• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 2,530 Views, 57 Comments

Fears of a Chaos Lord - Iamsorry

Discord has been having trouble sleeping due to horrible dreams and he's afraid to tell anyone about them.

  • ...

Ch 9: Show and Tell

A Bell rang throughout the playground, signifying another boring day. To others their doom, while for one little gray unicorn with blond hair it signaled a rather entertaining day learning something her dad with a blue box had already shown her. But what stood out the most of the group of fillies and colts were the three little fillies frantically trotting in place.
"Whereishe?!Whereishe?!Whereishe?!" Scootaloo said as she trotted in place by the front door. her wings buzzing excitedly.
"Ah don't know! Ah told ya we should have woken up early to go get his stupid flank!" Applebloom said though gritted teeth. Sweetie Belle kept her eyes on the horizon hoping to see the mismatched beast flying or trotting over the horizon.
Nothing. They all felt whatever hope they had for a good day, or a good grade shatter when the last bell rang. As if to empathize their despair a shadow loomed over them. They slowly turned knowing who it was, they stared up at their judge, jury and maybe executioner.
"Come on girls! We don't want to be late!" Cheerilee said happily as she gave them a kind smile as she ushered the fillies into the room. She hummed happily as she looked at the lovely early morning, failing to notice the three fillies who were walking into the room as if they were on their way to the gallows. Cheerilee sighed happily as she closed the door knowing that today would be a good day.

"And that's why I Diamond Tiara am the sole heir to the Rich fortune." Diamond Tiara said as she stuck her head up in the air. The only one clapping was the old gray stallion standing behind her, even then it was a slow clap.
"...um thanks for that marvelous report Diamond Tiara...and Ummm---
"Dusty! His name is dusty and I own him." she said proudly, the teacher was about to reprimand her for saying that until the butler's eyes opened for the first time the entire morning. He locked eyes with Cheerilee and slowly shook his head "no". Cheerilee stared for a moment before sighing as she took a deep breath.
"OK! Thank you for that lovely presentation." Cheerilee said with a strained smile.
"But I'm afraid I can't give you credit for it since well...your inheritance has nothing to do with Equestrian history. Now if you would have talked about how your fathers' company started up then yes that would have counted." Cheerilee said making Diamond gawk at her teacher as if she was just told she was not a perfect Diamond.
"You could have even given a small report over the apple family zap apples and how they are one if not The reason Ponyville was founded." she went on ignoring the "but-buts" from Diamond whos' butler started to reach into his pocket and pull out a juice box. Applebloom looked up and smacked herself as her teacher went on into that little history. She knew she should have brought Granny Smith again.
"Now Diamond can you kindly take your seat? We need to go on to the next presentation." Cheerilee said with a soft smile.
"But--but--but--" Diamond continued as she was pushed back to her desk by her butler. Cheerilee smiled as she gave a sigh, she looked around the room. she looked at each of her students, some holding old books. Twist holding a special spoon and bowl as she called it. apparently, it was the same bowl and spoon that made the first ever taffy princess Celestia had ever tasted. To rumble holding his old Wonderbolts goggles. At least he talked about something that affected Equestria even if it was a small part of it. To Dinky who was holding a rather odd looking metal tool, something about it being a screw driver and how it saved Equestria more than once. She sighed, Dinky was lucky she was so far ahead in her studies or this no credit homework would have likely gotten her in trouble with her father. Her eyes then locked onto the last group of the day. She quickly noticed how worried, and in Scootaloos' case sweaty. She bit her lip as she tapped her hoof as she went back to her desk looking to see what mercy she could give them. Sadly, she already knew the answer.
"Ah ain't going to tell you ah told you so but ah told you so." Applebloom whispered making Scootaloo groan as she tried to shush her. Applebloom was about to retort but a gentle tap from her left made her turn, Sweetie Belle was pointing at Diamond Tiara. The demon filly grinned at them as she rubbed her hooves together in a menacing manner. Her butler was fluffing up her pillow that she brought into the class that day.
"Well Well Well. Seems like the blank flanks decided to be blank drop outs~" Diamond said grinning, the butler behind her gave a silent groan as the fillies just stared at her.
"That doesn't even make any sense---
"Ah Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom. You're up!" Cheerilee said with a warm smile as she looked up from her book. The three fillies gulped as they looked at each other.
"Ummm pass!" Scootaloo said with a nervous chuckle. Cheerilees smile vanished as she looked down at them.
"You're the last ones. And really won't be able to pass if you don't present something." She said looking down at them in disappointment. The three fillies looked at each other worried. They knew that if they didn't get a good grade, no more crusading till their grades went back up.
"Uhh well our...umm project is umm---
"Late! He's late!" Sweetie Belle blurted out nearly falling over in her seat. Cheerilee was about to ask what she meant by that until Diamond's hoof shot up in the air.
"Miss Cheerilee! I don't think it would be fair to the class if they got an extension when the rest of the class didn't." Diamond said innocently putting on that fake face of an angle Cheerilee was used to by now. Diamond quickly turned and shot a sly grin over at the crusaders. Cheerilee sighed as she rubbed her head, she hated when Diamond Tiara was right. Curse her mother for being head of the school board.
"That is true. I'm sorry girls but you will just need to make it up---
The room flooded with a bright light, blinding the front row. Diamond Tiara screaming as she covered her face being the closest.
"Oh hey! You're here!" Sweetie Belle happily as she practically jumped on top of her desk.
"Yeah! About time you show up you jerk!" Scootaloo yelled as she hopped up on her desk pointing and glaring at the mismatched figure.
"Next time we're coming to wake you up Mr.!" Applebloom said crossing her hooves. A deep groan was heard as Cheerilee held her eyes shut for a moment.
"Girls what is the mean---ing---this." Cheerilee said her eyes widening a bit, a small gasp escaping her lips once her eyes adjusted back to normal. Soon everyone's eyes started to adjust back to normal, many if not all of them letting out a gasp of fear.
"Well Excuse me for being fashionably late!" A deep voice said, almost immediately all eyes fixed on the large mismatched creature in a bright yellow and green polka spotted cape and bright blue goggles. He grinned as he looked down at the children his head nearly bumping the roof of the school house. His towering form made the children look up at him with a mixture of horror and awe but mostly horror. Discord stared at them for a moment before grinning.
"Hi, Kids! Guess who's the special guest?" he said waving happily not hiding his row of razor sharp teeth.
"...Oh no." Cheerilee said getting up from the desk as the children one by one started to scream in terror. Discords grin fading as he looked around confused, the three fillies being just as confused.

