• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 2,530 Views, 57 Comments

Fears of a Chaos Lord - Iamsorry

Discord has been having trouble sleeping due to horrible dreams and he's afraid to tell anyone about them.

  • ...

Chapter 8: A crusading we will go

Birds chirped happily as they pecked away at the seeds in their feeders. A large bear was growling at a small bunny who was glaring up at the bear showing no fear. The animals on the sidelines were passing around nuts and seeds and squeaking at each other as if taking bets.
“Angel Bunny!” a voice yelled out being quite angry, the large bear quickly whimpered as he sat down the little bunny grinning for a moment before fainting in front of the bear, a look of pain on his face. Fluttershy trotted up to them giving a glance at the bear who was twiddling his thumbs and then looked down at the fallen bunny.
“What did I tell you about picking fights? That’s very bad bunny!” Fluttershy said not buying Angels act, he jumped back up and crossed his arms angrily. She stood there tapping her hoof waiting for an answer. The bear quickly started growling and grunting pointing at the bunny, the bunny only started waving his arms around wildly as he squeaked.
“I don’t care if you wanted to play in the field, you know its Harry’s nap time and its very rude.” She said waving her hoof at him. He only scoffed as he crossed his arms, Fluttershy sighed as she turned to Harry.

“I’m so sorry Harry, go take your nap now I promise he won’t bother you anymore.” She said giving a quick glare at the bunny who only huffed and hopped away making her sigh. The bear only smiled pulling her into a tight hug making her squeak. She smiled and patted her head, she knew she was lying but Harry is such a nice bear she couldn’t help but try to cheer him up. After the hug the two parted, Fluttershy sighed. Today had been a hectic day, Discord having terrible nightmares, Applejack and her worrying about apple family dog. Her embarrassing herself in front of big mac, she couldn’t help but feel her face go warm. She shook her head after a long day of visiting her friends and sharing her worries, Fluttershy was now back in her home, ready to relax for the rest of the day. She smiled as she trotted over to her follower garden. She lost track of how many times she thanked Discord for installing a hose into the ground nearby, she had no idea where it came from but according to Discord “Atlantis won’t miss a few drops of water.” She did feel a bit guilty and wanted to thank the people who lived there but apparently they didn’t get mail. She shrugged as she grabbed the hose and yanked on it turning it on as she started spraying the hose on her lovely flowers. She smiled as she made it rain over her little garden.
“I wonder what Discord is doing. I hope he’s ok.” Fluttershy said looking up at the sky expecting to see the silhouette of her chaotic friend, she just hopped he was off having fun.

Angry mobs. Arrows and spears. Legions of soldiers and fighters. Even a so called Chosen one had dared to stand up and defy him. In retrospect being beaten by two colorful pony princesses was much more humiliating than he cared to…well care for at all. At least he got his dignity back when everyone else on the planet decided not to mess with someone who could play volleyball with the sun, other than himself of course. But never in his whole existence has he ever been in the situation he is now, a rather annoying and itchy situation.
“Are you sure you should be scratching at those?” Applebloom asked as she watched the miss matched spirit angrily scratch his head with his lizard leg like an overgrown dog. He glared at her as he stood up.
“Hey my body my rules!” Discord said as he scratched at the bandages and gauze on his head and neck. He tore the gauze off his chest after being nearly cocooned in it by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. He tapped his foot pulling at the gauze around his neck, the needles didn’t go that far!
“Hey what did I say about picking at those Mr.!?” Sweetie Belle said walking back into the club house with Scootaloo who was pulling in a wagon. Discord grumbled as he crossed his arms.
“Yes Mooom I know.” Discord said angrily, he hated that his chaos magic only made the damn pricks itchier. He raked his claw across his neck scratching a particularly itchy spot.

“So what’s with the wagon?” he asked tugging on the gauze more which earned him a light whack from Sweetie Belle.
“Oh this is the Crusading mobile” Scootaloo said proudly, Discord looked at it and raised an eyebrow. It was bright red with a few scraps and bumps on it with poorly written C.M.C on it. He held his tongue as he returned walking around the club house, he kicked himself for not thinking of it sooner. While he couldn’t make the club house taller without getting an infestation of Rainbow Dash. He could however steal borrow an idea from someone he knew and made it bigger on the inside. At least now he could walk around without filing down his horns or having CMC grade medical attention. Once was enough for him, he cursed his body not being able to heal right. He guessed he needed more rest than he thought. He shrugged, that would be best for later. After all, right now he had chaos to create.
“So what’s next?” Discord asked grinning as he looked at the map still on the wall, he gave a grunt as he went into another scratching fit.
----------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yic7IRO9d6I--------------------------

Discord held his head, dizzy for some odd reason. He shrugged it off as he turned his attention to the fillies and the steep cliff they were on.
“So dare I ask how you got a giant piece of surgical rubber?” Discord asked peaking over the edge of the cliff, his fur stood on end as he looked at the bottomless pit below the winds whirling loudly as he gazed down it. He gave a snort and looked back at the fillies who were taking said piece of rubber and wrapping it around two stakes in the ground.
“Oh Doctor Horseshoes gave us it when we volunteered as nurses!” Applebloom said happily as she finished tying off the piece of rubber that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were holding by themselves.
“Yeah! We got a few tongue sticks and nurse hats too!” she said happily as she wiped some sweat on her head.
“Yeah but he said we couldn’t be nurses for like another 30 years or something. Something about it being illegal to hire fillies.” Scootaloo said stretching as she sighed a bit looking a bit tired after tying down her end, but quickly perked up as she raced to the edge of the cliff looking down.
“Yeah though ah didn’t think that thing that shocks yer chest could set casts on fire.” Applebloom said making Discord perk up. He had a sneaking suspicion on why they weren’t allowed back for at least another 30 years.
“You mean defibrillator?” Sweetie Belle asked tilting her head a bit, Discord couldn’t help but snicker at the idea of a poor soul being stuck with them as nurses.

