• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 2,530 Views, 57 Comments

Fears of a Chaos Lord - Iamsorry

Discord has been having trouble sleeping due to horrible dreams and he's afraid to tell anyone about them.

  • ...

Ch. 6: The Brunch of brunchness part 2: Chit chating

Many things had happened this day. Discord having nightmares for who knows how long. The Apple family’s dog getting sick only to realize that a certain filly was the culprit, and making a Pinkie Promise to her shy friend to not talk about what they discussed about, she even kept reminding her not to on the way to Sugarcube corner. But this by far topped it.
“Now Pinkie, you know the rules.” Mr. Cake said, helping the party mare put some treats on the nearby table outside of the bakery.
“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry.” She said little a little sad, but perked up when he gave her head a pat.
“It’s ok dear, we’re not mad, we just want a quiet afternoon. When you're done here, please bring the tray inside, ok?” he said with a kind smile as he walked back into the bakery. Pinkie waved at him as she took her seat smiling.
“Ah’ can’t believe we got kicked out of Sugarcube corner, we weren’t even there!” Applejack yelled, pointing to herself and Fluttershy who eeped slightly before nodding at them. Rarity had her head buried in her hooves as she groaned, Rainbow Dash was off collecting a few clouds to give the table some shade. Twilight was sitting happily at the tables outside.

“I’m really glad they took my advice about putting a few tables outside for the warmer seasons.” Twilight said, smiling as a few more ponies sat down at the other tables, already talking about the snacks they would have.
"OH sweet Celestia, I have never been so embarrassed in my life!" Rarity said whining loudly as she slumped on the table.
“No~? What about that time we snuck Spike into the spa with us!?” Pinkie Pie said giggling making Rarity whine more.
“Don’t remind me, they still check my bag at the door!” Rarity said, giving another loud whine just as Rainbow Dash came back with a cloud.
“Oh please, spas are so overrated.” She said hearing the last bit of conversation as she moved the cloud over the table, providing shade.

“… And… Spike… did... enjoy himself.” Fluttershy said quietly as she took a sip of her drink. Applejack finally sat down, taking off her hat for a moment to adjust it and placed it back on her head.
“Well, at least we were there for that part! Ah’ mean, me and Fluttershy here just walk in and suddenly we’re getting kicked out. Again!” she yelled rubbing her head, she quickly gave a glance to Rainbow Dash who rolled her eyes.
“Oh come on! How was I supposed to know you couldn’t mix soda, rainbows and flowers?!” She yelled with a huff as she remembered her wasted afternoon when she had to help her friends clean up the mess she made. Applejack just waved her hoof dismissively at her as she stared at the rest.
“So… why exactly were you four talking about rolling in the hay?” She asked hesitantly as Pinkie giggled loudly as the party mare passed her a drink.

“Well, duh, it started off with me getting brunch ready! Then Mr. Cake is all like “oh Pinkie, why aren’t you watching the twins?” and I’m like I am! And I was watching---“
“Pinkie! Get to the point!” Applejack said firmly, making Pinkie blink a bit before grinning at her.
“I was! Hold your Apples!” Pinkie Pie said, giggling more as she started to go more into what had happened: from Pound Cake up to his usual antics, to Rarity and Rainbow Dash coming in covered in hay, to her questioning them… rather loudly. Twilight stepped in at this point, telling the farm pony what she heard and what had happened. Pinkie didn’t seem to mind as she just sat there smiling. As they neared the end of the story, Applejack could not help but notice Rainbow Dash getting worried. Applejack cleared her throat, stopping Twilight, and then turned her attention to Pinkie with a deadpan expression.

“Uh-huh… Pinkie, you do know what “rolling in the hay” means, right?” Applejack asked the party mare in a serious tone, this only made her giggle.
“Oh, of course I do, silly! It’s when you grab a pony and pull them into some hay and roll around in it!” she said happily, making Applejack facehoof. She tried her hardest to ignore the snickering of the nearby ponies, some of them younger stallions. A quick glare and snort from her silenced them immediately, each one going back to eating whatever snacks they had.
“No Pinkie, the other thing.” She said with a slightly strained voice. Pinkie stared at her in deep thought. She gasped before giggling loudly again, a snort escaping as she did.

