Lightning shot out hitting a nearby tree, shattering it as if it was made of glass, a tail slammed into another one, making it bend over as if some child bending a spoon. A rock was turned into the shape of a platypus, even moved to some smooth jazz playing in the background. Another tree being punched, bursting into bubbles. A lone figure stood in the middle of all the chaos, panting and hissing angrily as he slammed his clutched paw at the ground, making it crack and split open. After a few moments of panting, he finally let out a roar so loud that birds and other animals nearby that were brave enough to stay fled the scene as a few trees shook, some actually ripping themselves from the ground and quickly walking away. He snarled at the nothingness as he flopped down on his rump with a grunt.
“How dare she say such things to me!? I should turn her apple trees into cactus's and turn that big loaf of a brother into something else, maybe a worm this time around!” he yelled angrily as he glared at the ground. After a few moments of taking deep breaths, he looked up and around him. His breath got caught in his throat as he saw the chaos around him. The chaos around him was…it wasn't His Chaos. No candy raining down, no random kooky things, just destruction. He sat there, eyes wide open as he just stared at the area.
“Discord, what did you do?” he asked himself as he just sat there, still in a bit of a shock. He stayed silent before he sighed and stood up; he stretched for a moment before clicking his fingers, in a flash of light all the destruction was undone all the damage he had done.
“I…need to keep better control of myself.” Discord said quietly, lowering his hand a bit as he yawned a bit popping his back. He ran his paw though his mane, sighing loudly.
“Hmmm what to do.” He said as he conjured up a cup of coffee. He opened his mouth like a trash can lid and dumped the whole cup into his mouth, making a loud crunch as his mouth snapped shut. He sighed happily as the coffee took its toll on him, relaxing and perking him up with the taste of cinnamon, toffee and egg. He stood there in silence, tapping his foot to the tune of a banjo for a few moments, until a turnip popped over his head with a ding, he gave a happy laugh as he clapped his mismatched hands together.
“Time for a family visit!” He yelled with glee as he bounced happily on tail for a bit before taking off into the sky laughing as he did.
“Sir!” a Royal Guard yelled, saluting a white stallion in purple diamond armor. The stallion only smiled at him.
“At ease, I’m not your captain anymore.” He said smiling as he waved him off, the guard only chuckled a bit as he rubbed his neck a bit.
“Oh right, force of habit….what brings you here, Shining Armor, sir?” The guard said putting his hoof down and relaxing a bit, making Shining Armor shake his head gently but continued to smile at the guard.
“I’m here for my wife; she got here a few hours ago. I would have left with her, but I needed to take care of a few things.” He said walking past the guard and made his way into the courtyard as the guard followed closely.
“Ah...are you here for the treaty?” the guard asked, making Shining’s smile go away as he kept his eyes firmly forward.
“In a manner of speaking, yes, I would have brought some Crystal Guards with me, but Celestia forbid me to do so, she said it would be seen as an act of war.” He said, wrinkling his nose a bit. They continued with some small talk, talking about the weather, sports and other little things until they rounded the corner.
“Umm sir, I should warn you that…we have company.” The guard said as they saw a gathering of guard ponies and another race, a race Shining Armor knew very well.
“When did they get here?” he asked walking closer to them, he could feel his heartbeat get quicker with each step, he didn't know if it was fear or excitement.
“This morning, we should really just head on in.” the guard said, sounding nervous as they got closer.
“No, we might as well deal with this now.” Shining said firmly as he walked forward, the guard took a deep breath before following him….a few steps behind. As they got closer, a few more Royal Guards saluted him; he just waved them off as he walked past them. As he left the guard group and stood in front of them, he was greeted with a series of hisses and angry clicking sounds. Shining was starting to have second thoughts now, as a set of bright blue eyes stared back at him, about 2, maybe 3, dozens of them. They didn't have pupils, but he could see Hatred in them. He gulped a little as a few of them took a few steps forward, baring their fangs at him. He didn't need to look behind him to know the Royal Guards, his guards, were getting ready for the worst. As the hisses got louder, he was really starting to regret being out in the open. As they got closer, he decided to try this another day and make a quick getaway into the castle, but one of them walked out and stood in front of the others, his black body blending in with the rest of them almost perfectly if it wasn't for the armor. This made Shining stop in his tracks as he looked the changeling over. He wore armor along with a helmet. His eyes were purple instead of the usual blue eyes. His horn was slightly chipped at the tip, and had a few wrappings around his body. It didn't take long for Shining to figure out that he was at the wedding. In fact, when he took a closer look at the group, he noticed a few still had wrappings around their bodies, making him feel more nervous. What stood out the most about this one, though, was a nasty looking scar, going from his lip to his right eye and slightly passing it. This changeling looked like he could fight too. He was slightly bigger than the rest, but not by much. His horn flared an eerie green color; the others blinked, their horns flaring back. The one in front hissed angrily at the group, making them back off a little. He turned his attention back to Shining, with a blank expression on his face as if trying to read him.
“You’re….brave. Braver than the rest of them.” he said, pointing behind Shining Armor, who relaxed a bit more.
“You can’t blame them for being a little worried, or me for that matter. Shining Armor by the way and you are?” Shining Armor asked extending his hoof. The creature looked at his hoof before taking it and shaking it.
“Commander Razor Gear of the Changeling race, we met in battle before.” He said firmly before releasing his hoof. Shining looked at him with wide eyes and gave him another look over and that’s when he remembered this changeling.
“Oh yeah…sorry about the...eye.” Shining said, gulping slightly ready for the changeling’s next move but hoping it wouldn't come.
“In changeling culture, having a scar is a sign of strength and….fertility.” Razor said, mumbling the last part quietly as he looked like he was blushing slightly. Shining stared and chuckled a bit as he rubbed his neck, slightly thankful that the situation didn't seem like it was going to get worse.
“Some things are the same in all kingdoms, mares here love a stallion with scars.” He said, chuckling slightly.
“…but you have no battle scars.” The changeling said, looking at him a bit confused. Shining armor scrunched his nose at that.
