
Viewing 201 - 220 of 431 results

I am going to do an MLP version of the One Punch Man opening · 2:38pm Mar 2nd, 2016

If you guys and gals want to have your OC's put into the animation at the end dressed as any of the heroes from the show, send me a PM with an image of your OC for me to use as a reference.

I don't know if I'll actually go ahead and follow through with this plan though, considering the whole Fair Use issue going on right now, but personally I say SCREW YOU F**KERS! to the folk out there who go about deleting innocent YouTuber's content and channels.

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Seth McFarlene makes me want to cut my wrists and die. · 10:31pm Apr 26th, 2016

I just watched a couple episodes of Bordertown tonight.

Kill me. F**king kill me, somebody. And then someone kill Seth McFarlene before he poisons television with another abysmal pile of lazy racist garbage.

Seth, you're a twat. Once upon a time, you were a funny person. But now? Now I see only a man who I could honestly well and truly strangle and have no shame and regret for.

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Got a joke for you all. · 3:36pm Mar 12th, 2017

What does Elvis Presley do after borrowing money from his bank?

Return to lender

And yes ladies and gentlemen, I do want to die and burn forever in Hell for that joke. Unfortunately Hell won't let me back in after the incident I caused.

So much vomit everywhere.


One Punch Pony video coming out tomorrow! Yay! · 10:41pm Sep 28th, 2016

Just have to throw in the sound effects tonight and upload tomorrow morning! The voice acting isn't brilliant and the editing is far from top tier work, but I feel like I've done the best I can do here, folks. Love it or hate it, I'll take pride knowing I did my best with what I've got.

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To whoever subscribed to my channel in the past hour prior to this blog post... · 1:35am May 2nd, 2017

Subscribe back to my channel at once, you dopey bugger. It's past midnight for me, I can't make videos when I need sleep. I try my best, dude/dudette, the hell is wrong with you? Besides, it was at 1,150 subs. I like rounded numbers!


Dear American followers of mine - how badly managed IS your country right now?. · 4:03am Oct 3rd, 2017

"Donald Trump was elected to make America great again. He's brought it to its f**king knees."

Dear American friends and followers, how true is this statement?


WEATHER DAMAGE TO HOUSE · 2:12pm Feb 23rd, 2017

Several tiles of our house just came off in the wind! Serious damage has been dealt to our extension roof and a glass window has been smashed to hell. Photo below taken from my bedroom window.

One of the slab tiles nearly killed my mom and her puppy chihuahua! Went downstairs and found her shaking to hell, the poor soul. Look at that gaping hole in the plastic roof! Those tiles are not light, people - let that give you an idea how strong the winds are lately around my place!

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The Legend of UniqueSKD's first experiences in playing Splelunky... · 7:23pm Nov 24th, 2015

Okay, so the second the game finishes downloading on my Xbox 360, I'm seeing the little cartoon explorer on the main menu screen with his little torch, and I'm like "Oh, this is going to be awesome!". I start up a new game and I see that I have a choice of four characters, and I'm thinking "Oh, so maybe these guys have different abilities and skills depending on who you pick? Okay, okay, I am digging this!"

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In Season 7 - Flurry Heart kills Twilight Sparkle. · 7:56pm Apr 15th, 2017

I would not be surprised at all if she killed the other princesses either. Flurry Heart is probably the most useful alicorn of them all. XD


Another poor comic reading by Yours Truly. Actually it was by me. · 3:01am Apr 17th, 2017

Believe it or not, I'm not ashamed of this one.

Although next time I think I really ought to find people to do the female voices or something. Because a British 26 year old male trying to do a feminine voice is NOT exactly a kosher combination, folks.


Ladies and gentleman, tonight I have done something so terrible, so horrifying, that you may never look at me the same way again...but at least you'll get a laugh out of it all. · 12:51am Nov 20th, 2015

May Celestia and Luna have mercy on my very soul...

...but in reality I thought this was funny.

Remember folks - YOU asked me to make this.


Crash Bandicoot had a cartoon that never was? · 12:14pm Dec 7th, 2015

How and why was this not a thing!?

I would have watched this as a kid.

I'd still watch it if they mad it now.


There is no space big enough to contain my adoration for this space. · 9:39pm Nov 25th, 2015


After the funeral and after Christmas is done... · 3:32am Dec 3rd, 2015

I'm so making Obabscribbler's OC and a bunch of other pegasister's OC's do this. Hee hee hee!


So this happened recently... · 12:23pm Aug 23rd, 2015


Look at her 'Awesome Stuff People Have Made For Me!' section and see if you notice a picture with a certain anthro white pegasus in it surrounded by four other well-known OC mares...

Also, InkRose98 sent me a comment a while ago saying that she would totally do it with Unique. How's that for a response?

Rotorix's avatar may be awesome, but it looks like my dude is the sexiest. Hi Ho!


So gonna write a clopfic? · 5:23pm Jan 9th, 2016

Yeah. I am.

It's gonna be called, 'Your Mother'.

The story is simple. It's a pornographic story about the reader's mother getting PONED by Big Mac and Shining Armor.

So...does anyone have experience in writing clopfics to help me write this story?

Oh and by the way, I am dead serious about this.

Also, I don't want ANY of my followers reading this story after it is made. It's for audience.


I just thought of something cooler than One Punch Man! · 1:45am Feb 23rd, 2016


Huh? Huh? Somebody patent this idea and run it through marketing or something right now!

An Gamerguy, where the HELL is this music for the animation already? I'm beginning to consider doing a One Punch Man parody with Big Mac as Saitama right now! XD

No really, should I do that my beautiful followers? You wanna see Big Mac as One Punch Pony or something? XD


Followers, followers, who I adore; which animatronic sounds the scariest of all? · 11:55am Feb 4th, 2016

Time to vote ladies and gentlemen. You've survived those nights against these horrifying abominations, and you've managed to overcome your fears of these mechanical monsters, but now you must face them all one last time to answer a new question; which animatronic sounds the most frightening? Vote in the comments below for your favorite voice!

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UniqueSKD joins, soon anyway... · 6:59pm Jan 23rd, 2017

So a while ago I spoke about joining up with Patreon so i could start possibly making a bit of money for the time I put into my animations, and today I still haven't properly set it up. Well, I mean to say that it's not yet completed, really. I have a few basic starting offers and goals placed on my page and a simple description of what I intend to do, but...kinda lacking a good cover art for my page. And since I am currently devoting time to my animation and other things in life, I'll probably

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Happy Hearth's Warming Eve to you all this December, followers who actually like me! (which might be about 100 out of 538 probably...) · 3:43am Dec 14th, 2016

A bit of a rough piece of animation, but I was just wanting to make something quick this month to contribute to the Christmas spirit and the holidays. Hope somebody out of the 208 people who actually like me enjoys something in this video.

I'm awful at animation. Slit my wrists and donate the blood to hospitals so I may serve some useful purpose in death. XD

Viewing 201 - 220 of 431 results