M/M Shipping 2,814 members · 1,295 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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As the title said there been a decline in m/m stories as of late and the only person who seems to keep making and releasing them on a consistent level is TheVClaw besides him I don't even know when was the last m/m story was even uploaded. For a while I've been going back reading stories that was made over a year ago to get my fix. Did everyone just abandon ship and moved onto Zootopia or something or has people stop writing them because their story get downvoted due to people distaste for the subject?

I wouldn't say they are dead just in a bit of a decline right now but they will pop up more again, could just be people are waiting for inspiration

Personally speaking, I think that all of the leaks we've experienced with the final seasons have attributed to a lot of frustration within the fandom, as well as atrophy for those who are unsure whether to continue on with fan-created material.

There's been a decline in all stories. In readers too, in upvotes and comments and all that, in use of the site in general. It's inevitable, when a fandom's source material has wrapped up, especially after such a long run. It's not specific to M/M.

Me, personally, I never wrote a ton of M/M for pony, because I write when I am super interested in the personality of a character, and let's say that male ponies with a real personality are a scarce commodity in the show. Most of my M/M pony stuff has been genderflipped female characters, even.

I'm writing Good Omens fics right now, which hardly has such a lack, given the stars are two guys who are very definitely in love with each other. Though I'm sure I'll eventually run out of ideas there as well.

Currently I am writing one but I have to find a proofreader first who works for free.

Yeah, I'll go there. People are wondering what's next as well, given the show's about to end. (Or has ended for some)


There's been a decline in all stories. In readers too, in upvotes and comments and all that, in use of the site in general. It's inevitable, when a fandom's source material has wrapped up, especially after such a long run.

See, this is what I find interesting. I mean, look at the Harry Potter fandom as an example. It's been years since the main series ended, and people are constantly writing AUs, what-ifs and such for that. So who's to say this won't happen with FiM?

I'm staying optimistic that this site will continue on after the series officially concludes. Or at least, I feel too attached to contemplate leaving anytime soon.

Yeah, the site will go on. I mean, this is Knighty's big moneymaker.

Sure, people still write HP, but there aren't as many stories as there were at the peak. There are tons of old HP communities that are dead as a doornail these days. HP fandom in general continues, and so will pony, but it's not ever going to be quite the same as at the peak. That's just the nature of fandom.

I hope so, I've got plenty more crossover ideas in my head, and I don't want them to go to waste.

I'm still writing and reading m/m, so I'm hopeful others will be as well! I've noticed the slowdown, but I'm optimistic a fandom this big, that's had such a large cultural impact, will keep making quality fan work.

I can only speak on my behalf, but perhaps some of us are busy writing other stories. As much as I love M/M, I do tend to write other stuff besides that. If one of these days I get an idea where it involves that to the point I really want to write it, I would do so. I mean, I've recently written a story about Braeburn's coming out that had a little bit of Soarin flirting with him. So while there may be a decline, I hesitate to say that it's dead either.

Leaks and people being frustrated with the show's direction has been around for a while now I can't remember when the leaks first started appearing but people were not happy. I would assume that franchise fatigue and m/m stories doesn't get as much love as the usual m/f and f/f stories played a big factor in the decline.

What other website that people post their stories on? I usually switch between FiMfanfic, Sofurry, and Inkbunny (even though 80% the stories are fetishes I'm not into).

I think I haven't written a pony story in...probably three years tbh. Just sorta fell out of the fandom.

Really life happens and it goes on. Haven't thought about mlp in.months.

A lot of people have left the site, but there's still a wave of new faces that seemed to pour in to write finale fics. And they're still writing. I'm not too sure of the climate of M/M on this site because of my reading hiatuses (I kinda write words more) and SFW stuff being... less common? At least as far as I can tell. There's also a lotta gay and bi horse guy pairings I just haven't seen getting nice romance stories.

As much as there's been a lot more silence on this site, I've noticed that there's many more blogs about writers having a hard time with updates and big changes in their lives. Some are entering university, some are leaving, others are job hunting, while more are battling mental health and family problems. There does seem to be a widespread hiatus on the site as a result. Quite a few stories presumed dead did begin updating again and hit the box. Like, stories before I joined the site. I wouldn't be too worried about it. You could always try writing something yourself too.

I have some upcoming ideas and general ideas for M/M stuff but I haven't gotten there yet.

I’d be willing to write a M/M story, but I can’t think of a good plot that hasn’t already been done to death.

If anyone has any ideas that they’ve been sitting on but aren’t willing to write I’d be happy to see them.

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