
Viewing 1 - 20 of 161 results

Introduction · 4:14am Jul 21st, 2016

I think this is in order since I've never written a blog before. I guess that's a start.:unsuresweetie:

I'm a guy, let's get that across, and I've never really dabbled in writing all that much until just recently. :eeyup:

I'm told that I have a knack for story-telling, and MLP is pretty much awesome as can be to me, so I'm gonna give this a shot considering I'm getting positive feedback on my first two stories.:twistnerd:

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Report Hood · 468 views · #Introduction

Hello, Hello, Hello! · 1:12am Jan 5th, 2019

Ah! I see you have stumbled upon this little mess of a blog (ah you poor, poor creature) ...Hmm? Oh! You want to know about me? In that case:

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Hello FIM Fiction! Here's My Intro · 8:33am Dec 19th, 2015

Hello everypony at FIM Fiction! My name is Justin, but you can call me Shuttertwitch!

I've been a long time member, but have just decided to try my hand at writing fan fiction and putting it on this site. So I uploaded the first chapter of my first story The Adventures of Shuttertwitch and Sunny!

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Report shuttertwitch · 362 views · #introduction

Weird Sort-Of Introduction · 7:30am Nov 20th, 2015

[/throws hooves into the air] HELLO I WRITE AND DRAW. Ah, my works can be innocent or super nsfw/fetishy, so there's gonna be legit plotted stuff mixed with clop through here... A lot of OCs and hopefully OC cameos, no OC/canon stuff with any of my characters...

I'm from FurAffinity and DeviantArt, you might know me from there as CaptainCassidy or CaptainWrong (FA only).

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Who the buck is this foal? · 8:21am Aug 27th, 2016

Hello everypony! I'm going to be making my first full length chapter story on this site, and I wanted to let anypony who ends up reading it know some things about me.

I like writing 'mature' stories. Meaning, I use depictions of violence, language, and sometimes sex as a method of writing. The severity of these tend to differ greatly due in large part to my mood swings. My friends describe it as me switching between mostly four writing styles.

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Report TheBoneMic · 234 views · #Introduction

Hi everyone · 2:18am Dec 29th, 2018

I'm a hobbyist writer from Mexico, who likes doing fanfictions. I'm currently writing a story with an original trama and characters called Annagenesys.

Some of the fanfictions I have written through the years are about My Little Pony, Steven Universe, and RWBY.
I started watching MLP back in 2014, and that was when I started writing. Unfortunately, I stopped doing so about a year ago because of various reasons, but I have decided to start writing again.

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Report John-Filhern · 203 views · #Introduction

About MSz (Misty) · 6:04am Oct 28th, 2021

Hey Folks!

So yea.. as you could tell I'm sort of new here on FIMfic, and it is quite apparent, if I do say so myself. So I thought, before my very first story on here, comes out, to maybe give some info about mwah, and here we are!

First off, my pronouns are She/Her, and I identify as Female:pinkiehappy:! You can refer to me as MSz or Misty, which ever you prefer.

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Report MistyShadowz · 403 views · #Introductions

Introducing Myself · 12:24am Dec 2nd, 2021

Hello, everyone.

My name is Dinoman213 and I'm new to town.

Now, you may have noticed how I don't have any stories, well that's because like I said I'm quite new. So if any of y'all would like to help me or give me instructions on how to put my story on this site. Let me know.

Now usually I'm solitary but sometimes I can get pretty lonely. But if any of y'all want to be my friend or friends, let me know, okay?

Report Dinoman213 · 111 views · #Introduction

Proper introductions · 10:27am July 4th

Just here to read anything that catches my interest. Luna Boy. Autism (w/ high support needs), bipolar, OCD & schizophrenia. Multiple fandoms & interests. Asexual🖤🤍💜. Bilingual SP/EN. 13+.