“Enough chit chat! Time to earn out cutie marks for Extreme Gliding!” Scootaloo said happily as her wings flared outward as if making a point. This only made Discord want to pet her, he was starting to question who was the cutest of them. He shook his head being angry that, that thought made its way into his mind.
“Discord! Wana help? I need someone to tie the glider to me!” Scootaloo said giving her wings a buzz, Discord tilted his head a bit before looking at the glider. He cringed at it, it looked like it was made out of wet cardboard, which was odd since it was made out of wood. The legs were crooked; the handle was definitely made out of cardboard. The wings looked like they were melting, he cringed when one suddenly snapped off no doubt killing a few ants. He could practically hear the tiny screams of terror before being silenced forever.
“yeeeeeah---let me help you with that.” He said snapping his fingers making the glider burst into flames quickly turning it into a pile of ashes making the crusaders cry out obviously angry over having their art project ruined. But the anger quickly turned into shock and awe. The ashes started to spin around as if inside a vortex, they gasped as the ashes started molding itself into the familiar shape of the glider. But that was the end of the similarities. It was recolored from the dull brown to a bright red. The wheels were large and shiny, the handle bar was made out of a shiny metal that shined in the light. But the most notable feature of the new glider was the wrings, they were not the flappy dull colored wings as before. They were long and thick, the red and orange colors made it look like it they are ablaze. It was as if Discord tore the wings off the biggest phoenix he could find and bolted them onto the glider. Discord stood there admiring his work for a moment before walking over to it, poking and moving it testing it.

“Hmmmm—Yes! I approve this!” Discord said grinning as he pulled out a stamper and quickly stamped a “Approved by Discord” seal on it. He turned to look at the fillies expecting praise and love, they looked at it in shocked silence. His smile faded as he looked down at them, putting away the stamper.
“Umm did I---AH!” Discord yelled shielding his face as the three fillies threw themselves at him, though not with enough force to knock him down like last time.
“Thankyou!Thankyou!Thankyou!” they squealed in union as they left him just as quickly as they came. Discord rubbed his neck as he watched the three fillies playing around the new glider. Discord sighed as he looked at them swarm it like changelings swarming a giant melon, those little love suckers really love their melons. Before he could think about changelings liking large melons he felt a tug on his paw making him look down.
“Mr. Discord? Can you help us please?” Sweetie Belle asked looking up at him, at this rate his heart is going to burst out of his chest and yell at her to stop making it stop.
“with what?” he asked as he let her lead him to the glider, he quickly realized what they needed help with when he saw the other two filly’s trying to push the glider away. Discord grinned as he slithered over to it and grabbed one of the wings.

“Ladies, relax let good ol Discord help you out.” He said grinning as he lifted up the glider with ease and held it up like it weighed nothing. The fillies cheered as they climbed up on his tail making him grunt with slight annoyance.
“And I thought having fleas was bad.” He thought as he made his way to the filly made sling shot, trying his hardest not to shake off the fillies who were now crawling on his back. He quickly reached the spot and placed the glider on the ground.
“Ok everyone off! The Discord express has come to the end of the line!” he said as he blew out some smoke from his mouth as a high pitched whistle accompanied the smoke.
“No seriously get off you little parasites.” He said shaking them off making them giggle as they start attaching the glider to the launching launcher as they called it. Discord found that name to be a bit…redundant but he kept his maw shut for fear of retaliation. He hummed as he started pacing around the glider and fillies, inspecting every detail of it once more. He felt his tail suddenly drop making him look over his shoulder.
“Oh that would have been embarrassing.” He said stepping away from the edge. Once more the tiny Celestia voice was screaming at him from her little cage to not let them do this. He waved it off.
“Kids will be kids” he said grinning remember his youth and how he tried the same thing before…and all the broken bones he got. His smile faded at the thought as he stepped closer to the glider stepping on the rubber band in the process.

“Ummm on second thought can we I don’t know. Move it closer to the ground?” he asked putting his hand on the glider. Scootaloo looked at him confused as she strapped herself in, apparently drawing the winning straw. Discord cringed knowing that straw could very well be the short straw.
“What! No way!” Scootaloo said grinning as she checked the straps on her chest, she grinned giving the horn next to the steering wheel a honk. Discord lifted his finger to say something when his lizard leg caught on something. He looked down seeing the sling caught on his foot, he sighed untangling it not noticing Scootaloo paying special attention to a particular handle.
“Oh what does this do?” Scootaloo asked making several warning bells go off in Discords head, the events that usually follow those words are never good ones next to ‘hold my hard cider and watch this.’ ah the youth of today. Discord looked up and saw her tugging at a handle, the moment she did the glider lurched forward at speeds that Rainbow dash would be gawk at. He tried to get out of the way in time but his foot got caught on the rubber band again and before he knew it, the gliders wing connected with the side of his head. Everything went white as a burning pain quickly grew. He groaned putting his paw on his head winching as pain shot though his body, that and a wet spot.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” Discord said knowing what the wet spot combined the burning pain meant. He was starting to regret not bringing the first aid kid like Sweetie Belle wanted to. Speaking of a talking marshmallow.
“Mr. Discord! Are you ok!?” she said right into his ear making the ringing in his skull go louder. He glared up at her as she started shaking him.

“Will you shut up!?” he yelled at her making her back off as he sat up, he winched in pain as he put his paw on his head feeling the wet spot grow a bit. He looked at his paw and saw the red liquid on his paw.
“I’m…sorry—I didn’t mean too.” Sweetie Belle said sniffing a bit as small tears started to form at the sides of her eyes. Discord winched opening his eyes to look up at her, he gave an irritated groan as he stood up. He cursed what or whoever cursed him, he had been getting hurt far too easily these past few days. He looked down and saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looking up at him worried, one of them, not surprising, was on the verge of tears. He gave a bah waving her off as he stood there feeling a bit woozy from what might as well had been Applejack giving him a good ol bucking. And not the good kind. He chuckled a bit glade for once Fluttershy wasn’t here, she had a disturbing knack when it came to how pinkie would put it, his pervy mind. He couldn’t help it when his mind wondered, even he had needs!
“Mr. Discord. Your still bleeding.” Applebloom said snapping him out of his thoughts, he winched again when he touched his head again.
“…that’s odd.” He said putting more pressure on his head, slowly but surely the bleeding stopped much to the fillies’ relief. Discords mind started to wonder again about this being the second time today he’s not only been careless but actually gotten hurt, he was quickly taken out of it as the two fillies suddenly grabbed his arms and yanked hard.
“Duck!” they yelled making him look down.

