• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 2,530 Views, 57 Comments

Fears of a Chaos Lord - Iamsorry

Discord has been having trouble sleeping due to horrible dreams and he's afraid to tell anyone about them.

  • ...

Ch 5: The brunch of brunchness Part 1 : Rolling in the hay

“BORED!” a Pegasus yelled angrily as she shouted for the 4th time that day about how she felt. The birds had long left her area. No doubt going to mention this to Fluttershy later. She groaned as she flopped down on her cloud, making a few pieces fall off as it floated aimlessly though the air leaving behind tiny bits of cloud behind her.
“No work, no new Daring Doo book, not meeting up with the girls till later...” She mumbled to herself blowing her rainbow colored mane out of her face with a huff. All week it had been like this, she was an Element of Harmony and a future Wonder Bolt! How could there not be anything to do!? The most exciting thing was that commotion over by the Princess’s castle, but apparently she missed it. Something about changelings, Celestia talking about peace and politics, blah blah blah.
“Jeez, even that meeting would have been more entertaining than this!” she yelled, waving her hooves around. She sighed as she just stared up at the sky, it was peaceful…too peaceful.
“What I would give—huh?” she sat up looking around; her ear flicked catching a noise nearby. She peeked her head over the side and noticed something that made her stomach turn, a bright pink cloud floating above the grassy hills. But her attention was quickly brought to not the cloud but the occupant on it, this made the turning in her stomach turn into a dull fire.

“Oh great, the bastard is up to his old tricks.” She snorted angrily as she glared hatefully at the sleeping beast, she blinked after staring at him for a few moments.
“Sleeping?” she thought as she started flapping her wings, making her hover slightly. She started floating down to him, trying her best to make as less noise as possible. As she got closer to him, she noticed how he was curled up on the pink cloud, snoring gently. She just glared at him, he was up to something; she knew it. It didn’t matter that he was asleep, he was always plotting: he was the bad guy after all. She’d zap him back into stone herself but Fluttershy’s words played in her head.
‘If you hurt him, I will never speak to you again.’

She scrunched her nose; she only gave him a bloody snout. It was his fault! Making fun of her mane, and the comment about pride. That’s the reason Fluttershy kept talking to her after she nearly broke his nose, he did ask for that. He snorted loudly, rubbing his snout as if he could read her mind; he probably could…all the more reason to seal him up. As he laid there, oblivious to her presence, she looked around as if expecting to see her shy friend giving her The Stare. But she wasn't anywhere to be seen. She looked back at Discord, who seemed to be in a deep sleep, and then something clicked. She grinned evilly as she left him, being careful to not wake him. She quickly started gathering the nearby clouds, swiftly compressing them into a small black cloud, which shook gently, making a low rumble. Discord turned slightly, mumbling something about Celestia’s stick, she shrugged at the comment not knowing what he meant, or caring for that matter. She grinned evilly as she hovered the cloud over him, she wouldn't hurt him too badly so Fluttershy couldn't be mad at a simple prank. She turned and reared her legs up, grinning as she readied to kick it.
“Oh this is going to be good—Ahh!” she screamed as she felt something grab her ear and forcefully pull her down. Discord shot up with a loud snort, he looked around quickly noting the black cloud hovering above him. He stared at it for a moment before flicking his tail at it, making it pop with a ‘poof’. He turned and stood up, slightly clawing at the pink cloud a bit before spinning around on it, finally flopping down on it and started purring like a large cat.
“Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop pulling!” Rainbow Dash screamed as her ear was tugged harder, only to have her mouth put in a magical muzzle.

“Be quiet! You’re going to wake him!” a white mare said turning her head up at Rainbow Dash making her snort, the white mare only tugged harder as she started trotting away from the area leaving the sleeping creature be. The two mares made their way to Ponyville, getting a few looks from other ponies. Finally after a few comments about “couple play”, Rainbow broke free of the magic grip, she quickly turned her anger at Rarity who was just dusting off her coat.
“What. The. Buck!?” she yelled so hard a few birds nearby scattered, as well as a few mothers quickly pulling their children away from them. Rarity just stared at her angrily as Rainbow Dash just started screaming at her.
“What the buck Rarity!? Why did you do that!? You know how embarrassing that is!?” she screamed at the fashionista just continued to stare at her quietly. This made the rainbow mare glare at her as she waited for an apology. A flick of her mane told Rainbow dash she was not getting one.
“Are you quite done dear?” Rarity asked looking at her hoof, noting a speck of dirt on it and quickly cleaning it with her magic, making Rainbow Dash snort angrily at her.