Discord grumbled as he sat in the corner chewing on some taffy he was given by Sweetie Belle who in turn got it from her friend Twist. He chewed and thought about what it was made of. Seriously who would have thought to put vinegar in taffy? He glanced up at the filly and colts sitting at their desks nervously, a few glanced up at him only to immediately look back down at their desks eating their snacks quietly. He snorted in annoyance as he turned his attention back to the small group meeting happening in front of him.
"What do ya mean it doesn't count?" Applebloom asked looking up sadly at her teacher.
"Hey yeah! You never said we couldn't bring anypony! And he's not even a pony!" Scootaloo said huffing making Cheerilee sigh as she rubbed her neck, getting more stressed out.
"Yeah. I mean why did Diamond Tiara get to bring her butler but we can't bring in a guest?" Sweetie Belle asked looking up teary eyed at her teacher. Discord started to tap his claws against the wooden floor as the teacher tried to come up with excuse after excuse. He chuckled seeing her squirm like a worm on a hook brought a little bit more joy in his life.
'you can't bring a living thing as show and tell.'
the crusaders quickly pointed out the butler and the changeling colt with the large slug-like thing crawling across his head, much to the dismay of the fillies around him.
'You need to clear it with me first!'
once again the butler and the fact they did ask her last night was brought up. She winced knowing that she should have paid better attention to what they asked her when she was day dreaming yesterday.
"Oh! You can't use him as a presentation because...he's not something that affected Equestrian history!" Cheerilee said hoping she had found a loophole, but her hope quickly faded as she heard the Draconequus chuckle. Seems like her mouth blurted out something her brain knew to be false now that she thought about it.
"Really dear? Me not affect Equestrian history?" He said as he stood up towering over the teacher. His tail quickly wrapping around her and lifting her gently off the ground. She froze unsure on what to do about the sudden invasion of her personal space.
"Dear do you know who you're talking too? Celestia herself would tell you I have single handily changed the face of Equestria. Quite literally!" He said with a chuckle. A tiny gasp made him look over at a little white colt with brown spots.
"Does that mean you and Princess Celestia know each other? Do you know Luna?" He asked making Discord grin as he put Cheerilee back in her chair. He walked over to the front of the class his form still towering over the class.
"Know them? We're practically family! And as part of the family, there are certain things the public doesn't know." He said grinning, he chose to sit down on Cheerilee's desk making the teacher glare up at him. She decided to hold her tongue as she watched the three fillies make their way over to him.
"Yeah! Like he said he knows the princesses! so questions!?" Scootaloo asked grinning a little hoof in the back raised up, Discord shrugged as he picked on the random filly.
"Are you going to eat us?" She asked in a low whisper making him blinked, a grin slowly making its way across his face.
"Well, let's see. is it Tuesday?" He said summoning a calendar in his paw. He glanced at the filly who was starting to shake in her seat the rest of the class started whispering to each other. He cleared his throat getting the classes attention.
"Now kids before you start running let me do something I rarely do." Discord said with a grin making sure to show off all his sharp teeth.
"Yes. I have sharp teeth, yes I do eat meat--Sit back down." He said firmly as a few fillies and colts started to stand up.
"As I was saying. I do eat meat but nothing that can talk back. Mostly fish since chickens make me think of tiny more annoying Gryphons." Discord said giving a little gag making a feather flying out of his mouth. It would have scared the children if it didn't pull out a tiny trumpet and started floating away playing the song in its heart.
"And yes that means pony meat if off the table. I don't think I can stomach it with how much you all whine." Discord said gaging again getting the attention back on him. The fillies and colts looked at him confused before a colt raised his hoof.
"...So what does fish taste like." He asked looking a bit nervous, Discord only shrugged.
"It tastes like wet chicken." He said in an uncaring manner waving his hand with as much care.
"But what does chicken--
"Dry fish. Can we move on? My diet isn't that fascinating even though everything else is." Discord said striking a pose as if he was some sort of pop star. Cheerilee screamed as she fell backward again as her apple and pencil holder exploded with pyrotechnics. The children watched in awe at the display. the colts and fillies, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara being the expectation, no longer feared the large Draconequus. Instead, the colorful display and antics drew them in like moths to a big fabulous flame. Like a dam breaking the hooves shot up in the air. Discord was taken back by the sudden turn of events but took it in stride as he picked hooves.
'how many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop?!'
"364! sometimes 6720 if you want to save it for a rainy day!"
'Are aliens real?'
"We cannot discuss this yet. we will speak to you when we are ready."
'How do you get to the Chaos Dimension?'
'Can I ride you to my piano teacher's house?'
"500 bits an hour. 550 if it gets weird. 1000 if it doesn't get weird."
'What came first, the chicken or the egg?'
"Even I don't dare 'or know how to' answer that!"
'How do cat's always land on their feet?'
"Tiny para sprites from space on each pad."
Discord had taken a semi-comfortable seat on Cheerilees desk much to her annoyance. He grinned as he sipped on his cup of milk, leaving the milk and cup but drinking up the straw and chocolate. Question after question was asked. Every topic from recipes for cupcakes to how to become an overlord of chaos. He chuckled as the colt was scolded for what he assumed was the 6th-8th time judging from the look on Cheerilees face.
"Rumble! How many times do I need to tell you no asking anyone for unpredictable power?" She asked as she gave a sigh as stood up turning her attention to the classrooms new guest.
"And Discord, while it's nice to see them this engaged. Can we talk about something serious?" she asked making him snicker.
"I don't know. Can we--"
"Yes, we can. as a matter of fact, you haven't answered anything relevant to the actual assignment." she said crossing her hooves as she looked up at him. he only grinned as he chose to lay on the desk now.
"Well, can you blame me? I haven't been asked anything related to it~" He said chuckling a bit making her sigh. She scoffed at him as he wiggled his eyebrows at her, one of them tipping their tiny hat to her.
"Your right. Class from now on only questions about Equestrian history are going to be asked. Is that clear?" She asked and just like that she pulled the plug on the fun questionnaire making Discord and the rest of the class groan in disappointment. He leaned back and tapped his chin, his other hand playing with Cheerilees pencil holder. Then something tugged at his mind. He frowned at it as he tried to force it away. But the more he thought about it the more it screamed to be told. He stared at the ceiling wondering if he should talk about it, then out of the edge of his vision, he saw a small hoof being held up. Discord stopped playing with the pencil holder and pointed at the small colt.
"Yes, you. Pip was it?" He asked making the colt shake with excitement.
"How did you and Princess Luna meet?" Pip asked eagerly practically standing on his desk. Discord stared before looking up pondering the little colts question, nostalgia began to flood Discord's senses for a few moments, he would come back to the idea he had before but for now remembering that one day he met Luna would be enough to entertain them.

