• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,769 Views, 173 Comments

Pony Verse: A Collaborative Collection of Pony Poetry - darf

A wide-ranging anthology of verse from nine of FIMFiction's top poets.

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From a Jilted Lover to Her Lost Love

From a Jilted Lover to Her Lost Love

Speak no more the fortune of desire

The casting out of truth beshroud in ire

Silent-still your lips alight with love

Avowing hope in heart might be enough

Find no more sweet solace in a kiss

Allaying every gesture gone amiss

Take no hold of hoof to wash away

Your failed faith forgotten in a day

Send no script nor sweetened sacrament

Pall platitudes to hide your element

Hush, and heed at once your spirit’s dawn

Exposed at last in pale light down-shone

Admit at last a wisdom to your ears

Lest ignorance in days grow into years

Heed the treason of your awful deed

The reason punctured heart proceeds to bleed

Life, in all its span, can hold no force

As heavy as the burden of remorse

This, an understanding that you lack

Afraid to take its weight upon your back

Nothing so in life as cruel as loss

Misleading lover’s paths after a cross

Nothing taken from the fire of slight

But ashes of a blaze’s burned delight

Remember how you told, in talks of ‘when’

With certainty, I could believe you then

And when at last the lockbox key you found

You seized my heart and threw it to the ground

The locket once contained of ideal days

A picture put away, in place, it stays

A bed for two with only one inside

Now tears where once two lover’s names were cried

All good fortune forfeit in your lies

Honor cast away to claim your prize

Ebbing knighthood faded from your eyes

Taunting chivalry as now it dies

All to trade a Princess for a Queen

Sad, when white suits pink far more than green

Author's Note:

Poem by darf