I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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Hear me out. This thread is not about pre-readers but to point out what bothers me in the system itself. Every brony or MLP fan knows EqD. For argument's sake, let us stick the discussion to fanfics. A lot of fanfic writers here aim to be accepted into the site. Recently, EqD began to implement a somewhat strict set of standards.

I will agree on this. FiMFiction lacks quality control of any fic submitted. The site works by having its users do the quality control itself, whether by downvoting/upvoting, or commenting on the story. It encourages a group effort into telling the author whether he has a lost cause or something that needs to be polished.

For EqD, they need not copy that. However, with their strict rules, I have to point out a few things.

Submitted stories are looked on, and given strikes. Three strikes before the fic is completely rejected, correct? Well... I've read quite a few people complaining that at times, when they are given a first strike, they are given a set of problems a pre-readers have seen in their stories. So far so good. They correct the mistakes, submit again... and even without correcting anything but what was pointed out, somehow, the second pre-reader finds another problem with it, a problem that the first pre-reader didn't see, and earns a second strike.

Does that sound fair to anyone here?

While I myself cannot testify, as I have yet to receive an actual strike (my story was completely rejected on the first get-go, reasons I'll explain later, which is also another problem I'd like to point out). If anyone wants to testify or counter this, please go ahead.

Also, my main beef with EqD is that it has become a symbol of what is considered the best the community has to offer in terms of fanfiction. As much as one can claim this, their strict rules counter this hard.

Being the best is good if measured only in a one-dimensional way—the story has the best characterization for Twilight/other Ponies, best in having the most minimal grammar mistakes (which even in EqD seem to take this to some extreme), best in provoking thought, and even then, the best itself is arbitrary. Its different between people (the complaint above can show how this applies to grammar).

So maybe I'm reading this wrong. Maybe EqD isn't claiming to be the place where the best of fanfics are written here. Maybe its all the EqD followers or supporters that are perpetuating this idea.

(Or not. Look around in this group. Some pre-readers have said that they wished that their perceived better writers received more attention from others, which means there is some sort of unfair bias that comes into judging authors).

But if EqD does consider themselves as a beacon of light that holds the best of what this fandom has to offer, then I gotta say, their rules in regards on what can be posted... are extremely stifling to creativity and a counter for this. No, I'm not saying loosen the grammar standards (maybe a bit, or at least follow through and not seek out further problems the first pre-readers didn't spot).

As I said, my story was rejected immediately because it touched upon certain themes that EqD rules do not allow. Following the idea that EqD hosts the best, then does that mean my story just isn't up to standard quality because its... not kid-friendly enough? What? I'm sorry. If that was the only reason to reject it, then seriously, the notion of being the holder of the best is an absurd claim. You cannot limit acceptance of stories with that kind of standards. It has no valid reason.

Stories are expression of ideas. Its written with wanting to explore a character, explore a world, explore ideas of what-ifs. You can judge it on the usage of its words, the arrangements of it, but past that, it should no longer matter. You cannot limit the best into an age rating. You cannot remove criterias because it is what you or your followers want.

I hate Equestria Daily itself. Not its Pre-readers. I hate the idea of it being the holder of the best that we, fellow fans, have to offer. Will I submit any stories to them? Yes. Why? Because I love my ideas, and I love to spread them to those interested. My home may be here in FiMFiction (and Fanfiction.net, but we're kinda fighting right now. I want custody of the kids) where even with its looser standards, it does not claim to hold the best, but at least do inspire creativity and experimentation.

(Granted, not a lot of them good, but what can we do?)

So, in short, I think the idea of EqD being a holder of the best is bullshit. Anyone thinking so are just deluding themselves, and a serious thought should be done to explore that particular school of thought. My theory is that is the claim why a lot of people hate the site. Granted, maybe some are mad that they got rejected, but I think they only got mad because its been instilled in their heads that EqD is... well, I hate repeating myself.

Thoughts, guys and gals?

976574 I fully and completely enjoy the way the readers have to filter through the good and bad content, coming across the gems themselves. To me, that's one of the adventures of fan fiction.


Me too. I'm not going to add anymore on that particular point, since, well... I'm here, aren't I? XD

Sounds like a rebrand is in order.

"These stories are the ones we really like and are allowed to actually post."

You basically said every single thought I had about EQD, and every other thought I didn't think of.:twilightsmile:


I can accept that. :rainbowwild: :rainbowlaugh:

IMHO, I think they should loosen up the 'rating' standards. Maybe exclude graphic sex, if you want to push it.


