1. These Are -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forever Freest
Subject: Harmony Style: Mixed Meter/Ballad
2. on the way home ---------------------------------------------------------------- darf
Subject: Spike Style: In emulation of William Carlos Williams
3. She Blinked, and the Sky grew Dark ------------------------------------ Aquillo
Subject: Luna Style: Mixed Meter/Ballad
4. On Earth Ponies ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cynewulf
Subject: Earth Ponies Style: Free Verse
5. Big Macintosh Waxes Poetic ------------------------------------------------ PersianJuliet
Subject: Big Macintosh Style: Free Verse/Bookended Couplets
6. Clerihooves (Part 1) ----------------------------------------------------------- (various)
Subject: Various Style: Clerihew
7. On a Bunny-Rabbit Named ‘Angel’ ------------------------------------- darf
Subject: Angel (Fluttershy) Style: In emulation of Christopher Smart
8. Ignis Fatuus -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquillo
Subject: Applejack Style: Iambic Tetrameter
9. Untitled Hearts and Hooves Day Poem --------------------------------- The Illusive Badgerpony
Subject: Rumble/Scootaloo Style: Free Verse/Children's Rhymes
10. Treehouse ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquillo
Subject: Twilight Sparkle Style: Couplets
11. To Sunchaser the Younger -------------------------------------------------- Horizon
Subject: Celestia Style: Dramatic Monologue/Free Verse
12. Lagniappe ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizon
Subject: Roseluck (Celestia) Style: Mixed Meter
13. Student ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ darf
Subject: Twilight Sparkle Style: Slam
14. Hairy Situation ------------------------------------------------------------------- ambion
Subject: Twilight Sparkle/Celestia/Everypony Style: Iambic
15. No Moss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquillo
Subject: Pinkie Pie Style: Free Verse (rhymed)
16. After-Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Illusive Badgerpony
Subject: Pinkie Pie Style: Slam
17. Lyrical Lyre ------------------------------------------------------------------------- darf
Subject: Lyra Style: Mixed Meter
18. When the Night Mares Visit -------------------------------------------------- PersianJuliet
Subject: Nightmare Moon/Thestrals Style: Ballad
19. A Dress Achieved ----------------------------------------------------------------- Aquillo
Subject: Rarity Style: Villanelle
20. Fuzzy Refractions ---------------------------------------------------------------- darf
Subject: Derpy Style: Free Verse
21. Koans for the Next Age --------------------------------------------------------- Horizon
Subject: CelestAI/Friendship is Optimal Style: Free Verse/Haiku
22. Clerihooves (Part 2) -------------------------------------------------------------- (various)
Subject: Various Style: Clerihew
23. From a Jilted Lover to Her Lost Love ------------------------------------- darf
Subject: Cadence/Shining Armor Style: Phillipic/Iambic Pentameter
24. Lament of nameless changelings --------------------------------------------- ambion
Subject: Changelings Style: Sonnet
25. Attempt 4-3-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aquillo
Subject: Fluttershy Style: Ballad
26. On Pegasi—A Primer ------------------------------------------------------------- Cynewulf
Subject: Pegasi Style: Dramatic Monologue/Free Verse
27. Sisters Never Listen! -------------------------------------------------------------- The Illusive Badgerpony
Subject: Rarity/Sweetie Belle Style: Slam/Dialogue
28. Griffon War Song ------------------------------------------------------------------ darf
Subject: Griffons Style: Mixed Meter/Song/Chant
29. Beneath the Sun --------------------------------------------------------------------- Defoloce
Subject: Saddle Arabia/Celestia Style: Ghazal
30. An Impromptu Private Composition Upon The Joyous Occasion Of My Return Gala
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horizon
Subject: Luna Style: Iambic Monometer
31. Hymn to the Princess --------------------------------------------------------------- Aquillo
Subject: Celestia Style: Amphibrachic Dimeter
32. Dissolving (concordia discors) --------------------------------------------------- darf
Subject: Discord Style: Syllabic/Formulaic
33. Witness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquillo
Subject: Rainbow Dash Style: Mixed Meter
34. We Gallop Around ------------------------------------------------------------------- PersianJuliet
Subject: Buffalo Style: Song
35. Cake Thief ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aquillo
Subject: Celestia Style: Trochaic Tetrameter
36. Clerihooves (Part 3) ------------------------------------------------------------------ (various)
Subject: Various Style: Clerihew
37. from the clouds ------------------------------------------------------------------------- darf
Subject: Derpy Style: In emulation of William Carlos Williams
38. A Poem, by Gummy ------------------------------------------------------------------ (darf)
Subject: ? Style: ?
I like this. This is a neat idea. This site needs more sights such as this.
I loved this compilation. Each of these poems is lovely in its own way and further reinforces my belief that Bronies are not only the most talented people in literally every art form, but the most good and human as well.
I would love to see another anthology in the future, and I would be thrilled to possibly be part of one.
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Thanks! Keep your eye on FIMFic's poetry group — there's been some good verse posted there, and if one of us gets an open anthology going we'll definitely draw from that talent.
It's been about a year since I joined FIMfiction, and now I remember I forgot to favourite this. Oh well, I might as well reread it.