
Viewing 701 - 720 of 898 results

Dollar Tree Play-Doh?? · 11:30pm May 12th, 2017

I found Play-Doh type stuff at The Dollar Tree.

It's called 'Dough' instead of Play-Doh.

I kind of want to get some. You can't go wrong for a dollar right? :P

Here's a picture of what it looks like.

Does anyone have experience buying/ using play-doh from The Dollar Tree? If you do, let me know.


Balance · 11:57pm January 18th

I was always balanced. Until I suddenly wasn't anymore. Since that mistake I made in January of 2017, I have changed and lost a part of myself. I still don't understand what caused it and what made me act that way. But since then, I was not balanced anymore. And it grew worse with time. Not only did I develop angry outbursts and was out of control, I also began to

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Things Are A Bit Tough At The Moment · 3:55am Sep 6th, 2016

As many people might know, my mom had an accident at work which caused her to shatter her shoulder bones and wrist bones. She had been out of work since April so I've been picking up the expenses and helping out in any way I can.

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My Mom And I Might Be Homeless In One Day · 2:44am Oct 2nd, 2016

A month or so ago my mom was diagnosed with Vikings Disease which causes bones and joints to curl up to the point where they can't be used anymore. There is no known cure for it. My mom got it from an injury at her job where she shattered her shoulder bones and all of the bones in her wrist. This caused her body to sustain a lot of trauma that triggered the recessive genetic disorder.

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Some 'Slightly' Good News · 1:40am Sep 25th, 2016

Due to a situation that I talked about in my last blog, my mom and I might be homeless in seven days.

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I Am Writing Some Original Fiction · 2:18am Jan 29th, 2017

I am working on four manuscripts which I intend to get published at some point this year. I am doing a lot of research for each one and honestly it is kind of hurting my brain. But I feel like I need to be accurate about the things I write about so I put a lot of studying and effort into everything I write.

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Kanye West For President? · 1:01pm Nov 19th, 2016

Apparently Kanye West is running for president in 2020. I'm just going to flat out say that I don't want him in the Whitehouse.

There are many reasons I don't want him there. But I'm going to focus on the most reasonable and fair arguments to why I would not like Kanye West to become president of The United States.

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China Is Cool · 9:39pm Dec 4th, 2016

My half brother lives in China with his full Chinese wife and son who is half Chinese. He's told me a lot of stuff about the country which I find interesting.

People in China actually have a lot of freedom as compared to here. You can smoke wherever you want (even in stores, public buildings, and restaurants), drink in public, there are no restrictions on how late you can be out because most cities are open 24 hours a day (there are no city curfews).

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High School Logic · 12:23pm Dec 8th, 2016

It was multicultural day at my high school; a day where you could dress up as your culture/ heritage to celebrate your family's origins.

My heritage is Norwegian, Greek, and British.

Just to clarify, I am biologically half British and fourth generation Norwegian. I grew up with Norwegian and British customs in my family. But I am culturally Greek because my step grandmother was from Greece and I grew up with Greek custumes and foods as well.

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I Found A Picture Of Me In A Dress · 11:50pm Oct 9th, 2016

Keel it with fire.


Destroy the evidence!

Oh, and here is one of my and my friend being fantasy nerds. :P

By the way, I made the costumes I am wearing in both photos. XD


I Want To Make A Maid Cafe · 11:20pm Nov 11th, 2015

I have long term plans to make a fully functional maid and butler cafe in my local city. I really want to start one up but I'm kind of stuck on how to get started.

I guess it would be the same advice on how to start a regular cafe, except that I would need a stage so the maids could dance and sing and do their skits on it. Then I would need a gift shop area where people could buy maid cafe products and maybe treats.

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Not Sure What To Do · 8:15pm Nov 17th, 2015

The bed bug problem at this apartment has gotten really bad. We have tried everything we can to contain the problem, but we have had to throw out all of our rugs, a lot of furniture items, and even a great deal of our clothes. We also had to throw out our bed clothes and comforters along with all of our pillows.

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I'm A Nerd And Proud · 6:55pm Oct 4th, 2015

I'm A Nerd And Proud:

Here is the proof.

Me In My Natural Habitat:

I regret nothing.


Season Seven Of MLP Was Eaten By Dinosaurs · 10:00pm Mar 15th, 2017

Some butt hurt fans who refuse to believe the show exists after season two trained dinosaurs to eat all of the footage for seven seven.

So long story short, there will be no season seven now.

I believe they are trying to get the giant beasts to eat the footage for the movie and season eight as well.

But for now, it is only season seven that has been eaten by the rogue creatures.

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My New Cat Named Boots · 11:38pm Mar 16th, 2017

About a year and a half ago my first cat who I owned for about nineteen years passed way.

Then five months ago, a little cat started stopping by every day to say hi. She was a little stray without a home so my mom and I adopted her and named her Boots.

We named her boots because she has white socks on all of her paws/ legs which kind of look like socks or boots.

This is a picture of my new kitty, Boots. Isn't she precious? XD

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Typical Day In Arizona · 11:50pm Feb 21st, 2017

I went outside to take out the trash and someone gave me a five dollar bill to offload the garbage from their truck and put it in the bin. Naturally I took the five bucks and helped throw out their trash.

People randomly pay you to do next to nothing here. My mom got offered one dollar for a cigarette she had in her pack the other day, and she took that as well (naturally) in exchange for the cigarette.

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I Need Some Input · 1:16am May 24th, 2017

I have depression, social anxiety, PTSD, agoraphobia, anemia, OCD, and a few other emotional/ physical disorders. I want to make a YouTube series about what it is like to deal with these various conditions but I don't want to come off as being a victim. I want to make these videos to spread awareness and give people some insight into what it is like to deal with these things.

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Writing Dialogue: Lies and Liars · 9:38pm Jul 8th, 2016

I have often been told that dialogue is one of my strongest areas as a writer. I find this compliment a bit unusual, because dialogue is often one of the areas that I spend the least time on. My dialogue technique involves a lot of instinct and guess work (I suppose a lot of my writing does). There is one area, however, where I did have to learn and research, because I am quite bad at it in real life.


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Adding to an old pile · 3:29pm Oct 6th, 2015

I got burnt out when writing a potential sequel to that story where Twilight is RUDE, but it was still before sunrise, so I decided to try out a game I've had for a year. After finding out that the whole game takes less than an hour to play, I figured I'd add it to the Let's Play with Leo pile from last year.

I've been awake for twenty-nine hours, folks. I recorded this six hours ago.

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My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality · 7:03pm May 29th, 2016

My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality

I have a conspiracy theory guys.

I think we are all secretly characters in one giant multiverse wide SIMS game.

There are some things that support my theory.

First of all, nothing in life ever goes friggin right. Like you could just be minding your own business. And bam. Your toaster explodes. That is some SIMS bs right there.

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Viewing 701 - 720 of 898 results