• Member Since 10th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen November 17th


Hi, Ben's the name and trains are my game. RRing and ponies seem to what I enjoy most right now. Never thought I would like MLP or be a railroader! Also love Fallout Equestria read it in 5 days!

More Blog Posts7

  • 165 weeks
    I'm Sorry!!

    Forgive me dear readers for I have sinned......

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    3 comments · 180 views
  • 171 weeks
    Writing!!! Writing.......still writing!

    Well as you may have noticed, I got ch 2 out for you all to read. Awesome right? Well..... I just realized that after I reach a specific scene/time frame I'm going to have to write up the other scenes that will need to connect up to the next person I'm going to jump to.... YAY for timelines and making them work first time around.

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    0 comments · 157 views
  • 173 weeks
    I got derailed

    Ok, so I must confess that I was supposed to write today, but what was a quick look into other railroad terms and words used from the days of steam and the 1800's to mid 1900's turned into TWO HOURS of laughing and sharing them with my other railroader friends. I mean there are some pretty on the nose terms that work way to well in this universe. Like: MULE SKINNER—Driver of mule cart. So as you

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    0 comments · 132 views
  • 174 weeks
    Waitin Is the WORST!

    So I'm waiting for my story to get approved and it feels like it's been days. (Really it's only been about 16 or 18 hours since I sent it in to get approved.) But it's that waiting that really gets to you. All of your fears and worries crank to 11 and then start going up exponentially as the hours drag on. Things like, "Will the readers like it?" "Did the mods read it and hate, but instead of

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    2 comments · 133 views
  • 174 weeks
    Finally Putting up my first story

    Well, I suppose it's actually about time that I posted a pony based fic. I mean I've had literally hundreds of dreams and ideas of stories that I wanted to do. But I never actually wrote them or got them far along enough to post online.

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Writing!!! Writing.......still writing! · 8:31pm Aug 26th, 2021

Well as you may have noticed, I got ch 2 out for you all to read. Awesome right? Well..... I just realized that after I reach a specific scene/time frame I'm going to have to write up the other scenes that will need to connect up to the next person I'm going to jump to.... YAY for timelines and making them work first time around.

I know what you all are going to say, "Why don't you have this planned out already?"

To that I say, "I did! Then I changed my mind because I was trying to follow the source material to the letter. But I had a V8 moment and was like, 'well, you know this is a test run and proof of concept, so why not have discord experiment with them and the spell? things can get funky/wonky making it more interesting plus it would allow me to play around with concepts.' Which is why things got blown into a full on tizzy with the how things are set up now."

Also I'm more of a "go with the flow" kind of writer and I have targets/goals that I need to achieve but more often then not I don't write it 100% according to "plan" which requires tweaks and adjustments to my story.

I do swear to give you 2 chapters a month and if possible 3 to 4 each month. I must profess though, I haven't made a successful run for a long multi-chapter story in forever. (We're talking back to the days when I was an AATC fanfic writer. (Circa 2014) So you will have to hang with me and maybe throw down some encouragement to help keep me writing. Kind words go a very long way!!

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