I had that idea in my head for a while. I'm... a bit of a rare breed in this group. A lot of focus is on the proof-readers, but I think its worst than that. For me, its definitely the idea of EqD holding the best, and putting rules that say otherwise.


976574 You ever visit a really big city and see that one club or restaurant in some hip district, where any decent meal will set you back a three-figure bill? Usually that food's mediocre at best, perhaps "better" to some people's tastes but certainly not worth the massive price difference compared to the mom-n-pop a couple streets over. The atmosphere may also be comparatively better depending on personal tastes, but again that's hardly justification for it. Oftentimes these places will still somehow maintain an air of exclusivity and "class" - and those able to afford its services will flock there en masse more because they can than because they should. "Not everyone can come here, and therefore this is a good place to be." The exclusivity becomes the draw, and simply by limiting access to a distinct subgroup of the larger culture, the restaurant owners have created a "better" establishment, and this remains the case regardless of the quality of service or anything else. One thing humans love is to be in the minority when it comes to luxury, to be one of a small "elite" group which is capable of enjoying things that the rest of society does not have access to.

That's basically how EqD operates. They narrow their selection field to the point where everyone who's even heard of the brony community knows of EqD's reputation as a bunch of grammar Nazis who prioritize technical accuracy over storytelling ability. This creates an aura of exclusivity that makes them desirable to those interested in such trivial concerns.

FimFic has an arguably better interface (in my opinion, better by thousands of parsecs). FimFic has a more supportive community. FimFic allows more people a chance at success and operates in ways that do not discriminate nor claim genre superiority. But EqD will always have the reputation as "the best" simply because they don't allow much on there. If only five stories get featured there for every 500 that go up on FimFic, then obviously those stories have got to be spectacular, right?

Most people automatically assume "yes" without investigating, and hence EqD's reputation perpetuates itself solely by virtue of their discriminatory policies. And because humans are stupid sheep, they just keep on falling for it.

I personally find it disgusting, but that's just me. I'm happy here and have no plans of doing business with EqD at any time in the future, because their ethos towards fiction absolutely repulses me.

976613 You're definitely not alone there. The pre readers and submission guidelines are elitist bullshit on their own; combined they form draconian hell.

Luckily nearly all of my favorites I have found on my own. EqD is a great site when it comes to news. When it comes to featuring fan content, they suffer greatly.


Um if you wouldn't mind, what ethos would that be?


:twilightsmile: Maybe we ought to make a thread on guides how to look for fics you want, eh? :rainbowlaugh:

Not alot of good stories, and i've got like 500-600 tracked/favorited, i'd say that's alot, depending on what a good story is, but all the ones I read put me in a really bloody good mood and fill my imagination with nice things.


I can see what you mean. I've only faved a few stories that tags themselves as being added to Equestria Daily.


As I said, my story was rejected immediately because it touched upon certain themes that EqD rules do not allow. Following the idea that EqD hosts the best, then does that mean my story just isn't up to standard quality because its... not kid-friendly enough? What? I'm sorry. If that was the only reason to reject it, then seriously, the notion of being the holder of the best is an absurd claim. You cannot limit acceptance of stories with that kind of standards. It has no valid reason.

this is the site that gave up cupcakes, fallout equestria and rainbow factory, and they denied you because your story WASN'T KID FRIENDLY ENOUGH!!!!
I call bullshit.
EqD is a terrible place to go for fanfiction because it's designed for it. end of.

Equestria Daily always refers to itself as being the site to hold the best the brony community has to offer. I remember seeing that line in some post Sethisto made.

And I'm sorry, but that 'kid friendly' shit has got to go. They twist their own bullshit all the time, like with Fallout Equestria, because of personal preference, and not quality. And trust me, FO: E is objectively NOT a good quality story.

Speaking of that, Project Horizons (which is one of the worst stories I have ever read) is on that site and it's grimdark as fuck. But why does it get its own post? Because it was approved by Kkat when it was still good.

I personally believe that the three strikes thing should be implemented with the pre readers on the first run. Let's say, if the first pre-reader 'found' something wrong with it, it'd have to go through three more before getting the boot. Two out of three votes and it gets posted. That's a much more efficient and fairer way of doing this.

I occasionally see fics that put in their description "now on EQD!" Or "rated "X" stars on EQD!"
I saw a couple fics that parodied the EQD approved boast on fic covers.

