• Member Since 31st Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Sorry for being a Starlight Glimmer apologist

More Blog Posts16

  • 119 weeks
    New StarBurst group!

    About a week ago, I noticed that the original StarBurst group was deleted, or as deleted as something on Fimfic can be. Now the link to the group is just there, hovering annoyingly, can't interact with the group, can't get out or in. This is what it must feel like to be stuck in limbo.

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    2 comments · 512 views
  • 142 weeks
    Two Burning Stars is now live on Wattpad!

    En español, of course

    and translated by yours truly
    Check it out!

    3 comments · 212 views
  • 142 weeks
    Got a Wattpad now!

    Have had one for a while now, just never bothered to use it until a few months ago. The catch? It's all in Spanish.

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    7 comments · 373 views
  • 186 weeks
    Happy New Year to my 101 followers!

    Two years ago today I made this account, not really expecting much, just wanted to write shippy things and share my work. Still can't wrap my head around the fact that 100 people saw my silly stories and thought 'yeah I want to see more of this person,' and followed me.

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    3 comments · 291 views
  • 197 weeks
    So, about Ink and Flowers

    It came to my attention that this work was stolen. And it was: by me.

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    8 comments · 598 views

Hello, Hello, Hello! · 1:12am Jan 5th, 2019

Ah! I see you have stumbled upon this little mess of a blog (ah you poor, poor creature) ...Hmm? Oh! You want to know about me? In that case:

I'm a cis gendered woman, 25 years old, who likes ponies and cartoons. I've been aware of the show since it aired, but at the time I was busy with other fandoms, and only watched until season three before dropping it. Then I heard rumors that the show was ending this year, I got curious and that's when the fandom bug bit me (Seriously? Right when the show is going to end? Talk about timing).

But you know what specifically dragged me in to this fandom? That's right, shipping. I scored the tumblr tag for them, before the infamous purge, and found very little, I searched both AO3 and Fanfiction.net, again, found very little. Deviantart was ok but then I found this website and scored GOLD! Sorta of...

What pairing in particular you ask? Look at my icon, then to the story tagged to this blog, and connect the dots. So far, my plan for this account is to write more stories for this pairing exclusively, until I tire or burn out.

So there you go. I trust you can see yourself out.

Report FoolAmongTheStars · 1,121 views · Story: Useless Magic · #introduction
Comments ( 4 )

Could you please tell me all of your shippings that you have with this show?
I promise that I won't start another shipping war(again).

And could you also tell me all of your other fandoms.

I'm just wanna know whats your thoughts on this.

Right now Starlight Glimmer/Sunburst are the reason my heart beats :heart:, but I do have a soft spot for the Trixie/Starlight/Sunburst triangle, I also like Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle, and lastly Cadance and Shining Armor are the cutest :twilightsmile:
As for fandoms I've been in a number of them, but I've been most active in the Soul Eater fandom, Villainous and the Legend of Zelda franchise.
AAAAAAAND thats pretty much it.

Welcome to Epic Adventure, High Fantasy, and Sci-Fi!

So your favorite ship is....Starburst?

I see you are a ( wo)man of culture as well!

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