TwiDash 4,239 members · 1,192 stories
Comments ( 52 )
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Group Admin

We're finally there! As of December 21, 2015, at ~8:00 p.m. (Mountain Time), we officially have 3,000 members celebrating TwiDash. A few of the longer-standing members will go on about when there weren't even 100 members kicking around here (looking at you, Blunderbolt), and we've come a long way since then.

To celebrate this milestone, we have decided to organize a single prompt collab written by multiple writers! Interested? Read on!

The prompt for this special is:

Twilight and Rainbow Dash travel to Baltimare for the annual Daring Do Convention (DoCon). What follows is a chaotic mess as Dash and Twilight encounter rare memorabilia, grumpy editors, and fans of varying degrees of insanity.

Actual cover art will be added once obtained.

Interested in participating? SIGN UP HERE!

Registration will be open until the ball drops in Times Square—December 31, 2015!


Rules and Info:

In a randomized order, each person will write a 500-1000 (1500 is the absolute limit) word continuation of the last person's entry. It is up to each writer how they want to present their part of the story, although it should make an attempt to flow smoothly.

There is no outline! Part of the fun is making things up as you go (just remember to keep it within the theme).

The time limit for each entry is three full days after receiving notification that it's your turn. You will receive daily notifications from me until the prompt is complete as a reminder. This is a somewhat fast paced collab (in comparison to some of the other collabs present on the site), so we'd just like to make sure that it doesn't get caught up on waiting a week for somepony to write their part.

Please keep it rated Teen or lower; the same rules apply as the original prompt thread, which you can find here.

When you have finished your entry, please post it as a comment in the Entry Thread with the total word count listed below. After we’ve had a few of submissions collected, we will edit them to ensure grammatical quality before posting them as chapters of a published story. If you’re worried about editing prior to posting on the forum, feel free to PM me for help!

Extra note in regards to the time limit given per writer:

Say it's your turn, and you have three days to submit your prompt. You can, if you want, submit it on day one. That means that the next person gets those two days you didn’t use to work on their prompt in addition to their three days. If the next person also just takes a day, then two more days are added to the following person’s timeline, etc. Basically, even if people before you are faster, your due date won't change. If your chapter needs to be submitted by, say, the 21st of February, you'll stay on that day regardless of when the people before you finish.

Please do not try to influence the current writer with ideas either through forum posts or PMs.
The point of this exercise is for the authors to write something themselves, based on what the authors before them wrote. It's an exercise in following an existing story, and expanding on it, without knowing what came before until it's posted.

Questions? Comments? Did I forget something? Let me know!

Signed up. Should be fun.


Blargh. I suppose I can be bothered to throw a few words together for this. :P

Gonna miss my retirement, but I guess writing is just too much fun to stop at 20 years old.

Group Admin



I think this is going to be a good time for everyone involved. The AppleDash group did something exactly like this, and it was a blast! Everyone here can check out the result of what they did here.


Says the guy who was expecting to write 3,000 word chapters for this. :duck:


~Skeeter The Lurker

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Suck it Skeeter.

Despite a permanent lack of time and multiple annoyances getting stuff written, I'll be doing this. Because Twidash. We all need more Twidash. This.... is gonna be interesting. Will the writing start as soon as registration closes then?

EDIT: never mind, just finished the sign-up and got my answer. The new year can't come fast enough.



~Skeeter The Lurker

Group Admin




You said it! Once registration closes and everyone's signed up, I'll whip up an order of go and post it here. I will also do my part to message everyone when their turn approaches and continue to message them until they're finished.

4938738 I guess I can toss a few words in.

Sounds like fun, I'm game.

Dang! Wanna join but... I'm not the greatest writer :twilightsheepish: I'll think about it though. I'll need some great convincing though.

Haven't written a lick of Twidash in a year or so, but hell I can put together something for this.

I'm in!

Group Admin


That's a lot of comments I just responded to, and I just wanted to say :heart:

You all rock.


Then it's a good thing I'm a master of seduction I mean, join us! A lot of the people who have signed up so far have very little writing experience, and we're not so much concerned with "quality" as we are with having fun on this one.

A big part of that fun is seeing where different people will take the story. A lot can change and curveballs can be thrown in 500-1000 words! If you look at one of my previous comments, you'll see the results of an AppleDash version of this, where over the course of a few chapters the story went from chasing AJ's hat to a train heist to a ninja attack to jumping out of said moving train.


"Curveballs," huh? You should know better than to give a Blundy lease to do whatever he wants~


Well... I guess I'll give it a shot then. I'll sign up as soon as possible

Thanks! This will actually be the first time I'm writing canon characters... Hopefully it turns out okay! :twilightblush:

Group Admin


Awesome! Remember, if you're feeling stressed and want to run your ideas/what you've written by anyone for feedback, you're more than welcome to PM me and I'd be happy to give it a look.