“I maybe many things! But I am not a duck!” Discord said with a grin feeling something scrap across the very tip of his blue horn. He looked up and saw Scootaloo gliding by just a few inches away from where his head would have been.
“Hey you crazy kid! Watch where you’re going!” Discord yelled shaking his fist at the youngling. He thanked whatever force was at work there today, if Tia or anyone really saw that it would be the end of his reputation of him being a totally hip dude.
“Something doesn’t feel right about that.” Discord said questioning his own thought for a moment before Scootaloo swooped past them again giving him just enough time to jump out of the way along with the two fillies.
“Sheese I’m glad I didn’t put the anti-predator modifications to it like I did to Tank that one time. Seriously you’d think Dashy would be ok with that!” Discord said as he watched on, ignoring the strange looks from Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.
“Maybe it had to do with the fact it registered anything bigger than a turtle as a predator?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously making him snort.

“Details, Details.” He said waving his hand in a dismissive matter. The trio sat in relative silence as they watched Scootaloo glide through the air like a majestic swan. Discord wanted to say rhino but sweetie Belle was very adamant about rhinos not being able to fly. Discord had to use all of his tiny—good—decent amount of will power to not snap a rhino with wings into existence, last thing he needed was Twilight yelling at him for messing up physics again. He already got over one headache, he didn’t need another one. The trio watched the glider glide though the sky while the small orange dot in it yelled many ‘weees’ and ‘ha’s’ as she flew. Discord watched with smiled amusement while the other 2 watched in awe arguing who would get ‘dibs’ next. As the moments passed Discord noticed a dull pain in his head, he rubbed it. he was sure the bleeding stopped, which it did, but that still didn’t explain the dull pain. He started feeling up more upward until he felt his blue horn be a bit wobbly. He stopped and wiggled it a bit more, it was wobbling like a lose tooth.
“Oh come on!” Discord said angrily as he yanked his horn out making the two fillies yelp as they saw this. he ignored their rampant questions as he poured glue onto his horn with a generous amount. He put it back on his head but I felt off.
“Wha—oh silly me.” He said spinning the horn so it was facing the right way. He smiled he shook his head no longer feeling the horn wobble, the dull pain slowly going away. He grinned as he flicked it horn making sure it still worked good.

“Heads up!” Scootaloo yelled crashing into a cloud making it explode with a ‘poof’. Discord sighed as he bowed his head, giving a silent moment for the families of the cloud number 3982. Well he would have if a tiny part of his brain was telling him to pay attention to the small filly. After a few seconds of nagging he finally looked up deciding to send some flowers or maybe hot air to the families.
“Is it supposed to be wobbly like that?” Sweetie Belle asked looking up, Discord looked up his eyes bugging out like a telescope. Sure enough the glider was going side to side at an awkward angle. He zoomed in on a wing and saw that it had a rather nasty dent in it, the tear didn’t help ether.
"Is she going to be ok?" Applebloom asked slightly worried, Discord chuckled as he started to pet her head making her frown.
"Oh I’m sure she will be fine! nothing to worry about." Discord said as Applebloom swatted his paw away making him grin.

"Mayday! Mayday! Filly going down! Filly going down!" Scootaloo yelled at the bystanders as she zoomed past them only to crash into a nearby cloud, this one being much thicker than the other ones she had slaughtered. seconds later she tumbled out of it, the glider itself sticking to the cloud. Discord watched with a slight worry, he shook it off though as he quickly remembered the filly being a Pegasus. though he wondered why she was taking her sweet time to fly back up. he pondered this for a few more seconds before he felt frantic tapping on his legs, he looked down to see the other two fillies pointing and screaming for him to go after her. he rolled his eyes at them.
"Oh please she’s a Pegasus she can get back up here by herself. I’m tired of being everyponies taxi." he said putting his hands on his hips. the other two looked at each other horrified.
"Shecantfly!shecantfly!shecantfly!" they yelled at him making her laugh.
"Ha! if she can’t fly---then why is she always on the ground and never seems to be able to get above hip level when she does try...." Discord said his smile quickly fading as many things started to click inside his head about the small Pegasus filly.

"Why are ya still here!" Applebloom screamed pointing at the orange dot getting smaller and smaller.
"Why didn’t you tell me she couldn’t fly!? if I summoned up chocolate milk would you have told me that she had a severe allergic reaction to dairy!?" Discord yelled down at her.
"Why are we arguing about this!? She’s still falling!" Sweetie Belle yelled making her vice crack up a bit making the other two stop bickering and turned to look at the tiny dot that was Scootaloo.
"Oh for chaos sake!" Discord yelled as he flew up into the sky and started to spin, he spun around and around quicker and quicker will he looked like a small brown twister.
"What are ya doing! she’s--" Applebloom didn’t get to finish her statement before Discord suddenly shot downward. the brown tornado now looking more like a speeding drill as it shot itself in Scootaloo direction. Scootaloo screamed as she flapped her wrings as hard as she could the ground getting closer and closer. she started calling out for help, hoping her idol would hear her in time to save her. suddenly something caught her eye making her look up at the speeding brown drill coming at her. before she could react a paw shot out and grabbed her pulling her into the drill like object just as they hit the ground with a thunderous impact sending smoke and dirt everywhere. it was dead silent even as the smoke cleared. in the new crater slightly sunken Discord who was holding on tightly onto an orange filly.
".... Oooooooooowe" he said groaning in pain, cursing himself for not thinking to just zap her up there with them instead, good ideas were rarely made under stress. the small filly groaned as she sat up shaking her head, she stared at the scene around her.

“---That was awesome!” Scootaloo said happily as she gave a whoop before falling back on top of Discord making him grunt in pain.
“Hey wait a sec why is the ground like that?” she asked as she looked around where they had landed, it was a perfect indentation of Discords outline. She may not like school but she knew that the ground wouldn’t look like that after crashing into it, that and the multiply first hoof experiences she had. She stood up wanting to get a better look at it, only then did she notice the groaning under her. she hopped off and looked down at Discord. He laid there perfectly still in the small crater he made, the ground around him looked a bit off and even smelled like taffy. Scootaloo looked down and stepped a bit harder, the ground gave way slightly.
“hey wait a minute!” she said leaning down and deciding to throw cation to the wind she bit into the ground before quickly spitting it out.