The sun held high in the sky by an unknown means shined its bright light shined across the land, the light warming said land. The wind gently blew through the land making the grass dance back, forth, right, left a few flowers joining its dance. The land was quiet except for the occasional chirp, roar, or other noise made by the local wildlife. Today was the kind of day that nothing would tarnish its peaceful beauty.
Almost nothing.
Lying on one of the strongest branches of one of the many trees that dotted the landscape lay a small yet long creature with mismatched limbs. He had a piece of hay in his mouth soaking in the sun's rays. His ear flicked in annoyance at a faint sound. He scratched at his ear for a moment before turning and laying on his belly, curling himself up as he got more comfortable on the branch. His ear flicked again in annoyance as the soft sound got louder. He turned coiling himself tighter around himself. The sound only got louder, it got so loud he swore he could hear it underneath him.
"Wait a minute." He thought as he uncoiled himself and peeked over the edge of the branch. He rolled his eyes in annoyance, it was a pony.
"Of course who else could be so whiny--Whoa!" He gasped as he saw the pony that was crying had both wings and a horn. He stared down at her and her dark blue coat. He took notice of the starry mane and the black smudge where her cutie mark was supposed to be. He wondered what she was, he had never seen a pony with both wings and a horn. But the more he thought about it the more he disliked her.
"She must be worse than the others if she looks like that." He said snarling a bit ready to go back to his nap, the faint crying continued. He groaned as he peeked over the edge again. She was still there crying under his tree, tears rolling down her little blue face. He started to get impatient, wanting to do nothing more than to finish his nap the young Draconequus got up and wrapped his tail around the branch and hang upside down glaring at her. He took a deep breath and whistled at her. she stopped crying and looked around trying to find the source of the whistle.
"Hey! I'm trying to sleep here!" The young Draconequus yelled at the filly. She looked up and screamed and almost immediately the Draconequus was hit with a wave of sound shaking him and the tree he was on to the core. Before he knew it the branch snapped sending him plummeting to the ground. He landed hard on his back. His vision blurry from pain, a small round face quickly invaded his vision.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean---we didn't mean it!" she said frantically. The Draconequus looked up at her and the tree, it slowly splitting down the middle.
"...You did that?" He asked grunting as he sat up, she helped him get up.
"I'm--we are really sorry! I---we didn't mean to hurt you! you just scared me---us!" She said making him tilt his head a bit. He looked up just in time to see the tree completely split in half. A moment of silence passed between them before the Draconequus jumped to his feet and grabbed the filly scaring her more.
"That! Was! Awesome!" He said shaking her lightly.
"You need to show me that! Oh, my names Discord by the way!" He said eagerly as he continued to shake her.
"Luna! my--our name is Luna! Please stop shaking me--us!" She said loudly as she tried to pry herself free.
"Luna! you have got to teach me that killer voice of yours!" He said quickly wrapping his arm around her, grinning from ear to ear. Luna gulped worried about the mismatched creatures' energetic behavior but she had to admit he was by far the most intriguing creature she had run into.