“Oh! That! Yeah, that’s when you grab a stallion and pull him into it and make him happy!” she said giggling, making the other mares sigh. None of them noticed a gray Pegasus with walled eyes, giving a certain brown stallion a look that spelled Danger; he seemed to notice this and ran for the hills. The Pegasus giggled as she followed right behind him.
“OK, so why did you say that, knowing full well what would---“
“Well, duh! Dissy would’ve of done it!” Pinkie Pie said, giggling madly as the rest of the group went silent, she didn’t seem to notice this however.
“I mean, sure, he would’ve made some hay actually appear, cause I can’t do that! But I know he’d have a blast if he was here!” Pinkie said, giggling louder, she didn’t seem to notice the looks from each of her friends. Each one had a different look and they all could see it on each other. Pinkie looked at each of them finally noting the look, they all knew what was coming.

“Pinkie, no.” Rainbow Dash said firmly her wings flaring slightly.
“I was thinking---“
“So Applejack, I see you… have a new hat!” Rarity said hopefully as she tried to pull Applejacks hat away. A quick smack to Rarity’s hoof made stop.
“That we might---“
“Fluttershy, how are the animal migrations going?” Twilight asked, hoping to get the shy Pegasus to speak. But she stayed silent the one time she, and most likely the rest of the group, wished she didn’t, though Twilight could have sworn she had seen Fluttershy give a small grin.
“Invite Discord to come hang out with us sometime! And HA! I finally said it all!” Pinkie Pie said happily as she gave the air a little victory punch as if she had just defeated Nightmare Moon all single hoofenly.
“No.” Rainbow Dash said firmly, crossing her hooves across her chest. Fluttershy seemed chest flattened by that comment, but Pinkie only smiled.

“Oh come on Dashie, stop being a sourpuss!” Pinkie Pie said, grinning at her friend, who only scoffed.
“I think somepony here is jealous of Discord.” Pinkie Pie said, knowing full well of what she did, she only grinned more as Rainbow Dash jumped up.
“WHAT!? Why would I be jealous of him!?” she yelled glaring at the party mare, who only gave her a grin.
“Well, duh! He’s hanging out with Fluttershy more than with you!” Pinkie Pie said, giggling, making Rainbow Dash scoff at her.
“Oh please! As if Fluttershy would hang out with him more than with me!” Rainbow Dash said with a huff.
“Besides, I’m sure me and Fluttershy can find something to do. Like this weekend!” Rainbow Dash said confidently. Fluttershy eeped as she tried hiding behind her mane.
“Oh... well… I can’t.” She said quietly, this made Rainbow Dash look at her with wide eyes.
“I promised... Discord that… we would go to the comic book shop in Canterlot over the weekend.” She said, Rainbow Dash just continued to stare at her.

“Wait, the whole weekend!?” she said standing up suddenly, sounding suspicious.
“Well, I… I wanted to go to the flower exhibit, since Changelings are now our friends I was hoping to see the plants they brought from their hive.” She said quietly but this time dident bother hiding behind her mane.
“But why would Discord--“
“He didn’t. He said it was too boring, but he knew I wanted to go, though not by myself, so we made a deal that I would take him to the comic book shops in Canterlot. We might even get some treats while we’re there.” Fluttershy said with a smile, her nervousness from before seemed to have vanished as she took a sip from her drink. Applejack gave her a smile as Rainbow Dash groaned loudly.
“But… I thought WE were going to go!” Rainbow Dash said, trying her hardest to ignore the grinning Pinkie.
“Well, we were, but you said you didn’t want to. So I didn’t want to make you go and besides Discord said he would.” She said, her voice shaking slightly, but she cleared her throat and looked at her friend.
“I would invite you too, but I know you two don’t get along, that and you haven’t said Sorry over the rainbow bucket.” She said firmly, making Rainbow Dash scoff.
“Oh please, it was just a simple prank! And he deserved it!” She said, earning a glare from Fluttershy, something she had yet to get used to.

“Yes, it was a prank Rainbow Dash, but you still hurt him. You know how much rainbows burn, especially when it gets in your eyes.” Fluttershy said firmly, making Rainbow Dash huff as she gave a pout. This made Fluttershy sigh as she looked at friend.
“Now Rainbow Dash, while he did deserve that for making your shower spray you with glitter instead of water, he at least said sorry afterward, albeit after I told him to, but he still said sorry.” Fluttershy said firmly, making her friend cross her hooves angrily, like a child who was told she couldn’t have cookies. The conversation had come to a dead halt; an awkward silence had made its way to the table. That was until a ding was heard. Everyone turned to Pinkie, who was digging in her mane, only to pull out a little timer.
“Pie is done!” she yelled happily as she stood up suddenly.
“Come on Fluttershy! Help me with my pie!” she said, and before Fluttershy could say anything else she was grabbed and pulled over and into Sugarcube corner. Applejack smiled as she watched her friend give her a pleading look. Once they were inside, she quickly turned her attention to Rainbow Dash.

“Ok, spill it, what did you do?” she asked firmly, making Rainbow Dash look at her before giving a shrug.
“I have no idea--“
“She tried to zap Discord while he was sleeping. Quite rude if you ask me.” Rarity said, taking a delicate sip of her drink, making the other mare glare at her.
“Oh for the Princesses’ sake! Can’t you two not try to kill each other every time you see each other!?” Applejack said, taking off her hat only to use it to whack Rainbow Dash on the back of the head with it.
“Hey, don’t treat me like a kid!” Rainbow Dash said, flaring up her wings in defiance.
“Well, if you would stop behaving like one, ah’ wouldn’t need to!” Applejack said, glaring at her, she only scoffed rubbing her head a little.

“I’ll stop being one when he stops being a fre--“
“We’re back!” Pinkie Pie yelled, bouncing over to the table with a few plates on her back, Twilight watched in horror as her fundamentals of physics were destroyed as the party mare happily bounced over to them and quickly placed all the plates on the table. Fluttershy followed right behind her with more plates and napkins. The group looked at the pie, noting its rainbow crust.
“Wow Pinkie, how did you—“
“It’s a secret!” She said firmly before smiling at them, she took a nearby knife and started carving the pie.
“Whoa! Wait a minute, is that Zap Apple Pie?!” Applejack said, smiling as she was given a slice, since the first thing she noticed was the rainbow theme went past the crust.
“Well, now it’s not a secret anymore Applejack! How mean!” Pinkie Pie said, giving her a stern look before she started giggling at Applejack’s apologetic look. Rainbow Dash looked at her slice and poked it slightly.
“Wait, does it have any "special" ingredients, like those special rainbow cupcakes?” Rainbow Dash asked nervously. This made Pinkie Pie snort loudly.

“Oh Rainbow, you know I don’t make rainbow cupcakes anymore, not since you read that really silly story! Seriously, who makes ponies into cupcakes! That’s just silly!” she said, passing Rainbow Dash her slice.
“Besides, you make ponies into pies! Everypony knows that!” She said, passing over a slice to Twilight.
“Wait, what?” Twilight asked, looking at the pink pony, noting the slightly manic look for a split second.
“Hmm?” Pinkie Pie asked, looking at Twilight, confused. The unicorn only shook her head as she started eating the pie. Soon the whole group was eating rather quietly, each enjoying their slice, the occasional sound of approval being heard. After a few minutes of eating, the pie quickly disappeared into the bellies of the ponies at the table.
“Oh wow, that kicked butt!” Rainbow Dash said, grinning as she cleaned her teeth with her tongue. Rarity shivered at the display, but she stayed quiet as she cleaned her lips with her napkin.

“Mmm~! Indeed, such a delightful treat.” She said smiling as she finished cleaning her lips. The rest of the group smiled in agreement. Rarity leaned back, stretching a bit before reaching for her drink. Fluttershy mirrored her movement, grabbing her cup. Rarity looked up, as if about to offer her a toast to something, but she stopped to look at the yellow Pegasus. Fluttershy noticed the look a little too late and cringed when Rarity gave a gasp.
“Fluttershy! What happened to your eyes!?” she said, looking at the bags under Fluttershy’s eyes, this made the shy Pegasus blush as she turned away. Applejack quickly cleared her throat, making Rarity look at her, obviously wanting to say something, but the shocked expression made the farm pony regret her decision.
“Oh no! You too Applejack?” she asked, worried as she made her way to the two ponies, they looked at each other, as if asking the other what they should do.

“Oh, look at you! Bags simply won’t do.” Rarity said, standing in front of Fluttershy examining her face with her magic. Fluttershy only looked to the others, wishing for some sort of help, she saw the looks of her friends and sighed knowing they would not help. She wished Discord was here, at least he would say something.
“Now Rarity, that’s mighty rude.” Applejack said as if reading Fluttershy’s thoughts, she gave her a weak smile, but Rarity only clicked her tongue as she continued to examine the eye bags.
“Oh, I just know this is that ruffian’s doing!” Rarity said, scrunching her nose as she finally let go of Fluttershy’s face.
“Now Rarity—“
“Fluttershy, you must stop being so passive with him!” She said firmly, this made Fluttershy take a deep breath.
“Rarity, I love you as a friend, you know that.” Fluttershy said firmly, making Rarity nod.
“But I will not let you talk about Discord if it’s not anything nice. I let Rainbow Dash give a comment here and there because I know I can’t stop her.” She said firmly, making Rainbow Dash give her a pout.
“But please don’t ruin our brunch by talking badly about Discord.” Fluttershy said hopefully as she looked up at Rarity’s face.

“Oh darling, I didn’t mean anything by it. But I will say he simply must let you get some sleep.” Rarity said, giving a kind smile, Fluttershy smiled back, knowing this was not going to escalate much.
“Please promise me that you will at least tell him to let you sleep? I mean, who knows what horrid things he does.” Rarity said waving her hoof dismissively, this made Applejack smiled.
“Yeah, like taking off his head and---Mphph!” Applejack nearly dropped her drink as Fluttershy’s hoof shot up and quickly jammed itself into her mouth.

“What!? He did that!?” the group yelled in unison, Pinkie Pie being the only one who burst into a fit of laughter. Soon Applejack regretted opening her mouth as the group started arguing over how this should be handled, with Pinkie Pie being ignored since throwing a party for him was not on the top of everypony’s list.
“This simply cannot be ignored!” Rarity said with a huff, making the others agree, all except Pinkie who was trying to talk to Fluttershy, but she could barely hear her over the others talking, Rainbow Dash being the loudest. She sighed, knowing that the best course of action would be to just let them rant on until it died down, even though she hated that course of action but she had little choice once her friends got started. she finished off the last piece of her snack while she waited for them. when she heard Rarity clear her throat she looked up at them, and they looked at her expecting an answer.

“Can I speak now?” she asked politely, Pinkie Pie oooh’ed at the tone she gave. The tone of a mother who just caught her filly doing something that she was not supposed to.
“OK, yes, Discord did… for a lack of a better word, take his head off and put it in my bed.” she said firmly, but quickly raised her hoof. Applejack only sat next to her grinning as Fluttershy continued.
“But he did it with the best of intentions.” She said firmly, making Rainbow Dash’s wings flare up angrily.
“How can that--“
“Let me finish, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said firmly, cutting off Rainbow Dash, and hopefully stopping the others. She gave a sigh as none of them spoke, and took this chance to take a deep breath. She started to tell them about the things Discord did whenever they were alone, or when he was bored, which was quite often. The group listened in growing shock, and Rainbow Dash only seemed to get angrier the longer she went on. She stressed that each prank or trick he did was harmless and playful in his own special way. Of course, no one except Pinkie saw it like that, Applejack stayed silent listening to her friend defend her chaotic friend, she couldn’t help but smile at her bravery. In any other situation, Fluttershy would have fainted from being in this position.

“Applejack, what do you have to say about this!?” Rarity said, snapping Applejack out of her thoughts.
“Uh… Discord, right?” She asked to make sure she knew what they were talking about before answering. A simple nod from Rarity gave her what she needed.
“Ah’ think its ok, ah’ mean, ah’ sure don’t like it, but ah’ didn’t like your pranks either Dash, but that never stopped you.” Applejack said pointing at Rainbow Dash.
“Oh come on AJ! This is so different!” Rainbow Dash yelled glaring at her, Applejack only shook her head.
“Really? How is this different? Last time ah’ checked, the worst thing he did since we let him out was flood my farm.” She said firmly, making Fluttershy nod.
“Yes, he did do that, but he fixed it and even said sorry afterward.” Fluttershy said with a smile, Rarity gave a huff as she turned her head.

“While that may be the case, we simply cannot have that ruffian have his way with her!” Rarity said still quite mad, trying to ignore Pinkie Pie saying “Phrasing!” followed by a giggle.
“Yeah, I’m with Rarity on this one! Let’s zap—“
“Oh, hush Rainbow Dash! He so much as jaywalks and you want to zap him!” Applejack said, giving the Pegasus, another whack with her hat, and just like that the conversation once again went into an area Fluttershy hated to talk about, the Elements of Harmony. She was happy that Pinkie Pie seemed more interested in the crumbs on her plate than the topic, she was more thankful that Applejack sat there defending him this time around.
“Ah’m telling ya’, there is no reason to zap him with fancy magic if he hasn’t done anything yet! And ah’ mean anything dangerous!” Applejack said making Rainbow Dash pout. Fluttershy tried her best to stay out of this, making a comment here and there, knowing that they really wouldn’t listen to her. She sat there, twitching more and more with each comment, slowly grinding her teeth.