“Yuck! Coconut!” she said spitting trying to get the foul flavor out of her mouth.
“Yea—h…Taffy—isn’t as soft wh—en you crash—into it.” he said still groaning in pain, he sat up quickly only to fall back down with a grunt.
"Yeah---that’s enough crusading for today...excuse me while I rearrange my kidneys" Discord said grunting as he poked the side of his body feeling something pop back into place. The two laid there for a few moments before Scootaloo spoke up.
“So are you going to get my friends or do I need to get rainbow dash to help?” Scootaloo asked making Discord groan at the comment and was about to comment on how useless it is to have a Pegasus that can’t fly, but he knew Fluttershy would put him in the dog house outside if he made the filly cry. He looked up and saw one filly waving her hooves franticly, while the other one with the bright red bow was likely threatening him with the way she was waving her hoof at him. he sighed as he stood up feeling his back pop.
“I’m getting too old for this.” he said snorting as he put on a firefighter’s helmet.

“Oh thank you Fluttershy. I can’t thank you enough for the tea.” A mare said taking another sip of her tea as Fluttershy sat across from her.
“It’s no problem Cheerilee, I don’t mind having company over.” Fluttershy said with a kind smile making the teacher smile back at her.
“So excited about this weekend?” Cheerilee asked as she finished her cup of tea, this made Fluttershy smile widely at her question.
“Oh yes! I can’t wait! Oh sorry.” She said blushing as she got bit excited making Cheerilee giggle as she shook her head.
“Relax dear, it’s no big deal its ok to get excited.” Cheerilee said giggling as she stood up carrying the cup and plate in her mouth.
“Oh you don’t need to do that Cheerilee.” Fluttershy said following her friend into the kitchen who was already filling up the sink.
“Oh my parents always made me clean up after myself. It’s a habit.” She said taking Fluttershy and letting them rinse.
“So what exhibit are you going to go see? Personally I’m interested in the spider-lily” Cheerilee said with a grin making a poor scary face.
“I hear it shoots out webs and pulls in whoever it hits.” She said waving her hooves around making Fluttershy roll her eyes.

“OH you mean the one that looks like it has 8 legs and leaks web like gunk?” Fluttershy said faking a scared look making Cheerilees attempts to scare her friend die down.
“Jeeze, your no fun anymore.” She said playfully before grinning as an idea popped into her head. Fluttershy has hung around Cheerilee enough to know that look. It’s the same look Rarity gets when gossip is about.
“Sooo speaking of the expo. Who did you invite?” she asked grinning making Fluttershy sigh as she rubbed her head.
“You know already don’t you?” Fluttershy asked slightly annoyed.
“Rainbow dash does like to talk a lot especially if it’s about Discord.” Cheerilee said with a giggle as the two started to make their way back into the living room.
“if you ask me, I think she secretly likes him since she can’t go a day without talking about him.” Fluttershy said in a sarcastic tone, something that Cheerilee still had to get used to. Cheerilee only grinned wider.
“Too bad he’s already taken huh?” she said making Fluttershy stare at her as if she just grew another head.
“What are you talking---

“So have you and Discord kissed yet? Or do I need to lock you two up in a closet?” Cheerilee said grinning, Fluttershy stood there with a horrified expression as her face slowly turned red.
“Wha—what!” Fluttershy said blushing hard, she looked to Angel bunny who rolled his eyes at her before hopping away. She envied his ability to just hop away like nothing. Cheerilee burst into laughter after a few moments of silence. Fluttershy looked at her shocked for a moment before she gave her an angry pout.
“Oh you are terrible!” she yelled as she tossed a pillow at Cheerilee who only laughed harder.
“Ok! Ok! I’m sorry!” Cheerilee said giggling loudly as Fluttershy couldn’t help but start whacking her with said pillow. The two continued to giggle before they sat back and relaxed. After a few more minutes of weak giggles Cheerilee turned to Fluttershy.
“So seriously shy, why did you invite him?” Cheerilee asked making Fluttershy go silent as she looked up at her ceiling in thought.
“Because he volunteered to go with me.” Fluttershy said as she smiled wide.
“He’s such a sweetheart. He hates boring exhibits like this but he knew I hated going by myself so he decided to go with me.” Fluttershy said with a smile making Cheerilee grin some more.
“Sheesh Shy you sure you don’t want to date him~?” Cheerilee said in a playful tone making Fluttershy blush and giggle a bit.

“Honestly? He’s the perfect gentle colt…with me. If we knew each other more I’d consider it...ooh please don’t tell anyone I said that.” Fluttershy said looking to her friend who giggled as she made a zipping motion with her mouth.
“Relax. You kept my secret about me and Barry until we were ready to come out. Which yes our anniversary is next month!” Cheerilee gave a squeal.
“I’m very happy for you—
“Oh no you don’t! you’re not changing the subject. Spill it about you and Discord.” She said grinning making Fluttershy sigh as she rubbed her head.
“Nothing to say, I’m being honest here. He’s such a sweet heart that I really could have seen us being together… But—
“But you want something more…red?” Cheerilee asked knowing about her friend’s crush. Fluttershy only blushed as she covered her face.

“ooh Cheerilee what am I going to do?” she asked making Cheerilee chuckle as she pulled her Pegasus friend into a hug.
“Well I am dating the owner to one of ponyvilles hottest and only bar. So I might be able to hook you up with a nice date.” Cheerilee said grinning making Fluttershy giggle as she leaned into the hug, being grateful for the company.
“Listen Shy. You want my honest opinion? Just go with it.” she said making Fluttershy look up at her confused.
“Just go with it. I was terrified when I had feelings for Barry but after we had a date we…clicked. You’re not doing yourself any favors by just being the stalker in the shadows. Just walk up to him and say “big mac. I want your big tool!” Cheerilee said laughing a bit as Fluttershy smacked her with the pillow again.
“Ok! ok! Sorry! But I mean it shy, you need to just let it happen but that doesn’t mean never talking to him.” Cheerilee said as Fluttershy stopped her assault.
“what do you mean?” Fluttershy asked putting down the pillow again.
“I mean you need to go out and talk with him first. Go out chat and have a simple dinner.” Cheerilee said with a smile.
“that and remember the most important thing. Listen to what your heart is saying.” Cheerilee said putting her hoof on Fluttershys chest.