“OK good.” She said taking a deep breath, this made Rainbow Dash groan, she just knew something was coming.
“First of all Rainbow, why must you be so vulgar? And before you retort, you did deserve the treatment I gave you.” Rarity said firmly, making her friend grumble under her breath.
“Second, how dare you do something so…so…uncivilized!?” Rarity said, making Rainbow Dash snort at her.
“I’m serious! That’s something I’d expect from Him, not an Element of Harmony such as yourself!” she said giving a stomp, making Rainbow Dash just scoff at her.
“Oh please! He’s a jerk! Zapping him was a favor to Equestria!” She yelled angrily, making Rarity turn her head at her.
“I will admit that he is not my most favorable of company, but that’s no reason to go and zap him while he’s napping! You and Pinkie have a truce not to prank each other at certain times, and you should follow that same truce with Discord!” Rarity shot back, making Rainbow wave her hoof at her.
“Oh please, like I would ever treat him like anything but the monster he is.” Rainbow said bitterly, making Rarity shake her head.

“I understand how you feel about him, but please understand that if you have hurt him or did anything to anger him—
“Oh please he couldn't hurt a paper bag!” Rainbow Dash yelled rudely interrupting Rarity, she made a quick comment about that but Rainbow Dash ignored it.
“You may say that Rainbow, but everything has its breaking point, and you never know: that brute might one day just strike you back, and not to mention what our dear Fluttershy would say if she was the one who saw you.” Rarity said knowing she hit a nerve, making Rainbow Dash silent.
“…she will forgive me, heck I know she will. She will take me over him any day of the week!” Rainbow Dash said proudly, making Rarity sigh.
“I’m still convinced that thing is tricking her! And when he messes up, I’ll do worse than zap him.” She said angrily as she started walking away, making Rarity follow her, still intent of lecturing her.
“I can’t believe you Rainbow Dash! Why would you do something so…so…barbaric!” Rarity said trotting right behind her, trying to sound civilized.
“Oh come on Rarity, it was only going to be a small zap! And he deserves it!” Rainbow Dash yelled back angrily, trying to say anything to make the mare stop lecturing her, she had been doing so for the past 10 minutes. But the answer she gave Rarity only made her huff at her.

Rarity stopped in her tracks, cringing at her name being happily yelled, knowing full well who was yelling, she gave a quick look around noting a number of other ponies cringing as well. She looked down and saw a white filly with a purple and pink swirled mane running up to her. She sighed as she leaned down and wrapped her hoof around the small filly.
“Sweetie Belle, what have I told you about screaming like that?” Rarity asked with a sigh but continued to smile down at her, she was her little sister after all.
“What do you mean!?” Sweetie Belle said back rather loudly right into her ear, making the fashionista cringe more, she swore she felt some of her teeth crack from the grinding she was doing. Rainbow Dash started laughing at her friend saying something about karma under her breath, but the look from Rarity told her she heard her loud and clear. Before she could say something else she felt a hard tug on her wing, she looked down knowing that there was only one filly that was bold enough to pull at her wing like that.

“Hi Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo said happily as she hopped up and down eagerly. Rainbow Dash smiled as she reached down and ruffled up Scootaloo’s mane. She wasn't a big fan of cute things but the look on her face was priceless; she wished she had a camera to take a picture of it to save for herself.
“Hey, what’s up squirt?” she asked grinning as Scootaloo giggled more as Rainbow Dash continued to ruffle her mane. She was about to answer but the apparent leader of the group stepped up.
“Ah’m sorry Rainbow Dash, but that’s official Crusader business.” Applebloom said with a hint of pride in her voice. Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, giving a knowing look before they gave a sigh.
“OK, we won’t keep you darlings, but as for you Rainbow Dash, we still need to talk about your conduct!” Rarity said snapping her attention back to the rainbow mare, making said mare scrunch her nose at her.
“Oh come on! Discord so deserved that!” Rainbow Dash yelled back angrily, already on her last straw about this. This made the fashionista scrunch her nose at the already scrunching Pegasus. They barely noticed the three fillies gasping in union, or the nods they were giving each other.

