• Published 30th Apr 2013
  • 9,046 Views, 626 Comments

Lunar Phases - Dusk Writer

Five Score Divided by Four? Where have I heard that before? Psh, sounds like some cheesy title to a fanfic. What is this itching?! Wait, since when have I had Luna's cutie mark on my thigh?

  • ...

4. Eclipse

I freeze for a moment, fingers stopped in the middle of typing an instinctual response of "lol". I shake myself out of the shock and delete the half-finished message. Leaning back, I think about the possibilities of what this could mean.

If we actually do go full blown pony, and if this actually is the (possibly) future Celestia, would we be able to use magic and fly? Alright, sure earlier I'd been freaking out about maybe becoming Luna, but now that I'd had some time to think, I didn't believe I'd pass out again.

Alright, back to the matter at hand. Would this mean we could control the sun and moon? Now that I thought back on my life, I realized that I'd always felt more comfortable under the moon and that my best decisions came from those times as well.

So the question was, have I been destined to become a clone of Luna for my whole life? Or has this whole thing been just a really weird coincidence? Either way, it'd be best to continue my conversation with this guy since I've made him wait for about four minutes.

We are the Meta: ...
We are the Meta: You're being totally truthful with me, right?
Sarikano: Maybe, or maybe not
Sarikano: Well, you mentioned being turned into a pony first in your post, I'll guess that you know more about what is going on than me.

Wait, does he have no clue about who Celestia really is? Hm, interesting. Let's just check to make sure.

We are the Meta: Well, on the contrary, I actually don't know much more than you do. Although I must ask this since it'll make this whole thing go a little more smoothly.
We are the Meta: Are you a brony?
Sarikano: I'll just go ahead and guess that you aren't talking about the chocolate.

Ok, I'm just going to assume that he's not a brony. Gosh dang it. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, as much as I hate it. Still let's just continue on with this conversation.

We are the Meta: That would be an affirmative.

There's a slight pause as I wait for his response.

Sarikano: Eh, I meant that as a no.
We are the Meta: I know that! I was saying affirmative to your assumption!
Sarikano: Oh...

Wow, it doesn't seem like this guy can actually take a joke. Oh well, I might as well be nice to him now.

We are the Meta: Anyways, can you tell me where you are at the moment?
Sarikano: Wouldn't it be better if you tell me who you think you are turning into?
We are the Meta: Alright, straight down to business I see. I'm turning into Luna.
We are the Meta: You know, it's kind of odd that we found each other since Luna and Celestia are sisters in the show.

I wait for a few seconds, waiting for him to write something in return. Why is he taking so long? Oh, look! He's writing something.

Sarikano: Lulu...

I hold my breath for a second, and then the anger slowly starts to set in. Who does this guy think he is? I mean seriously! What. The fricken. Heck? One moment he's asking who I'm turning into, and the next he's calling me LULU?! Oh this will not do. I quickly set to work writing my reply.

We are the Meta: Hey, I just met you
We are the Meta: And this is crazy
We are the Meta: But here's my number
We are the Meta: So don't ever call me a pet name again, or I will find you, and I will kill you.

I sit back and let the anger drain out of me. That was rather harsh and mean of me. After all, I was having thoughts of getting apples from Applejack, so he may be going through the same mental changes as me.

Sarikano: Sorry, I didn't mean to write that.
We are the Meta: It's ok; I've been having the same things happen to me recently.
Sarikano: How often?
Sarikano: Oh, and you still haven't given your number.

I pause for a second before laughing out loud. Is this guy for real? There is no way he can be from the U.S. if he doesn't understand that reference.

We are the Meta: XD I was joking about the number. Anyways, I only recently started thinking random thoughts.
Sarikano: How random are we talking?
We are the Meta: Like, looking at this cutie mark and thinking, "Maybe Twilight or somepony good in magic can help me."

I shudder a little bit at the thought I had earlier. Oh well, at least I'm not having those random segments of thought anymore. Hm, I wonder if Celestia has been having them too.