“Don’t be fooled by a cute face. Big mac is an incredible stallion but don’t think he’s the only one for you. You might be pushing away someone who you really love and you only block yourself off from them without knowing it.” She said firmly, she looked up in thought.
“I thought I was in love with big mac. We went on a few dates. Kissed. And it never really clicked. Then I made Barry and she and me clicked like a light switch.” She said making Fluttershy nod.
“So yeah go out talk to him. date and if it works out it works out if it doesn’t then it doesn’t. no need to tear yourself up over something that could be a silly filly crush.” Cheerilee said making Fluttershy smile at her friend.
“OK…thanks Cheerilee.” Fluttershy said as she rubbed her friends hoof, Cheerilee removed it and smiled as she stood up.
“Well it’s been fun Fluttershy but I think I’ll head on home.” She said smiling as Fluttershy smiled back up her.
“Oh ok then, and thanks for the advice Cheerilee.” Fluttershy said standing up making the teacher giggle. The two mares started to make their way to the door before Cheerilee stopped in her tracks.
“OH! I forgot to ask you something.” Cheerilee said her smile suddenly faded.
“what’s wrong Cheerilee?” Fluttershy asked at her friend in a slightly worried tone. Cheerilee gave a slightly worried, and a slightly embarrassed look.
“It’s about Discord…and him going to the expo with us—well you.” She said chuckling nervously making Fluttershy sigh a bit.

“I just need to know if I should keep the kids away from him or not. I don’t want to get him mad since some of the fillies and colts are well…Energetic. Yeah that’s it! " she asked looking over at Fluttershy who looked up at the ceiling in thought. after many moments she looked back at Cheerilee and smile a strained smile.
“Oh Discords great with kids. I’m sure he will be fine around them.” Fluttershy said laughing nervously, in the back of her head she thought about three specific fillies that had a tendency to create havoc.
“Will you little brats leave me alone!?” a voice yelled from outside her cottage making both mares heads snap up.
“Oh come on please! You owe us!” a voice yelled in a country accent.
“Yeah so cough up the cutie marks bub!” another voice said making the male voice groan loudly.
“I said No! how many damn times do I need to say it!?” the male one yelled.
“Aww come on! Make us happy with your fingers!” a high pitched one yelled.
“Will you stop saying that!? Its bad enough you said it in Ponyville---yeah I see you too buddy! Officer sprinkles!” Discord yelled as he entered Fluttershys cottage, three little fillies quickly following behind him as a police pony stood there watching him.

“Thank you! Now kindly go arrest someone who actually cares about the law!” he said slamming the door shut before turning.
“Uhh finally I can get---oh! Fluttershy!” He said grinning as he stepped away from the door, the crusaders following right behind him. they looked like they had quite a day, dirt and what they assumed to be candy stuck to their bodies.
“How has your day been? Let me tell you mine has been a ride and a half!” he said grinning as he petted Cheerilees head gently, he barely noticed Cheerilee pulling what looked like a can of pepper spray out of her bag. It seemed like Murphy was having a busy day today as the police officer forced himself back inside holding a pair of hoofcuffs.

"This is humiliating" Discord said grumbling as he crossed his arms as he sat in the corner. Cheerilee and Fluttershy talking to the crusaders. Fluttershy turned and glared at Discord making him huff more. He was at least lucky Fluttershy convinced the cop to leave. He gave as small snort, as if putting him in a cage would do anything but cost them thousands of bits repairing what he would put the slammer though.
“Yeah and then we got the glider to work but somepony crashed it.” Applebloom said looking over at Scootaloo angrily making her huff as she crossed her hoofs.
“So that’s it? nothing else happened?” Cheerilee asked firmly making a lump form in Discords throat, last thing he needed was them telling her that he was the one who gave them a glider rather than telling them not to do it like any sane adult.
“Yeah pretty much, I fell and Discord saved me. Right girls?” Scootaloo said making Discord perk up, the other two fillies looked a bit shocked before nodding eagerly. Cheerilee stared at them, she knew when a filly or colt was lying. One quick look at the mis-matched creature told her she was right.

“Alright.” She said with a smile, she decided not to press the issue any further and looked out of the window. The sun was starting to set, she cursed under her breath as she opened the door.
“OK girls I’ll walk you all home. It’s getting late so hop to it!” Cheerilee said tapping her hooves quickly.
“Oh Cheerilee its no—
“No Fluttershy I’m sorry but I really need to get these 3 home. If anything happened to them I just don’t know what I would do.” She said with a kind smile. The fillies pouted but listened to their teacher and started heading out. She quickly stopped, remembering something.
“OH! Before I forget you did remember to do your homework right?” Cheerilee said and almost immediately the three fillies stopped dead in their tracks. Applebloom slowly turned to Scootaloo who looked just as panicked, then they slowly turned to Sweetie Belle who looked horrified.
“Uhhh you mean the show and tell thing that’s due tomorrow?” Scootaloo asked obviously sweating, Cheerilee immediately noticed this and sighed inwardly.

“Yes that very same project. You have been doing it haven’t you?” she asked a firm motherly tone, the crusaders gulped they all had forgotten about the homework, they were supposed to be doing since Tuesday and it was already Thursday.
“Uhhh yeah! We so did the homework! Uhhh just to make sure what did we have to do again? I mean we are like 90-99% done!” Scootaloo said making Cheerilees inner groaning grow.
“Well you ether had to write a 100-word essay about Equestrias history.” She said trying to ignore the three fillies groaning.
“Or you bring in something from Equestrians past and talk about it in front of the whole class.” She said, part of her mind already coming up with lectures about doing your homework early.
“Oh please. That’s the dumbest invention ever. Homework. Why continue the torture of schooling at home?” Discord said with a huff earning a glare from Fluttershy who he ignored by crossing his arms. The three fillies immediately locked onto him an idea forming in their heads.

“Say you’re really old aren’t ya?” Applebloom asked making Discord scoff.
“Ok first of all Rude. Second duh, does 1000 years in stone ring any bells? Seriously what do you teach kids these days if they can’t remember someone as magnificent as me?” Discord said draping himself on a suspiciously familiar red couch. Cheerilee scoffed not noticing the three fillies whispering quickly and quietly.
“OK come on girls we need---
“Wait!” they yelled in union, they quickly ran past her and right up to Discord who instinctively used his tail as a barrier between him and them.
“Uhhh we’ll catch up! We need too uuh—
“Give our new friend the secrete crusaders goodbye!” Sweetie Belle said smiling, the teacher quickly noticed how strained it was.
“Uhh yeah! So we need to be alone with him!” Scootaloo said, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle quickly nodded. Cheerilee stared at them raising her eyebrow a bit.
“Well I don’t think it’s a good idea---“she stopped mid-sentence as the three fillies gave her a pleading look, Discord just looked on confused. Fluttershy bit her lip, she knew they were up to something and that something involved her friend Discord.

