Cake Thief
Hide the butter, hide the batter
Cloak the muffins with a towel!
Can’t you hear her hooves a-clacking?
Cake Princess is on the prowl!
With her nose a-sniffly snuffling
For a sweet or two to try
For a cupcake, sponge or gateau
French fancy or apple pie
She will eat it, guarantee it,
Scarf it down in one great gulp!
Icing mustache, crumbs aplenty
Rounded off through belching burp!
When the kitchen’s finally empty
She will swagger out the door
Only to return tomorrow
And again, clean out my store
I am imagining Celestia and/or Luna (or maybe just some random noblepony?) getting a hold of this poem. Their reactions would be interesting.
all hail cakelestia!