“Discord? Do you know where he is?” Applebloom asked looking up at the mare. Rainbow Dash waved her hoof at her dismissively, barely hearing her question. Part of her was happy Applejack wasn’t here, or she would surely say something about her hoof waving.
“Yeah yeah, he’s over there somewhere. Pink cloud and ugly mule sitting on top, can’t miss it.” She said pointing in a vague general direction, another part of her brain wondering why she was asking about Discord. Applebloom quickly thanked them as she signaled the other fillies to follow her. They took off in the direction that Rainbow Dash had pointed to, leaving the two mares to stare at each other, only now realizing what had happened. Rarity gave a groan of annoyance as she rubbed her head.
“…Did you just send my little sister off to do Celestia-knows-what with that ruffian Discord?” Rarity asked glaring at Rainbow Dash; she just waved her off not wanting to get into another lecture.

“Oh please, what can Discord do to them? Like you said, he’s a wuss.” Rainbow Dash said as she started to walk away as fast as she could, hoping that Rarity was done. Sadly, the trotting behind her told her not to get her hopes up.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to walk away while we are in the middle of a conversation!?” Rarity said angrily, quickly trotting up to Rainbow Dash. She groaned wanting to ignore Rarity, but she yelped when she felt her tail being grabbed, she looked back to see it wrapped in a light blue glow.
“We will speak further about this darling, but right now we are late for our appointment.” Rarity said as she started pulling Rainbow Dash by her tail. She grunted as she tried pulling away from Rarity, giving an angry snort as she did. But that only earned her another hard tug as the two started trotting in one direction.

“Hey! How can we be late!? We’re meeting the girls at Sugarcube Corner for brunch! How can you be late for brunch!?” she asked as she glared at the fashionista, who only huffed at her again as she continued to be dragged. She thought Discord was the only one that could drive her this close to snapping, she was wrong as Rarity was a close second. Though unlike Discord, she couldn't just smack Rarity and not expect her to unleash her fury like she did during the Changeling invasion and that was only after one of them pulled her hair. The Pegasus groaned slightly as her mind wondered back to the three fillies.

“What the buck do they want with something like Discord?” she thought bitterly wondering if she should be worried about the fact that the Crusaders and Discord were going to meet. She gave a slight shudder at the thought, but that didn't last long as she gave a small yelp as she felt another tug on her tail. Rainbow Dash puffed out her cheeks, having enough of Rarity, she sat there being dragged on the ground for a bit longer, before a grin made its way onto her face. An idea had wormed its way into her head, an idea that even Discord would have to show her respect for. She spread her wings and started flapping, taking off into the sky, chuckling as she felt Rarity tug at her tail. Rarity held on tighter as her hooves left the ground, making her flail them.
“Rainbow Dash! What are you doing!?” she screamed tugging harder at the tail, this only served to make Rainbow Dash fly slightly higher. She started laughing a laugh that would make a villain shed tears of joy as she continued dragging a flailing Rarity behind her. The two mares quickly made their way to their destination, earning a few looks from the town’s folk. One laughing madly as the other flailed her legs about, using unlady-like language, no doubt going to get even when they touched the ground again.

“Pound cake no!” a yellow stallion yelled quickly, grabbing the Pegasus foal that was climbing the large display case of sugary treats, his sister giggling happily on the ground at the sight of their father getting closer to another breakdown.
“Pinkie! Why aren't you watching them!?” he yelled, finally managing to pull the foal off the case, making him whine loudly as he struggled. The stallion turned his attention to his worker, the bouncing pink pony just giggled madly at him.
“I was Mr. Cake! See, I’m watching them!” She said pointing at her eyes: she was in fact watching them. She gave a snort as she went into another fit of giggles, making him sigh. He turned his attention to the other foal, who was chewing on a dirty rag. He cringed as he grabbed it and pulled it away, only to have her scream her little head off.
“Honey buns! Help!” He said in a slight whimper, a large light blue mare poked her head out of the kitchen smiling.
“I know dear, the bottles are almost ready.” She said, signaling him to bring the twins in.