“wait…friend.” Fluttershy thought as she looked at him and them.
'You said friends when it should only be friend, you’re my only friend Fluttershy.'
what he said that morning was still fresh in her head and it tugged at her heart. she bit a bit harder before sighing inwardly.
“Oh come on Cheerilee, let them have their little club meeting.” Fluttershy said with a kind smile, hoping she didn’t just seal Equestrias fate.
“But Fluttershy I—
“Will be right back, in fact how about I show you the new song my blue jay wrote? I’m sure he would love the audience.” Fluttershy said as she much to Cheerilees surprise started pushing her out the door, the teacher trying to stop her but to no avail.
“Wait! Don’t leave me alone with them!” Discord yelled quickly standing, but his plea fell on deaf ears as the door closed. The moment the click was heard the three fillies started to once again talk at the same time making it impossible for him to understand anything they said. Discord groaned as he quickly snapped his fingers and lifted the three fillies up from the ground by their tails.
“OK first! No to anything cutie mark related!” he said glaring at the three fillies, Scootaloo grumped as she crossed her hooves.

“Second! No yelling bad touch or anything finger or anything that relates to the body! Specifically, my body!” he said as he gave Sweetie Belles belly a poke making her eep.
“And third! ...I’ll think about that another day!” Discord said snorting angrily making Applebloom gag.
“Yuck brush yer teeth!” Applebloom said covering her snout, he grumbled as he was tempted to just drop them. But with Fluttershy just outside the door he couldn’t risk that.
“OK….so what is it that you need—third! No talking all at once!” Discord said quickly, interrupting them as they all took in a deep breath, they quickly exhaled. They stared at each other before Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. Discord stared at her and her currently upside down hoof but shook it off as he pointed at her.
“Yes you the marshmallow, hurry up.” Discord said in an annoyed tone. She glared at him but took a deep breath making Discord get ready for the worst.
“Can you help us with our homework?” she asked looking up at him. he stared, he slowly started digging inside his ear making the fillies gag as he pulled out some lint.
“Ok what? Homework? You want me the lord of chaos to help you with your homework? One of the things I despise most in this world?” he asked looking at them, they looked at each other for a moment and nodded eagerly.
“hmmm N—
“Come on! Please! It’s really easy!” Scootaloo said looking up at him with pleading eyes.
“If it’s so easy why didn’t you do it sooner?” he asked grinning making the little filly open her mouth only to quickly shut it.

“And before you ask no I can’t write it for you…. Well more like wont.” Discord said looking over at Applebloom who only huffed.
“oh please that’s not what we were going to ask ya!” Applebloom said looking up at him.
“We weren’t—ow!” Scootaloo yelped as she got a quick smack across the arm. Sweetie Belle nodded.
“Yeah! We only wanted you to come to class with us for show and tell!” Sweetie Belle said happily. Discord just stared at her as if she was crazy.
“So…you want to parade me off like some sort of prize?” he said growling making the fillies epp a little.
“Ummm not really, we just thought of it at the last second.” Scootaloo said laughing nervously.
“Well come to think of it, it would be mighty cool to bring in the only known draqunesmez into class.” Applebloom said tapping her chin a bit, the other two nodded in agreement. Neither one of the fillies noticed Discord winch at the words.
“Yeah! I mean Celestia is cool and all but she never went crusading with us. no matter how many times we asked." Sweetie Belle said with a pout.

"Ah mean sure she says she’s really busy but you came and you have to be like a zillion times more busy right?" Applebloom asked looking up at Discord who gave a weak cough rubbing his neck a bit.
"Umm yeah! being the lord of chaos leaves me with very little time!" he said grinning a bit nervously, coming to the realization that his life was currently in a slump.
"Yeah! so since your busy and stuff can you make time to help us?" Scootaloo asked looking up hopeful.
"Please?" Sweetie Belle asks making her eyes go wide and watery.
"Oh come on that’s not fair!" Discord thought as he quickly looked away, he sat there tapping his chin. on one hand he's been beat with a latter, kamakazeed by a filly, had several new surprise piercings. nearly chocked to death, and is probably on a sex offender watch list by now. on the other hand, he had what? a room full of snot nosed kids? who would probability judge and laugh at you.

'maybe they would find you cool?'
nah it was a stupid idea, what would they find cool about him?
'you make it rain candy. you can run circles around Celestia. and chances are got them out of school at least twice.'
Discord sat there and crossed his arms frowning.
'it would make Fluttershy happy.'
Discord looked down and saw the three fillies look up at him with hopeful eyes. he sighed as he slouched slightly.
"Fine. what time?" Discord asked looking down at the fillies, they cheered as they hopped around a bit. he sighed some more as he rubbed his head, and just as quickly as lighting a thought came to mind. he started thinking, these fillies are...well chaotic beings. he figured this out a while ago, his body was still sore from the many examples they gave him, but now he was thinking he had not only three beings he could mold into what he wanted. but three accomplices. he grinned he knew he had something Celestia had only times three! his own students of chaos! he frowned at something, how loyal were they? could they be trusted? what if they are the reason he’s sealed up again, now that would be ironic.
"Did ya hear us?" Applebloom asked stomping her hoof on the tip of his tail snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Oh umm...nope." he said with a grin making her groan as she rolled her eyes.
"we need ya at 9Am! maybe a bit sooner ya snake in the grass!" she said with a huff making Discord snort at her.
"What does that even mean---you know what? fine whatever I’ll be there at 9 AM!" Discord said with a huff as he crossed his arms again. he ignored the cheering fillies, and just like that another thought came to mind. one that made him grin wide.