This lists all my fandoms rn. It might change in the future. (2009 - Present)

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Hello, friends! · 10:55pm Jul 8th, 2015


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I am Artgineer, but most folks shorten that to Arty, and I have been writing fan fiction for a long time. I suppose I could bore with the details, but I'm fairly certain that no one wants to hear about my terrible Yu-Gi-Oh! Gary Stu (we were all teenagers once).

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Report Artgineer · 279 views · #introduction

Introductions · 2:46pm Sep 30th, 2017

Hello, wastelanders!

I'm glad to see you here.

I'd like to introduce myself, My name is Entropy, the combined essence of the horses of the apocalypse. I have lots of interesting apocalyptic stories to tell and I chose to focus this space on Fallout: Equestria only!

I hope I can entertain you with what I have to offer.

'Til next time.



Introduction · 1:02am Mar 18th, 2018

Hello there...I'm just gonna say that I hope to have a good time and that I really hope you all enjoy the story I'm working on...see you all soon. (I have no idea about what I'm doing).

Report Azvameth Rose · 233 views · #introduction

Hi! · 1:42pm Mar 18th, 2021

Hi! You may call me Hips or TwiHips.

You may or may not know me from other places. Probably not. I mean, how many Twilights are there?

I write things for a living and I write even more things for fun, sometimes. Here you'll (hopefully) find what I do for fun.

Technically I'm not-so-new to FIMFiction, I just disappeared for something like many years. But I'm here now and I hope you'll enjoy my scribblings.

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Report TwiHips · 153 views · #introduction

Look at me, here I am... · 12:51am Nov 16th, 2014

...hopefully, right where I belong.

Hello out there,! Yes, I am that idiot, but I'm a reformed idiot. Anyway, I'm happy to be here at last, and I look forward to sharing my Pony-based writings and the assorted original characters I've created with a wider audience. Hopefully, what I've got won't offend too many.

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Report EchoWing · 323 views · #introduction

Hello · 9:58pm Nov 22nd, 2018

Hello anyone who's reading this.
My name is Rei (atleast that's what I call myself), I am 19 yo, I live somewhere in Czech Republic and I am "over 3 years old brony". Recently, I started reading fanfictions and got really into it, so I decided to try writing one myself. You can expect it in my stories list when it's finished.

My fav pony is Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie.

Report NightRei · 264 views · #introduction

About me · 8:35am Aug 10th, 2015

I guess I'll have to write something here, just to let you know me better.

I'm a stay-cable engineer (bridges, pretensioned concrete structures, etc), working and living in northern capital of Russia, Saint-Petersburg.

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Report Mozgan · 232 views · #Introduction

What you'll find on this creepy-crawly page · 3:37pm Mar 30th, 2021

To put it simply, this is just an NSFW account. I didn't think I would ever need to create one, but the one time I posted something "dark" on my main account it didn't go as well as I hoped it would, making me realize that the people following me there only followed me for a specific type of content.

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Report SpiderTrash · 282 views · #introduction

Introductions #2 · 11:56pm Aug 19th, 2015

Jason did this, so I may as well follow his lead.

Hi! I'm Alexis, but on here, I'm known as Shadow. Jason's my brother and I'm older than him by eleven minutes, although he'll probably tell you otherwise. I'm new-ish to writing and I wish that people wouldn't dislike a story without reading it first. Oh, and Pinkie Pie is best pony!

Report Fanged Doom · 333 views · #Introduction

First Blog Post, YAY! :D · 6:55pm Jul 21st, 2017

Alright, first blog post; let's start clearing some s*yay* up.

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Just a Little Hello · 1:08pm Sep 6th, 2016

Just a new gentleman on the block that has been floating about unseen for the last two weeks. Never seen the show myself but I found I rather enjoyed the stories told her and figured I would throw my hat in the ring. I plan on using these stories to develop my grammer and build some confidince in my work so my more serious work might one day get published.

Plus I am ashamed to say my discover of clop has lead me to find I now have an attraction to these "ponies".


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Report 1WickedQuill · 297 views · #Introduction
Viewing 1 - 20 of 161 results