As far as I know, Geodesic Dragon, Rainbowbob, Your Antagonist, and TheApexSovereign made blog posts pertaining to EQD, that said more than "Wish me luck. My story is being checked." Terrible proofreaders. I don't know much about Geodesic. Apex was a shoo-in I think. He dislikes Fallout Equestria and its many spinoffs I believe, from his reviews. He also was one of two people I found who linked the response Geodesic got from EQD, aside from Geodesic himself. I facepalmed at the reply emails Rainbowbob and Your Antagonist received from EQD.

Some others just got ignored, after sending in their work. No response at all.

Also, EQD continues to accept not kid-friendly fics. Their standards are based on hypocrisy and inanity. Do not expect consistent standards, professionalism, or logic from EQD proofreaders. Yes I'm generalizing. It happens often enough.


I'll agree with site design, at least in regards to Fanfiction. FiMFiction at least helps its readers in what they want to read, and has even a little place in front to show up new or updated stories. And hell, we have groups that can help you out in regards to quality assurance.

There... well... they have tags? Um... and some words?


Agree and agree.

I still remember that quote from FO: E...

Solar-flaring orgasms of Celestia!
Luna shitting moon rocks!
Fuck me with Celestia's forehooves!
Fuck me with the sun!
Fuck me with the moon!
Oh fuck me with the moon. Moon, sun, both of them. Rape me hard.
Celestia clop my clit with a hooffull of sunfire!
Luna rape them with Her horn!
Celestia's solar-flaring mareheat!
Luna's tidal mareheat!
Luna clop me with Her wings.
Luna-eclipsing orgasms!
Celestia rape your cunt with the burning sun if I can’t even take simple instruction from myself! Do I have no fucking self control?
Oh no. No. Celestia rape me with a solar flare, no.
By the ballsacks of a thousand star-devils*
Celestia lick me like she loves me!
Luna spank my withers!
Luna shove my cunt full of moonrocks and call me home.

.... yeah. I'm sorry my story doesn't have that mouth. It just has a human and his griffin lover hugging and shit. :rainbowlaugh: My shit's nastier. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:


.... really? They still accept new stories that is not so kid-friendly? I... wow.


I'm going to agree with Demon Eyes Leharl and the rest on the fact that considering their purported standards, the staff do bend the rules quite a bit for stories that they like. I don't consider Fallout Equestria a bad story (though personally, I much prefer Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes, on the virtue that it it's got an overall more optimistic tone than the original, with a better application of Black Comedy).

However, I think one of the biggest examples of this aforementioned bullshit comes from Silent Ponyville, which in many respects, including plot, is quite inspired by Cupcakes. As per the norm for Silent Hill, there are a lot of graphic scenes, with a much greater focus on psychological horror. Considering all that typically goes on that subgenre, I do think there's quite a bit of hypocrisy and rule-bending going about.

But, I might have a safe haven for those of you whom desire to have your more racy fictions get a better public appearance.

Equestria After Dark is a sister site of sorts to EqD, and while like with EqD, Sturgeon's Law still applies, I have seen stories like Gentlemen for Mares make an appearance. The rules there are, in my opinion, much more fair, with the only major stipulations being that there can be no Gore (in spite of erotic context), Scat, or Pedophilia or Foals, including Spike. They must be aged up.


.... really? They still accept new stories that is not so kid-friendly? I... wow.

While the standards were different back when Fo:E and cupcakes were uploaded to the site, stories of a mature nature can still get on the site if they handle their mature nature in a mature way. Very few stories have a scene of gore or sex further into the fic, as most focus on them from the beginning if they have them. If your story is otherwise Casino Royale, but 3/4ths and 70,000 words in you have his balls bullwhipped by the villain because he got caught, then it'll probably stay in.

It's also that EqD doesn't like taking a story down. They only really do it when things go way overboard, like in the case of that one story where Applejack became Hitler.

976871 EAD? That site always weirded me out; not much of a clopper (don't have anything against them, though) But I am glad to see they don't allow 'foalcon' or whatever it's called. That stuff's just weird.


It's time Seth makes an "in-between" site. There's EQAD by Alex. EqAD holds all the super-duper cloppy as hell fics and anything is accepted if it's tagged and submitted right. Then there's EqD by Seth. It holds all the grammar efficient and Trixie ship stories that are boring as hell but are PG-13 at max. Why the fuck doesn't someone make a site that looks for quality but ignores the age limit?