“My…wife doesn't…let me have scars.” He said pouting a bit. Something dawned on him that moment: he was having a casual conversation with a Changeling a Commander no less, not just any changeling, one he personally fought and nearly killed. He felt a bit of shame wash over him as he thought about that.
“Ah, only natural your wife is the alpha in the relationship.” Razor said casually as he looked over Shining Armor a bit, noting the sudden change of smell on him. Shining Armor didn't say anything, he just stood there thinking, after a few moments of silence he looked up at the changeling.
“Look, I am sorry for everything, if I had known the severity of the situation I would have kept a cooler head after the invasion.” He said trying to keep a brave face but Razor could tell just by smell alone how ashamed he felt.
“And I am sorry for nearly killing you, I mean here I am having a conversation with you, like we are old acquaintances, and yet I nearly killed you.” He continued as he looked down this time.
“I can only imagine how your people see me, I led a whole witch hunt to track you down, and I threw a lot of you in the dungeon to rot, that’s the reason Celestia took me off the Royal Guards, sure she said it was time I stepped down to be with my wife, but I knew that’s not the reason, and I can’t blame her.” He said as he shook her head a bit still not looking up.
“The only thing I can ask for is your forgiveness.” Shining Armor said finally looking up at Razor. The changeling just stared at him not making a sound.
“Pathetic.” A voice said. Shining Armor looked up and saw another changeling baring its fangs at him.
“You call yourself a warrior, but you stand there complaining like a child, HA! You’re nothing.” He said hissing as more changelings joined in. Some would laugh at him, others would just hiss and click at him baring there fangs. Razor held up his hoof making them be silent for a moment before speaking.
“I accept your apology as long as you accept mine.” Razor said firmly, making the other changeling gasp in shock. Shining looked at him, shocked as well, not believing him.
“Both sides made a mistake. My Queen and I are aware of that, and if we can’t get past that, then there is no point in being here.” He said firmly as he looked over at his fellow changelings.
“We need to forgive in order to move on, my—our Queen is here, trying to make something happen, something that no changeling or pony would've of thought have been possible.” He said before looking at Shining.
“I forgive you but not for my sake but for the sake of future changelings, I just hope the others will do the same.” He said firmly, the other changelings hissed and clicked at the two. Most of them shouting for revenge or blood, this made Razor snap his head back giving them a cold look.
“Silence! We are here by the order of the Queen! That means we are here to make sure she is safe and nothing else! Starting a petty fight right now would endanger, if not completely ruin, what we came here for! Is that what you want!? To be thrown out of a kingdom we are trying to become allies of!?” he yelled, making the changelings whimper slightly as he glared at them.
“We have a chance to end the hunger that has plagued our people for centuries! A chance to make sure that future generations of changelings will never experience the same hunger we did! A chance to make a better life for them! Would you really throw all that away just for a chance to get petty revenge!?” he yelled again, hissing as he continued to glare at them.
“If you are so eager to fight, then fight with me! Because I Will NOT allow anyling to endanger the Queen, or the future of the hive! So choose your next words wisely, for they may be your last.” Razor hissed, baring his fangs as he glared at his unit. They all looked at each other nervously before backing off completely, each of them having the face of a scolded child as they went back to mingling with each other. Shining and the Royal Guards just stood in stunned silence. Razor turned to them, staring back at him.
“Sorry about that, many lings are still holding a grudge, like your guards.” Razor Gear said, his eyes glowing slightly as he looked over at the guards. Shining Armor looked at him curiously before chuckling.
“Oh that’s right, you can sense emotions, yeah they can hold a grudge, but they won’t attack as long as you don’t.” he said chuckling a bit, quickly glancing at the others behind him, making them nod. He sighed a bit, thankful that the conversation was taking a slightly less serious tone.
“They won’t attack, they know what’s at stake here, or at least now they know it’s one of two possible options: Total War, or a possible era of Peace.” Razor said, looking back at his small army, they grumbled a little but nodded some of them pouting angrily like children.
“Yeah, I was actually shocked when I heard about what Celestia had in mind.” Shining said as he walked around the court yard. Razor gave the changelings a glare before joining Shining.
“Yes, we were more shocked when we heard it, in fact, Mother’s reaction was…priceless, to say the least. Never knew a changeling could change skin tone like that without a full transformation.” Razor said with a small chuckle. This took Shining by surprise.
“Humor? Didn't think you guy’s knew what that was with how your Queen is…ermm no offense.” Shining said stuttering a little.
“None taken, Mother can be….hard to deal with at times, but we do what we can for her, and she does the same in return.” He said shaking his head slightly.
“Mother? Are you’re a Prince or something?” Shining asked as he stopped, looking at the yard, noting a few scorch marks on the ground.
“Yes, that is what we call her, but no, I am not a Prince. “Mother” in our culture means Protector and Love Giver. Despite how she acts around other species, she treats us changelings with nothing but love and respect. So we call her Mother, while she calls us her Children.” Razor said, noting Shining was raising his hoof.
“And before you ask, no, she did not birth all of us, only some of us, but she tries to take care of each of us equally.” He said, making Shining lower his hoof, chuckling nervously.
“Oh umm...hey, at least you have a scar now, that’s a good thing right?” Shining Armor said, hoping to change the subject from changeling birthing. He was betting on egg laying. Razor stared at him as if trying to read his mind, only to shrug moments later.
“That is true, my first response to seeing you was to give you the same treatment you gave me, to return the favor as it were.” Razor said pointing to his face, making Shining gulp, obviously worried about his face since he liked to keep it looking good.
“But then I remembered that was our second encounter, on our first encounter I almost killed you…I broke your leg.” Razor said nervously as he saw Shining glare at him, his nervousness replaced with anger.
“Wait! You were Star Streak!?” Shining Armor yelled angrily at the changeling obviously judging him.
“Hey, you were the one looking for a prosti—
“A dancer! For my missed bachelor party!” Shining yelled blushing hard as the changeling scoffed a bit.
“That’s not what that Flash Sentry guard said.” Razor said, still studying the captain and his lack of scars.
“I would never cheat on my wife!” he yelled angrily, making the changeling look at him.
