Applejack said with a smile as she petted Fluttershy’s head.
“Honestly you worry too much, he’s not a bad guy anymore, a pain in the flank yes but he’s a good fella.” She said with a smile, that smile slowly turned into a grin.
“Heck you make it sound like there’s more than friendship going on between you two.” Applejack said with a grin. Fluttershy blushed as she wiped away her tears.
“You won’t ever let me live that down will you?” she said with a slight giggle as she sniffled a little her eyes still stained with tears.

“Hey Ah’m not the one who prenched him.” She said with a grin making Fluttershy blush harder.
“It was only a peck! On the cheek! I did it because of the lovely flower he got for me!” Fluttershy blurted out blushing harder. Applejack just laughed hard as she patted her on the back a bit roughly.

“Ah know ah know ah just love messing with you like that!” she said with a chuckle as she smiled at her friend.
“Well he was cute when he blushed that hard.” Fluttershy said with a giggle making applejack laugh again.
“He made my apples look pale compared to how red his face was!” Applejack said with a laugh. The two had another round of laughter.

“I think that might have been the first time anyone has ever kissed him! And he acted like a small colt!” Fluttershy laughed as the image of a blushing Discord twiddling his thumbs popped into her head. They laughed even as the sun came rising up from the horizon. The harsh glare of the sun light made them stop and look out the window. The two stayed silent for a moment before Fluttershy looked over at her friend and smiled.

“Applejack thanks, I really needed to talk to somepony.” Fluttershy said with a smile, as she gave out a yawn. Applejack fallowed suite with a yawn of her own.
“Anytime sugercube.” She said with a grin as she got up and walked to the kitchen.
“Coffee?” Applejack asked as she looked back at her friend.

“Yes please.” Fluttershy said with a smile as she got up and walked to the kitchen. She stopped and looked out of the window the sun shining its light all over the land. She stood there her mind wondering back to her chaotic friend.
“Discord I hope you will trust me enough one day to let me help you.” She said quietly as she walked into the kitchen hoping that her friend the former evil lord of chaos was OK.

Author's Note:

i hate myself another damn story that was too good (in my head) to pass up! XD so heres the new story cover will be coming soon (i hope) so let me know what you guys think of this!

the word "prenched" comes from the word frenched but since there is no france there is only Prance :P
lol...oh i die a little inside every time i make a pony pun.....