Hold the phone.

Gosh dang it, I did it again. I sigh and turn back to my computer, ready to finish up this conversation.

Sarikano: Is Twilight some kind of student?
We are the Meta: Yes, actually, she is. How did you know?
Sarikano: Arg, this becoming too confusing. I wish we could meet, it would be much simpler.
We are the Meta: Yes it would. Do you happen to live anywhere near Muscatine, Iowa?

I know it's a long shot, but I cross my fingers and pray to whatever higher power there may be that he lives somewhere nearby.

Sarikano: I don't live there, but I'm currently visiting a friend who does.

Alright, this just way too...convenient.

We are the Meta: Really?!
We are the Meta: Okay, this can't be a coincidence.
Sarikano: Is there anywhere we can meet? Like a coffee shop or something?

I think for a few seconds before coming up with an idea. Yes, that should definitely be able to work. After looking up the address online, I type into the chat.

We are the Meta: Okay, I have a place. Go to the Starbucks at 2400 2nd Avenue. I'll be inside at sometime around 4. You'll see me with the longish, light blue hair. Anything I should recognize you by?
Sarikano: Wouldn't it be possible to meet earlier? About the appearance, I'll take a guess and suppose that your hair wasn't like that earlier. Unless you like anime a little too much...
We are the Meta: Hey! There's nothing wrong with anime! But yes, you are correct; my hair didn't used to be blue.
Sarikano: I didn't say that there was anything wrong with anime, just that there are limits... If your hair changed, then I suppose a physical description won't be of any use.
Sarikano: Well, there is my car I suppose; I own a gray Nissan Cube.
We are the Meta: Well, that'll be easy to spot.
Sarikano: That's why I bought it *Wink*

I chuckle a little to myself at our antics, and then proceed to finish up the chat.

We are the Meta: Well to answer your earlier question, I just woke up and need to play some games before we meet up.
Sarikano: Gaming...
Sarikano: I guess I can't really talk, seeing as how I've fallen asleep playing Civilization...

Huh. I guess you find new surprises every day.

We are the Meta: Well color me surprised; you actually turned out to be a gamer.
We are the Meta: We can talk more at Starbucks later. Until then, my number is 1-563-555-3241. Yours?
Sarikano: I'm sorry; I forgot to mention that I was from Canada. My number is 1-514-555-5246.
We are the Meta: All right, see you at four.
Sarikano: See ya.

I sign out of the chat website and shut down my computer. As I stand and stretch, several pops travel down my spine and make me groan in satisfaction. Ugh, I feel like I'm covered in dirt. Now I'm in no way a true city boy; I grew up in the country so I'm not afraid to get dirty, but even I have my limits.

I walk into the bathroom and make sure to steps carefully on the tile floor so as to not fall down again. I pull the curtain aside and start the hot water, massaging my shins at the same time. That's odd, they didn't feel so tense earlier.

Oh well, nothing a good a hot shower can't fix, right? Once the water gets warm enough, I step into a torrent of heaven. I never really thought about how good a shower feels, especially in the morning.

I wonder, how would a shower feel with a coat of fur? Eh, I’ll probably find out later. Well, how strange. Now that I’m truly thinking about it, I’m not actually freaking out about this all that much. I think normal people would probably be pulling out their hair if they were going through what I was. Maybe it’s because deep down I’ve always wanted this.

Oh well, I’ll think about it more later after I meet this Alex. I step out of the shower once it finally runs out of hot water and dry myself off. Wrapping myself in the soft fabric, I walk back into my room to gather some clothes for later.

Looking at the clock, I realize I spent about forty minutes in the shower. Ugh, I still have about six hours until we meet up at Starbucks. I quickly put on my clothes and step into the living room. I turn the Xbox on and sit down onto my comfortable couch.

All right Destiny: let’s dance.