“Oh come on! At the very least we can’t let Discord live there anymore! I mean, Fluttershy has no idea how to handle him! We need to at least keep an eye on him.” Rainbow Dash said angrily, making Fluttershy sigh; she had hoped for a peaceful brunch, but that was like asking Discord to not shower in the living room.
“Maybe we could stay in Fluttershy’s home to keep an eye on them?” Rarity suggested as she tapped her hoof.
“Wait, won't that invade her privacy?” Twilight asked, tilting her head, Applejack turned to see Fluttershy just sitting in silence as she listened, obviously not wanting to add fuel to the fire.
“Who cares!? I mean, no offense to you Fluttershy, but you’re a bit of a doormat.” Rainbow Dash said waving her hoof in an uncaring manner. The group stared at her shocked, Pinkie Pie being the only one that gave a loud, overly exaggerated gasp. Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie Pie wondering what the big deal was, and then it hit her. She cringed visibly as she turned to Fluttershy.
“Oh crap Shy I—“
Fluttershy held out her hoof, silencing Rainbow Dash. She stayed silent for a moment before taking a deep breath.
"Ok, that is quite enough, I’ve sat here listing to you bad-mouth him and I just have had enough.” She said firmly as she stood up.

“I do love you girls, I really do, but I am getting tired of this. I really am. Every time I come over to spend time with you I’m worried that you will ask about Discord.” She said firmly, making some of them start to sink in their chairs.
“I don’t mind you asking about Discord, but you always ask about what he’s done to me and not anything else. Did you even know he helped me fix the leaky roof on my house last week? No you did not because to you he is not capable of helping anyone but himself.” She said firmly, her body shaking slightly, she took a deep shaky breath before continuing.
“And frankly, I’m sick of it. None of you even knew I was going to Canterlot this weekend, and you know why?” she asked, making the mares squirm slightly. Applejack stared at her, knowing that this was something that had been building up for weeks now, and she was glad to finally see Fluttershy get it off her chest. Even if she was partly at fault for it.
“It’s because you only ask about Discord these days, never about me anymore and that really hurts.” She said, giving a slight sniff clearing her throat a bit before continuing.

“Thank you for the snacks Pinkie, thank you Applejack for walking me here, thank you Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, I do hope you work out your issues soon, but right now I am heading home. Have a nice day." she said, turning away and started to walk away, with some tears in her eyes as she did.
“Wait Fluttershy! I--“
“No Dash, I will not wait anymore, I am tired of this I really am. I’m heading home to tend to my animals, please don’t follow me. I want to be alone.” She said as she continued to walk, she stopped for a moment before turning.
“And girls, if this keeps up I don’t know how many more brunches I will be coming to if this is how it’s going to end every time.” She said firmly before she did something that took everyone by surprise: she spread her wings and took off into the sky. Rainbow Dash stood there, dumbfounded at what just happened.
“Well, it’s about time.” Applejack said quietly with a small smile as she stood up as well, giving a passing look at the others.

“It’s time for’ me to head home now. It was nice seeing you girls.” She said with a smile, the others still recovering after what just happened. She turned to Pinkie who was hiding her face, she knew the others could do without her help, but Pinkie needed special attention.
“Hey Pinkie, think you can come help me with something on the farm? I could really use your help.” Applejack said with a smile, Pinkie Pie sat silently for a moment before looking up with a smile.
“Sure Applejack! I’m the best helper there is!” she said, happily bouncing up to the bakery and yelling something inside. She giggled before turning around to face Applejack.

“Ok, let’s go!” She said happily as she and Applejack made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack gave a glance at Rainbow Dash before she made her way to her quickly.
“Hey Dash, ah’ know you don’t want to hear this right now, but she’s right. Just give her a few days to cool off, ok? And next time, maybe don’t go shooting off at the mouth before thinking, alright?” Applejack said before giving her friend a quick firm hug.
“Y... yeah, sure.” Rainbow Dash said, returning the hug before they separated. They waved at each other as they left, leaving Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash to clean up the mess they left on the table.

Fluttershy landed gracefully in front of her cottage and shook her head, shaking off a few twigs here and there, she was still not used to flying that often. She then wiped the tear stains from her face, not wanting Angel or Discord to see them. She paused, her mind going back to her chaotic friend, giving a sigh as she thought about what to do. She stopped at her front door before sighing again, knowing that he wasn’t there. She made a mental note to ask him where he had been when he got back home, maybe make some of his favorite cake. That thought was quickly tossed out of the way as another one forced its way into her mind.

“Oh, that’s right. I should really get packing up; we leave the day after tomorrow.” She said, scrunching her nose at the thought, she shrugged as she went into her house, thinking about how she would make it up to him when they got to Canterlot. She smiled as she started to think about what he would like, and hoped that wherever he was, he was at least behaving. She felt a cold shiver slide down her back at the thought.

The hut, that was strange. When did he come back to the hut? The last thing he remembered was meeting Cadence and Chrysalis, and possibly being made a public enemy of a whole race…. Again.
“Hey Discord!” Twilight said, getting his attention, she smiled, waving at him as she trotted by, licking a large lollipop in the shape of Rainbow Dash's head making an angry, scrunchy face.
“Hey Twilight how are things going?” he asked, noting her wings flapping. Wait… wings? When did she get those? She wasn’t an Alicorn… was she? Had he just never noticed? She only smiled as she started to float away her body parts separating and flying in different directions. He gave a shrug as he made his way to the cottage that belonged to his dear Fluttershy. He opened the door to her castle, smiling at the bathroom in the hallway, he made his way past it, noting the toilet was saying something about eating butts.

“Hi Discord! How are you this fine evening darling?” an insectoid voice said making him look up, he smiled as he waved at the large white spider hanging on the ceiling.
“Oh, hello my lovely Rarity! I see your web is as clean as always.” He said smiling as she just giggled at him, her web starting to shake slightly, making her squee.
“Oh my! Looks like dinner is here! Ta-Ta~ darling.” she said, waving one of her many legs at him before crawling away, he noticed that a green and purple dog was snared in her web. He also noticed the hearts in the dog's eyes, even as he was being wrapped around in a web as Rarity gave a ‘Wahahaha~’. Discord just smiled as he made his way deeper into the castle. He blinked, nearly stepping on one of his friends.

“Oh hey Applejack! You don’t seem well today.” He said, looking at the little head with legs walking around like a crab, she gave a screech as her response as she continued to walk. Discord rubbed his chin a bit before snapping his fingers.
“That’s it!” he said happily, making a giggling pink party hat with balloons appear on her head. She gave a screech as she started crawling up the wall.
“You are most welcome, my dear.” He said, waving her off as he finally made his way to the kitchen, he grinned as he saw Fluttershy cooking happily at the stove.
“Hello, my dear Fluttershy.” He said, making her look back at him, she smiled and waved at him to sit down at the table. He did so, but cringed at the thing crawling around on the table.

“Oh my, we seem to have an infestation going on.” He said, scrunching his nose as he stared at a little blue bug with a rainbow shell yelling ‘Dipcord’ over and over again. It screamed as he swatted it with a fly swatter. He gagged as he looked at it twitching slightly before tossing it in a nearby trashcan that barked happily.
“So Discord, how was your day today? I heard you made a few new friends.” Fluttershy said happily as she hummed, her yellow coat shining slightly in the sunlight. Discord smiled at her, nodding his head slightly.
“Oh yes! Chrysalis and Cadence were all over me! They absolutely loved me!” he said with a wide smile, Fluttershy giggle as she opened the window next to her, revealing the two rulers pressing themselves against the window, both wearing ‘Discord’s number one fan’ shirts.

“Really? I couldn’t tell.” Fluttershy said, going back to her humming as she pulled out a rather large cake out of the stove top.
“He’s mine!” he heard Pinkie yell, turning around just in time to see her chase away the two rulers with her cricket bat. He felt a tap on his shoulder, looking at Fluttershy smile warmly at him, the way she always did.
“Discord, you’re not a monster, I don’t know why ponies don’t see that.” She said nuzzling him, making him return it. She pulled away suddenly, confusing him as she gave him a sad look.
“You know I love you, right? I mean, we are the two musketeers after all.” She said still giving him that sad look of hers.
“Of course I do Fluttershy, you’re my best friend!” He said smiling at her, but his smile faded when she still gave him that sad look.
“Then I’m sorry Discord, but this is really going to hurt, and I am very truly sorry.” She said sadly, making him tilt his head.
“Fluttershy, what are-OH SWEET CHAOS!” he screamed in a high-pitched girly tone as the end of a ladder burst out of her mouth with a ‘Blauurg’ sound, making him scream like a filly as it came at him at breakneck speeds.

