• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,769 Views, 173 Comments

Pony Verse: A Collaborative Collection of Pony Poetry - darf

A wide-ranging anthology of verse from nine of FIMFiction's top poets.

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When the Night Mares Visit

When the Night Mares Visit

Wings like a bat

And snake-slit eyes

Fearsome is the Night Mare

If sleep brings fear

Then they are near

And so you must beware

The night is young

The light grows dim

Now the Night Mares arise

Clad all in clouds

And shod with stars

Take to the shadowed skies

They fill the air

And sweep the land

Silent, they speed away

For every Mare

A pony sleeps

Unconscious until day

Their wicked thoughts

And unkind deeds

Have drawn the Night Mares near

The Mares bring now

A chastisement

And fill their heads with fear

Guilt and sorrow

Terror and doubt

Reach them in their beds

They wake with screams

Or sweat and tears

Unsure and full of dread

But always it ends

The dreams received

Dark gives rise to bright

The work is done

The Mares return

Riding the crest of light

And every night

They ride again

Hoofbeats churn the sky

To deliver

Fear to those

Who disobey and lie

So listen now

My little foals

Yes, I swear it’s true

If you are good

And mind me well

The Night Mares won’t get you

Author's Note:

Poem by PersianJuliet