
Viewing 861 - 880 of 954 results

To Where and Back Again, various thoughts · 11:04am Oct 9th, 2016

So, it seems the season finale was released by the UK as a result of unknown silliness. (Supposedly intentionally?) So I went ahead and watched it. It was pretty fun.:heart: I have some few thoughts about the episode, so let's get to them.

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What if your special talent would constantly ruin the lives of the ponies that are dear to you? · 12:21am Aug 17th, 2016

What then? How would your life be? How would you feel about having a special talent that is supposed to help ponies, but harms them at the same time? How would you react to this and how would you try to cope with it? Can you imagine how it would be to go through life with such a cruel fate?
There is a pony who can imagine this, because this is exactly the fate that was bestowed on him.

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Fate must be Cruel only to the Kind - Act 2: The Sorrow of the Siblings · 12:04am Aug 20th, 2016

When Crackle Pop awakes the next morning, he finds an unpleasant surprise. An unpleasant surprise that suddenly makes everything different for him and his sister. It leaves them both in sorrow, but is there a glimmer of hope?


Spice Up Your Life, various thoughts · 9:54pm Jun 11th, 2016

I was away today, and only just got to watch the episode. It was another all right episode, featuring a new song, good character dynamic and some fun. The moral of the episode was wonderful, although I'm not sure why Rarity had to learn it as well. It irks me a tad that we don't have the custom credits roll tracks anymore. I hope they'll return soon. I don't have much to say about this one in terms of lore or world-building or anything, but let's go!

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Chapter 2 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is released! · 11:12pm May 20th, 2016

It is here! As promised, the second chapter of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is now out!
A lot of the important characters of the fic get introduced, including Flurry's best friend! And some dark figures.....
Read the chapter to find out who it is and what roles these ponies play in Flurry's life!

I'll give the fic a few days rest now, then I will begin with Chapter 3. I will start to write it next week.

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Saddle Row & Rec/The Saddle Row Review, various thoughts · 9:57pm May 21st, 2016

All right, this is a bit of an interesting episode. Obviously, this marks another milestone for Rarity, having been able to expand her business twice with success, gradually rising in renown. She's achieving her ambition! Only, one thing, at least her friends fear, might stand in the way of this. So, an opportunity to watch Rarity's friendships, and their bonds with each other, with usual sentimentality.:rainbowkiss: I enjoyed it. Nothing too particular, just a good episode to

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"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!": Chapter 5 has arrived! · 9:46pm Jun 22nd, 2016

This was a close one. Chapter 5 of "Princess of Flurry Heart: Destroyer of Worlds" is out:

More appearances of Magnolia Sunshine in here and it's getting serious in this chapter..... Although maybe not in the way you expect.
Also, two other characters fleshed out a bit more, although no major characters this time. Who is it? Read the chapter to find out!

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Mini Re-Reviews: "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" & "Owl's Well That Ends Well" - Season 1 Episodes 23 & 24 · 12:50am Jan 11th, 2020

RAINBOW DASH: "I look like I have a mohawk blowing in the wind, don't I? Yeah, I think I just got about 20% cooler."
FLUTTERSHY [off-screen]: "What? But, um... I thought you said it was lazy and uninspired to just quote fan-loved moments for these intros..."

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Another delay for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!", courtesy of a nasty cold. · 8:01pm Mar 6th, 2017

Welp, here I am, having to announce another delay for Chapter 20, despite my promise from last week.
This time, I got hit by a nasty cold on Thursday, which successfully decapitated me for four days straight..... Neither the fever, nor the headache did allow for any writing during these four days.

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Mini Re-Reviews: "The Cutie Pox" - Season 2 Episode 6 · 3:56pm Feb 9th, 2020

APPLE BLOOM: "You know, I was being forced to do so much stuff with all them there cutie marks, that I couldn't even see half of them! There's a mallet, a fancy brush, two thin swords hitting each other... Man, am I glad I have just the one cutie mark now!"

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Chapter 7 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" was finished early! Have another preview! · 9:34pm Jul 4th, 2016


Our majesty, Princess Flurry Heart, hereby declares the hiatus over! Chapter 11 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is finally here! · 1:08am Sep 5th, 2016

Not dragging this out any longer..... The 11th chapter of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" is now finally here, so go and read it and end the pain of waiting:

The story continues after the origins of Flurry Heart's name got revealed to everypony and what follows are moments of desperation, but of solace as well, solace that comes from a pony Flurry Heart wouldn't expect it from.

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REMINDER: "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" returns tomorrow! + Small Preview AND..... The first chapter has surpassed 1,000 views! · 7:06pm Jan 10th, 2017

Hello, my dear readers, this is Fluttercheer returning from his holiday break!
This blog entry is mostly here to remind you that "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" will continue tomorrow. I just finished up Chapter 17 and put it on the site, so it's just one button click away from release!
And to make the last bit of the wait a little more bearable, here is a very small sneak preview, showing the beginning of the chapter:

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CHARACTER TAG TIME! · 9:42pm Jan 11th, 2017

And so, on the 11th Day of the Year 7 A.P., finally got new character tags..... And there was lots of rejoice heard throughout the pony land.

And for one humble author this means.....

"PRINCESS FLURRY HEART, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!" FINALLY GETS A CHARACTER TAG FOR FLURRY HEART! :yay: :pinkiegasp: :raritystarry: :rainbowkiss: :scootangel:

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"Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!": Chapter 18 is here! · 4:07am Jan 19th, 2017

And here it is, your weekly chapter of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!". Get it while it's hot:

Chapter 18 is here and, in a twist, we will meet a character who was only mentioned briefly so far. Could you guess who?


An emergency just happened. · 2:06am Dec 11th, 2016

So, right now, there is a little emergency happening in the LoE development team. I can't go into much details about it due to my NDA, but since the LAR is happening on Monday, my assistance is sorely needed to bring this emergency behind us in order to have everything going as planned.

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Fate must be Cruel only to the Kind: Epilogue · 11:10pm Nov 17th, 2016

Crackle Pop is on the way home. The ribbon in his lap, he can't wait to give it to Chirpy.
But a few more things happened after the race.
Crackle Pop recaps on the events.


SUPRISE! (and some other stuff to say) · 7:58pm Oct 16th, 2016

If you haven't noticed, I just uploaded a new chapter to Elements. That's right, EARLY RELEASE! Why? Well, for a number of reasons, but intend on keeping them all to myself.

What I will tell you is that while this is an early release, the chapter afterwards will be unleashed at the proper time a week and a day or two after.

After that, I intend on unveiling another story for the end of the month, but you won't see an iota of what's up until then.

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Gauntlet of Fire (S6E5) Reaction Notes with spoilers (duh) · 10:29pm Apr 16th, 2016

Might contain spelling errors even tough I tried to fix a few. Yes i made another one-this episode seemed to have some meat to it even if there wasn't a ton of super-lore I got world building. Yay! :yay:

0:48 Rarity....her hat is cool but she is not


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Two more fanarts for "Aunt Millie"! · 1:13am Apr 7th, 2017

A while ago, two more fanarts for "Aunt Millie" got drawn and, even though I'm more than two months late with that, I still want to share them with you before the fic is over!
The first one shows us Dinky's dominant mood in "Aunt Millie" because of the nerve-wrecking tauntings by her aunt:

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Viewing 861 - 880 of 954 results