“Ow! Fuck!” Discord yelled as pain shot through his body, he groaned, holding his ribs as they screamed in pain. He turned around ready for a fight, expecting his arch nemesis to be there, only to see the end of a ladder poking out of his napping area. It jerked back and forth as if doing a mating dance for him, he was flattered but he learned his lesson after the first time. He heard voices coming from under him; he peeked over the edge and saw 3 little dots dancing around the ladder.
“No! You go up there!” one said, shoving the ladder back to another dot.
“No! Ah’ got the ladder, it’s your turn to do something!” the dot with the red bow said, shoving it back at the orange dot, the white dot walking around the two others.
“Did you hear that? I heard a bad word. Did he wake up?” the white dot said, sounding scared.
“Well, this is interesting.” Discord said, looking down at them as they continued to argue about who would go up. He yelped as the ladder poked him in the eye. He rubbed his eye, glaring at the ladder before grabbing it and pushing it away.

“Look out! The ladder’s alive!” the orange dot yelled as they scattered, making the ladder land with a loud metallic thud. He grinned as he turned and laid on his back remembering the dream he just had. What a dream it was! So much fun and relaxing! So chaotic! He snickered at the fact almost all of the ponies he knew were, in some form or another, monstrosities by pony standards. All, except his sweet Fluttershy and Pinkie, who he had yet to figure out if she was a friend or foe. After all, Fluttershy and Pinkie were the only ones who didn’t seem to hate his very existence. His ear twitched as he heard something being lifted, but he ignored it and looked up at the sky, he hated to admit it, but that stick-in-the-mud Celestia sure knew how to---
“OW! Fuck!” he yelled again, biting down on his lower lip, holding his head in pain, feeling tears sting the back of his eyes, he glared as he saw the ladder once again invading his napping area. He poked his head over the cloud again, glaring at the dots that seemed to be making their way up the ladder.

“Persistent little darlings, aren’t you?” he said, mimicking Rarity’s voice as he clicked his finger, disappearing in a flash of light. Just as he did that, Scootaloo’s head popped out of the bottom of the cloud
“We got you now--oh come on!” Scootaloo yelled angrily, looking around the pink cloud and noting its only occupant was gone. She quickly jumped on it, bouncing on it slightly as she looked for Discord. The two other fillies poked their heads through the cloud, noting how sweet it tasted.
“Where is that snake in the grass?” Applebloom asked, standing up and hesitantly stepping on the cloud, she smiled as she hopped on it when her hoof didn’t go through it.
“Did we win?” Sweetie Belle asked staying on the ladder for a moment, only to be pulled onto the cloud by Applebloom, much to her dismay, she was worried it would stain her coat and have Rarity yell at her again.
“Of course not! Ah’ mean, we haven’t even seen him!” Applebloom said, pouting as she gave the cloud a light kick.
“Yeah, we need--why did it get dark all of the sudden?” Scootaloo asked, noting that the area around the cloud was suddenly getting darker.

“Hmm… ah’ don’t think it’s a storm, we are really high up--Sweetie?” Applebloom asked in a concerned voice as she noticed the look on Sweetie Belle’s face, the look of pure terror. She waved her hoof in front of her face trying to snap out of it.
“Uh Applebloom…. We need tttto ggget down… nnnnnow.” Sweetie Belle said with a slight stutter as she just stared on.
“Why do----“
Her voice got caught in her throat as she turned, only to be met with a sight that she would never forget. Towering over them, with an evil grin, was Discord, his lower body coiled around the cloud, gently squeezing it as he chuckled.
“Well well well... Hello, my little ponies, quite literally this time.” He said, giving another chuckle as he pulled the cloud closer to him, causing the ladder to fall to the ground.
“Oh crud.” Scootaloo said her wings snapping to her sides as she backed away slightly. The three fillies hugged each other, shivering as they stared at him, worried what their fate would be in the miss-matched hands of the miss-matched god.

Author's Note:

another chapter done! i feel like im on fire with this one! however i am having a bit of trouble with the next chapter but i am working on it! X3
also special thanks to Jyuuma
hes such a good beta reader and idea helper! X3