• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 581 Views, 8 Comments


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It came from the stars

It was a brisk and sunny day in Ponyville, Equestria had just recently shifted into summer and everypony was busy attending to their chores. Derpy was on her way to sweet apple acres, she had been assigned to deliver a letter from Celestia to Applejack, a letter of great importance. Unfortunately she never made it there. There was an abrupt silence followed by a series of low concussions, like a solid base drop a boom echoed shortly after throughout the land. Equestria shuddered, the critters ran and hid. A flash of naked, bright light blinded the sun with all its glory. A smoldering fog of dust and debris engulfed the land around the crater. Apple jack had seen the sight and when she woke up from being unconscious ran towards the epicenter. Coughing she continued towards the center she stopped at the edge of the crater peering down into the dark abyss. She was joined by the others Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Dash.

"What in Celestias name happened here?” Rarity exclaimed.

“I don’t know I saw something in the sky and after that nothing” replied Applejack with confusion.

“Maybe it was a meteorite” Twilight said “That was incredible though”.

The smoke cleared and in the crater the ponies could make out somepony inside of it.

“Derpy” they yelled with terror.

She laid there unconscious and broken in every way, the gang ran down into the crater and lifted an object pinning Derpy down, then proceeding to the hospital with the lifeless Derpy. Derpy lay in a hospital bed and began to slowly regained her vision, but at first could only see vague shadows of whom would turn out to be her friends.

“Look she’s waking up” Dash said.

“What…what happened” waking slowly Derpy began to widen her crooked eyes.

She felt a surge throughout her body, the essence of power coursing through her veins was unbearably painful she yelled and screamed bucking herself out of the bed. The heart monitor escalated beeping louder and faster. Nurses and doctors rushed to her aid, as they attempted to hold her down and sedate her she yelled with an ear piercing pitch “get your hooves off me!!” She bucked the doctors and nurses off of her knocking them into the walls she made it two steps then collapsed to the floor crawling on the floor, and as a doctor lunged at her she vanished into thin air.

Derpy, woke at the highest mountain in Equestria she gazed out as the blistering sun pored light onto the rock as if it was severing the jugular of the neck light poured down the summit and onto the land. She was confused and weary she gazed out into the world of Equestria with awe.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it” remarked a voice behind her.

Derpy turned around


“Yes my child it is I”.

“What happened, why am I here?”

“Very good questions Derpy, come follow me”.

They walked down the face of the mountain discussing the matters of the situation

“You’re very lucky to be alive Derpy” “In fact this is the most astonishing thing I have witnessed yet” “something unknown fell from there look” pinpointing towards a star “You were in the hospital not too long ago as you might recall and something happened that I haven’t seen since the previous chosen” “chosen?” questioned Derpy “take my hoof Derpy” she was hesitant but she complied, from a plateau on the mountain they warped into Celestias private study.

"Everypony is marked by a star just liked everypony has a cutie mark” Celestia explained.

“Depending on which star we all have different fates”.

“For instance I was marked by the same star as the princess before me and the princess after me will surly also share the same star”.

“Twilight?” asked Derpy.

“Yes very much so Derpy”.

“Once every hundred years though there is a star farthest out in the universe that selects one particular pony to become the chosen”.

“The existence of the stars is only known and passed down to princesses and chosen such as you, we are keepers of the truth”.

“The stars Derpy, let us tell the future with all its horrors and all its glory which is why only a select few get to know of them”.

“What about the...uh…the explosion” questioned derpy.

*Celestia chuckled to herself* “If only I knew…fate works mysteriously, that or you were in the wrong place at the wrong time”.

“But that does not matter Derpy what does matter is your training like several chosen before you, you must train yourself in the knowledge and keeping of the secret, have you experienced any surges?”

“When I vanished yes” Derpy said scared and nervous of what was to come.

“No need to be scared Derpy its normal, the chosen protects the stars and there secrets and with that the hidden element of harmony unknown to pony kind”.

“follow me Derpy we must begin training immediately”.

Derpy followed Celestia down the hall the castle was awe inspiring welcoming her as not just a guest but a champion. The walls were crafted of a fine stone the likes that could not be found anywhere else in Equestria. The murals on the wall representing the past accomplishments of heroes dazzled her. They walked down the halls and Derpy began to imagine maybe someday she could be on that wall. maybe someday.

“What is the hidden element of harmony your majesty”

“You will learn soon enough Derpy, things like this are complicated and take time”

They trotted down the hall into a fairly large room decorated with knights and statues that resembled the triumph of Equestrias heroes.

“Many have walked these halls before you Derpy, but few leave as heroes… champions”.

“One hundred years ago Hawke walked down these halls, a chosen like you and just like every chosen you must undergo a trial to prove yourself”.

“In just a moment you will be teleported to outland, a place chosen go to prove themselves it is very hospitable and dangerous but I believe you can prevail Derpy, when you have proven yourself you should find yourself awake back home”. “I have faith in you Derpy now hold my hoof”.

She grasped Celestias hoof and the world around Derpy began to fade, darkness consumed her and the world fell apart around her and out of the darkness she could make out a whisper

“Good luck, I have faith in you”.

Derpy woke with a chill; the world around her was blanketed in a thick layer of snow a blizzard whisking about the land made it incredibly hard to see. She moved forward unsure of where she was going she knew though she had to find shelter. She found a cave not too far away from where she woke up, it seemed secure enough

“What a long day” she said to herself.
She plopped herself down and made herself comfortable in the distance the moon reflected its awe powerful light off the icy surface of the landscape. She drifted into slumber. A soft crackling sound woke Derpy. She got up quick and alert looking in all directions

“Hell…hello?” she peeped frightened

Out of the darkness she could see a pair of glowing red eyes staring directly at her. A wolf of some sort she had read about them only in mythical story books, a blood wolf. She backed away slowly as it inched toward her, with its beaming red eyes gazing into her soul and its blood red fur shining in the moonlight. She pointed her hoof at the wolf and unexpectedly a large bolt of searing lightning hit the wolf, the wolf exploded from the inside out the cave was covered in blood and guts and its assorted body parts. Derpy was launched into the cave wall like a rocket smacking the wall with a large and painful thud that sent her into an unconscious state. She woke up early morning she had to shield her eyes from the sun reflecting off the snow, she was confused and in awe of what happened the previous day what the hell was going on? She thought to herself she gazed up to a Cliffside, a gorgeous rainbow ended at the mountains peak

“That’s it” she muttered to herself, “Thank you dash”.

Comments ( 8 )

Well, I can't fault your title. :pinkiehappy:

It's a good one in proess. I am terrible at spelling and grammar but can berlie notice when its wrong in stories. This one i can. It can be better but i love the concept of derpy. :derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2:

214615 lol nice

A editing tip that I often use is to go to Microsoft word and use that. Just copy and paste, then hit spell check. It should help you with most of your spelling and grammar. Just be careful for when it hits pony stuff. Go through each mistake individually. Sometimes it's best leaving stuff unchanged.

214689 yea that is what i do still doesn't always come out right

I like the story, but there are a lot of grammatical errors, proofread it and get a friend to do it too, then you'll be set :twilightsmile:

214696 then read carefully through your story. Imagine that someone is actually telling the story and you have to write his lines. You don't want it to sound like he's reading a typewriter, you must make it so that the sentences flow. One sentence leads to another and another until you get past the point you were trying to give. Then make a new paragraph and start the procedure all over again. And if you can't think of anything to add to it to make if flow, then add in some detail. Describe feeling, images, ponies, and other stuff. I'm sure that if you think hard enough then you can do it.

i most likely will not finish this soon i need to prepare and what not for this competition

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