For anyone going through creative blocks · 5:33pm Apr 20th, 2016
- Taken from my sisters studio, original message by Brian Buirge and Jason Bacher of Good Fucking Design Advice.
- Taken from my sisters studio, original message by Brian Buirge and Jason Bacher of Good Fucking Design Advice.
I think its a bit too easy to accidentally block someone...
You just click and you block someone... and the button is right next to the pm button...
Why is there there is no 'are you sure you want to block' to prevent possible miss clicks!?
Normally it would not concern me that someone has block me per say but for this particular user it was confused my to no end that this particular user has.... if this user has blocked me... all evidence says yes so far...
It is happening again... I have a major case of writers block... Been stuck for like two hours. Hopefully it will pass soon.
Well well well, guess what I have to say?
Yup, Road Block. Major Road Block. Semester has ended, never been so stressed out before (glad it's over, never again), and for the rest of this week and possibly another I don't plan on doing much writing. I've started a chapter on three different stories including this one, but just can't seem to come up with anything past the first page and end up deleting it.
Jeez how did that happen? I wasn't even being hostile, just saying that legend's and Scipio's stories didn't demonize all of mykan's characters. I didn't know being blocked was the end result.Even so it won't stop me from making my fanfic
fimfiction... what’s the point of blocking someone if they can still reply to group threads!? Seriously, no offence but it should be at least that if they reply to a group thread then we don’t get their notification (And/or their reply is censored/hidden and to see it we have to press a button)
For years now I've felt the best of my writing is behind me, as my ADHD, depression, and anxiety plus general personal shittyness have continued to keep me barely functioning and certainly not thriving. I look back and I used to actually sometimes write good stories. I've always written shitfics, but it used to be I'd write more than just shitfics. Now it seems that's all I can write. And it makes me sad.
As the title says, I'm strugling with a bit of writers block at the moment.
I started work on the next chapters some time ago, but for a couple of days now the ideas just refuse to come out, and it's driving me up the freakin wall.
Now this might be a bit of a stupid question, but does anyone have any tips or ideas that might help get rid of it? Because at this point I'm open to pretty much any suggestion.
I'm having some serious art block and can't figure out what I want to do for my avater . If any one has suggestions please do tell me , thank you .
BTW I'm back in school , so don't expect me to be on as much .
I know, I know. I said I would post IWAM: Til Death Do You Part in January, sadly I've gotten Writer's Block again. This leaves me without the ability to write the things to be needed. I've planned lots of things this year and IWAM 2 is number one priority on that list. So I planned this month I'll get my writing all straighten out and cure my Writer's Block and I will not rest till I have that story done! Now I leave you with stories coming soon.
IWAM: Til' Death Do You Part
Dear Blog,
I actually have completely run out of fanfic ideas. I have been working working really hard on my novel so I haven't had time to do anything for ages! If anyone has any ideas about what I should do, please comment.
due to writers block I will be taking a break of writing my story
Hello again! Here I am, writing blogs instead of chapters for my stories, even though I really want to be writing chapters. This is because of more than just college, I'm also going through a sort of writer's block, but not the kind most people are familiar with, more on that in a bit.
I just need at least 500 more words to finish my next GoT chapter but i've hit a snag what with my family preparing to go to disney and fishing season coming up. If anyone's available, please gimme a hand.
I'm trying to write another chapter for Into Equestria at the moment, but where I'm now easily able to write 1k+ words in a single writing session for the original fiction, fanfiction-wise I've been struggling to write more than a handful of paragraphs.
At least I've got some already-written chapters lined up for publishing in case if things like this happen.
The story I've been trying to do right now I have stumbled and stop so many times so now I have writer's block which is fantastic I hate myself I thought when I went on an adventure that I'll get some more inspiration I guess not hopefully I can release this soon I want to try my best though
all i did was commpliment his skill at writting fart fetish scenes. why is he block me that is rude okay.
As of late, between work, life and all-the-in-between, I have ran head first into a problem.
Writers block, correction Writer's Block mountain and it has been very hard to scale over as of late. I can only guess that I have been stuck because of the intense amount of stress going on in life as well being tired all the time. one would only think that I have busted my brain to an inoperable point.
But I have to ask folks, how does one get over writers block?
As many of you probably noticed, On the Implications of Parallel Worlds missed a scheduled update yesterday. Sorry I forgot to make this blog post then instead of today- I got sidetracked. It happens infuriatingly often.