Greetings · 10:20am Jan 18th, 2017
Hello, Name's Elijah, pleased to meet you dear viewers, I'd like you all to have a chance t know me.. feel free to ask me anything, I'll answer as honestly as possible.. have fun
Hello, Name's Elijah, pleased to meet you dear viewers, I'd like you all to have a chance t know me.. feel free to ask me anything, I'll answer as honestly as possible.. have fun
You read the title correctly, so feel free to ask me anything. Oh, and there will be no april fool's jokes this year, just so we are very clear.
Questions can be about litterly whatever.
Want some writing advice? Sure thing pal, fire away!
Want to know something personal about moi? Go ahead!
Want to know something about one of my stories? So long as it aint spoilers, I will answer!
So, without further ado, go ahead and
Aww, yea! Hey, everypony! Rainbow Dash here!
Heh, you guys must be wondering where Thunder Clash is, right? Well, I kicked him out of his room. I mean, sheesh. He needs to get out more often. He's been getting a lot of weight recently.
So I finished the chapter tonight. According to Google, it's in the 15,000 words range, after cutting and rewriting a few scenes. It'll be sent to the pre-readers and editors tomorrow. Or maybe the day after if I realize I've missed a scene somewhere. It's rather easy for them to get lost in the fifty pages or so. Hrrm.
Well, I've had 25 followers for like, a day now, and didn't even realize it! My first major hallmark, on that front. So, it's time for a Q&A! Ask me anything and I'll try to answer. After 24 hours, I'll keep replying until I get my 26th follower. If I get one before then, this will still keep up for 24 hours. Now then...
Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,
Since I have grown more comfortable with technology and that I have a Discord account for the sake of communication, I figured that every so often readers would ask questions about me or the stories, maybe I should create a platform for you, readers. This way, you can ask me (within reason) about me or the stories that I'm working on. Simply called "Ask CrackedInkWell" (
This will be rather short as only one person had any questions for me for this AMA.
1. Would you be opposed to someone who wanted to finish writing Doctor Whooves for you?
HelLO, Pippsqueaks! Miss me!?
I'm sure you all have a lot more questions for me. But let's start with the ones you asked in my last blog post!
Princess Lily Petals writes:
1. What do you think of Zipp? Rate her out of 10, with 10 being the best
Sister out of 10.
Back in January of 2014, I did an AMA. Now it's practically two full years later so I'm doing another one! For the next week, ask me whatever questions you want about any topic you can think of and I'll answer them. And, so I get different questions this time, here's the previous AMA as a guide for all the questions I've already been asked and have answered: Previous AMA
I look forward to answering your questions!
Well, it's been a full week so now it's time for me to answer the questions I received. Let's begin!
1. What are the things you want to see the most in MLP’s upcoming feature film in 2017?