
Viewing 121 - 140 of 627 results

S6E24: "Top Bolt" · 4:28pm Oct 15th, 2016

Best Wonderbolts episode ever. Twilight and Dash made a highly watchable team, the guest characters were effective and the pacing was good. For those who saw the UK version, one line was dropped over here, though not an important one: it's a second mention of cider with AJ near the end. That doesn't affect the rating, though. This was the effective season finale for us in the UK, and I'm very satisfied with it. ★★★★


S5E18: Raiders of the Lost Mark · 6:12pm Oct 12th, 2015

I had a wonderful time at UK PonyCon, and it rekindled a lot of the sheer happiness and feeling of, well, family that this fandom has given me.* I'm too tired to write a long review of the episode, and tbh I was thinking of skipping it this time. But I can't really, now, can I? True, there are flaws with the episode's pacing. True, the cutie marks don't look quite "organic" enough. True, there's a question now about what to do with Diamond Tiara's character. True, there's some doubt

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S6E06: No Second Prances · 8:39pm Apr 30th, 2016

I really enjoyed that one! I wasn't particularly looking forward to it when I read the synopsis, but it turned out to be a really enjoyable episode. Nick Confalone did a good job here. :twilightsmile: ★★★★

A little spoilery stuff after the break.

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Another of the originals departs the pony stage · 1:03am Mar 15th, 2016

From the horse's mouth on Twitter: "Amending Fences was my last involvement with the show" -- M. A. Larson. I'm not sure whether either Dave Polsky or Cindy Morrow are writing S6 episodes, but if not then there'll be nobody left at all from the S1 days. Well, assuming Meghan McCarthy doesn't make an unexpected ep-writing return, I suppose. Is this a sign that we won't be getting any more FiM? I don't have a clue. But we

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Report Loganberry · 329 views · #show #season 6 #ma larson

S5E11: Party Pooped · 11:27pm Jun 27th, 2015

Well, that was... odd. Not in the way that "Slice of Life" was odd, but odd nevertheless. A new writer (Nick Confalone) seemed to throw a lot of ideas at a wall and wait to see which ones stuck, then when none of them fell off he said, "Stuff it, I'll use the lot" -- and did just that. I liked seeing Twilight do something she hasn't done for a while (and I mostly believed why she was doing it, too). I thought Pinkie was interesting in this, though some of the other Mane Sixers

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S6E17: "Dungeons and Discords" · 8:32pm Aug 27th, 2016

I'm sorely tempted to give this a five just for making Ogres and Oubliettes canon in the show, but I shall resist. Anyway: a fun, lightweight episode. It's another of those where I wonder just how Pony it is, and I also wonder whether it'll be one that has a great deal of replay value. Still, it's amusing while it lasts -- and, away from the main plot, has some pretty good Fluttershy in the opening scene. Not Nick Confalone's best episode, not even his best this season (that's

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S7E2 All Bottled Up [SPOILERS] · 2:43pm Apr 16th, 2017

And here's the second episode. Note second episode, not part 2. Yeah, they didn't do a two parter this year, though they marketed as such and had them back to back.


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Report Javarod · 234 views · #season 7 #SPOILERS #s7 #show

Four more... · 6:40pm Mar 18th, 2017

Check out this idea I had! It's for a TV series based on my original (Non-brony) Starlight Saga!

Starlight Saga: Tales of Dreamality


S5E12: Amending Fences · 4:25pm Jul 4th, 2015

This was actually pretty great. M. A. Larson gave us "Slice of Life" the other week, but proved here that he's still more than capable of writing excellent MLP:FiM episodes of the traditional type. It's a shame there wasn't room for a song, as it's been ages now since we've had one (well, seven episodes), but other than the equally traditional slightly rushed ending, I can't find much to complain about. The flashbacks worked, Pinkie worked... everything worked, really. Maybe not quite a

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The End of the Show · 1:53pm Oct 14th, 2019

Hello everyone. The end of the FiM show has finally been aired. Without giving an specific spoilers I am going to now share my feelings on it and how it might or might not affect this story.