“Mrs. Cake! Is there juice in the fridge!?” Pinkie yelled quickly making her way to the kitchen. She quickly returned bouncing happily into the room, with a few cups and an assortment of drinks on her back, the tray by some sort of witchcraft stayed perfectly balanced on her bouncing booty. She set them down at the table and smiled as she started setting the table, only for a ding to be heard from the kitchen.
“I’ll get it!” she said happily dashing back into it, only to walk out seconds later with a baking tray in her mouth, with a look of pain on her face as she ran as fast as she could to the table.
“Mhmt! mhmt! mhmt!” he said though her muffled mouth. She spat the tray out on the table, her tongue slightly red from the heat, she sighed as she grabbed a cup and poured herself some apple juice, chugging it happily before giving a happy sigh as she smacked her lips.

“Phew! I need to remember to get myself that tray holder.” She said rubbing her lips slightly as she hopped around the table setting the plates and drinks around the table, grinning happily as she looked at the spread. Just then the doorbell rang making her turn, gasping happily.
“Hi girls! You’re just in time!” She yelled happily, giving the ones who just came in her biggest grin. It quickly faded at the fact Rarity walked in angry, making the party mare stare at her confused.
“What happened to you? Your mane is messy!” Pinkie Pie yelled, pointing out that fact to everypony in the bakery. Rarity scrunched her nose for a moment before taking a deep breath.
“Why yes Pinkie, I am quite all right darling, just had a hectic—
“Discord got to you?” Pinkie Pie asked giggling slightly as Rarity started using her magic to fix her mane. She only scoffed, giving a roll of her eyes.

“No, but it might as well been, if it was Discord he’d have quite a mark on his snout!” she said turning her head up at the mention of his name.
“Awww Rarity, that’s not very nice! I wish you would let me invite him to our brunch! It would be so much fun!” She said giggling happily as she motioned for her to take a seat. Rarity gave a forced smile as she took her seat.
“Darling, I hope you really aren’t serious about that, I mean he could make it rain cats and dogs in here, quite literally.” Rarity said, still having that forced smile of hers.
“Yeah, fun!” Pinkie said giggling happily, making Rarity sigh as she reached for a treat. Another ding made the party mare look up and gasp happily at the cyan mare walking in.
“Rainbow Dash!” she yelled happily, quickly dashing over to her and pulling her into a power hug; she did learn her hugging from her sister. She quickly thought about inviting her over sometime, thinking about all the fun they would have.

“Pinkie----can—t---breath...” Rainbow Dash said as her face started turning into a shade of purple. Pinkie Pie stared for a moment before letting go and giggling.
“Opsie! Sorry!” she said, quickly picking up the Pegasus and dusting her off, only then did she see the twigs and hay on her mane, she turned to Rarity just in time to see her picking out scraps of the same things out of her mane.
“Oh! What happened to your mane!? Did you and rarity tumble in some hay or something!?” she said loudly, making the rest of the customers stare, some snickered while the others blushed.
“Pinkie!” they yelled in union, making the party mare blink for a moment before smiling.
“OH! No, I didn't mean it like that sillies! Though if you wanted that kind of tumble in the hay---
“So Rarity! Still mad at me!?” Rainbow Dash said loudly as she trotted to the table as quick as she could. Rarity only turned her nose up at her, giving a huff.
“I take that as a yes?” she said with a sigh as she was only met with another huff. Pinkie Pie stared at them as she trotted over.

“Wait, why is Rarity mad at you?” Pinkie Pie asked slightly worried, making Rainbow Dash roll her eyes.
“Oh Pinkie, don’t worry about it.” Rainbow Dash asked reaching for a treat as Rarity did the same but still gave her that look she would give her when she went a bit too far with her pranks.
“Oh come on Rarity, lighten up!” Rainbow Dash yelled glaring at the fashionista, she acted like she didn't hear her as she turned her attention to Pinkie Pie.
“So Pinkie Pie, anything new going on with you, darling? Maybe found a gentle colt perhaps?” Rarity asked, completely ignoring the rowdy Pegasus, a part of her hoping to distract what would no doubt turn into an embarrassing situation.
“Rarity why are you mad?” Pinkie Pie asked getting more worried making the fashionista flinch slightly, she did hate upsetting her friend.
“Well, my dear, it’s—
Pinkie gave a loud gasp as she grabbed and pulled both her friends into a hug. To this day the strength of the party mare surprised them.
“Oh no Rarity, you’re not mad because I told everypony you two had a roll in the hay, are you!?” Pinkie Pie yelled in a panic, making the two blush; they made a mental note to talk about her wording…again. Another ding was heard, followed by a thud, making the three look over to see a purple unicorn, with a rather shocked expression on her face, standing in the doorway.