I stand and stretch about five hours later. Unfortunately, there are no satisfying pops in my bones this time. I glance at the clock and realize I only have about an hour before I have to meet up with Alex. Looking around the room for something to distract me for another thirty minutes, I spot absolutely nothing.

Sighing again, I pull on my jacket and lift the hood up over my blue hair; it'd be a bit suspicious, no? Anyways, once that's all situated, I leave the apartment room and lock it. I walk into the silver elevator and press the ground floor button.

As they open again on the ground floor, I brush past the familiar face of Fiona. However, I keep going and don't even think about greeting her since the encounter is so brief.

Wait a second. Did she have pink hair? I turn to get a better look just in time for the elevator doors close again. Darn. Oh well, she probably just did it for a new style.

I walk out of the lobby and towards my Land Rover. Oddly enough, my shin muscles are still really sore. Eh, I'm a man! I'll just deal with it. I jump into my green car and turn push the key into the slot.

The familiar purr of my car starts up and I drive cautiously drive out of the parking lot. After about another ten minutes of growling quietly at other drivers, I finally reach my destination.

Going down the temporarily calm street of Second Avenue, I look for two things. A place to park and a gray, Nissan Cube. Seeing the perfect spot about ten feet from the entrance to Starbucks, I quickly and kind of skillfully drive into the empty parking space.

Sighing in victory, I pull the keys out of the ignition and twirl them on my fingers a bit, then proceeding to pocket after almost flinging them at a passerby. I smile at the stranger and give them a friendly wave as I walk through the door to the coffee shop.

I order my regular drink; a grande Caramel Frappucino with extra caramel and extra caffeine. The familiar waitress gives me a soft smile as she hands me my drink. Unfortunately, I do not notice the lingering look she gives me as I walk away.

Walking back outside into the cool air, I sit down into one of the outside chairs and wait for the soon-to-be occupant of the opposite chair. I look up into the blue sky, realizing just how nice it actually is. However, it can never compare to the night sky. The way the stars form art in the sky is almost like magic.

After another few minutes of waiting and no sign of the gray cube, I realize that nature is calling me, and not from a phone. I hurry back inside and quickly do my business, happy to note that I was, in fact, still a man. I scrub my hands at the sink, looking up into the mirror to see full-on light blue eyes.

I freeze for a moment, then sigh. Oh well, I knew this was probably going to happen at some point. No sense freaking out about it. I finish up washing my hands walk back out to my seat and drink.

I wait for another fifteen minutes before checking my cell phone's watch again. It is now 3:59 and he still hasn't shown up. I wonder what he could possibly doing.

However, just as the clock on my watch turns to 4:00, a gray Nissan Cube slowly pulls into the parking space next to mine. The owner of the odd car steps out after a few seconds of waiting. He's about an average height, maybe a five foot ten to my six foot three. He's also wearing a hood and glancing around suspiciously as though he suspects everyone around him to be a thief.

He brushes past me and into the store. Was that actually him? He didn't feel cold and rude, just kind of awkward. Hm, did he perhaps not realize that this was the table I sat at?

Gah! The aches in my shins are really starting to get to me! Stretching my feet lengthwise seems to help quite a bit, oddly enough.

Ah, here's the possible Alex! Yeah, it has to be him, since he is standing next to my table. Naturally, of course the first thing he says to me is, "You know, I may not have been able to find you if your blue hair wasn't down in your face."

Well, what do you know, I guess you learn new things every minute as well. I quickly shove the offending piece back into my hood. I guess my hair's getting much more noticeably longer now. Oh well.

Alex speaks to me again after a small chuckle at my actions. "So, you must Jo...na?"

I freeze mid-thought. Did he seriously just try to mix up my name and Luna's name? What kind of sick, twisted humor must he have? It's one thing to actually be turning into a pony, but to have someone rubbing it in your face!

Well, two can play at that game. "Then I take it you're Alexia."

I smile mentally at his confused look. Welcome to my town, boy.