Humans aren't stupid. Well, albeit a lot of them can be, but if you place a large tag saying "WARNING THIS CONTAINS X" at the top of the story, and the human finds it objective, then we don't click it. So, why not structure a site like EqD, tone down the grammar Nazi crap a little bit, and remove the age restriction. After doing so, add four subsections for fanfics:

>Everyone (G - PG-13)
>Teen (PG-14 - 16+)
>Mature (17+ - AO)
>Extreme Clop (AO+)

Want to know why this works better? Because then no one is limited to a damn age restriction. There are great fics that are rated Mature because there is a scene that is far from "safe". But, because of that one scene, EqD won't allow it. It's sad and, above all, hindering to people's creativity. Alongside that, for the longest time while the "no gore, no sex" rule was up (still is) Cupcakes was featured on that site. I'm glad they removed it to follow their own rules, but, seriously? I know it was posted a really long time ago and that their staff is lazy to check over what was posted at the time, but, follow your rules, dammit.

Anyways, someone from the EqD staff (who isn't biased, preferably) needs to create an "in-between" site. Or EqD needs to realize humans are that stupid. If I see a warning and I read the story, then bitch about the story's content, the author can simply say "I had a warning. Ye ol' stupid fuck."

Anyways, that's all. What I suggest probably won't happen because no one on the internet is smart enough to learn HTML or Javascript and what-not to develop a site with quality control and no limitations.

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. ~ Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee for President/Prime Minister

976871 976885

Yup. EqAD has rules, but not hard to follow, neutral, and only limited to a few aspects. I like EqAD, and the reasons AdamthePony stated are a few reasons why. Another is the Star System rating. Heck, a pre-reader of EqD runs EqAD (a reason why I'm not raging too much on the pre-readers).

Granted, it really features the racy fics, and its pretty much has a smaller audience than EqD. But I guess that's where my problem lies. My story isn't racy. It doesn't feature graphic sex... hell, doesn't feature graphic anything. Yet, somehow, its too racy for EqD. *shrug*


.... then I have no idea why they said my story touched too much on the 'mature' aspect that EqD cannot accept. I honestly don't.

And not taking down fics they accepted before, even if they don't follow the new guidelines, is absolutely bullshit. Why did the new rules come out then? Why the new standards if you cannot even remove the fics in there that already broke them? Ugh, I started laughing this one off, now I'm getting angry again.



I do not see reason why another site has to be made. All one has to do in EqD is basically add the ratings you just put up. Honestly, movies have them. Video games have them. Hell, you know what doesn't have the ratings? Books. Literature. This is another point which I believe undermines EqD in my eyes when it comes to their fanfics.

I agree with you. The stupidity of large age limitations does the whole community a disservice. I can understand why not everyone wants clop... but why are the in-betweens being punished?

I guess we have to wait for the next 'survey' that actually asks the hard questions. You know, instead of just asking 'Do you want to put clop' bullshit questions.

Also, Bruce Lee is awesome. Scary, but awesome. :pinkiehappy:


Well, EqD will never listen. They're worse than a world leader at this point. Sure, they have silly surveys you can fill out telling them how "We can improve the site", but that does next to nothing. I can't be for certain, maybe it does and they're working on introducing something for everyone, but anyone can see that a large organization that contains as many biases as EqD doesn't care what people want.

But, I can't be for certain. I'm not a part of EqD, I don't own the site, I don't manage it. It's just what I perceive from it.


We can always hope. Except we know that we're in for a disappointment. :rainbowlaugh:

I say let them run their little site. However, call out bullshit on whoever says they hold the best.


Using new laws for stuff that has been up already? People would bitch about it. Its like you do something and later it becomes outlawed, you should go to prison for it even though you stopped doing it once it became outlawed? xD

Here we bitched about cupcakes being on EQD even though it predated the rules by a year or two, it got taken down and nowdays the bitching is "OMG THEYZ TUK DOWN CUPKEJKS".

We bitched about FOE side stories (that they dont proof read, just send it in and you get your story in the compilation post), they will most likely stop doing the compilation posts and not accept any FOE stories anymore. We will bitch about it sooner or later once we notice it.

They listen to you and do it, you bitch even MOAR. I can see why they would not want to listen to things posted here anymore. (sometimes i wonder why they even bother clearing things up here since 99% dont want to listen to it, they will find their own reason to declare it a lie or such).