I'm sure it'll be great! The most important thing here is to have fun!


Done! I'll be ready once the order is posted. Bring it! Lol

Why do you think I joined? Collaborative writing is amazingly fun! :pinkiehappy:

Excellent, more to read. :pinkiehappy::yay:

Oh fine.

Begins plans on making it a not so subtle appledash chapter instead...

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


I will totes ban you.

Um... hey Timaeus... i really don't know if i could join or not... i mean, since 2011, i've had plenty of Ideas for fics and stories... but i've never really been able to get them written. and the show ruined a few of them (sigh). Also, i don't have constant access to the internet.
I'm workin on a oneshot that once it's done... hopefully will help me pass all this trouble I have with Writing Stories. but I'm afraid that because of these things... I'll have to pass. I hope that's ok.
I'd still like to read what each of the writers does though, If it's cool with you.:rainbowwild:

Group Contributor

You're more than welcome to read it. Not contributing does not preclude you from enjoying it!

I don't know if I should sign up... I mean I'm such a newbie at writing twidash.. :twilightblush:

Group Admin


Like 4943663 said, you're more than welcome to enjoy and comment on the story as it unfolds! I hope there're plenty of people who aren't participating looking forward to reading what is eventually published, and it's great knowing that there's at least one person outside of those writing it who will be waiting for the next update. :twilightsmile:


In my experience, the only way to get out of being a newbie is to, well, get some experience! Collab stories like this are a pretty good and safe way to start, I find, as it lets you test your creative and literary muscles within the confinements of a small bit of writing that's a part of a larger story.

Everyone who writes anything started out exactly where you are right now. We'd love to have you join.

Comment posted by Boop-Happy Lass deleted Dec 25th, 2015

4943754 Well, I guess I'm gonna look forward on reading, maybe some day. :twilightsmile:

I was thinking... and because me and my brother discuss all kinds of story ideas... and even work out whole stories alone or between us, and he told me i should consider this.
Could i sign up anyway?
There is a chance that when my turn comes... i might be available to actually do my part for the story. and i think it would be a big help to my constant writers block.
and even if i'm not, it wouldn't count against me right?
is it fine if i join, even under these circumstances? Cuz i'd really love to give it a shot.:derpytongue2:

4943762 I mean besides, I'm working on another story XD

This looks fun, I'm in.

Guys... i've made up my mind... I'm gonna sign up :yay:
I just hope that i'm available when my turn comes around :derpyderp2:

Group Admin


Registration has indeed closed! We're just tabulating everyone who has entered and creating the order of go as I type.

We have 34 people signed up for this thing, so get your writing hats on everybody! Unless you're going last in which case you've got time to make a sandwich first or something.

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Also, hangovers.

4956217 Will you make a new thread or something? Or are you going to PM the next person on the list until everyone is done?

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


The list has been compiled. Tim should be making a new thread within the next few hours to let everyone know the 5 Ws.

4956637 Cool, thanks. How's that hangover?

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Honestly, I didn't drink that much. The date changing isn't really a big deal for me.

Group Admin


The new thread is live! And yes, I'll be PM-ing everyone when their turn comes around and pester remind them daily until their entry is posted.

Most discussion will probably happen on the other thread, but if people want to ask questions and the like without cluttering the new thread up, we will still be happy to field questions and chat here.

Assuming that this thread will be kept open for questions and the like, as I believe Timaeus is proposing in his last post here:

I'm starting to wonder, assuming the other three ponies: Mint Condition, See Fore, and High Peak, are probably gonna be in this for the long haul, do you think those of us in the later turns should take start taking notes of their personalities and quirks as it progresses? Or do you guys think it'll be unnecessary?

Group Admin


I'd say it comes down to personal preference. This was my third time participating in one of these styles of collabs, and the other two had me much closer to the middle of the story than this one. Both of those times (and this time, too, but, y'know, there were only three so it's hardly as big a thing), I reread all the previous entries at the start of my turn as a way to re-familiarize myself with what had happened and see if it stoked any fresh ideas of what to do with my turn. If taking notes on the characters feels like it'd be beneficial to you, it certainly won't hurt, and could be a benefit in helping you feel prepared and whatnot. I'll caution that these stories get bumpy. It may seem like Mint, See Fore, and High Peak are in for the long haul right now, but who knows what's going to be going on a few entries down the line. Someone might have them split off to go do a thing and then the next writer or three never get around to having them join up again. If you take notes, they might end up being entirely useless with where the story ends up when it actually gets to you.

Seriously, last one of these I did had a random hangliding ninja show up on a train. They go everywhere.

Random... handgliding... ninja? Where do I find these collabs?! 0.o

Group Admin


That one was the second AppleDash prompt collab, At the Drop of a Hat. The first one, I'll Love You to Tartarus and Back, had magical hellmushrooms if I'm remembering correctly.

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