Zoey winked, pointing double finger-guns at Sammy and his friends. "Welcome to horseword-land, buckos."
Zoey winked, pointing double finger-guns at Sammy and his friends. "Welcome to horseword-land, buckos."
...And freaking smug-ass Princess Celestia nearly killed me. This episode should have a language warning cause if that face doesn't just scream "F**k your shit" then I earnestly don't know what does.
Luna and Cadence give a metric-total of zero hoots, too:
Well, soon-ish...
"Yeah, Hat, only took ya a few months to finish ONE chapter..." I know, I know, but I got busy and then wanted to make sure it turned out right. Enjoy the final chapter, folks!
Hey folks! Despite that ominous title, I'm here to let y'all know that I think the metaphorical "bumps" are behind me, and I should be able to get some more stuff out soon. Including the most recent thing I've previewed, which I cannot give a release date for yet, but I believe will be ready before the end of the year. At least, that's the hope. (Also, thank you so much for all the enthusiasm about it. I hope it's
Just wanted to say thanks to you all the support, faves, and comments on "In the Pale Moonlight." The story was an unexpected hit for a quick one-shot and stayed on the Featured list for the majority of the week, so I just wanted to express my thanks for all the love you've shown, with an extra thanks to Surfing Pikachu for his suggestion. It really does my heart good to see people enjoy my work. More Suggest A Story September entries will be coming very soon, and whether they are as
Hello, everyone! It’s taken a bit of time, but I’ve got another story resulting from my Suggest A Story September campaign, this time from LordMentat! Fillies and gentlecolts, I present to you…
And now we've gotten more to dissect. I just said on Friday how this was the last analyzis for a while and now there's already new stuff!
The synopsis for Episode 10 has been released and, wow, it sounds exciting! I'll talk about it after the break (hopefully, because I have no idea if these lines are enough):