
Viewing 201 - 220 of 945 results

Just Being a Nerd · 3:37am Jun 23rd, 2019

Okay, I just watched the 13th episode of the 9th season and can I just say that I appreciate the MLP team for including all these theater references in the show lately! I'm a huge theater dork and I fucking lost it when they showed a reference to Wicked. It's one of my favorite musicals of all time! And I more recently saw a production of My Fair Lady and I was so excited when they did a parody of it in She's all Yak. If they do a reference to Beetlejuice The Musical

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Alright! Question #2! · 3:06pm Oct 5th, 2020

[Adult story embed hidden]

Remember this? Yeah, seems like only 3 dislikes!

I wonder, did this go better then the last one?

If not, what do I need to fix?

Tell meh! I need to know!

Report Leafy · 127 views · #Random #stuff #question!

Handsome Collection, Free over on Epic · 5:30pm Jun 1st, 2020

Really, really not a fan of Epic or their store, as I've said previously, but also again, we're kinda in a time of plague right now, and people need all the distraction they can get.

That being Borderlands 2 + Pre-Sequel, by the way. Both pretty good games in their own rights.

Thanks to ZeroOneInFinn for the tip.


Snake Pass, free on Humble Bundle over the weekend. · 6:35pm Jun 11th, 2020


Pretty charming little game, if a bit frustrating at times. I'd highly recommend it at the price of zero, though!


And Hell Followed Fan-fanfic · 6:39am Jan 19th, 2022

Hey so the first And Hell followed fan spin-off came out! This is a pretty big moment for me and I couldn’t be happier that my story inspired another. The first chapter is pretty good and I really can’t wait to see where it goes and how it builds on AHF as a whole.

Go give it a read if you can!

TAnd Hell Followed: Antique Lands
The world ended. In the rebuilding, an isolated group of holdouts makes contact.
Write Flyer · 2.3k words  ·  32  2 · 711 views

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Fan Fusion Loot. · 1:57pm Jun 6th, 2022

I was a little bit busy, so I forgot to share what I got from Fan Fusion.

My full event badge

The Friday even badge that I received as well (wish I had a friend to join me on that day)

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Report MrAquino · 110 views · #Convention #New stuff

Ghost Master, free on GOG · 5:55pm Sep 5th, 2023

A must play if you like movies like Ghostbusters, Beetlejuice or The Freighteners.

It's always been a bit rough around the edges, and that's worsened a bit further with time... But credit where it's due: To this day, no other game quite like it.


Oh, and pardon the dust around here lately. I'm currently halfway through a welder's degree & certification. So been pretty darn busy lately, but hopefully in a good way!


Sorry, again. · 2:45pm Jun 28th, 2020

Hey guys.

As you know I like to keep you guys updated so you do not think I'm dead, or my stories are dead.

I'm trying to get as much done as possible, but as you know I have finished my exam, and in four months time my contract will expire with my job, meaning I will need to look for a new job.

I have already started, but it is taking some of my time, along with some other things.

None of the stories are dead, I'm just busy with some private matters.

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Delays in future updates and stories · 8:01pm Jan 20th, 2017

I'm now a week into the robotics competition build season, and I've been spending more and more time working on the robots.

Basically, that means less time for me to write, so updates will probably slow to maybe 1 every 2 days.

And on the topic of my 75 follower special, as of Wednesday, the last time I wrote anything, its word count is floating around 200-300 words, which is faaaar from completion.

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BLITZ now has 1,000 views · 5:46pm Nov 6th, 2016


Jade Empire Free on Origin For a Limited Time · 12:31pm Dec 2nd, 2015

This is, no joke, the best action-RPG I've ever played, and one of the best games that Bioware has ever made.

Were it not for that this game was one of the few games worth getting on the original X-Box and the PC version somehow being missed by many, I am dead-certain this would have been a franchise on exactly the same level as Mass Effect and KOTOR.

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Stories and Stuff... I Guess... · 9:07pm Jan 15th, 2016

As some of you may have noticed, I have a nice, little box on my profile page of stories that I'm currently working on. However, none of them have an actual link and are just titles. Now, I'm here to give all of you basic the basic synopsis of all the stories in that little box of mine! Why? Because I would like some feedback on the ideas :twilightsmile: Without further ado, let's do this!

Stories that are being worked on:

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Report Stahl · 274 views · #Stories #Stuff #Yes

Captain Picard needs our help to build flying robots that steal the snot from whales · 12:16am Jul 26th, 2015

Yes, you read that head-line right.

No, I am neither drunk, nor making that up.

Captain Picard does indeed want our help to build flying robots to steal whale snot.

For science!

Link to the Snot-Bot Kickstarter.

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NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL SHITPOSTING · 9:06pm Mar 31st, 2017

Because it's a story largely about anal sex. It's one of my worst. It will probably either get taken down by the mods or end up with something like a 21/27 upvote/downvote rating. But hey, I continued my "streak" of mostly getting at least one story out per month. And hey, maybe I'll have another one out tomorrow. ;)

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#21Days, Lets do this shit, for real this time. · 1:36am Aug 14th, 2015

So, I suppose its about time I did something about the non-literal voices in my head, and I haven't really done any solid art practice on art (or anything, really) all summer, (To my, and *their* frustration. >.>) thus this seems like a solid way to kick myself into gear, and also to get some straight up mechanical practice on art.

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Something I kind of want to do. · 5:10pm Jul 31st, 2016

If anyone want's I'm kind of curious if you were a pony what would be your Cutie mark. And if you want would you like me to draw it. It would just be a simple drawing but I kind of want to do this as an exercise and get back in to drawing for real.
Enjoy the art in life my friends this is Mesiagamer logging off.


'Bubblishes' · 6:40pm Dec 8th, 2018


Hello · 6:06pm Jul 25th, 2016

I just noticed how i didn't have a blog yet (thanks to my boiled brain). So i guess i should talk about something. Lets see...Im in college, majoring in robotics. I love cooking, baking, drawing, playing piano, playing tennis and golf. I write stories but there are secret messages in them owo....or maybe not XD. if you have any questions or wanna give a review on my work, let me know and before i forget...*boops you through your screen*


Florida-The Status Quo · 8:06pm Dec 22nd, 2017

Yeah, I'm having fun in Florida. Except for one really crappy Wyndham Garden Hotel where it was under renovation yet still open, and...

The elevator had a horrible smell...

And the water was BROWN. BROWN OF ALL COLORS!

So we left, and mom put a notice out.

But we went to another hotel that we incidentally stayed at a year ago, and we're staying there. And there's no brown water.

Plus, I'm watching the Purdue Christmas Show right now, and frankly, I'm just in a good mood.

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Room for two, where it's been, what's going on, and when it's coming back. · 9:56pm Jul 13th, 2017

So to start things off, holy fuck has it really been nine months since my last update? I want to apologize for everyone who has been waiting so patiently. These past few months have been kinda crazy for me. I got a promotion, that has been taking up a lot of time, I got engaged, and have been spending most of my free time with her, and I found myself less and less interested in writing. Here lately however, with no small thanks to my fiancee, I've been writing again, and feeling pretty good

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 945 results