“Wait what!?” Twilight yelled with a blush on her face, standing there with her mouth open and a book on the ground in front of her. Obviously she had been reading it when she heard that, the blush had confirmed that all too well.
“Oh hi Twilight!” Pinkie said happily as she trotted over to her, in the process dropping her two friends, making them hit the floor with a thud. She either ignored them or didn't notice what she did as she pulled Twilight into a tight hug.
“I’m so happy you made it Twilight! For a moment I thought you wouldn't have made it! And then I would have been worried!” Pinkie Pie said as she started rambling on and on about how happy she was that Twilight was here. Twilight just stared past her and looked at Rarity expecting an answer. Rarity sighed as she gave a weak smile.
“Oh Twilight, don’t read into that too much.” Rarity said waving her hoof in a dismissive manner, this however did not have the desired effect.

“How can I not!?” Twilight asked waving her hooves frantically, making Rarity sigh as she sipped at her drink.
“Oh come on Twilight, just because you have a crush on Rarity doesn't mean I’ll take her away from you.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin, making Rarity cough loudly, making her spill her drink and some of it spilling on her coat, she quickly started yelling at her because of that. The three of them started bickering with each other, saying something or another. More and more of the other customers started to look in their direction.
“Oh come on! That was one time! And Gilda and I aren’t friends anymore!” Rainbow Dash yelled back at Twilight, who brought up that fact.

“Oh please, that is hardly the reason! I’m surprised you two aren’t engaged! You two brutes are so perfect for each other!” Rarity said grinning evilly at the blush Rainbow Dash had on her face.
“What!? What about you and Shining Armor!? I saw you trying to flirt with him!” Rainbow Dash yelled back grinning at the shocked face Rarity had, she knew it was a lie but the loud coughing from the mare next to her said she didn’t.
“What!? Are you trying to sleep with my brother!?” Twilight yelled, making Rainbow Dash laugh as Rarity glared at her.
“Oh darling, you know your brother is handsome, but he’s married, for Celestia’s sake!” Rarity said trying to defuse Twilight before she could get her crazy on, it seemed to work until Pinkie popped back in with a grin.
“Oh! Unless you marry Cadence too! Oooh that would be one spicy marriage!” Pinkie said giggling loudly as Rainbow Dash went into another fit of laughter, holding her sides as she laughed.
“Pinkie, control yourself!” Rarity said back blushing madly, but this only made the two ponies laugh harder as Twilight only grumbled about her new sister in law.

“Oh really? What about you and what’s-that-large-stallion’s name…Bulk Biceps? You two seem awfully close.” Rarity said with a grin, making Rainbow cough loudly, making a piece of the treat she was chewing on get stuck in her throat effectively stopping her laughing.
“Hey, where’s AJ and Fluttershy? They are late!” Pinkie Pie said suddenly standing up and trotting over to the door. Rainbow Dash tried to claw at her, trying to get her attention to the fact she was choking.
“Not now Dashie! I must see!” she said pulling herself away from Rainbow Dash, her face now slightly purple.

“Ah feel like Ah’m forgetting something.” Applejack said as she cleaned the dishes, she looked over to Fluttershy who was serving Big Mac his cup of coffee: black, no sugar. She sighed at her friend; she had half a mind to just push them together enough to kiss. Granted, when she first found out about her crush on her big brother she got slightly over protective, until she remembered who the one with the crush was.
“Oh uhmmm…you’re welcome Big Macintosh.” Fluttershy said quietly as she watched him drink his coffee, the smile he gave her made her squeak slightly. He didn’t seem to notice as he went back to drinking his coffee.
“Fluttershy, would you mind helping me over here?” Applejack asked signaling her to come over, she left Big Mac after making sure he had everything he needed.
“Yes Applejack, what did you---
“When are you two going to rut?” Applejack asked with a serious expression, which slowly turned into a sly grin as Fluttershy’s face turned as red as Big Mac.

