
Viewing 1 - 20 of 43 results

My Plans For This Website · 8:25am Jun 29th, 2017

Basically, even with only 3 follows, I believe that my account had a future. It may not be a strong future, but at least there's still a future holding on to me. Before publishing the "GREAT BRAND!!!", I was planning on publishing something else rather than having my OC being the protagonist. It miserably failed due to personal reasons, but I will make the story sometime... After "GREAT BRAND!!!".

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Story? If I Get Around to it. · 6:15pm Jun 1st, 2019

I know I said I have no plans for making a story, but I do have some ideas for one:
-Multiple species, so wizards, MLP:FiM characters, and whatever comes out of my mind.
-As of NOW, the plot will be centered around the main character's poor descisions, but that's going to be for the start of the story. After that: no idea.
But I will continue to think about it, and if I get more ideas I'll write them down.

Report SunflowerSwirl · 205 views · #story plans

Team Crystal Stars (Stardust’s G5 team) · 11:32am January 8th

Stardust’s G5 team. Unlike the G4 team. It consists of mostly side/bg characters than OCs.

I would add more. But i think having any more members may make it a burden to write. Also. Anything could change between now and later. This could just be seen as concept. I’m sure Dahlia won’t go the whole way (Besides. A team consisting of duos that hang out together seems kinda interesting)


Future Story Plan: Character Erde P. · 7:31am Mar 14th, 2020

First name: Erde - Last name: Wing Hardy - Middle name: Procyon
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn
Appearance: Fur color: Dark Orange - Mane & Tail Color: Black with red stripe - Eye: Heterochromia Left-Blue, Right-Red.
Height: 4ft 8in (Average Mare 4ft 2in, Average Stallion 5ft 4in, Princess Celestia 8ft 5in - minus the horn)
Weight: 67kg (Average pony 110kg)
Blood type: A
Age: 25
Occupation: Assistant Manager
Address: 125 Firefly avenue Manehattan 

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Report Marytryne · 309 views · #Story Plan #OC #Indecisive

Stardust’s Team · 8:40am Dec 28th, 2023

This is just some plans i have for Stardust’s team in the G5 saga. This is how i plan each team member to be. Each one is a side character. But more ones i feel confident about writing and know better

Plans may change, however

  • Stardust, pegasus
  • Jazz, earth pony
  • Dahlia, Earth pony
  • Zoom, pegasus
  • Thunder, pegasus
  • Rocky, Pegasus
  • Onyx, Unicorn

Oh boy, time to finally start plotting out a new Splintershard chapter! · 9:27am Feb 25th, 2021

*slams face on keyboard*


lol as if it was that easy

So anyway, the next chapter to be published for Splintershard is going to refocus on the main quest to find the scroll copies. The next chapter I'm planning is also focused on it. Once the scroll plot is done and over with, we're either gonna be seeing a war arc or a rediscovery (of Twilight Sparkle) arc, depending on how things play out.


About that Fallout Equestria story... · 1:23pm Nov 29th, 2018

You know.. for the past week I've been in one hell of a FoE mood and in that week I've come up with quite a few ideas for my own FoE story following my OC Quantum. I would say with the details I've got right now I could probably put together a decent one or two chapters, but I want to wait and see if I can get enough Ideas to get maybe five chapters. Man pre-writing is hard, that's why I usually just go with the flow and not pre-write. But if I do end up doing this FoE story then I want it to

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Organization-schmorganization · 5:30am Jan 16th, 2016

So I did this huge outline with lots of pretty notes, but I'm deviating from it so hard right now, it's almost comical. It was pretty detailed story planning I did too. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying, lol.

It's not a complete waste, though! I'm still using the outline to help with my story direction. And the deviations I came up with are feeling really REALLY good. But it does mean I have to stop and assess just how much tweaking my changes will require. :facehoof:

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The Crossover No One Asked For · 11:08pm Sep 27th, 2016

and that I didn't realize I needed

So yeah. I'm planning a pretty big AU/crossover, however it's stated. I suppose all crossovers are technically AU...

And hardly anyone knows or belongs to this fandom anymore.

I wonder if Nathan will be coming back to that world...

Oh well.

Until midnight. *Salute.*


Projects That Get Bigger When You Aren't Looking: The Future Of The World Shall Rise From Ashes · 8:50pm Oct 23rd, 2023

Before we get to the main event, some news on my Ko-Fi.

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At this point I'm pretty much just sitting here finding ways that I could essentially create a universe that unites several of my stories together. · 4:13am May 19th, 2017

Here's what I have so far.

Twilight Finds Herself in Generation 1. (Oldest point in Universe's history)

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Updates, updates, and updates · 12:14am Jun 27th, 2017

Let's get some important news from BIG Major to BIG Minor:

My laptop is going to get checked on since my keyboard started to have issues months ago, like before I went on hiatus mode. It was only now that I (and by I, I mean by myself and a few others) have decided to fix it; it gets annoying to plug and unplug a wireless keyboard over and over.

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Discord Server story planning session! · 3:24am Jun 13th, 2018

I'm trying to figure out potential ways to make Pony-Me, and by extension, My Own Reality more unique. Not simply by avoiding common cliches that are now solidly established by films such as The Matrix or Ready Player One, but by creating something that truly hasn't been done before in this category of science fiction.

See you there! :twilightsmile:


OPWA: Episode Eleven · 4:56pm Aug 19th, 2016

Overpriced Writing Advice
Where you can learn the stuff I paid thousands of dollars to have taught to me, for free.

Characterization Via Environmental Symbolism
(AKA "How to clue your readers into who your characters are by their stuff and locations.")

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I'm still alive! · 9:41pm Jan 11th, 2015

If any of you actually pay attention to stuff I do (probably not), you might remember little mentions (like this and this) of a bigger story involving minotaurs that I was really excited to get started on. I'm still really excited for it, and it keeps looking better and better. Lily and Binary were both done really,

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Plans for 2016 · 4:55am Jan 9th, 2016

Bored, so thought I'd waste your time as well by writing this, just a general rounding out of plans for the year. Might be interesting.

I have full time university study once more this year, but its my last year and I have all the core units for my double major done, so its electives allllllllll the way. Half of them only have to be 1st year electives, so super easy too. Hopefully this will have me writing some more! So be happy.

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What Exactly Do You Want To See? · 4:30am Jul 17th, 2016

This is regarding What A Life: Sweetie Belle
Annnnnnnnnd regarding this: All Dem Votes Doh

21 and counting no doubt, all of them being a yes for a full story with Dai.

But my question to you is... if I did go through with this, what exactly do you want to see? Besides the obvious clop that'll be in it?

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OPWA: Episode One · 6:30pm Apr 30th, 2016

Overpriced Writing Advice
Where you can learn the stuff I paid thousands of dollars to have taught to me, for free.

(Or "3 Steps To Learn More For 'Write What You Know'")

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OPWA: Episode Two · 4:33pm May 2nd, 2016

Overpriced Writing Advice
Where you can learn the stuff I paid thousands of dollars to have taught to me, for free.

10 Formal Interview Tips

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OPWA: Episode Fourteen · 6:13pm Apr 10th, 2018

Overpriced Writing Advice
Where you can learn the stuff I paid thousands of dollars to have taught to me, for free.


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Viewing 1 - 20 of 43 results