Discord picked at his nails, finishing up his story. The colts and fillies looked at him in awe. He couldn't help but grin, seeing them all look at him like he was and probably is the best thing to happen to their class simply did wonders for his ego. The fillies and colts started to talk among themselves no doubt whispering over the princess of the night and the lord of chaos's first encounter. Seeing that he had the kids' attention, he saw it fit to start standing up on the teacher's desk before walking in a circle before flopping back down. Cheerilees' eye started to twitch, a pencil she was holding snapped in two. she took a deep breath and stood up.
"While that was a fun story Mr. Discord. What does it have to do with Equestrian history?" Cheerilee asked looking up at him waiting for his answer. He looked down at her, taking notice of the teacher suddenly being a bit close to him.
"Well isn't it obvious?" He asked grinning as he moved closer to her, she rolled her eyes at his eyebrows once again trying to flirt with her.
"No. Why don't you grace us with your almighty knowledge." she said in a mock tone with a bow to match. Discord couldn't help but chuckle at her behavior, she was like Fluttershy Light.
"Oh flattery will get you everywhere beautiful." he said grinning pressing his head closer to her, finally having enough she scoffed and shoved him off her desk making him fall to the ground in a pile of mismatched limbs and fur.
"OK OK enough. Let's cut to the chase then." She said as she started to try and fix her desk. She quickly noticed a few things missing wondering if they fell on the ground.
"Has anyone seen my pencil holder?" she asked, the class just shrugged as Discord got back up groaning. his back popping loudly.
"Is that any way to treat your elderly?" Discord asked turning to face Cheerilee, she sighed knowing a mischievous grin when she saw one.
"OK before you try anything, you should know that so far Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo will be getting an incomplete on this assignment." She said as she sat back down. She placed her hooves in front of her with a calm smile, Discord shivered he swore she resembled a mob boss sitting at her desk like that.
"Wait what!?" Scootaloo yelled suddenly standing up from her desk. The rest of the crusaders following suit.
"Hey yeah, what gives Miss Cheerilee!?" Applebloom asked in shocked, Sweetie Belle only whimpered.
"Is it because we didn't do a good job?" Sweetie Belle asked in near tears, the teacher sighed as she shook her head.
"No. while it is partially your fault, it's mostly his." she said pointing at him making him huff as he crossed his arms clearly offended.
"The assignment is about Equestrian history but I have yet to see anything related to it. I mean that shouldn't be hard for you. I mean your Discord you should have at least something to tell the class." She said clearly annoyed, she tapped her chin a bit an idea coming to her.
"OH! what about the time you ruled Equestria?" Cheerilee asked the kids gasped at her suggestion. The whispers began to flow through the room. Discord felt the room grow hotter, his hearts started to beat faster. his palms were getting sweaty, his ear flicked waiting to see if he could hear the angry mob. His body freezing up. His dream, his very vivid dream came back to the forefront of his mind. Everything came back.
The bodies
The angry cries
The girls chasing him.
He clutched his hands, his jaw tightening his breathing more labored.
"Ummm Discord?" Cheerilee asked tilting her head. A bit confused by his body language. He snapped out of his daze, the bell rang cutting off anything he was about to say.
"OH! Look at the time. well, girls...Ummm can you stay for after recess?" Cheerilee asked looking at Discord, he shook his head before nodding. He quickly noticed a sharp pain in his hand, he looked down and saw his claws digging into his palm.
"Yeah I don't have anything else to do today." He said waving his hand in an uncaring manner. He was thankful that he wasn't bleeding.