“WHAT!?” she yelled loudly, quickly covering her mouth as she glanced back at Big Mac, who was just staring at her with a confused expression. She gave him an awkward smile before turning to Applejack.
“Why did you do that!?” She hissed under her breath glaring at her friend, making the earth pony chuckle as she grinned back.
“Well you’re taking too long! Just go and tell him!” she said, gently nudging Fluttershy playfully, making her blush harder.
“You know Ah’m shocked Discord hasn’t done anything about this, like make a banner the size of an Ursa Major, saying you have a crush on Big Mac.” Applejack said giggling at Fluttershy’s look of absolute horror.
“NO! Don’t ever say that in front of him! He’d hang it on the City Hall like he did with the Rainbow Dash banner!” she said a bit too loudly, she looked behind her to see Big Mac looking at them again with a confused look as he sipped at his coffee. She only blushed harder as his confused look turned into a kind smile at her, making her squeak slightly. Both mares remembered the banner Discord made of Rainbow Dash, she didn't have that much pride after that day, but Discord did have a black eye. One of the few times Fluttershy sided with Rainbow Dash.

“Hey big brother, you know Fluttershy here has a—
“Bunny! Yes I have a very sweet bunny!” she blurted out loudly, making Applejack snicker at the glare she got.
“Ah was going to say has some cookies here for you.” Applejack said, making Fluttershy look at her worried as she looked around, noting Applejack pointed at the cupboard. She made her way to it and opened it, seeing a plate with plastic wrap around it. She noticed a small piece of paper with the words ‘property of Applebloom’ on it. She looked guiltily at it, as it seemed to be a present from Miss Cheerilee. They appeared to be sugar cookies, and she just couldn't take them without permission.

“Oh? That’s mighty kind of you Fluttershy, ah wonder…are they sugar cookies?” Big Mac asked smiling at her; he didn't notice her tossing out a piece of paper into the nearby trashcan.
“Yes they are!” she said as her voice slightly cracked, much to her surprise and joy he offered her the seat next to him.
“Would you like some coffee?” he asked offering her a cup, she quickly nodded before blushing hard at her actions.
“Oh um…yes please.” She said quietly. Despite the fact she already had some coffee today she just couldn’t help but smile as he poured her a cup. Applejack grinned as she continued cleaning the dishes humming a tune to herself, as Big Mac finished pouring Fluttershy her coffee. Applejack smiled as she finished up the last of the dishes, letting them dry on the rack as she turned to watch the two, hoping that she might be made an auntie in a year or two. Fluttershy gave him the plate of cookies, blushing as he took one and dipped it in his coffee before eating it happily. He noticed her staring and smiled.

“Would you like some sugar cubes?” he asked handing over the plate of cubes over to her.
“Oh thank you Big Mac, yes I’d like some sugar cubes.” Fluttershy said smiling as she blushed slightly at the red stallion, putting some sugar cubes in her coffee. Applejack smiled at the scene for a moment, before her ear twitched at the words “sugar cube”. Her smile faded as the word continued to repeat itself in her head over and over again, each time echoing louder and louder until it turned into a dull ringing in her ear. Then suddenly, as if somepony just flipped a switch, her brain made the connection; the next thing she knew was her brain screaming at her like a war had just broken out right outside her door.
“Oh sweet Celestia!” She screamed as she spun around making the other two ponies jump slightly, her big brother give her a disapproving look.

“Applejack what’s wrong!?” Fluttershy asked worried by her friend’s sudden and a bit rude outburst.
“Pinkie! Sugarcube Corner!” She said quickly running over to door.
“Why would that---
“Brunch! We were supposed to meet them for brunch!” Applejack said, waving her hooves around frantically. Big Mac only sighed as he sipped at his coffee again. Fluttershy stared at her for a moment before the gears in her head started spinning, her eyes bugged out as she gasped loudly.
“YOU’RE RIGHT!” Fluttershy yelled as she stood up quickly, her wings hitting the table, this made her cup of coffee spill all over and off the table, covering Big Mac’s lap in the hot beverage. Big Mac lost his grip on his coffee cup. He screamed as the hot coffee from his cup spilled on his chest and mixed with the still hot coffee on his lap. He sat there screaming in pain as the two mares bolted out the door, leaving a quite literally seething stallion behind.