"Oooh fillies~" he said grinning as he leaned down, his evil grin making them look up worried.
"If I’m going to do this for you. I’m going to need you to do something for me." he said as he got down on all fours and started slithering around them. he laid on his arms like a cat grinning at them.
"And I’ll I ask is your loyalty." he said grinning.
"Sure." Applebloom said making his smile vanish.
"Wait wha---
"Yeah! it would be pretty neat!" Scootaloo said as her wings buzzed happily.
"Yeah! even though it would drive my sis crazy I think it would be super neat!" Sweetie Belle said her horn flaring up slightly and her voice cracking up. he laid there staring at them. he had planned a whole speech and even a few tricks, these fillies will be glorious students.
"Well....I thought it would be harder." he said as he sat up suddenly.
"Well! either way you have to do an umm...a loyalty word phrase! something no sane pony would say!" Discord said trying to salvage the situation. he knew exactly what to do, the phrase that drives Twilight spark insane. oooh but he had a better way to get under her skin. something that children will say for generations!
"Discord rules. Sunbutt Drools." he said grinning evilly as the three fillies gasped.
"Wait we can’t! Celestia will banish us!" Sweetie Belle said worried making Discord chuckle.
"Then I guess you really aren’t loyal. I only help those who are loyal to me." Discord said as he gave an even deeper chuckle as he turned and started to make his way back to the corner, he knew from experience to never underestimate the corner.

"Discord rules! Sunbutt Drools!" Scootaloo said loudly making her wings buzz loudly. the two other crusaders stared at her like she had just said a really bad swear. Discord however stopped dead in his tracks, he slowly turned his head and gave them an evil grin.
"Say it again." he said giving a low chuckle, he looked down at her with a devilish smile. Scootaloo took another deep breath and took a step forward.
"Discord Rules, Sunbutt drools." she said firmly making Discord laugh as he grabbed her and held her like a doll.
"Excellent! now what about the other two cohorts?" he asked looking down at the other two while Scootaloo climbed out of his hands and climbed his shoulder to lay on his head looking down at them with a snug grin. the stared back for a moment before looking at each other a silent agreement is made.
"Discord Rules! Sunbutt Drools!" they said in union making Discord laugh loudly as his tail wrapped around the two and lifted them up on to his head.
"Ha! finally! Minions!" he said laughing as he grinned. the fillies giggling at his antics.
"so show and tell eh? got to admit not the way I would have thought to get minions but I’m not complaining! but why me?" he asked looking up at them as sweetie Belle and Applebloom held onto his horns.
"Is it my good looks? my devilish charms? my---
"Well your old right? we needed old things for show and tell!" Sweetie Belle said making his smile vanish, he flopped on the ground frowning.

"Oh joy, that’s always a plus calling your leader old." Discord said frowning. the fillies giggled as they made their way up to him and hugged him. he gave a defeated groan as he leaned down and let them hug him better. he couldn’t help but sigh inwardly, it really wasn’t so bad even though he continued to frown though it.
"Discord are you 4 done yet--" Fluttershy said opening the door only to see the little fillies hugging a rather grumpy draconequus. she couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, the fact his tail was wagging happily only made her sqee inwardly. she cleared her throat after a few moments making them all snap up to look at her, Discord immediately prying them off of him.
"Well! you heard the mare! bye bye! arrivederci! Get lost!" he said pointing his finger at the door just as Cheerilee walked in. she gave him a quick glare before signaling for them to leave.
"Come along girls we need to get going." she said firmly making the fillies nod. they followed their teacher out the door waving goodbye at the two roommates.
"Oh! and don’t forget we--
"Yes, yes. at 9PM I’ll be there." Discord said waving his hand in an uncaring manner. Fluttershy said goodbye to them before closing the door. Discord gave a loud exaggerated groan and flopped down on his doggy bed enjoying the softness of it.

“Those fillies are insane.” He said with a grumble as he wrapped himself around the bed. he looked to the fire place, dark and empty and cold. He clicked his fingers making it burst to life. He smiled as he felt the warmth of the fire, in a few months he would need to be sharing this fireplace with Fluttershy and the devil rabbit. He watched the flames dance around, it was erratic something he liked about fire. Though he could do without the whole destroying everything it touched aspect of it. It was truly one of the many forms of chaos that was both beautiful and dangerous. He put a barrier around it, he didn’t need a repeat of the fire trying to grab his tail again. His ear perked when he heard clanks of dishes in the kitchen.
“Discord do you want anything?” Fluttershy called from the kitchen. He tapped his chine for a moment before smiling.
“Some tea would be nice!” he said giving his tail a wag as he put his hands up like a puppy begging for a treat. This had the desired effect as Fluttershy poked her head though the door and smiled.
“Aww does Dissy want a belly rub?” She said in a teasing manner making Discord nod his head rapidly as he gave a bark. She giggled as she walked into the room, Discord continued to wag his tail expecting a treat. She smiled at him as she started rubbing his belly making his dragon leg kick slightly.
“Mmmm you know if any of your friends saw us right now I’d have to kill them.” he said giving a purr making Fluttershy giggle.

“And if you do that I’d put you in the hole with them.” she said firmly but giggled as he continued to kick lightly.
“Worth it.” He said giving a small purr as she continued to rub, his old self would hang himself if he saw what he would become. The equivalent of a large cat, yet not as evil as that pest Rarity called a pet. she couldn’t help but giggle at his antics and how his tail was playfully swatting her as she continued her rubbing, before long the whistle of the kettle went off, she looked up and continued to rub Discord.
"Uhhh keep it above the waist dear or at least buy me dinner first." Discord said snapping her attention back to him, her hoof rubbing his lower stomach. she blushed as quickly retracted her hoof.
"Ooooh!ihavetogogettea!" she yelled as ran out of the room. Discord sighed blushing as he sat up.
"Now I’m glade no one did see, that blasted bunny and Dash would never leave me alone with her again." he said getting up and rolling onto his legs and made his way to the kitchen.

"So what did you 4 talk about?" Fluttershy asked as she picked up Angel bunny who was complaining about Discord being in the house...again. Fluttershy ignored him as Discord stopped humming the tune he was humming.
"Oh…Ummm just filly things." Discord said going back to washing the dishes he and Fluttershy finished using.
"Discord. you know if it’s something bad you can talk to me about it." Fluttershy said as Angel perched himself on her back glaring at the mis-matched creature. Discord stopped washing the dishes biting the inside of his cheeks, Fluttershy quickly gave him a nuzzle.
"I didn’t mean anything by it. it’s just well--." She started, clicking her tongue as she tried to find the right words.
"They are crazy. and your...well insane so you can see why I’d be a tiny bit worried." Fluttershy said as she looked up at him, a sly smile. Discord tried his hardest to keep a straight face but failed when she nudged him playfully.
"Crazy!? that’s an understatement!" Discord said emphasizing it with a loud "Ha!" as he went into what the crusaders and him have been up too that day. Soon the duo found themselves on the couch, recounting the events of their day.
"Wait really!? Pinkie pie did that!?" Discord said as he burst into laughter as Fluttershy started laughing too.
"Yeah! I mean I think she was doing it on purpose. no one is that naive!" Fluttershy said laughing. Angel bunny glaring angrily at both of them as he tried to sleep.