"Ah, Excellent! Well, children Recess!" She said waving them out the door.
"But what about our grade---
"Out, Out. We will continue this after recess." Cheerilee said smiling down at Scootaloo, the filly only shrugged as she and the rest of the crusaders ran out to join the rest of the class. Discord watched the rowdy children exit the room each commenting about one thing or another, his ear flicked as he heard his name once or twice. He rubbed his arm a bit not wanting to talk to any of the kids anymore. Soon the only ones left in the room were the Draconequus and the teacher, an awkward silence formed between them.
"...So... I'm guessing I touched a sore subject?" Cheerilee asked breaking the awkward silence. Discord looked up at her and sighed rubbing his neck.
"Look....I've done some...pretty bad things in my life and I'd rather not bring it up." He said looking down at the floor his ears pinned to his head, Cheerilee smiled as she patted him on the back.
"I know. it was my fault for shoving my hoof in my mouth. Berry always says I'm terrible at reading ponies--err people." She said laughing nervously as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Listen personally I'd love to hear another story; to pass those 3 fillies." She said as she looked to the window noting the kids gathering around them. one of them making it blatantly obvious they were talking about Discord as said colt pointed directly at the mismatched guest.
"So you wouldn't happen to have a story you would share that would fall under the parameter?" she asked a bit hopeful. Discord stared at her as he tapped his chin. He started to think back, his early childhood before meeting the two princesses was...depressing. his teen years where...awkward to say the least. He knew Cheerilee would pull the plug the second he mentioned suddenly noticing mares. He shook his head getting rid of the blush that had formed. He bit his lip trying to figure out something.
"If it's too much trouble then...oh how about talking about how you met Celestia?" she asked hopefully.
"I walked into the castle and she started bitching about bringing in strays. so I in all my wisdom slapped her no doubt inventing the backhand slap. The end." he said angrily leaving Cheerilee stunned.
"...OK! Not that then...anything else come to mind?" she asked hopefully. Discord stayed pensive for a moment, tapping his chin and crossing his legs. He had already mentioned a moment with Luna, and while he didn't mind talking about more moments with her, he didn't want to bore the kids, or risk having them ask about Celestia instead. He wasn't ready for that.
"Hm....what else can I remember that would be interesting to the brats and be appropriate." he thought to himself as the gears in his brain started a turn, struggling to remember any particular time in his past that fell into the teacher's request.
At first, he could only remember just having fun times with her, skipping magic lessons just to go for a walk. A flight in the middle of the night were their little tricks would hardly disturb anyone...much to Discord's annoyance.
He shook his head for a moment.
"...hm... something about Equestrian history..." He whispered to himself, still catching Cheerilee's attention, clearly hopeful for him to remember something. Something started to tug at his mind, he thought about pushing it away like last time but thought better about it. He let it in and then it hit him like a rainbow beam from space.
"...Cheerilee, you said it could be any moment as long as it affected Equestria in some way, right?" he asked, a slight grin forming on his face. The teacher shifted a bit as she cleared her throat.
"Umm yes...what are you planning?" She asked worried making the former mad tyrant chuckle as he looked at the kids playing around, taking notice of Scootaloo chasing a purple filly around with a slug creature. Applebloom cheering her on, and Sweetie Belle talking to the changeling nymph. He grinned at the antics making another mental note to invite them over to tea time sometimes.

