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  • 408 weeks
    The Crossover No One Asked For

    and that I didn't realize I needed

    So yeah. I'm planning a pretty big AU/crossover, however it's stated. I suppose all crossovers are technically AU...

    And hardly anyone knows or belongs to this fandom anymore.

    I wonder if Nathan will be coming back to that world...

    Oh well.

    Until midnight. *Salute.*

    2 comments · 423 views

The Crossover No One Asked For · 11:08pm Sep 27th, 2016

and that I didn't realize I needed

So yeah. I'm planning a pretty big AU/crossover, however it's stated. I suppose all crossovers are technically AU...

And hardly anyone knows or belongs to this fandom anymore.

I wonder if Nathan will be coming back to that world...

Oh well.

Until midnight. *Salute.*

Comments ( 2 )

What are you planning?

4427692 I'm rolling around ideas for a massive crossover that puts the country of Equestria as a hex on the Well World.

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