
Viewing 101 - 120 of 473 results

Getting back into the swing of things · 7:36pm May 31st, 2018

Haven't done one of these since I first joined have I? Feels like yesterday...

Anyway, here I am once more, trying to get back into the swing of things. Trying to be a teeny bit more active in terms of updating, blogging, writing etc. I even have a new avatar so things must be serious.

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It’s been a while. · 1:59am Jan 8th, 2018

So, I don’t know if anyone who I previously used to contact is still around, or if anyone at all will see this- but I’m here.

It’s been one hell of a rollercoaster for the past few years. Not easy, I’ll say that. However I recently found myself slowly crawling back in to the Brony fandom, if it even still exists these days.

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Exhausted brain, achy thumbs · 3:18pm Nov 5th, 2019

Good morning, fellow ponies or insert species here!

Now that the chapter for A Whole New World was released I'll be shifting into second gear for Love's Hunt. I'll probably be tapping out this next chapter until I receive my laptop of freshness and upcoming smut! The tides are turning even more.

In any case, I'll see you all somewhere around here ;)

Escape from The Continuity


Working on next chapter · 5:30am Jun 16th, 2020

Took break from writing it. But i'm back now and nearly 1k words into it so its coming at some point.

Feels weird coming back. Had to take time off cause it got rather exhausting to write, but everything's mostly back to normal on my end.


A Much Needed Update · 12:39am Jun 20th, 2021

Hey folks, Galaxy here. So! Where now for 2021? 6 months in, and I haven't really done a serious update, have I? Well, I'm changing that right now. So, where am I at with my stories? Bit of a revival of my old series? Bit of love for Pride Month? Well, sadly no. My main focus right now happens to be a story I've wanted to do for the longest time but never got around to it. Fall of An Empire.

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Return of the dead Robocart · 4:39pm Jan 8th, 2020

Hey guys, long time no see, after years of losing account info, losing drive to write stories, and time to do stuff i wanted to do. I am finally back again. However i probably will not post any stories for a while, since i have no inspiration, but if an idea pops up in my head i might write a mini story from it to see what people like and to see if i want to expand on it. I hope you all have a good evening and a good year!


A Serious Question · 5:34pm Jun 3rd, 2020

Howdy folks, Chaos here. After a long time of inactivity on this site, I have decided to give it a go once again. Now, I have found myself wanting to continue We're Not In Europe Anymore, however, after rereading the chapters that are currently posted, I instantly lost a great deal of will to do so. These are the main reasons why:

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im here · 2:02am Nov 3rd, 2019

im here

ive been here but absent, i forgot, but im back.

hi, my state right now isnt the best, ive been looking for something to get my mind off things and express myself.
i suddenly remember this website, and i remember all the good times i had when i was younger here, i hope to maybe meet someone.

i just want to see another living thing

its so lonely here

anyways, i may do a character sheet for my OC, Vincent. idk if you want that.
im talking to no-one

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A Hopeful Return · 7:05pm May 9th, 2022

I'm back, behbeh.
Turns out, school let out like a month earlier than I expected. I still have next semester's stuff to figure out, but I'm hoping this will be the start of an inspired summer of pone.
A little preemptive? Perhaps, especially knowing how inspiration strikes me. Still, I intend to get some stuff done on this website and nobody can stop me!


This has been a trip · 1:11am Nov 18th, 2021

This has been quite a journey for me with how much of myself I've been putting into writing this story. As of this blog, we are now at the halfway point with 25 chapters up. Have you been enjoying it so far? I'd love to hear from ya, especially if we have any of you out there who read the original and are liking the changes I've made so far in this rewrite.

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Story Update: Return: Tales of the Lost - what madness is this? · 9:54pm Nov 25th, 2015

Twice... in one week...

[url=Return: Tales of the Lost]


Opening the gates of Tartaraus · 3:57am Jan 27th, 2017

You ready for this?

I want to cry. Why are we touching this heap of crap?!

Because if will show you how far you come. *Pulls cord* And I like to see you squirm. *Chainsaw starts* So let’s do this.

Put away the Celestia damned chainsaw if we’re going to do this we’re going to do it right.

OK. *puts chainsaw down* Time to get the fine tools out *pulls out rpg*.

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Report Erina Tail Yellow · 292 views · #Back #Why #Return

Okay, seriously, what the heck me?! · 11:58pm Apr 25th, 2016


Okay, so I know I've done like fifty posts going on about "I'm coming back" and all that.

None of the times, I've made good on that promise. So I've decided I'm not going to make promises. Instead, I'll tell you the facts. I'll tell you what's happening in my mind and in my person, and see if we can't come up with something. Alright?

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Okay, picking back up where we left off... · 12:51pm Sep 5th, 2017

I'm not going to lie, it's been a long time since I last wrote anything. Not so much anything-anything, I've helped run a tabletop RPG, sort of started a collaborative fic with a friend that fell apart much quicker than Project Sparkle did, but the long and short of it is that I haven't been updating. It's been due to a whole mess of problems going on with my life this side of the keyboard that I really don't want to get into in too much detail, but, finally, I'm coming back to this.

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About Equestrian Requiem; A Hero's Return · 2:06pm Jun 9th, 2015

I have revoked my submission for my story Equestrian Requiem; A Hero's Return because I have finally gotten inspired to write the prequel and once I have finished that I will be rewriting to make it less of a cluster fuck of references and more of a story. By the time you read this i'll have submitted the prequel "Equestrian Requiem" so keep an eye out for that.


I'm still alive. · 8:13pm Mar 11th, 2016

If anyone cares, just to let you know, I kinda separated myself from the fandom for the past 2 years.
But now that I'm back, I'll probably write some stories.
I'll see y'all soon.


The Dragon Awakens Once More. · 7:26pm Jan 6th, 2019

It has been a long time, hasn't it. After two years of positing anything of note, i have returned to start this whole machine up again. And with it... i'm starting a new story. The World They Once Knew is still a subject i think often about, but it has been too long and i no longer have my assets i used to write it (Such as my notes, ideas, and my back-ups in case something happened on the site). On top of that, it's been two years since chpt 25 and since then I have improved my craft and i

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Time For a Poll · 1:54pm Mar 23rd, 2017

Hey guys. I'm back to my resting place on fimfiction. Man I love this site. I have honestly never been more interested in one show this much in my entire life. That being said, I recognize that some of my stories have dropped off the map. So i'm going to ask this now, to gauge opinion. Is there anyone here who would like me to continue a certain story in particular? Or would you like to see more of my new ones? I currently am working on thinking up a new plot as I type this. so those of you who

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Yes, yes, I know · 4:38pm Oct 27th, 2020

I am not abandoning this story. I am currently working on the next chapter. It's 1/3rd the way done.


Godzilla’s Stand (JOJO Referance) · 4:53am Mar 25th, 2020

Hey people how do you like the idea of Godzilla being a Stand User and how powerful would you think the Stand would be?

Viewing 101 - 120 of 473 results