
Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results

Technologically Inept · 4:36am Jan 6th, 2016

He nodded, smiling at her as he stepped back. “It seems that such problems give you a lot of trouble. I shudder to think of how you might fare against a logical paradox.”

Turing Test stared back at him. “I am unfamiliar with that concept.”

“Oh, you know,” he said rolling his hand mildly. “It’s a sort of contradictory statement, like, say, if I were to declare ‘This sentence is false!’”

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Possible new cover for "The Iron Horse" · 3:02am Jun 19th, 2015

Hello dear readers! I'm currently thinking of replacing my current cover for "The Iron Horse" and going with something without text. I figure having the title isn't really necessary in this case, since it appears with the entry anyway. Here are some options. I'd genuinely like to know what everyone thinks is the most appealing version or if you prefer the current one.

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Hats Off to 2015 - A Look Forward! (Plans for "The Reality I Choose," "The Iron Horse," and more!) · 8:32am Jan 5th, 2016

So, my last two blog posts were about the year in review. This last one will be about some plans for the future! Let's start with one I know a lot of you want to know about:

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New Story: "The Reality I Choose" is up! · 8:37pm Dec 6th, 2015

Hey folks! Just in case your notifications aren't functioning, my new story, "The Reality I Choose" is available for viewing. It's related to the Season Five Finale, so if you haven't seen it yet, you might want to hold off.

Otherwise, I think you'll enjoy it! Also, many thanks to Huussii, who granted me permission to use his artwork as the cover.

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So long 2016, hello 2017! (Plans for the next year.) · 1:02am Jan 4th, 2017

Well, I hope you all had a nice New Year's Eve/Day, and welcome to 2017! And while 2016 was a pretty rough year in general, I have to say that, personally, it was a pretty decent year for me, and you readers were part of that. :twilightsmile: Happy New Year!

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Update Schedule for "BINARY" · 7:37pm Aug 16th, 2016

Hello everyone!

So, just a quick little bit of information about BINARY: "Pony.exe" x "The Iron Horse":
1. The story is actually complete, I'm just uploading the chapters separately.
2. The update schedule is one chapter every two days until it's finished. The first chapter was Sunday, the second is out right now, the third is coming Thursday, and the last one will be on Saturday.

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Quick Update · 1:50am Apr 24th, 2017

Howdy folks! Just letting you know I'm doing okay and updates should resume before too much longer. After my grandpa's passing, I just needed a little bit longer to deal with it. He was a great guy, and I loved him a lot, and I'm really going to miss him. On that note, thanks to everyone who left a nice comment on my last blog post. It actually helped me feel a little better. :heart:

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Hats Off to 2015 - A Look Back! (Part 1) · 11:47pm Jan 2nd, 2016

Well, even though it hasn't been a full year, I did join FiMFiction in 2015 and I figure the New Year is as good a milestone to mark as anything else. Plus, considering it's Isaac Asimov's birthday today and my main project is all about a friendly robot, I figure this is a good enough day to mark the occasion.

"These mutton chops are Three Laws compliant."

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The Hat Man Reviews! [The "Negotiations" Series] · 9:16pm Sep 5th, 2016

Ah, "The Conversion Bureau." Along with the "Displaced" genre and "Anon" stories, Conversion Bureau stories are a type of story I generally dislike. There are exceptions, but they're pretty few and far between. As in I've read exactly one story in each of these categories where I've had neutral to positive feelings about. The subject of this review is less of a Conversion Bureau story and more of a so-called "deconstruction" of the genre. Fillies and gentlecolts, ladies and gents, I give

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Thanks for all the faves on "The Reality I Choose!" · 4:44am Dec 9th, 2015

So, it seems my latest story "The Reality I Choose," has had a pretty warm reception! To the tune of... oh. 117 bookshelf additions and 6 new followers. Um...

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Writing!!! Writing.......still writing! · 8:31pm Aug 26th, 2021

Well as you may have noticed, I got ch 2 out for you all to read. Awesome right? Well..... I just realized that after I reach a specific scene/time frame I'm going to have to write up the other scenes that will need to connect up to the next person I'm going to jump to.... YAY for timelines and making them work first time around.

I know what you all are going to say, "Why don't you have this planned out already?"

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Tis the Season! · 8:52pm Dec 24th, 2017

Seems a lot of folks are posting holiday fics this year! Well, if all goes well, there just might be a holiday story from your old Uncle Hat Man under the tree this year for the third year in a row. :raritywink: In the meantime, enjoy 2015 and 2016's offerings, especially if you missed them the first time! 🎄

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Summertime Stories! News of the Little AND Big Variety! (Your Comments Needed!) · 9:19pm May 23rd, 2021

As I've mentioned on occasion, I am a teacher, and this year has left me too busy to do as much on FiMfiction as I wanted to. But Summer Vacation is starting soon, and I want to spend it writing, and that means MORE STORIES! That's the gist of things, but check below the break for more details!

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New Holiday Story for 2018: "Hearth's Warming By The Numbers!" · 11:40pm Dec 25th, 2018


Who doesn't like holiday traditions? · 10:11pm Dec 24th, 2018

By which I mean holiday stories, of which I've posted on Dec. 25th for three years in a row now. Just saying, some traditions should always be upheld. :raritywink: If you missed them, check out my Hearth's Warming special stories from 2015, 2016, and

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Update: "Passing Familiarity" Chapter 4 is live! · 11:03pm Nov 27th, 2021

In a strange place far below the madding crowd, Turing Test encounters a strange pony living on the fringe of society... but they just might be the change of pace she's been seeking...

Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results