"Ah told you so! You owe me 3 bits!" Applebloom said grinning making Scootaloo roll her eyes, her wings flaring a bit.
"Oh come on! How was supposed to know changelings could change colors like that!" She said with a huff as a changeling nymph with the slug still crawling across its face walked in sporting a white hoof and leg on his right leg and an orange hoof and leg on his right leg.
"Ha! Pay up!" Applebloom said grinning making Scootaloo groan as she walked to her desk, noting that Discord and Cheerilee were talking about something.
"Yeah, 8. I'll tell you later how I got that first mare." Discord said turning to the class, waiting politely for them to be seated as Cheerilee rolled her eyes.
"Yeah don't need any details." She said before turning to the class and smiling as they took their seats.
"Ah welcome back class. Did you have a fun recess?" she asked smiling ignoring the scared looking Diamond Tiara and the different colored limb changeling nymph.
"Yes, Miss Cheerilee." They said in union, it sent a shiver down Discords spine as he recalled a horror movie involving kids with glowing eyes. He shook his head, he looked at the class grinning. he scanned them looking to see if he saw someone interesting, his grin faded when he saw a shy light tan filly in the back of the class. Her head was down, she was doodling something. what stood out the most about this filly was the contraption on her head something she tried to hide under her frizzy orange mane. She stopped doodling and looked up at him she hid further into her mane when she saw him staring at her. It almost accomplishing its mission.
"You. Filly. what's your name?" He asked curious about the filly. hearing him call her out made her cringe letting her know her camouflage was useless. she looked up at him her eyes scared.
"Freckles? and I thought AJ ruined them for me." He thought as he watched her gather up the courage to talk to him.
"my name is...Summer Spot." She said quietly still trying to hide in her mane. Discord stared at the filly, thankful again for his sharp ears. The filly could give Fluttershy a run for her bits.
"Well! Spotty do you have any requests for me? After all, my time is limited." Discord asked smiling at her, he quickly noticed her flinch at the name. He cursed himself, of course, the one with the horn brace would be a target of bullies. He gave a quick glance at the two fillies that were snickering, a low growl quickly silenced them. On the account that they were in the front row. He didn't need to turn around to know Cheerilee was glaring daggers at him, he could feel them digging into his back. He started clicking his tongue hoping to find something to do other than throw a flashbang spell and run. That's when he gave himself a mental facepalm, it was staring him right in the face.
"Ah, what? don't like the name spotty? Guessing little brats make fun of it huh? Sort of like being called worm horse or Cordy." he said waving his hand in an uncaring manner.
"Wait. Someone made fun of you?" Summer Spot said her head shooting up, he grinned.
"Hello? Have you seen me? Imagine me as a kid. I was picked on HARD." he said giving the two bullies another glare making them gulp.
"But...but your Discord! Can't you just zap them to the moon or something?" Rumble said making Discord chuckle, he knew where this was going to go.
"Oooh I would have if I knew magic back then." he said shrugging a bit while inwardly he was laughing victoriously. the looks they all gave him, hook line and sinker.
"But I don't think anyone wants to hear about that right? I have a much more interesting story about how I learned----"
"No! please go back to not having magic!" Summer Spot said standing on her chair eagerly. Discord grinned, he knew why she wanted to hear so badly about his magical impotence as a child. The horn brace was a dead giveaway.
"Well, my dear Summer Spot. I do happen to have a story you would like. In fact, I think the whole class will like it." Discord said grinning as he sat on the floor still towering over the class. He snapped his fingers making a cushion appear under him, he snapped his fingers again making a pipe appear in his hands. Cheerilee immediately stood up but was quickly pushed back down by a disembodied hand. Said hand held her in place.
"Oh relax, it's not real I haven't done that since my college days." Discord said with a smirk, he put the pipe to his mouth and inhaled. He pulled back and blew pink smoke out of his mouth. Cheerilee stared at it wondering what kind it was. Discord chuckled as tendrils of smoke snaked out of his nostrils like tiny hands.
"It's just magic smoke, it's to provide a visual aid." Discord said taking another breath of smoke and blowing out another puff. The smoke started to spin and mix in with the other smoke. soon it started to move as if it were a living creature. the smoke quickly twisted and turned in midair turning into different shapes and sizes. The smoke spun around creating a scene for the students and teachers present promising to be a very interesting story.