“Did you have to squeeze me that hard, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked wheezing slightly as Rarity just stayed silent at her question, making her sigh as Pinkie came hopping back happily.
“They’re on their way!” she said happily bouncing back to the table, making the others wonder what she meant but none bothered to ask.
“So what happened before I came in?” Twilight asked having a chance to put her book away, she didn’t notice the other two winch as the party pony gave a loud gasp.
“That’s right! Rarity why are you mad!?” Pinkie Pie asked giving her a serious look, something she did very rarely. The last time she gave that look was when she thought Applejack broke a Pinkie Promise. Rarity simply gave her drink a sip before putting it back down, she took a deep breath and glared at Rainbow Dash pointing a hoof at her.
“Why don’t you ask her?” she said firmly before going back to her drink. The attention was quickly drawn to Rainbow Dash, who was chugging her drink before slamming the cup down, she gave a burp making Rarity scuff as she turned her head.

“Rainbow Dash, what did you do?” Twilight asked, giving her the same look Celestia did when she tried sneaking snacks into the library as a filly. Rainbow Dash only gave a sheepish grin making Twilight groan rubbing her head, that grin told her that her friend probably deserved more than the silent treatment.
“Oh ho, Dashie’s in trouble~.” Pinkie pie said in a sing along voice, making Rainbow Dash roll her eyes at her.
“Oh please, it was just a simple joke!” she said throwing her hooves in the air, obviously trying to make a spectacle of it. Twilight, Rarity and much to her surprise even Pinkie crossed their hooves at her. She only rolled her eyes as she sipped her drink, trying her hardest to ignore them. The three ponies looked at each other, giving a knowing grin as they leaned into each other. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, sighing as she continued to sip, her ear twitching at the whispering.
“Can----- believe that------”
“No I-----who------ Gilda ----- Royal Guard.”
Rainbow Dash scrunched her nose as she tried to listen to what they were saying. Sadly she only picked up bits and pieces. The whispering continued, making her bite her lower lip, she knew what they were doing, and she was not going to fall for it this time.
“Daring doo----big blue monkey guy-----foal.”
“Movie----live----Daring Doo.”
“New—daring----final---in series.”

“OK! OK! I’ll talk!” Rainbow Dash yelled, nearly spilling all her cup’s contents all over the table. The three mares giggled as they gave her their full attention. She took a deep breath and started to talk about her day. Rarity scrunched her nose at the fact she was doing everything in her power to keep herself from talking, everything from picking at her mane, waving at a random pony, and even asking Twilight about books. That worked for a moment before Twilight caught on and told her to stop procrastinating.
“OK! Fine! I was relaxing on my cloud like I always do, when I saw Discord---
“Oh Sweet Celestia, what did you do!?” Twilight said rubbing her head, knowing full well this would go to a place she didn’t want to go.

“Hey I didn’t do crap! I was just going to zap him! That jerk was invading my space! He can take a nap somewhere else!” She said with a huff as Rarity waved her hoof pointing at her as if she had just proved something.
“Oh my gosh! That is so funny! Frizzle Dissy!” Pinkie Pie yelled happily as she went into a fit of giggles. Twilight only groaned as she rubbed her head some more.
“And?” Twilight asked, hoping for some sort of answer.
“And what?” Rainbow Dash said looking at her as if she repeated herself.
“And why did you zap him? Please don’t tell me it was just because.” Twilight said hoping against the odds, but the sheepish grin returned once more making her groan louder.
“Are you crazy!?” Twilight yelled at her, making Rainbow look confused.
“What!? He deserved it!” she shot back pouting, this only made Twilight groan loudly.
“How exactly did he deserve that? I know you don’t like---
“How can anyone like him!?” Rainbow Dash asked angrily, making Twilight sigh. She could already feel the headache starting.

“But that’s not a reason to just go around zapping him! I’m not a big fan of him myself but Rainbow Dash, for Celestia’s sake, have some self-control!” Twilight said angrily as she turned her attention to her drink for a moment taking a sip of it, enjoying the cool beverage run down her throat.
“Oh come on Twilight! It was a simple prank!” Pinkie giggled for a moment before looking serious.
“But that is pretty mean Dashie, you need to be nicer to him! I mean that’s one of the rules we made! No pranking when napping! You put that rule down!” she said in a serious tone before she smiled at her.
“Oh come on! AJ would so back me up on this!” she said with a huff slouching in her seat, she looked up when she heard someone clear their throat.
“Well, anything else?” Rarity said firmly, making Rainbow Dash groan as she sat back up.
“And Rarity stopped me and nagged me. And not to mention the whole time she was dragging me around Ponyville by my muzzle!” Rainbow Dash yelled making the two other mares turn to Rarity expecting her answer.
“Oh darlings, I had to! If I didn’t she would have woken that ruffian up!” She said back turning her head at them slightly.
“And why would you care---
“Well my dear Rainbow Dash, it’s quite simple: it’s rude, very rude in fact to wake someone up like that.” she said, cutting Rainbow Dash off before she could rant, this made the rainbow pony sigh. Twilight waved at her to continue, this made Rainbow Dash start to regret coming today.