“That’s not what the Queen—
“Don’t you dare say anything! Last thing I need is Cadance checking up on me every time I leave the room!” he yelled angrily as his attention is drawn back to the scorch marks.
“Shame really, you've gained quite a bit of respect, most of whom hate you more for it.” Razor said dully, making Shining look up confused.
“Not many can bed a queen, so the fact you've done it earns respect.” Razor said, trying to hold in a snicker at the stallion’s rage.
“It was not like that! She came onto me!” he yelled angrily as the changeling just rolled his eyes as Shining’s attention was again back at the scorch marks.
“Since you were here before me, or at least I’m assuming you were, what happened here?” he asked pointing to the ground, hoping to change the subject. Razor seemed to be happy to change the subject as he sighed, shaking his head slightly.
“Let’s just say the peace treaty had…..a bumpy start.” He said, remembering the events perfectly.
“Why hello there, Captain Razor Gear was it?” the sun goddess said as she greeted her visitor. The changeling nodded as he hesitantly bowed before her.
“Yes your highness, but you may refer to me as Razor Gear, or simply Razor.” He said as he stood again. She smiled at him.
“Very well, when will your queen be joining us?” Celestia asked as she stepped past him and into the court yard. He followed right behind her.
“Any moment now, I was sent ahead to make sure everything was safe. I was glad there was only a slight…snag.” He said, quickly glancing at a few guards who were on the ground, groaning in pain. Celestia rolled her eyes, shaking her head gently.
“Yes, sorry about that. They are new recruits and somepony forgot to tell them about today’s events.” she said as the medics finally showed up and quickly carried them off, one of them yelling “My leg!” as they disappeared into the castle.
“My apologies, I thought your soldiers were trained in CQC” Razor said a bit nervously.
“CQC?” Celestia asked raising her eyebrow at him.
“It means Close Quarter Combat sister.” A voice said from behind them. Razor quickly turned to see the moon goddess had joined them…along with somepony he knew would be trouble.
“Luna! I’m happy you decided to join us!” the princess said happily, that’s when she noticed her sister’s companion.
“Oh and ummm Cadance too! How nice of you to come!” Celestia said as she smiled, but was sweating slightly. Razor looked over at the pink princess and noticed her glaring at him. He smelled hate, nervousness, and…..cheese. He glanced at Luna and noticed she was holding a bag of “Chessy Poofs” and he felt his stomach growl slightly for some reason.
“Ummm Cadance, can I ask why are you here?” Celestia asked laughing nervously. The pink Alicorn just rolled her eyes at her.
“I’m just here to make sure nothing goes wrong.” She said as she continued to glare at Razor, he just returned the glare. Celestia felt nervous, she knew Cadance was still touchy on the whole “let’s be friends” with the changelings.
“Cadance, you say that like----
“We can’t trust them; they might try to attack us again.” Cadance said coldly as she continued to glare daggers at Razor. He just scoffed at her glaring back.
“Cadance, that is enough, we are here to sign a peace treaty, not to start a war.” Celestia said firmly, her nervousness gone as she spoke.
“Well, if you ask me, I should have brought some guards with me to make sure nothing happens.” She said angrily.
“Cadance, that would only make things worse, this is a peace signing, bringing guards would only provoke the changelings.” Celestia said firmly as she stared down her niece, she just stared back.
“Auntie, we can’t trust this thing or its monster of a queen---
“Silence wench.” Razor said angrily, making Cadance gasp, Celestia quickly glanced at him and saw him baring his fangs at her.
“What did you call me!?” she practically yelled as her wings flared. He stepped closer to her, not showing any fear.
“I said silence Wench.” He repeated, putting emphasis on that word, leaving her speechless. Luna was “oohing” in the background but he ignored her.
“How dare you! I’m a princess and---
“You are not a princess. Celestia here is, but not you. You are here insulting me and my race, when all I have done so far since I have been here is being peaceful…… to an extent.” Razor said, remembering the guards.
“And furthermore, I shudder at the fact that you are in charge of a kingdom, I feel sorry for them and any race that has to deal with you.” He said firmly, still glaring at her. Her mouth hung open in shock as she flared her wings some more. He found that adorable, she was throwing a tantrum like a child, just like the queen said she would.
“How dare you! I rule the Crystal Empire with kindness and love!” she yelled, her horn flaring. Luna was about to step in but was stopped by Celestia, her white wings stopping her from doing anything. Luna looked at her a bit nervously, but the look in her eyes told her to hold back until they where needed. Razor chuckled a bit, confusing the three princesses.
“I am sorry, but I found that really funny.” He said as he continued to chuckle, but just as quickly as his smile appeared, it disappeared and turned into a scowl.
“If I recall correctly, a family of changelings stopped by the kingdom, seeking shelter from the storm. And what did you do?” he hissed angrily as he took a few steps forward, making Cadance back off a little. She remained silent as she listened to him, but she did put her head down as she tried to keep her distance from him.
“You tried to force them out and send them to their deaths! They were cold and starving when they got there, and you were willing to execute them without even thinking twice! I was happy to hear that your husband was there to object to your decision. If it wasn’t for him, there would be mourning families right now.” He said as he hissed again, he barely realized he was circling her like prey. Cadance remained silent, not looking up at him, feeling a bit worried at him circling her like that.
“They had children with them! Call us monsters if you will but we didn’t hurt any of your foals or colts, and yet you were willing to kill 2 without even thinking! If you would’ve of done that, not only would there be the blood of children on your hooves, you would have single hoofenly made sure the Changeling race and Equestrians were at war right now!” He said, his anger getting harder and harder to control.
“We were hanging by a thread! We knew war was on the horizon, and you would have been the one to cut that string and plunged us all into a war that would have claimed the lives of hundreds of ponies and changelings! The lives of innocent males and females who didn’t want to fight, only wanted food! And what about the children? Would they have to kill in order to just live!?” he yelled at her, making her cringe. Celestia and Luna continued to stand at the sidelines, shocked that a lone changeling was basically chewing out one of Equestria’s rulers, he would make a fine addition to Celestias cabinet if they could just get past this nasty business.
“Your husband is a true ruler, he saw a situation that could have been so much worse, and he stopped you from making it that much worse. So many changelings owe him their lives, for if it was not for him, we would be trying to kill each other right now, rather than seeking peace.” Razor said breathing in deeply for a moment before breathing out.
“So tell me princess, where was that kindness? Where was that love you boast about? Because even my Queen on her worst day would never allow even you to die like that! To die cold and alone! To watch your own children die like that!” He said with a snort as he finally walked away from her. Luna and Celestia just remained silent as they watched the scene in awe. Celestia vowed that he would be part of her cabinet even if she had to kidnap him in order to do so.
“You’re right.” Cadance said as she finally lifted her head. Razor stopped and looked back at her.
“I let my anger get the best of me and I am not proud of that. That night I couldn’t sleep because my husband was right and I am happy he challenged me.” Cadance said firmly but looked sad.
“I would have become a killer of 4 changelings who came to us for shelter and I know for a fact that if I let them die I would never forgive myself, and would have started a war with a race who I, just recently, found out was only looking for food.” She said shuddering a bit as she spoke.
“If I killed them, I would of gladly have stepped down as a princess and never be seen in Canterlot again.” She said finally looking him in the eyes. Her eyes were firm but he could smell her guilt.
“I am still angry at your race, I will not lie, but I know your queen could have done a lot worse to me but she choose not to.” Cadance said as she sighed a little.
“You came here in peace, and you are right, I have no right to insult you and for that I am sorry. A Princess shouldn’t act this way.” She said taking a bow. Razor was taken aback by this but returned the bow.
“I apologize for calling you a wench; I’m not that good at dealing with other royalty other than my Queen.” He said as he stood again. Cadance stood again and sighed.
“Well I should be better at this, I am a princess after al---
“More like a foolish foal playing a princess.” A voice said from behind them. Razor froze as he recognized the voice. Celestia face hoofed as she groaned loudly.
“The one thing I wanted to avoid, the ONE thing.” She said still groaning, cursing Discord’s name. Razor turned and bowed at the figure before him. Her long, slender body, matching Celestia’s and Luna’s. Her black carapace shining in the sunlight as her green hair flowed freely. Numerous holes covered her body, her emerald eyes looking back at them, hissing lightly. To her sides stood two large changelings, “Elitelings” as they liked to be called. Razor mentally groaned as he felt the emotion flaring up behind him.
“Chrysalis! How good it is to see you!” Cadance said happily, her voice sounding strained as she talked, that was not the same emotion Razor felt a moment ago. Celestia and Luna looked at her shocked, even Chrysalis looked shocked to see her so cheery. Razor could smell the anger and contempt; he could practically hear her grind her teeth. He hoped his queen would notice this and, at the very least, be nice to her.
“Oh it’s you, that brat with the stud of a stallion.” Chrysalis said as she rolled her eyes at her, talking to her as if she was dribble. Razor smacked himself as he felt more anger and heard more grinding sounds. The idea of this being a peaceful day was quickly fading.
“Oh yes. ….Shining is busy….But I’m here to oversee this peace treaty.” Cadance said, her smile looking more and more strained. Chrysalis smiled at her warmly, this took everyone in the room by surprise.
“That’s adorable, you’re trying to act important.” the Changeling Queen said walking past her, her tail flicking at Cadance’s side like a whip, making her flinch slightly. And like that the hope of this ending peacefully was shattered.
“Chrysalis, that is enough.” Celestia said walking up to her, glaring at her, Chrysalis just scoffed as she got closer to her.
“Celestia, where is the peace treaty?” the queen asked, ignoring the Princess’s last statement. Celestia sighed as she clapped her hooves. A brown unicorn quickly came out to the court yard, holding a rolled parchment and a table in his magic grip. He left as he quickly as he came.
“This treaty will signify that the pony race and the changeling race are at peace and---
“I know what it says, I did co-write it.” Chrysalis said cutting off the princess, much to the annoyance of the night princess. Celestia sighed as she held out a quill.
“Then you know the rest, sign here and initial here.” Celestia said, a little annoyed but glad that she didn’t need to read the long document. The queen looked over the whole document, re- reading it carefully, her horn flared a bit as she read, it was obvious that she was using The Hive Mind. It seemed she was covering all her basis using hundreds of minds to look over the document. This intrigued Celestia, she thought of asking the queen for further assistant on such matters if this ended well.
“I see you didn’t agree to section 13.” She said, looking a bit disappointed. Razor just shook his head muttering something.
“Of course I didn’t agree to it! In this day and age that would only turn ponies against you, not to mention he’s my nephew in law.” Celestia said blushing slightly.
“What’s section 13?” Cadance asked, her curiosity peaking when she heard the words “nephew in law”. Celestia looked at her a bit worried but Chrysalis stepped in.
“Why don’t you run along and go play with your dolls and let the big girls talk.” Chrysalis said waving her hoof dismissively at her as she continued to read. Cadance glared at the queen her horn flaring as she did.
“Hey, stop treating me like dirt! I know we are not on the best of terms but I am a princess and I demand to be treated like one!” Cadance yelled at her, making the two large changelings snarl at her as they began to walk to her. The queen raised her hoof making them stop.
“You demand? Sorry dear, but in my culture you earn that right, so run along princess.” Chrysalis said hissing angrily at her as she put the paper down.
“Enough!” Celestia yelled making them both turn to face her.
“I know you two are still mad at each other and will probably never see eye to eye, but you, Chrysalis, are a guest here and so you will treat others with respect---
“I would sooner hang myself than treat her as an equal! Not after what she did!” Chrysalis hissed angrily at Celestia.
“How would you feel if you were in my position? Being forced into a peace treaty by a false god and her race just to avoid extinction!? How would you feel if the wench who hurt so many of your children was standing right in front of you and you couldn’t do anything!? You have no idea what it’s like to struggle with life! You have always been sheltered, not knowing what it’s like to struggle! You have no idea what it’s like to see your people suffer and being unable to help them! Tell me how you would feel!?” The queen asked angrily baring her fangs at Celestia. She just stared at her for a moment before speaking.
