• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,767 Views, 173 Comments

Pony Verse: A Collaborative Collection of Pony Poetry - darf

A wide-ranging anthology of verse from nine of FIMFiction's top poets.

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Clerihooves (Part 2)

Clerihooves (Part 2)


Fancy Pants, a stallion sublime

He still puts them on one leg at a time

Just like everypony else he knows

Except…they don’t normally wear clothes…

(The Illusive Badgerpony)

In neighty-six, Derpy Hooves

Got into a disco groove

But she fell flat on her face during the synthetic trance

And blames her crooked eyes on the accursed dance


Berry Punch

Drinking at breakfast, drunk by brunch

Everypony thinks she’s addling her wits

But that’s just her communing with the spirits


Stephen Magnet's

Moustache won a beauty pageant

How'd he prevail?

It was quite a tail



Couldn’t forget

That her name, till late,

Had been toothpaste


Cheerilee was lovesick

Three fillies got a red tick

But afterwards she tried anew

‘Til Big Mac blushed a deeper hue


Zecora is not colour-blind

But with her friends she must bear in mind

That with one mare orange, another purple

She can’t say…oh…oh dear…damnit!


Starswirl the Bearded

Was named for something his peer did

With Poison Joke, and always thought it stank

To get his epithet from a prank


The wonderful, stupendous, magnificent, splendid,

marvelous, fantastic, beautiful, dashing, daring, cunning, stunning,

radiant, magnanimous, proven-no-parallel, adored-by-all,

shimmering star upon the world, fabulous, breath-taking,

knee-shaking, leaving all onlookers with no wits about them,

Great and Powerful Trix—

—ie took up too much space and had her poem nix’d :facehoof: