It's Halloween 2019 and strange things are happening to a group of four people as they begin to turn into ponies. Low and behold they were cursed by the lord of chaos himself as a kind of "Proof of concept" along one of the most haunted railroad lines in all of Equus where strange things have to the trains and ponies during nightmare night. Now they are left to figure out how to survive on earth as ponies, join them in their adventure as they try to carve out a semblance of living like the highly intelligent ponies they are without going insane.
I would also like to thank these people for reading and editing my mess:
Hazy Spark for looking over the document.
Tyler, who helped push and encourage me to actually make this a reality.
Alyssa, who actually urged me to change up the way I was going to go about writing this story. She really pushed my writing to be better and actually turn out something amazing.