“You’re right, I have no idea how it feels. I have been sheltered my entire life and I really don’t know what it’s like to struggle. But no one is forcing you to sign that paper, there will be no peace between us, but you have my word my people will leave yours alone if you leave us alone. The problem with that is that you can’t leave us alone or you would starve. That is why I suggested this in the first place, I am the ruler of this kingdom but I refuse to let another race die at my doorstep, not when I have the power to stop that.” Celestia said firmly making the queen be silent for once.
“But you’re wrong I am in your position at the moment.” She said firmly but raised her hoof to stop the queen from speaking.
“I know what’s it like to see my people hurt and being helpless to stop it, and I’m right in front of the one who was responsible for hurting them.” she said, her eyes turning cold, the queen was getting nervous but she kept the 3 changelings away from her and the sun goddess.
“I do have anger for what you did, but I will not let it cloud my judgment. You attacked us out of desperation and I can’t blame you, not after I heard all your problems. I am doing this out of the kindness of my heart, yes Cadance is a bit young to be a ruler, but she is learning, so please show her the same kindness I am showing you.” Celestia said as she finally looked away, noting the treaty was not signed yet and noticed Cadance pouting a little.
“I am a ruler! I saved my kingdom from an evil tyrant!” Cadance yelled stomping her hooves.
“Oh please, even I know that dragon was the real hero, you just happened to fly and catch him.” Chrysalis said rolling her eyes at her.
“Chrysalis stop it, you need to start acting like a proper ruler, not some school bully” Celestia said with a sigh.
“Fine, have it your way Celestia, but she has to earn my respect.” The queen said hissing slightly.
“Ok then let’s—
“Not so fast! I want to know what section 13 is!” Cadance yelled, her mane going slightly messy.
“Cadance it’s nothing important its---
“Reproductive rights, Sex for short.” Chrysalis said dryly as she looked at her hoof ignoring the glare that Celestia was giving her. Cadance just starred at her, blushing slightly as she rubbed the back of her head.
“Well…umm…ok?” she said feeling awkward as she continued to blush. Chrysalis just grinned at her like a shark smelling blood in the water.
“What? Never heard the word Sex? Or never had it?” she asked with a grin as she chuckled lightly, making Cadance turn slightly red but not from embarrassment. Celestia sighed as she turned and began to make her way to Luna.
“I’m done, I’m going to walk away from this, and whatever happens, happens.” Celestia said as she joined her sister.
“50 bits says this will end in a fight.” Luna said with a grin as she sat down. Celestia sighed as she sat down next to her.
“Might as well. This treaty won’t get signed until they work this out.” She said waving for Razor to join them. He shrugged as he walked over to them.
“This has got to be the weirdest day ever…next to that jockstrap incident.” He thought with a shudder as he remembered the darkest day in Changeling history, and the rather large deep hole he had to dig.
“What?! How dare you! I’ll have you know I have had plenty of sex!” Cadance screamed, her royal voice kicking in, the yard went dead silent even the nearby birds themselves stopped chirping. It took a few moments for the realization to hit Cadance like a ton of bricks. Chrysalis snorted a little, then gave a giggle, then she just started laughing out loud.
“Shut up!” Cadance yelled blushing furiously as she stomped her hoof onto the ground.
“Hehee…oh my, no wonder Shiny likes you, must be easy to get “love” from you dear.” She said laughing a bit harder as she did. The two large changelings behind her buzzed a bit. She quickly gave them a glare, making them stand at attention, sweating slightly as they did.
“Enough with your games! What is section 13!?” Cadance yelled, her hair going slightly poofy from the anger.
“My Queen, I strongly and I mean Strongly advise about speaking about that here!” Razor said loudly, a bit panicky as he looked at his queen and the princess who he just settled his differences with just moments ago but the look on his queen’s face told him it was in vain.
“It’s simple, section 13 implies me and a select few of my children get to pick a partner for us to “feed” by force, if you will.” Chrysalis said with an evil grin. Cadance just stood there speechless, she was in shock at she just heard.
“What!? That is horrible! I’m glad my auntie said no to that!” she yelled angrily at the queen, the queen just scoffed.
“Oh please, she said no to being forced, but nothing about us not feeding on a few ponies.” She said still grinning. Cadance looked at her auntie, her mouth hung open in shock.
“Auntie she’s lying right!? She can’t be telling the truth!” she yelled, her throat starting to hurt from all the yelling. Celestia rubbed the back of her head shyly.
“Well…I couldn’t…let...them...starve.” Celestia said quietly, slowly slouching like a child who was caught with her hoof in the cookie jar. Luna was trying her hardest not to laugh, her face red from trying. Chrysalis just giggled innocently as Cadance just looked like she just saw a ghost.
“…I’m done.” She said turning around and walking back into the castle.
“Cadance where are you going?” Celestia asked looking up again as her niece walked away.
“I’m going to my room and I’m going to wait for my husband, and then I’m going to sleep this off and leave to my kingdom.” She said as she continued to walk away.
“Oh do be a dear and send Shining to my room later.” Chrysalis said looking at her hoof bored, this made Cadance stop dead in her tracks. They swore they heard a record player needle just stop. Razor and the other changelings gulped, looking nervous as they backed off a little. Cadance slowly turned her head facing the queen, the look in her eyes told them there would be blood, but the queen seemed oblivious to the danger.
“What?” she said in the coldest voice they have ever heard, it could turn water into ice if it wanted to. The queen just scoffed as she grinned.
“I said send Shining to my room later, I do need to feed to keep my strength up after all, but don’t worry, I will leave him in working condition after I am done. Probably.” she said grinning at the Princess of Love, only then did she notice the fire in her eyes. Cadance took a deep breath and slowly walked over to the Changeling Queen. Chrysalis stood her ground, not backing off and clearly enjoying the situation. They stood almost nose to nose, though Chrysalis was clearly taller than her.
“What did you say?” Cadance asked slowly, her teeth already grinding as she glared up at the changeling queen. The queen just chuckled as she glared back down at her.
“You heard me.” She said coldly as she leaned down, pressing her nose against Cadance’s. The Princess of Love was shaking, her face red as she glared up at her. The group swore they saw lightning crackle between them. She shook and snorted, taking deep breaths before turning around and began to walk away. The queen just scoffed as she turned around to her 2 changelings.
