• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 873 Views, 3 Comments

Trix of the Trade - MyLittlePonyTales

After wandering through the Everfree Forest for weeks, Trixie is found by a most unexpected pony...

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Chapter 2

As they moved along, Trixie began by walking beside the dark Alicorn. She didn't attempt to make much conversation, for which Trixie was grateful. What little energy she had left was focused on walking, and couldn't be wasted on idle chatter, even with a princess.

But try as she might, she began to fall farther and farther behind. Her hooves dragged upon the ground, her muscles aching as they had for days. She normally rested when she was tired, which was more and more often recently. Her pace was also much slower, seeing as she didn't have much strength to put one hoof in front of the other.

lyEventually, Luna noticed that her companion was lagging. She turned, her horn placing Trixie into the full light. Trixie's head and ears drooped, and her tongue lolled. Under the eyes of the princess, however, she straightened up, holding her head high. But Luna could still hear her labored breathing, see her chest heaving.

“Are you alright?” she asked yet again. How long could this mare go on like this? She'd obviously been pushing herself forward in this condition for far too long, and Luna could see that her strength was dwindling.

“I'm fine.” Trixie said curtly, turning her head and gaze away so that Luna could not see her weary eyes.

“You don't look fine at all.” Luna placed her hoof under Trixie's chin, bringing her face forward. Trixie grimaced, ashamed to be in such a state in front of royalty. Luna studied her thin face, looking over her features—the numerous tiny cuts, the cheek bones that were just starting to show through, the grimy hair that looped over one ear... finally she focused on the eyes: tired, worn, broken, and full of sadness.

Trixie fought the urge to pull away. Of everypony who could see her like this, why did it have to be her?

“Come on. You can ride on my back.” Trixie blinked a few times before she realized Luna was talking to her.

“W-What? No, oh no, I couldn't—“ Her weakened body longed to rest, but... that wouldn't be proper! “Trixie is fine!” she exclaimed, trying to convince herself.

As she walked forward, head high and chest out, she tripped over a tree root. “Oooohh.” she groaned. She was too exhausted to get up. She quit. She was going to just lay down and die right here. Her head pounded, every muscle ached, and she was just... so very tired.

Luna came to stand in front of her. “No discussion. You shall ride on my back. That's an order from a princess.”

Trixie feebly opened her eyes, no longer giving any protest. She felt weightless for a moment, as if she were floating through the air. Then, she felt Luna's soft warm coat under her. She may have snuggled into her mane a bit, feeling comforted in a way she hadn't felt in a very long time. The quiet rise and fall of Princess Luna's hooves and her paced breathing were the last sounds Trixie heard, before drifting off to sleep.

Comments ( 1 )

221562 I'm aiming for Equestria Daily when I get more chapters out.

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