
Viewing 2021 - 2040 of 2,626 results

Minor Improvements · 9:18pm Oct 9th, 2020

Wash your hands for 30 seconds.

The continuation of last week's story arrives, and a comfy post-part transitions to further... engagements~.

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So I started a second story... · 2:49am Aug 30th, 2016

Bitten by the story-writing bug, I seem to have been inspired to start a second story which I will be working on concurrently alongside 'One For The Archives'. The title is 'A is for Applejack', a play on Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone Alphabet Series mysteries, and what do you know? It's a mystery! My first ever attempt at writing a mystery, to be exact (though some of my old writings are pretty arcane HYUCK-HYUCK). I've been running over details in my head the entire day, and I'm still adding

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Let's Do This One More Time... · 2:52pm Oct 23rd, 2020

The Secret Tunnel Project is no longer secret. May I present:

Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus.

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A Sticky Situation · 10:31pm Apr 27th, 2018

Greetings all the ponies high and wild, low and bold, far and wide, especially the wide ones.
What is on your agenda? Grand plans for the weekend?
That is good, sometimes you need a bit of relaxation.
Something I will have some time for while polishing and working on a few new projects. One that you will be seeing soon enough.

For now, have a fantastic Filthy Friday and freaky weekend~.


Business of Exhaustion · 10:47pm Jun 18th, 2021

To push oneself has a negative connotation. If you required pushing, then you probably didn't want to do it, why would it have been required to exert addition force otherwise? When tasks come simply, without question or resistance, we see it as positive, handled without a worry or stress, without a push.
It follows the philosophy of the path of least resistance. However, sometimes, a mere nudge is all a river requires to stretch into a new avenue, and flow farther, faster, than ever before.

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mindful · 10:05pm May 21st, 2021

When the thoughts within they struggles, and your mine it only buggles,
you bring forth a ladder, to peer in it farther,
but the mind's a steal, its a muggle.
So with thoughts Askew, and approach of morning dew, what is the mind to do,
but melt.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


State Of The Author - A Return To Form · 8:44pm Oct 15th, 2020

(Art by Mirroredesa)

As of right now, I'm doing well. Hope that continues forward through the day, as today hasn't been too bad, aside from a few unsavory people at work. 

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Hello Everypony! · 10:02am Oct 18th, 2017

Hiya guys, I'm MakoMarine and I'm pretty new to this site. Just thought I'd put up a post to let everypony know I'm working on something with a really great friend of mine at the moment and I hope you all enjoy it - the first two chapters should be posted pretty soon!



Lack of support. · 10:10pm Jul 2nd, 2021

Twas a guard who stood day all,
by the castle he was stationed on.
He kept watch from autumn to fall,
back to the cold brick wall,
and feeling, not very tall.

One day his legs would cave,
right after his back did gave.
So there he sat slumped without diction,
for his peculiar type of affliction.
Though the day went on well,
and not a soul could tell,
that the guard had lost his conviction.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Both the night and light · 11:25pm Oct 26th, 2018

Darkness, and light, conflicting? Or is that just our perspective? When you look up at the stars, you see both the darkest, and the brightest place imaginable. but it is not separate, it is a whole. There, in the middle of extremes, we find everything, and everyone.
All walking the same road.

Have a wonderfully Filthy Friday and a great week.


A time for pause · 6:03am Oct 13th, 2018

Heard there are some things going down in the SepTia Patreon, for those curious in affecting future stories being written.



Every week does not have to be philosophy week?
Do we not all need a pit-stop on the highway?
Ever heard of a "Bathroom Break"?
But then again, for how long do you really stop on that highway, you have to be careful, others will not have the decency to halt for you. They also might want to use the restroom.


Vacancy · 11:38pm Nov 30th, 2018

Once I had thought the road of life to be solid ground, only to be shaken when it gave out beneath me.


Chronicles Written in a Hammock · 12:05am Jun 29th, 2019

We have a story today~. The Chronicles of the royal flush continue this week with a rather reluctant contributor. Be warned of filthy content, as always~.

Times come and times go, opportunities present themselves and are grasped or ignored as they flow by. But time and opportunity wait for no one, there come other hands to snatch up what is forgotten, and other ideas to sit in the past's chair. If the time we live in slows for no one, why should we give it any other treatment?

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January's Upcoming Story! · 11:51pm Dec 28th, 2019

Hi y'all! I'm just dropping this blog since next month and 2020 is approaching fast. I still have plenty of time off from university to write more horsewords, but I figured it would be worth it to let you all know that My Stars and Garters may be the last story of this year, but that there is still more to come, uh, next week? Next year? I don't know, both work. Anyway, that multi-chapter story that was mentioned in the last blog is completely edited and stars Princess Celestia, young

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Four Days · 6:03am Apr 28th, 2021

If this is still featured tomorrow, it will have been up there for four days.

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A Happy Ol' Friday · 12:36am Jan 1st, 2022

We have a new Vore Pony Art-pack released, check out Festive Feasting, find the link on Aryion or my other accounts.

I used to think of diamonds in the rough, those crumbs of greatness tucked away amid the grime. Searching through this proverbial grime was grand, for you knew that there was always a chance to find that one gem that mattered.

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Fabled Gaze · 12:35am Dec 11th, 2021

To delve below the surface, is to desire sights unseen. I think often of the depths, what may lurk below the core of my understanding, beyond the grasp of a cursory glance, past the limits of casualty. And yet, few times do I act on this desire. Most time, I am content at the surface, for its glimmer in the sun, is so very pretty, so very calming.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Making a new story (again)! · 10:37am Apr 30th, 2019

Hey everypony! MLPFan9000 here and I am making a new story! Perfect timing since my story 'After The Snap' has 15 likes (40.541%) and 22 dislikes (59.459%) so this is a perfect opportunity to get out of that beef! Bye!


Change comes and change goes · 11:44pm Aug 3rd, 2018

This week has been more stuffed than a snake after a lamb buffet.
There are lots of changes coming and they will take their time, for the moment there are not many completed projects that have a place here, but more will come in time.
I would say it has been extraordinarily busy if I have to say so myself.

For now, have a fantastic Filthy Friday and enjoy your week~.


New Story: Don't Bug Me · 7:16pm Mar 22nd, 2022

Hey everyone, I've got an awesome story lined up for you here! Took a little bit to get the cover made, but hopefully you feel that this was worth the wait. Check it out:

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Viewing 2021 - 2040 of 2,626 results