“Ha! I knew it! Too much of a coward, Shining deserves a better wife, one who is strong and powerful. Maybe I should make him mine, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind an upgrade.” she said her back to her as she cackled. And like that, something snapped, something that had been begging to be snapped since the meeting began, and thus it did, finally ending its suffering.
“That’s it!” Cadance yelled as she turned and shot a bolt of magic at the queen, hitting her in the back of her head, sending her to the ground face first with a loud thud. Celestia and Luna stood there, shocked at the sudden attack.
“Oh come on, this was what I was worried about!” Celestia yelled as she rushed over to the queen cursing her decision about not getting involved.
“They’re attacking the queen!” a voice yelled making Celestia stop dead in her tracks. She looked up and saw not one, not two, but dozens of changelings hovering above them. When they arrived was anypony’s guess, but the loud hissing and fangs being bared told her one thing. This might be the start of a new war. The changeling hoard began to land, each one with force as they got into fighting position. Royal Guards began to flood the courtyard, spears ready as the changelings surrounded the queen.
“Treachery!” one of them yelled as they got ready to attack. Celestia stood in front of her people, ready to defend them.
“Please stop this at once! This is not what it seems like!” she yelled hoping she could stop what was about to happen. The changelings didn’t seem to listen as they moved closer hissing at them. Cadance was standing there still glaring at the changelings, her horn still glowing. Before anypony or ling could react, a surge of green magic pulled all the changelings away, making them yelp in shock. The changeling hoard spread like a river as Queen Chrysalis stood there, glaring at Cadance with hate filled eyes.
“No, this little bitch is mine.” She said in such a tone that it made everyling cringe as they gave her a wide birth. The royal guards and Celestia were shocked at the sudden transformation; she went from silly school yard bully to full blown war monarch. She walked slowly past her children making them cower away from her.
“Bring it on She-Bitch!” Cadance yelled as she stood on both legs in a fighting pose. Chrysalis stood there quickly using her magic to remove her crown and quickly tossing it at a random changeling who caught it.
“I’ll see to it that you are buried properly.” Chrysalis said as she bent her neck to the side, making a loud cracking sound. One of the changelings gasped excitedly at his queen as his eyes sparkled a little.
“Oh that sounded so cool, now I need to do my neck.” He said happily as he bent his neck a little, a loud sickening snap was heard.
“Ahhhh! My neck!” he yelled falling to the ground in pain, the nearby changelings facehoofed themselves sighing loudly. The first bolt flew through the air at Chrysalis, she quickly used her magic to deflect the bolt straight into the sky away from her people. She then charged at the Princess of Love screaming. Cadance gave an Amazonian battle cry as she charged at the queen, she jumped half way and delivered a kick to Chrysalis’s mid-section.
“Ah! My squeedly spooch!” she yelled as she held her mid-section, she quickly delivered a backhoof to Cadance’s cheek sending her backwards. Chrysalis made a loud hiss as she jumped and tried to land on Cadance, the princess quickly rolled out of the way but was picked up by magic and thrown into a bush snapping it in half. She quickly stood up glaring at the queen.
“Eat magic, slut bug!” Cadance yelled as she shot bolt after bolt at her. The queen dodged and defected all of them but didn’t react in time to Cadance tackling her to the ground.
“HA! I’m the slut!? I’m not the one who proclaimed she was a big and fat one!” she yelled at her but yelped as Cadance delivered a right hoof to her face. Celestia, Luna, and Razor just stood there watching the scene.
“Sister when should we step in?” Luna asked as she watched the fight with glee.
“Right before death dear sister, this will end but not in somepony’s death.” She said as she watched intensely. The royal guards and changelings stood at the side lines, ready to jump in and help, though they didn’t know who needed more help. Blow after blow magic bolts were thrown, but after a while they stopped flying and it turned into a hoof to hoof fight. They kicked and screamed at each other biting and pulling at each other’s hair. They did everything to each other. Some of the males making bets on each side, some just enjoying a good old ‘catifight’ as some put it. Finally after what seemed like hours the princess and the changeling stood on opposite sides of the field panting heavily, each sported bruises cuts and scrapes, even a few burns.
“I…will…not…stop…until your…6…hooves below…ground.” Cadance said panting heavily as she stared down the queen who was just as tired.
“And I…won’t….stop…till…I …beat you…and claim…Shining for myself.” Chrysalis said hissing as she panted heavily.
“I will not let you have him, you whore!” Cadance screamed as she charged at the queen. The queen quickly looked around and an idea came to her, her brain slightly bruised from all the blows to her head, but it seemed like a good idea. Her magic flared as she grabbed a nearby changeling, making him scream in panic as she flung him at Cadance, crashing into her with such force it would make a dragon cringe. As the two rolled the changeling landed on top of her, he looked at her, his eyes spinning a bit.
“Mommy I don’t...want to go…to school today.” He said slurring his words a bit before passing out on top of her. Cadance quickly shoved him off and stood glaring at her, her eyes twitching slightly.
“Two can play at that!” she yelled her eye twitching as she cackled madly, as she grabbed two random guards and held them up in front of her.
“Princess! We strongly protest this!” one of them yelled. But his plea fell on deaf ears as he was flung forward at break neck speed. The queen quickly picked up two more random changelings and held them up as shields as the guards crashed into them. This quickly turned to the weirdest battle any being had seen as the two rulers began using their own people as weapons, throwing them at each other, much to the protest of said people. The guards and changelings quickly clashed as they were used as projectiles, most of them trying to run away in the process. Luna was on the ground laughing her cutie mark off as Celestia was running around using her own magic stopping any guards or changelings from hitting the ground too hard, screaming at the two rulers as she did this. Razor just sat there, his mouth agape as he watched his proud queen dissolve into a raving lunatic as she used more and more changelings as changeling missiles.
“En-garde, bug-bitch!” Cadance yelled as she grabbed another guard and ran at Chrysalis, she followed suite as she grabbed another changeling, charging as well. The guard and changeling screamed as they were violently slammed into each other as if they were swords.
“I don’t get paid enough for this!” the guard yelled as his body hit the changeling so hard he swore one of his lungs dislodged.
“Ah! I don’t think this is covered by the health plan!” the changeling yelled as his head met metal helmet.
“…you...get…health plans!?” the guard asked as he was once again slammed into the changeling.
“…yeah, and dental!” The changeling said as he went face first into his chest plate, chipping a fang in the process. Blow after blow, the changeling and the guard would exchange random information as more and more sense was knocked out of them. Celestia was furious, she finally had a break after she had been running around catching ponies and changelings as they fell to the ground for the past 10 minutes. How this devolved so quickly would forever be engraved in her mind. She stood huffing and puffing; she looked up and saw the changeling and the guard being used as swords being rammed into each other. She quickly used her magic to grab the two and pull them away, she laid them on the ground next to Luna and Razor, who had started to look after each victim of the rampaging rulers.
“Enough! We shall finish this now!” Chrysalis yelled angrily as she chuckled a bit, her eye twitching slightly.
“I agree!” Cadance cackled as her horn flared up. Chrysalis’s horn flares up as she suddenly charges at Cadance. Cadance followed suite as she charged at the changeling queen, giving her best battle cry.
“For the Hive!” the changeling queen yelled as she gave a battle cry of her own.
“For Love!” Cadance yelled as she charged at the queen. Celestia looked at them and quickly stomped her hoof down.
“ENOUGH!” she yelled so hard that the court yard shook as well as make the guards and changelings that were conscious yell in pain as they held their ears. Chrysalis and Cadance turned to see who made such a noise only to run head first into each other with a loud crack, making the magic explode. Luna quickly reacted by casting a shield spell around the two, preventing the blast from hurting the already hurt bystanders. The courtyard was engulfed in smoke and light, blinding a few passing Pegasus. As the blinding light died down, the smoke began to clear with a little help from Luna and Celestia flapping their wings.
“Wow, that was a really good idea sister.” Luna said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she coughed a little.
“Don’t make me send you to the moon again” Celestia said coldly as she coughed at the smoke.
“Ow… my hive mind.” Razor said rubbing his head as he felt a bit of blood on his head. Luna quickly trotted over to him to check on him.
“Sister what do we do now?” Luna said as she used one of the passed out guards’ garments as a make shift Band-Aid and wrapped it around his head, making him winch slightly.
“Well, for one, we need to make sure everypony and changeling is safe” she said looking around at the chaos that had just transpired. Changelings and royal guards on the ground, groaning in pain, a small smile crept across her lips as she saw a few of them helping each other out, using each other as a cane to stand on. She quickly glared at the center of chaos as the smoke continued to clear, showing two figures on the ground.
“And two, I’m sending two ponies to the moon.” She said coldly as she walked over to them, but stopped as she stared at them. They were laying in front of each other, Cadance’s horn tangled with Chrysalis’s. They were clearly passed out; they might have been seeing stars for all she knew. She groaned as she facehoofed.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Celestia said holding her head, groaning.
“I told you to do it over the magic mailing system, or maybe, I don’t know, go to their kingdom? Maybe use a magic portal?” Luna said annoyed as she finished wrapping Razor’s head.
“Luna shut it.” Celestia said glaring down at her as more royal guards showed up, most of them medics. They quickly went to work, picking up the royal guards but ignoring the changelings.
“Hey you there, help out those changelings!” Celestia said loud enough for everypony within ear shot to hear. They looked at her a bit shocked, but the angry glare was all the motivation they needed as they quickly went to the hurt changelings and began to give them medical assistance.
“But noooo, you HAD to try and make a scene, thinking that today would be the day two races came together in peace after a major attack, what was next? Making Blue Blood give to charity? Or maybe giving Sombra the Crystal Heart?” Luna said angrily as she helped a few of her subjects and a few changelings off the ground as gently as she could. Just then the head medic walked and stared at the scene his eyes open in shock but smiling.
“Well looks like my little snookum will be getting that horn extension after all” he said with a grin. Celestia swore she saw money signs in his eyes as he commanded his team of medics to start picking up both changelings and guards.
“Celestia dear, would you please help me with them?” he asked as he pointed to the fallen queen and princess. Celestia stood there for a moment before lifting them both up, grunting a bit.
“You both are going on a diet.” she said as she placed them on a nearby stretcher that 2 hefty-looking ponies were holding. They quickly carried them off as more and more guards and changelings left the court yard and into the castle.
“Diet? Really you should be the one going on one sister” Luna said rolling her eyes, but before Celestia could retort by banishment to the moon another group of changelings landed already hissing at the medics and guards.
“Oh come on! Really?” Celestia yelled facehoofing as she looked at the scene as the new changelings came closer to her.
“Enough!” Razor yelled as he stood up and marched to them. The new group looked at him asking what was going on in their changeling language, with a series of clicking and hissing. He returned the hissing and clicking, making them look at each other. The one in the front stood out and looked at the princesses.
“..Did the…queen really use us as weapons?” she asked her voice telling them she was female.
“Yes, they both did in fact.” Celestia said pointing to the guards who were being carried off along with the changelings. Some tangled with each other.
“And yes, we are treating the hurt changelings, just like we did before.” She said firmly as she stared down at the changeling. She just sighed as she made a few clicking sounds, a few, slightly lighter shade of black, changelings flew above the rest. Another click sent them and the one that was talking to the princesses into the castle.
“What are they going to do?” Luna asked a bit nervously as they caught up to the medics.
“They are going to help, those changelings are nurses.” Razor said, pouting at the fact they missed his head injury.
“Oh really...that’s a bit of a surprise, but what about them?” she asked as she pointed to the other changelings, who were still glaring at them.
“Since the queen is…..unavailable, I am next in command, so they have to listen to me for the time being.” Razor said as he clicked at them, making them grumble a bit as they began to disperse but still staying in the yard. Celestia sighed as she rubbed her head a bit.
“I’m going to go back to my room, I need some tea.” She said slouching a bit as she walked away.
“Tis’ a good idea, dear sister.” Luna said following her big sister, she stopped and looked back at Razor.
