
Viewing 1 - 20 of 55 results

Ready for Future Snuggle Stories? · 2:31am Oct 6th, 2017

Hey everypony! It's Sketchy, and I'm going to begin trying my hand at snuggle stories. It's based off a picture, which will be the cover of the story. It's going to be about Luna snuggling and blah blah blah.

Hope you'll enjoy it once I start writing it!

Report PixelMoon · 261 views · #Future Story

Looks Like I'm Doing a Recount · 12:32am Jun 28th, 2016

In light of apparent confusion over the last blog post, I feel the need to start fresh. I've had multiple readers contact me after their votes were cast and say they didn't notice that you were supposed to pick any and all stories you were interested in seeing developed. To repeat:

You may and are encouraged to vote for multiple stories.

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Report SS Nomad · 341 views · #survey #future stories

making a non displaced fic of an old oc of mine · 1:06pm Jul 21st, 2020

long story short, no spoilers, it will be a story about healing emotionally after a long period of suffering and loss, mishaps with some romance.

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Thinking about... · 10:05pm Mar 19th, 2020

- I have story, and not a single one, but they need translations. Ans suddenly I feel a little fear to make that translation bad. With mistakes and some stupid miss-tapes in them. That can make stories worse than they are... and readers don't like them because of it. Seems I need to prepare myself to really hard work...


Interest Poll for Future Stories · 6:29pm Jun 26th, 2016

As I find my mind filled with crazy ideas for more narratives, I've been realizing I should limit how many active stories I have at a time. Thinking on the matter, it occurred to me that I could just ask you all, the potential readers, which narratives you'd be most interested in seeing developed. The following are the basic premises I've come up with and hold an interest in sharing with you all. Ignore the terrible placeholder names.

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Report SS Nomad · 451 views · #survey #future stories

Upcoming Stories · 8:48am Apr 24th, 2015

The list below is old. New list is here.

OK, here are some of my planned upcoming stories. Some of them are NSFW ideas. I'll put them under the break.

Apple Bloom's Room — slice of life story about Sunset Shimmer and Applejack, set in the Equestria Girls world (thus human!). One shot, quick read. This has been ready for ages, but won't be published until late May, just 'cos.

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Report VitalSpark · 298 views · #future stories #nsfw

a plan to rule it all · 2:30am May 27th, 2016

Well maybe not that much, and it's still in the making but it's a plan none the less. So once my finals and school are done (a few weeks from now) I will be getting more and more active on fimfiction. I plan on doing as much as 3 stories, but whether or not they're going to be started at around the same time or even do these stories are still in question, but I'll do my best and I will work on at least one story for sure


I AM NOW A PATREON CREATOR!!!!! · 9:47pm Mar 29th, 2016

So, through the massive support from many people, I created a Patreon account, and am now a bonafide creator!

Any and all contributions are appreciated! Thanks for being there for me, and with the help of Patreon, I can further expand my expertise in Creative Writing!!!

Please go to the link here to become a patron!

Thank you for your everlasting support!


What TD has in store · 9:57am Aug 4th, 2013

Some of you might be wondering what I've been up to and what I have been plotting, as I've mentioned writing some things. Well, here's a list of a lot of the stuff I've been doing.


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Better Results · 11:03am Jun 21st, 2022

Okay, so things are better this time as we have a total of 19 votes, much better than last time. The two winning stories Garble's Special Delivery & Sister Claw Special. I'll be working on these stories along with my comic rewrites. The rest of the stories I'll post eventually. Though those other stories aren't the only ones I've got planned so they might take longer than others.


Happy Halloween · 7:38pm Oct 31st, 2021

This isn't the blog I was planning on posting and I still plan on posting the other one in the future. This is just to say Happy Halloween to everyone and I had been planning on posting a story for this, but my 50th story and work have been keeping me busy so that's been delayed. I'm still working on it so keep an eye out.


It's coming · 8:33pm Jun 15th, 2016

No it's not winter. No it's not the end of the world. No it is not me suddenly revealing that I'm Will Smith (Although that would be pretty cool), and no, it's not something tragic or bad.

....It is however, school.

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The Votes are in. · 4:41am May 27th, 2021

Alright, this is probably the most successful vote I've had. With a total of 22 votes, the winning story is...

Trade Ya

Name Not Final

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Story To Do List. · 7:52pm Dec 29th, 2015

1: Do a series of shorts, chronicling the life and times of Inverno and Princess Flurry Heart.

2: A multiple chapter horror story of the life and times of Dr. Lovejoy from his "Book of Memories."

3: A multi-chapter story comedy that involves Thorax the Changeling that accidentally starts a cult.

4: A possible one shot between King Thorax and Spike.

5: A one shot in which Gabby the Griffin discovers a long forgotten relative in Gryphonstone.


Character Bios · 3:40am Apr 21st, 2018

I have a lot of ideas whirling around in my head, so I’ve decided to throw a few character concepts at the wall and see what sticks. Here are a few ones that I’ve come up with so far. Some of them may contain mild spoilers for different stories I have planned, so be warned.

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State of Address · 3:57am Jul 4th, 2023

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

As of yesterday, it is my 9th year on this site, and as with my own tradition, I'm here to give to you readers my progress and what I hope for the near future.

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Begun Work on Next Project · 7:53pm Nov 6th, 2016

So I haven't been working on any mlp related projects in a good while. But I have been thinking about them, almost constantly. As of a couple days ago I finally started work on my next project and a long awaited one as well. The third installment of the Heart of series. So I'm going to teaser a little bit of the story here.

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Looking for an Editor · 8:26am Nov 27th, 2015

I'm looking for anybody who would be willing to edit/pre-read one of my stories(Which due to my cleared schedule will(Hopefully) be released later today)

I'm also looking for people who have knowledge into military weapons and tactics.

Thank you to any who answer the call. -Winter Storm(Formerly Shadowbolt Records)


Vote for my Next Story · 10:15pm Nov 8th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

I am writing this head of time to help me settle on one of three stories that I have in mind. Now, since I'm still working on the Roman story, I thought that before I finish it, I will post this blog to have you, the readers, vote on which story you would most likely want to write.

And what are these Ideas?

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A decision regarding future entries in my fic universe... · 12:52pm Mar 2nd, 2022

So... I took a long time making a decision on this point, because I was worried the result would be potentially confusing for readers... but I thought it over, and I think it is the lesser of two evils in the end.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 55 results