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Honest Trailers: The Pony of Vengeance · 5:53am Jan 20th, 2020

From BradyBunch, the author of such depressing stories such as Scorpan's Confession, The Cult of Faust, and... Rainbow Dash Confesses Her Love To You? (Huh. The guy really writes around a lot) comes a feature-length novel based on the MLP franchise that might be his most-acclaimed story to date... if you don't count his cuddly ASMR stuff.

The Pony of Vengeance

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Report BradyBunch · 248 views · #mlp #Pony #Vengeance

New Writing schedule · 12:40pm Sep 3rd, 2015

So because I get to my school three hours before my class starts every day I decided to take this time to work on Nightfury

the schedule is as follows:
I will try to complete a chapter each day from Monday to Thursday. if I do not finish a chapter by the end of the day I will continue it the next day excluding weekends


Fic Reviews: The Pony Of Vengeance · 7:15pm May 1st, 2018

Okay, so this is a review that was personally requested by well... They know who they are. Winks at Brady Bunch Now, like always for multi-chapter fics, I'll only be doing the first chapter, but man, does this one leave an impression. But is it a good impression, or a bad one? More after the break.

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Green Vengeance Crisis · 4:17pm Nov 25th, 2017

Looked at the Like-Dislike Ratio thing and it's not looking good to me as the likes are still 20 with dislikes being now at 14.

Why do people hate my story? Why won't they give it a chance?

I'm still working on the story damn it and I want people to take it as it is not how they want it to be.

What do I need to do to make it work? Otherwise if worse comes to worse, this story is being pulled and being relocated to or Archive of our Own.


Working On Green Vengeance · 11:25pm Jun 8th, 2019

I'm posting this blog to let those following the story Assassinverse: Green Vengeance is being worked as of this weekend.

Nearing the end of the chapter and I should have it up in due time.

Sorry for the wait and I assure you it won't be any longer.


Assassinverse: Green Vengeance update #2 · 2:39am Sep 30th, 2017

I'm so sorry that the latest chapter for Assassinverse Green Vengeance is taking this long as it's now been two months since this got last updated.

What I have completed is the battle that will happen which will be around the time Sci-Twi is forced to open the amulet containing all of the magic she has collected, but instead of Midnight Sparkle, we'll get something different instead.

I won't say what it is to avoid spoiling things, but I'll say this; the White Ranger will appear.

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Green Vengeance update · 12:21am Apr 2nd, 2018

I just wanted to drop this blog entry today.

I like to apologize for the lateness of Chapter 6 of Green Vengeance as part of the problem is that non-action scenes without action aren't really a strong suit of mine next to writing good, clean sex scenes that aren't purely porn.

On top of that, there have been other things in my life that have warranted my attention like finding a job within the areas of the two AAS Degrees I have; Video Production Specialist and Interactive Designer.

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Getting Closer to the End of Green Vengeance · 1:58am Jun 10th, 2019

Well everyone, the latest chapter of Green Vengeance is up and ready.

Part 2 will come soon and it'll have more action including the Equestrians having more ground combat while the main Power Rangers will try and fight Lord Tirek.

Next chapter will feature the Ultrazord, my way of course as if it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing.


Assasinverse: Green Vengeance update · 1:28am Sep 24th, 2017


I'm sorry that the latest chapter of Assasinverse Green Vengeance is taking so long. With that in mind since I've last checked, the word count of the chapter so far is past 8,000 words and I've decided to split in half (first half being the calm before the storm and the second half being the big fight at the end).

Don't worry, I won't have Abacus Cinch get off easy in this chapter or this story.

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Funny idea for Assasinverse: Green Vengeance · 12:51am Feb 2nd, 2018

I'm continuing to work on Assasinverse Green Vengeance and just now have come up with a funny idea: The parents of the Power Rangers (the 2017 film and a few other family members) see their kids de-morph and hilarity ensues.

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Assasinverse Green Vengeance suggestions · 11:21pm Sep 2nd, 2017

Still working on Chapter 5 of Assasinverse Green Vengeance and aside from life making it take long since I last updated it back on July 29th of this year, I've been trying to figure out how to show my version of the Friendship Games.

Any suggestions? Ideas are welcomed to help speed it up along.

Post them below to tell me what you think as like I've said before, I've never seen the film, just read about it online that is bits and pieces of it.


Status Update · 1:19am Sep 15th, 2018

This is Fujin777 here,

Many of you are wondering when I'll be completing Assassinverse Green Vengeance and Shining Wing. Both of them are on hiatus for now until I can get my creative juices flowing to where I can write.

The snag with the first one is the final arc where everything comes together.

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ATTENTION ALL GOOBERS! (That is the name of my fanbase now, you are all my lovely goobers) I am here to inform you all of my updates for my stories...

Most of my stories, the big ones I'm working on, are on hold save for A Night With: Rainbow Dash 2 and another one shot I'm writing for my A Night With: series, I won't say which one, but I know you will all love it!

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SoV part 3 & Unforgiven ch. 13 · 1:16pm May 9th, 2017

So here's the skinny:

I got it back from Tarbtano's inspection, and I'm going over it now one last time to make some edits and catch any small errs that might have slipped through the cracks.
It ended-up running long, so, there was a 2,600 word portion of it that had to be cut. Fortunately, that part will go directly into part 4 and makes my job a lot easier as far as the minimum word-count goes.
So part 3 should be released sometime in the next few days, keep your eyes peeled.

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Fun Corner with the Gang (there's nothing sinister afoot, we swear!) · 2:15am Aug 10th, 2024

SORRY! This post is a tad repetitive! The writing/editing went a bit long and I'm on a time crunch. Please skip over redundancies. Check everything up to the end. It's monumentally important!

"Monumentally" means it's about as important as it can be.

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Judas Priest - Screaming For Vengeance · 8:25am Aug 16th, 2019


Percy and the Cost of Vengeance || The Legend of Vox Machina · 3:37pm Aug 1st, 2022


Bonus Songs from the Cage: December 11th Edition · 4:28am Dec 12th, 2024

Bonus Song #1: nihmune - Robotic Love

From the 2024 album Summer in the Dark

Much like other nihmune albums, this one sparks a whole range of emotions, and a pretty diverse sound. This one is my favorite. 9/10 album, highly recommend.

Bonus Song #2: JT Music - Angry Birds Rap

From the 2015 album Want It All

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"Aegis" is finished! Chapter 8 wraps it up! · 9:30pm Jul 23rd, 2019

And I'm done. "Aegis" is finally finished. Chapter 8 ends the story. And it turned out horrible. But that doesn't matter much in the big picture anymore, because the rest of the story started sucking long ago anyway. You'll probably notice how my motivation was running out in the last few sentences.
Anyway, it's done now. It's cliched as hell and reads like watching paint dry, but it's done and I stuck to my philosophy of finishing every story I've started, no matter how horrible it is.

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Songs from the Cage #83: Lindsey Stirling - Carol of the Bells · 2:42am Dec 12th, 2024

Uuuuuuhhhh... It's a cover. I'M NOT GOOD AT THIS, LEAVE ME ALONE! Original Artist: Mykola Leontovych

Day 11 of Cage's 25 Days of Christmas Songs

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