“Please do try to keep order while we sort this out, I am personally putting you in charge of keeping order.” She said with a soft smile as she followed her sister.
“Wait what!? But I don’t even---ok.” He said in defeat as he watched the two princesses enter the castle, leaving him alone with the large group of changelings and a few guards that had started to make their way to him.
“Well, better not disappoint them.” he said sighing as he stood tall and began to bark orders at the changelings, making them all groan slightly.
Shining Armor stood there, silent. His eyes wide as Razor finished his story, after a few moments of uncomfortable silence Razor coughed a bit.
“So…yeah, that’s what happened.” Razor said chuckling a bit nervously. Quickly, Shining Armor turned and ran for the castle. Razor quickly running after him but not before yelling a few commands, he quickly caught up to Shining.
“What are you doing!? The princess said she needed time alone with them!” Razor yelled as he galloped alongside Shining.
“That’s why! I can’t let my wife be punished for being pushed by that over-grown bug!” Shining yelled back as the doors got closer and closer to them.
“Hey!” Razor yelled angrily as he glared at him. Shining shrugged a bit before coming to a stop at the doors. Yelling could be heard from inside the castle, every nerve in his body told him to turn and run away right now. He remembered the last time he heard yelling coming from a room and months later Twilight was born. He gulped, remembering that day as he opened the door, praying that he would not need months of therapy afterward.
“Shut it slut!” a shrill voice yelled angrily.
“Oh please, I’m not the one who announced to the whole courtyard that she’s had plenty of it!” another voice yelled back. More and more bickering was heard as the feeling of dread filled Shining’s body up. Razor followed close behind, his ears lowered a bit as the two made their way to the throne room, a few guards and changelings in bandages stood on the side of the doors leading to said room. Each one of them looking scared and hurt as Shining and Razor walked past them to what they felt was going to be their execution. Suddenly the sound of breaking glass was heard and the duo swung the door open and were greeted by a changeling and a guard running past them.
“We quit!” they yelled in union as they took off into the distance. Shining looked a bit confused at first but then an angry voice got his attention.
“See what you did!?” one yelled.
“Oh please that was you!” the other yelled back. Shining looked over and saw Cadance and Chrysalis ready to go head to head again, but a golden aura wrapped around them, pulling them apart making them yell out loud angrily.
“ENOUNGH! So help me if you two keep it up I will send you both to the bucking sun, flank first to burn for the next 1000 years if you do not behave! Now shut the buck up and sit!” Celestia screamed as she slammed both rulers onto the ground, rump first making them winch a bit. They looked up at her in shock as Shining just stood there, his jaw on the floor as Razor stood there with his eyes bugging out a bit. Never in their life had Shining, or Cadance for that matter, heard Celestia curse. Celestia glared at the two rulers before turning her attention at the two newcomers.
“Ah Shining! Maybe you can talk some sense into your wife.” Celestia ask signaling him to come closer, he hesitantly took a few steps, avoiding eye contact with both rulers. What was going through his mind was one thought: “This was a mistake”.
“See you scared him!” Cadance yelled angrily at Chrysalis, making her scoff.
“Oh please he’s probably worried about the nagging he’s going to get!” the queen yelled back angrily as she hissed at her. They growled angrily at each other, Shining inevitably in the middle of them. A few moments passed and the two rulers kept going at it. Nearly everything set them off, Razor coughing, Shining scratching the back of his neck, a maid coming in with the tea nearly got her head replaced with the plate. Celestia had been on her hoof tips the entire time, having to slam them repeatedly rump first onto the floor.
“You two have got to stop this! I am sick of it! Next one to get out of line gets sent to the bucking sun! I swear Discord is more mature than you two!” she yelled angrily at the two as they pouted. She didn’t know what to do; these two would kill each other at this rate.
“I am at a loss with you two! Can we please talk to each other like adults?” Celestia asked a bit hopeful.
“She started it!” Cadance pointed a hoof at the changeling. Chrysalis hissed at her, baring her fangs at her.
“At least I am a proper ruler and not a childish unexperienced princess!” Chrysalis hissed as she stood up from the table. Cadance quickly stood up as well, her horn glowing, Shining Armor quickly stood trying to see if he could prevent this.
“What!? You wanna go another round!?” Cadance yelled as her horn glowed angrily. The queen quickly followed suit as her horn lit up. Shining Armor quickly stood in between his wife and who could have been his wife to try to stop the fighting.
“Ladies can’t we all—“
“You stay out of this!” they both yelled in union, making him back away slightly. The two rulers were nose to nose, ready to fight again, but before it could escalate further the room began to dim, making them blink and back off looking around.
“What is this witch craft!?” Chrysalis yelled angrily as she glared into the now dark room. A small flame suddenly burst in front of them making them yelp loudly. An unnerving laughter filled the halls and heads and hearts of everypony with a sense of uneasiness as it echoed throughout the darkness. The laughter died down to a deep chuckle, the chuckle sounding like the building itself was alive. Celestia groaned, rubbing her head as she lowered it.
“No….not…him.” she said whimpering as the shadows surrounded the group, keeping her from getting close. Chrysalis and Cadance quickly held each other as Razor and Shining Armor stood ready to defend them. None of them noticed the pair of blood red eyes above them, staring at them the way a predator stares at its prey before going in for the kill.
Please write more!

oh man so epic haha
but there was one thing that i didnt understand
“More like a foolish foal playing a princess.” A voice said from behind them. Razor froze as he recognized the voice. Celestia face hoofed as she groaned loudly.
“The one thing I wanted to avoid, the ONE thing.” She said still groaning, cursing Discord’s name.
why is Celestia cursing Discords name there ? o.0
because Discord is chaos so this situation is nothing but chaos so she curses him its like saying "God damn it" only it would be "Discord damn it" X3
More please. This is awesome! Although you might need a grammar editor; there are a lot of punctuation and capitalization errors here.
already do i guess we just missed both of them X3
That chapter was nothing but epic.
4974994 XD guess so.
Well some one likes DBZ abriged. I know I've heard squeedly spooch just cant remember where.
Invader Zim reference
Invader Zim reference
I think we should leave.......