
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

Someone Needs Help As Well · 3:50pm Dec 3rd, 2023

Please donate or spread the word to help this user.

I Need Help - Emergency!


I Have an Announcement to Make! · 7:55pm May 15th, 2023

I know I'm not supposed to talk about this until it's done, but I'm in the progress of writing a new upcoming story with a possibly new and improved
writing style and I can’t wait to see what you all think about it once it's done and published. Though, I'm not going to give spoilers, nor am I sure when it will be finished and/or published, but I hope you all will love it!


I give up. · 4:58pm Jan 20th, 2023

I've upset three users that needed my help with something and all I did was made them mad at me because of my selfishness and careless actions towards their feelings and kindness.

In fact, I've done that with everyone who needed my help and took their kindness for granted without caring about the consequences. I don't deserve to be considered a good person.

That's why I've decided to give up on not just writing or role-playing, but life in general.

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Do you guys play D&D? · 10:40pm May 8th, 2022

If so, what's your experience? Did you have fun? What's your class and role in the game? I haven't personally played D&D before, but after seeing a video related to D&D and wanted to know what you think of it as a whole.

Report Heroic412227 · 193 views · #D&D #Fun #Class #Role #Opinion

Is Writing Supposed to Be Fun? · 10:18pm May 3rd, 2022

After some thinking, a lot of advice, and a bit of writing and writer's block, I'm starting to think that writing isn't supposed to be fun anymore. I'm not trying to cause trouble. I just wanted to know if writing is supposed to be fun or not. What do you guys think?


I'm Sorry For Everything · 12:28am Apr 10th, 2022

I've been pestering everyone for so long about my problems (both writing and otherwise) when I should be focusing on self-improvement. That's why I've decided to stop turning others off with my problems and focus on others, how they feel, and how I can get better for both them and myself. Thank you all for helping me realize this and for all the helpful advice you've given me over the years. I appreciate it.


How do you shade like Steven Universe: The Movie? · 10:21pm Mar 15th, 2022

I want to do a test on Photopea about how to do shading in the same, if not similar, way to Steven Universe: The Movie, but I'm not exactly sure how they do it. Does anyone else know how to do it and can you teach me?


How Do You Guys Write So Good? · 3:38am Mar 4th, 2022

Recently, I've written a new story called "Mindscapers".

The group must journey into Pinkie's mind in order to save her.
Heroic412227 · 3.3k words  ·  16  1 · 641 views

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I think my story-writing skills are slowly deteriorating. · 11:18pm Feb 8th, 2022

I'm starting to think that story-writing just isn't working for me anymore. I've tried writing a few scenes on my own on Google Docs, but I can't seem to even get started without getting the prose and the showing wrong no matter what. I know that practicing is supposed to help, but no matter how much I practice, I don't seem to be getting any better. It's gotten to the point where I'm having a headache from thinking so much about how to get my writing right. Maybe it's time I give up writing

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Report Heroic412227 · 231 views · #Writing #Giving up #Art

Pros and Cons of My Writing · 12:58am Jan 20th, 2022

I need some material to write down a list of my writing's pros and cons in order to improve for future writing. Can someone help me figure out what worked and what didn't in my writing overall?


I'm starting to give up on my ideals. · 3:26pm Jan 14th, 2022

After doing some web surfing and experience, I'm starting to get the feeling that my ideals will never work or were just bad to begin with. Now I finally realize the truth about my ideals.

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Do You Want Me To Leave Fimfiction Entirely? · 1:59am Jan 13th, 2022

I know at least some people want me to stay, but I just want to know if the users who keep giving me downvotes and negative criticism, as well as being mean to me, want me to leave Fimfiction. I just want them to tell me what they want from me in a nice, rational, and reasonable manner and why. Is it because of my existence? My behavior? My viewpoints?

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Here's What Makes a Good Villain (In My Opinion) · 11:05pm Nov 16th, 2021

I just love writing characters a lot. From heroes, to anti-heroes, to supporting characters, etc. But if there's one thing I'd love to write more, it's the villains and anti-villains. Whether big or small, serious or goofy, sympathetic or monstrous, villains are one of my breads and butters in terms of character writing. I'm not saying that I don't like writing hero characters or any other characters. I just think that villains are the most interesting types of characters from my point of

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A little advice · 4:32pm Nov 4th, 2021

Don't underestimate or overestimate an opponent. Be present, aware, and find the right amount of confidence to help you without only focusing on winning and don't give up.


Do you believe in this statement? · 3:55am Aug 17th, 2021

All a person cares about is those close to them. Nobody else matters.

Sorry for saying that, though. I just wanted to know if anybody else believes that.

Report Heroic412227 · 233 views · #Sad #Statements

Addict - Song Review · 10:39pm Aug 13th, 2021

Today, I'm doing a new series that everyone might like: Song Review

Ever wanted to see how your favorite song holds up? Well, look no further than this series. In this one, I get to type a review of whatever song is chosen by either myself or others, including you.

Remember the new rules:

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I'm Looking for a Redemption Story. · 5:13pm Aug 7th, 2021

Hey there, everyone. As the title suggests, I'm looking for a redemption story. It can be about an OC or Canon character going through a well-written redemption arc and I need to know how to write one of my own through example. Do you know a story like that from either here or from other areas? Thanks.


What am I supposed to do to please people? · 7:22pm Aug 6th, 2021

Because no matter what I do, I keep turning people off with my ideas and questions. At least some people refuse to answer the latter for some reason. Sorry. It's just that I don't know what people want from me. If they want me to just get rid of everything and quit the fandom and every other fandom that I'm in, then they should let me know and I'll do just that. No songs, no OCs, no fanfictions, no anything. If that's the answer, then please let me know and I'll do just that.

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New character! · 3:52am Jul 11th, 2021

Hey there, guys. I've decided to make a new character that will actually fit with what I'm going for. A character that you all might actually want to see, unlike Odium and Sid (MLP). The problem is that I don't know where to start, unless I need to stop making new characters or stories altogether.


OC Critique Request: Sandra Franklin · 2:43am Jul 9th, 2021

Hey there, everyone. Because I and possibly others out there want to improve on each other's characterizations and writing, I've decided to create a new series that can help with that. It's called OC Critique Request. Either and/or others send our OC's to me and you guys get to critique them if needed. I also did this because I was bored and wanted to know if the OC's hold up. They will be critiqued through any aspect the critic(s) choose: appearance, personality, history, abilities,

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results