"Oh yes! gods she can be a handful." he said laughing making Fluttershy giggle as she sipped her tea.
"Oh really? Mr. make us happy with his fingers?" she said giggling a bit only to giggle louder at his face paling.
"Oh gods don’t remind me! I’m probably banned form several PTA meetings, not that I would go but still it’s the principle of it!" he said throwing his hands up. the two continued to talk about their day, Fluttershy skipping some of the...less pleasant parts of it. Discord doing the same, he knew if he told her how many times he got hurt today she would be on him with her first aid kit before he could snap his fingers. as the night went on Discord felt his eyes getting heavier as he sipped his tea. Fluttershy noticed this and smiled as she patted her lap. Discord stared at her but huffed, before he could retort he felt something wrap around his and pull him down.
"Fluttershy. why must you treat me like this?" he asked frowning before yawning. she giggled as she started petting his head, starting at the top and moving lower down his neck making him sigh.

"Because you are so stubborn at times." Fluttershy said still petting his head gently making him chuckle lightly before yawning again. They stayed there on the couch Discord felt his eyelids slowly droop; Fluttershy noticed this and started humming a little tune trying to get him to sleep for the second time today. Discord yawned some more as his eyes finally closed. Fluttershy sighed happily as she continued her humming, he shifted his body to make it all fit on the couch, his tail wrapping around himself, that made her smile even more. she knew he would deny it up and down if she told him that spike slept the same way. Moments pass and Discords soft breathing turned into soft snoring, his eyes and ears twitching a bit. she giggled a bit as his ear smacked her hoof a bit, she slowly removed it and even slower started to move his head off her lap and onto the couch. he gave a soft snore as he hugged the pillow and buried his head in it. she smiled as she started turning off the lights around her house. she looked down at Angel who had finally gotten to sleep, she smiled as she gave his head a small pat making him grown slightly before turning away angrily making her roll her eyes. she slowly made her way over to the closet and opened it, she grabbed some blankets and covered discord in them making him snuggle in it. she gave him a small pat before she made her way up the stairs. she stopped and looked back at her sleeping form.
"Good night Discord." she said as she made her way up to her room.
"...go--od...night...flutter--shy." Discord said snoring softly as he pulled the warm blankets closer to him.

Canterlot. the city of elite ponies, grand food and ponies with their heads so far up their ass they could taste their down horns.
"Ahahaha snooty snoot snoot!" one pony said as he drank his boiling hot tea making it melt his lips off.
"ah! snoot stuck up! snooty toot!" a mare said as her eyebrows slowly took off into the sky and past the horizon. the city was filled with snootier noises and even a few Nyehehehes.
"Snoot!" another pony yelled as he pointed at a white stallion with blond hair making donkey noises, his horn had a hammer growing out of it. said hammer kept hitting him in the face, each time making a farting sound. Discord sat in his throne looking over the landscape.
"Ah just like how I remember it." he said with a chuckle as he grabbed some raisins and tossed them at his feet. the ponies near him started a squawk loudly as they pecked at them. he laughed at the scene, since ponies had no beaks they just kept smacking their faces over and over again into the ground.
"Forward march!" a voice said making him look down. The cutie Mark Crusaders made their way down the street in a large tank.

"Fire!" they yelled as the cannon fired what looked like changelings, said changelings quickly started biting the stuck up nobles. he gave another laugh as he watched his minions wage war on the population. he leaned back and sipped his apple flavored wine. he sighed as he let it go making it fall upward making a passing Pegasus quack as the two left up over the horizon. no doubt looking for the eyebrows to start an epic adventure. he blinked as he sat up, he felt a slight pressure on the side of his head. he shook it slightly wanting to make it go away.
"Discord! oh Discord!" a voice called making him look down to see Celestia waving at him, Fluttershy stood next to her waving as well. he made his way down to them.
"Ah two lovely mares wanting my attention, well one lovely the other one not as lovely." he said grinning making the two mares giggle.
"Discord~ we wanted to show you something interesting! want to see it?" Celestia asked as Fluttershy giggled, he felt the pressure return. this time it being a bit painful. he grunted as he shook his head.
"Yeah sure. show me." Discord said shaking his head again, this time the pain getting worse.
"Watch this~" Celestia said as she pulled Fluttershy closer to her. Discord watched in confusion as Celestia grabbed Fluttershys face both of them smiling at him as she slowly started to twist Fluttershys head. the pain in Discord head getting so bad he dropped to his knees. Celestia watched him with glee in her eyes as she kept twisting the mares head until a loud snap was heard, Fluttershys body going limb. a Very surprised Luna stood in the background as the dream faded.

“You bitch!” he yelled jolting awake knocking down a lamp and having it shatter. He grumbled rubbing his head giving yawn. Angel started to scream at him as he gave him another hard kick. Discord grunted as he snapped his fingers sending angel to the nearest pound in a flash of light. He paused for a moment waiting for the hurried hooves to make their way down. His ear perked up at the sound of running water. He smiled as he clicked his fingers magically fixing the lamp again, he laid his head back down. he glanced at the clock. He frowned as something in the back of his mind told him to get up.
“8:59…I feel like I’m forgetting something.” He said closing his eyes again sighing as he thought about what he was going to do today; after all it was Friday that meant---
“Oh crap! why don’t you just bend me over Time?!” he yelled jumping up nearly hitting the ceiling in the process. The door to the bathroom opened filling the hallway full of steam.
“Discord! What did I say about saying—
“No time! Late! School! Tell! Minions!” he yelled as he jumped through the window passing though it without shattering it. Fluttershy stood there dripping water all over her floor, she sighed.
“Oh well OK.” She said as she closed the door to resume her shower. Seconds pass before a thud is heard and the door is thrown open again.
“Wait what!?” she screamed already having a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She cringed more just as the clock chimed 9:00 AM. She knew just knew that this would not be the last time she would need to take a relaxing shower this day.

Author's Note:

and another chapter! yes kids! Next time! Discord in a room full of kids! suggestions for what will happen! :D