Author's Note:

Comments ( 6 )

the filly. hearing him call


I'm happy this story updated. I loved how cheerlie was having a fit when discord came. I hope I can read the next chapter soon.

Google it filthy human scum.

and yes thats another hint right there~

Hopefully, you'll update this story again some day. Just some ideas for if you do.

If you want some way to explain Discord's reign without making him look like a tyrant, you could instead explain it as Discord ruling through inaction. Maybe have ponies coming to him during his reign complaining of natural disaster and whatnot, and have them ask Discord to fix it, but have him refuse time and again because doing so would upset the natural balance. Discord holding back the winter cold for one season could bring it back twice as hard the next winter, while having him bring the rains could curse the land with drought following the rain. This could, of course, go on and on throughout the centuries until the ponies view him as a tyrant and Celestia and Luna forcibly remove him from power despite all the hardships not being his fault.

If you want a way to explain the upset to the natual balance caused by Discord trying to enforce control over nature, then you could have so that in Discord's youth, when he first discovered his powers, have him try to lead the world into a golden age by blessing the land and everyone in it with bountiful crops, fair weather, no sicknesses, and all other manners of good fortune. You could even use this moment to have Discord literally place the sun and moon in the sky in order to light the world. All of this could go well for several years until nature tries to balance itself out and the resulting disaster as all manners of droughts, plaques, and death are unleashed on the world could all but drive life extinct faster than Discord could save it. After this, Discord could then swear to never again try to enforce his will on the world in such a way as he did in order to ensure nothing like what had happened ever happened again.