“And after all that I…sort of…kind…of...” she stopped talking as if she was looking for the right words.
“…Dragged Rarity over Ponyville, making her flail around like the time her wings melted.” she said with a sheepish smile, making Twilight shake her head as Pinkie started laughing. After a few moments of being silent, Twilight looked up at her with a firm look.
“And did you say you were sorry?” Twilight asked, making Rainbow look down making the young student sigh.
“Rainbow Dash, pranks are funny, but when they are too mean, then you have to say sorry.” Twilight said as if she was reading from a book or script.
“Yeah Dashie! If you don’t, you’re a big meanie pants! And you don’t even wear pants!” Pinkie Pie said giving a little snort. Rainbow Dash only groaned in defeat, giving Rarity the same look a scorned child would give.
“Ok! Geez, look Rarity I’m sorry ok! But next time don’t embarrass me in front of ponies like that again. Please?” she said, making Rarity smile at her.

“Of course, darling. I will admit I might have been too hasty with dragging you around town like that, and for that I apologize.” Rarity said with a smile, but it quickly faded.
“But you’re going to model my next dress for me. And I won’t take no for an answer!” She said cutting off whatever Rainbow Dash was about to say.
“No buts I said, or what would Fluttershy say to such a thing?” Rarity said giving an evil grin that surprised everypony at the table.
“Twilight back me up here!” Rainbow dash said hoping for the student of the group to step in, but the smile she was giving her told her she was bucking the wrong cloud.
“I’m sorry Rainbow, but I’m going to have to agree with Rarity on this one, seems like the appropriate punishment, unless you think Fluttershy could come up with a better one.” Twilight said, making Rainbow Dash groan as she slumped in her seat again.

“I hate you guys.” She said through her mumbles.
“Aww we hate you too Dashie!” Pinkie said giggling as she took her friend’s drink and pushed it closer to Rainbow Dash, making her grumble as she lazily looked up and took the straw it had in it and took it into her mouth and sipped.
“See? Much better than going cray cray over rolling in the hay!” Pinkie giggled loudly as she threw her hooves in the air. The three other mares coughed and spit their drinks all over the table, making Mr. Cake groan as he watched as his clean tables where sullied. The twins looked on in awe as they grabbed their Sippy cups and copied what the older mares did, further sullying the bake shop.

“PINKIE!” the three mares yelled at her making her giggle more as she gave them a grin.
“What!? It’s true! It’s better than that right!? I mean it’s not like they actually did!” Pinkie said giggling more, making the others groan. They quickly started to talk about that particular subject, with Rarity and Rainbow Dash telling her why she was wrong and how it could never happen. Then Pinkie brought up the fact that there was this little thing called “friends with benefits”. This only made Twilight curious as she started listing off the cons and pros to that. This only served to fluster the two friends as she continued on her list, much to everyone’s surprise Pinkie knew quite a bit about this subject. Rarity made a mental note to not let Sweetie Belle hear about this. The four friends continued their conversation, not noticing a light orange earth pony and a yellow Pegasus walk in. they stood there watching the scene unfold before the orange one walked to the table.

“What the—what are you all talking about!? Have some decency for crying out loud!” she yelled slamming her hoof on the table, making it shake violently and spilling all the drinks, silencing the group…almost.
“And then Twilight gets mad because Rarity and Rainbow Dash had a roll in the hay! I mean what’s up with that!?” Pinkie yelled as she waved her hooves around again, making the Cakes shoosh at her from the counter as the twins start chanting that word ‘Hay’ over and over again. The look from the Cakes told Pinkie she was in deep doo-doo.

Author's Note:

ok first i posted this thing in the wrong story so sorry to everyone! XD
but now enjoy for this is the beginning...well sort of the beginning is next chapter :P