So to begin with... (large inhale) ... no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!! That is NOT happening! Lol

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S5E10: Princess Spike · 7:41pm Jun 20th, 2015

It was everything I expected from a Spike episode. Which means that I can already remember almost nothing about. In fact, it was a nothing episode. Not particularly terrible, and a few cute Twilight moments (the book cuddling!), but by no means a classic. How many Spike eps have we had now? And still nothing I'd want to go back and watch just for the fun of it. Also, this was another mediocre episode with multiple writing credits. For the most part, doing that doesn't seem to work very well. ★★


My TV Show Review on Recess · 6:48pm Jul 10th, 2020

Yo, what's up, Kemosabes?

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 22nd TV show analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take of Disney's "Recess".

Here's the summary of it:

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My TV Show Review on The Inspector · 2:44pm Oct 28th, 2019

Aloha, my good comrades.

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here once again with another review.

And today, I'll be making my 14th TV show review by analyzing "The Inspector".

Here's the summary of it:

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Which one? · 12:22am Jun 2nd, 2019

It's gotta be Hoofers.


S6E08: "A Hearth's Warming Tail" · 9:01pm May 14th, 2016

Very quick, non-spoilery review: I really liked it. Okay, not the most original idea for an episode, but done very nicely and with much better pacing than some eps I could name. A couple of relatively minor faults, but it was good enough to overcome the weirdness of being shown in May. This might be my favourite ep of the season, and it's close enough to a five that it stands a chance (a small one, admittedly) of being upgraded on re-watching. Edit: it was indeed upgraded! This is a

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S5E15: Rarity Investigates! · 11:42pm Sep 19th, 2015

I haven't forgotten about my liveblog! I've just been horribly busy recently. It will be back, though, within a week I hope.

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S6E18: "Buckball Season" · 8:17pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Other than the sad lack of a Looney Tunes joke to go with the title, I don't have many complaints about this one. This is the sort of old-season stuff I really like, and for the most part I thought it worked very well. Fluttershy was great, Pinkie was great... and Snails(!) was great too. Rainbow and Applejack were a tad more uneven, but mostly they got away with it. Another filler episode, I suppose, but in my view a very good filler episode. I'll definitely be rewatching this one.

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S6E23: "Where the Apple Lies" · 11:46pm Oct 8th, 2016

Yes, I've seen the finale. Of course I have! Review coming after the US airing, however. As for episode 23, which was dropped from Tiny Pop because of cider referenes, I really enjoyed it. More than quite a few other people, so it seems from initial reactions. There are a few obvious plot holes, but it was another of the "could almost have been S2" episodes that this season has done quite a bit now. Three stars on first viewing, but a high three. Has potential to be a four if I really

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S6E22: "P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)" · 5:09pm Oct 1st, 2016

Hmm. I appreciate the innovation, but it's not as successful in that regard as "The Saddle Row Review" was. There are some great bits, and Applejack has a fantastic episode, but they don't quite add up to a great whole. Part of this is because the resolution is colossally stupid. Unfortunately, I'll know it's coming now, and it'll irritate me every time. As a mystery, "Rarity Investigates!" blows this -- ahem -- out of the water. ★★/★★★


S6E25&25: "To Where and Back Again" · 2:12pm Oct 26th, 2016

Great fun, at least as long as you don't hate Starlight Glimmer being central. Has some obvious plot holes (the changeling!Mane Six are really obvious, so how did they take over so easily?) but it's one of those episodes that's best watched for entertainment. Trixie and Discord are a brilliant double act. Chrysalis's appearance from behind the cocoons is tremendously creepy, too. I'm glad they didn't reform her -- I suspect she'll be back, and not alone either. Still uncertain about

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 627 results