Another idea that could be great when having Discord explain Equestria history is having him take it literally and haveing him show the class how he litterally built every mountain, river, and tree in Equestria at the bequest of ancient ponies looking for a home free from oppression and danger caused by other species, such as Windigos and Gryphons. You could start the idea off by having Discord ask the class if any of hem had ever been outside Equestria and having Cherilee say she had. Discord could then ask Cherilee how forign lands compared to Equestria with her answering that the zebra lands were very hot and arid with little vegetation. Discord could then further elaberate on what Cheriless said by saying that all lands outside of Equestria are harsh and difficult to live in, such as gryphon lands being cold with little to no fertile land and minotaur lands being a swampy, humid land filled with acidic bogs and deadly diseases. Discord could then ask the class how it was that ponies got, and managed to keep, what ammounted to a figurative paradise when ponies are, for all intents and purposes, harmless. A student would, of course, then answer that the princesses protect them which Discord would counter with how the ponies survived before the princesses came into power. The class would, of course, be stumped and Discord could then show them his memory of the day ponies came to him and begged for him to protect them from those that would hurt them. You could take this a step further by having Discord activly confront and defend the ponies who had come to him from an invading force of Windogoes or Gryphons. Afterwards, Discord could build Equestria into the paradise it is in canon and the ancient ponies could elect to make Discord their ruler, much to his relucense as he doesn't want the responsibility. He could eventually agree, but only to deter outside forces from invading, thus opening the story to Discord's rule through inaction. Discord could then enforce this further by showing the class a memory from several decades in the past where Gryphons almost invade Equestria, but abstain due to DIscord's prescense and their fear of accidently freeing him.

As a small idea, you could, later in the story, have archeologists discover ancient ruins with archaic writings that predate even the princesses by several millenia, leaving them stumped as to what it all is. That is, until Discord comes along and informs them that it was once a temple built in his honor, back when he showered the land in good fortune, but that it had fallen into disrepair after the disaster that almost drove almost all life extinct. The archeologists could of course refute this, saying that the temple has to be tens of thousands of years old and predates all recorded history. The archeologists could then further explain how it was 'impossible' for it to be a temple to Discord as it predated his reign and went back to before the "Great Disaster"(what ponies refer to the time during and after all life was nearly purged from the world). Discord could, of course, prove them all wrong by showing them the past. Discord could even make a funny quip about how ponies seem to care so much about their history, but no one had seen fit to ask him, despite the fact that he had lived through it all and probably caused half of it. This could be the point in which you reveal some of Discord's tragic past to the more general public and even place his age at several tens of thousands of years old, such as 70,000 years.

Next, you could potentially have Discord be his own worst enemy and have him be the one that turns Celestia and Luna into alicorns. For instance, during his rule, a lone earth pony mother could come to Discord and beg him to save her daughters(who are Celestia and Luna) who were born without magic of any kind which was causing their bodies to slowly die. Taking pity, Discord could gather the magic and gifts of the three different pony tribes and give them to Celestia and Luna, turning them into alicorns. This idea could even be extended to the elements of harmony. What I mean is, you could perhaps have Discord protect pony kind(and the world at large) from some horrible enemy, such as invading creatures of chaos from the chaos realm. Fighting them at first, Discord could realize that his chaos magic doesn't work against them for obvious reasons, so, in a desperte ploy, Discord could attempt to 'pull' the chaos from his magic and condense it into a solid form outside his body to prevent it from becoming corrupted by the chaos within him. This could be the birth of the elements of harmony and show Discord as the first, and true, wielder of harmony.
My final idea is how you could have Discord be something akin to a teacher/big brother/friend to Celestia and Luna and have him be the one to teach them how to raise the sun and moon when they see him raise them one night.

Essentially, all of these ideas all cumilate to portraying Discord as something of a tragic hero who got shafted by the ponies due to misunderstanding.

This is one of my favorite fics! Will it ever be updated, or is it canceled? Even if it is canceled, I'm happy I got to read this much of it!

Oh man this was good while it lasted. Stories don't often get updated after 2 years but I do hope to see another chapter.

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