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I am curious as to how other people see foalcon on this site.

For me, it's not one of my favorite types of clop, but I don't dislike it. I could go either way. What about you?

I don't want to read about Big Mac railing Scootaloo. That's going too far, imo.

Edit: Just noticed my derp.

Don't usually care about foalcon and other stuff like that, unless whatever the subject matter of a clopfic is messed up beyond all comparison.

Then I usually just laugh in that case. People's fetishes and what they write about don't bother me, but I can't help and raise an eyebrow at age regression, diapers, vore, and the like.

People are weird.

2130328 There's a group of people that tends to get really touchy about it, but I don't really see a problem with it. It's just a fic.

I see it for what it is: pedophilia.

Edit per OP edit: Eh. I may question why anyone outside that age bracket would be interested in reading such subjects, especially with pornography involved, but it's not on the same level as adult/child.

2130328 It rustles my jimmies, if you know what I mean :moustache:



I hate it for the sole reason: the people who fight against it on this site are the worst.

No one likes that guy. The guy on a mission from god to right all that is wrong on the internet.

meh. If other's want to read it, they can.
I'm not a huge fan of it.

If it gets me hard it has done it's job and I will jack off to it.

2130365 I sincerely hope you're not one of those people who think that if you like one foalcon fic, you're a pedo.

2130380 THIS is how everyone should think.

2130396 I guess the sentiment stems from the thought that it involves sex with underage anythings. I disagree that everyone should agree, but like Meester said. Don't be that guy.

I agree with TimeLord. Anyone who likes foalcon has been force to read: "This Beautiful World" And trust me it's not what you think it is.

Yes because fantasies ALWAYS transfer into reality.
Like everyone who has rape fantasies, they are always rapists eventually.
Also don't you think it would be a good idea for people who do have pedophlic fantasies to you know, get them out to fictional porn that way they don't harm an actual child.

2130374 Oh, Jesus... don't even get me started on those people :derpytongue2:

2130434 It's not what he said. He sees it as pedophilia and that, to an extent, is what it is. If Big Mac is railing Scoots or whatever at their current age, than yes it's pedophilia in a fic.

2130434 That is a very good point.


I like the potential for Captain Foalcon jokes.


Full on man. I like that dude.

2130399 Yes, it's true. I fap to foals :moustache:

Eh, never really thought about it, so I guess I'd say......maybe?:unsuresweetie::trixieshiftright:


So you are saying I'm going to be a killer than?

Does it count as foalcon if it is between underage characters? Like, what if the CMC go through puberty? I stay away from those stories unless it's a teenage romance, but I love and tolerate, so...*shrug*

I don't automatically equate foalconners or whatever to pedophiles, but I see it as toeing the line. It's the same with rapefics. Fetishes aren't exactly something a person can control, but seeking out (or taking the next step and creating) content that encourages such things raises red flags for me. I wouldn't call for foalcon writers/readers to be burned at the stake or anything, but I would not trust any of them around children. And if I were Knighty, I wouldn't allow it on this site - but I'm not, so for now I just passively disapprove.

Please don't put words in my mouth. Read the second sentence of the above.

That being said, if someone is actually sexually attracted to children, maybe they should get professional help instead.

However the only reason he said that is because of the, rightful, negative connotations that pedophilia has, the only reason saying that something is pedophilia and nothing else is simply to imply that fictional pedophilia is as bad as real pedophilia and the only reason for that is if you think that fantasies transfer into reality and cause people to do the things they fantasize about.

I don't have problems with stuff like that. Child romance is cute.

But I don't really think that it is cute reading about Big Mac fucking Sweetie Belle.

The less I say about it, the less downvotes I'll get.

Again why would you not allow it unless you don't understand the difference between fantasy and reality.

::sees thread asking for opinions on foalcon::

Yes. I'll provide the rifle.

2130497 but what constitutes a fetish?
most pedophiles are "Affected" in the same ways that gays are "affected". Should gays seek professional help? They cannot help their sexual attraction, just as gays (or bisexuals, or heterosexuals, or any of them) cannot help it. Most pedophiles aren't going out and raping children, they are finding other outlets (such as lolicon or foalcon) to vent those feelings so they don't end up impacting the community in a terrible way.

Nah if serial killer fantasies caused serial killers I would have been the next Ted Bundy years ago.

2130509 Ummm no. It is fictionized pedophilia, but it's still something with pedophilic content. He never said that anybody who read these fics was going to carry them over after reading them, but saying that as though no one EVER read something they fantasized about and then went out and acted on it in real life is also naive. Just like Idle said. If someone think that it's sexually stimulating then they need help.

It is fine to have fantasies. No one cares about that.

But you cannot say it isn't disturbing to see how many people have paedophilic fantasies...


Alright sassy man.

What the guy saying was that "Fantasies do turn to reality" So in hindsight, whenever I think of something gruesome like wanting to slowly dissect and murder my classmates, does that make me a fucking serial killer?

Let me edit my post a bit:


Sorry for the caps; I need people to see this, because this is what I meant.

Do you honestly think pedophilia can be fixed? If it was Califorina wouldn't have laws were convicted pedophilies are requiered to take sex drive reducing drugs.

2130572 To late. shitstorm has been started.



I like your thinking.

So dirty, unnatural and clearly naughty that I love reading those type of stores.


That being said, if someone is actually sexually attracted to children, maybe they should get professional help instead.

Sounds great in theory, but no one is interested in treating those people. Imagine being the poor guy who says that he thinks about it, but would never do it. Confidentiality goes out the window if the doctor suspects that a crime may be committed, and who wouldn't report on a guy like that? Sure, he says he would never do it, but how do we know he hasn't already? Time to start scrutinizing everything he's ever done -- everyone's guilty of something.

Seems to me that trying to get help would actually be the best way for a harmless pedo to ruin his own life. Better to let him focus his desires on harmless fiction so he remains harmless, don'tcha think?

It's just two kids, probably early teens fucking.
That age group fucks all the time.
If it gets me hard it has done it's job and I will jack off to it.

2130585 I honestly don't know, one way or the other. I'm not a psychiatrist and I don't pretend to be one, but I think that it is a problem we should try to fix. There are so many variables that go into this that it's not even funny, but I'm still wary of it at any level.

2130606 I like your attitude, though :rainbowlaugh:


I must be doing something wrong . . .


Again you amaze me my friend. I just love how vocal you are, dude!

That's... um, odd.

But whatever pleases the dick must be right, I suppose. :raritywink:

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