Please note that the pre-readers do not set policy of what is acceptable from a content standpoint. Guidelines for clop, gore, humans, etc. come from Seth. There is a significant number of readers who don't want to see clop or gore, and Seth makes that call.


Using new laws for stuff that has been up already? People would bitch about it. Its like you do something and later it becomes outlawed, you should go to prison for it even though you stopped doing it once it became outlawed? xD

I hope that wasn't a serious analogy. You are comparing prison sentence, which itself is a complex process of arranging evidence, investigation, complex law towards a blog that cannot follow its own simple rules and regulations.

Here we bitched about cupcakes being on EQD even though it predated the rules by a year or two, it got taken down and nowdays the bitching is "OMG THEYZ TUK DOWN CUPKEJKS".

We bitched about FOE side stories (that they dont proof read, just send it in and you get your story in the compilation post), they will most likely stop doing the compilation posts and not accept any FOE stories anymore. We will bitch about it sooner or later once we notice it.

Well, if they are setting rules, it means they have to follow the rules to avoid hypocrisy. They don't want gore fics, they should not accept and show gore fics. If they want to keep things kid-friendly, then they should keep it kid friendly, even if it means by removing their mistakes and keeping the standards. Because if they are going to make an astringent standard, they should fucking follow it.

They listen to you and do it, you bitch even MOAR. I can see why they would not want to listen to things posted here anymore. (sometimes i wonder why they even bother clearing things up here since 99% dont want to listen to it, they will find their own reason to declare it a lie or such).

They do not have to listen to me. But if they truly are saying they hold the best that this fandom has to offer, I will be here, pointing out the bullshit every time it starts it up. And so should those that agree with me.


I am not calling out the pre-readers. I am calling out EqD itself on its bullshit rules, its bullshit notion, and its... well, bullshit. I have no quarrel with the pre-readers. I only have a quarrel with their stupid rules. I have made this position clear.


Someti.mes, I honestly feel that EqD hasn't changed from its roots as a personal blog where it showcases things that the creator likes.

And sometimes, stories that get featured there really make me question how strictly they enforce the "family friendly" policy.


Sadly, a lot are still convinced that the set of rules and standards are raising quality of its content.

Most of them have minimal grammatical mistakes, I'll give them that. Other than that... yeah.


976642 Well, I sorta laid it out there in that comment you replied to. They prioritize technical accuracy so highly over storytelling ability that people with genuinely spectacular ideas get turned away because they misused a couple hyphens. I hate how anytime anyone raises this argument, especially on threads where alex is active, I see the reply "grammar is also important." Fact. I won't dispute that. But to fail stories for tiny little mistakes like that regardless of their quality is just idiotic.

Then there was an argument (sort of, all he did was return my valid points with "thanks for your opinion" sort of stuff) I had where he said they don't expect their pre-readers to read more than the first chapter or so because "we assume it isn't going to shit." So, if a hyphen error happens in chapter one, that's grounds for failure. If chapter one is flawless, it's good for a pass regardless of how many hyphen errors happen in chapter two.

Like I said, it's just exclusivity. They try so hard to become "the best," but their pre-readers are incompetent at judging story merits. All they've got is a fifth-grade understanding of the English language and refuse to tolerate anything that deviates from their accepted model. This destroys any capacity for artistry with the language, because anyone who's been through the educational system knows that fifth grade teaches you the rules and high school and college teach you how to break the rules in artistic ways. EqD will not tolerate this. Unable to create an objective standard of "the best," as you pointed out, they simply judge on adherence to 5th grade English grammar. Those who match it best are boring, bland stories with cliched-to-fuck concepts that aren't interesting to read.

Hence, I disagree with their ethos towards fiction. Technical expertise is important to an incredible degree, but I'd take a poorly executed amazing concept over a perfectly executed book of stereo instructions any day of the week. This is not compatible with their model of "quality," so I whine about them, advise people who use my editing group to stay away from them, and keep what little I have time to write for myself these days camped here in a site I actually have a modicum of respect for.


The point isnt prison or a fine or removing a story, the point is unfairness of future rules affecting the action of the past. Is one supposed to look into a crystal ball and determine what type of fics will be allowed on EQD in the future and how the rules will change a year or two from now? Some fics are ongoing and they get the punishment, completed fics not so much. You have fimfiction here, but how many people check every single story that gets published here to find one they might like. I dont like all the stories of EQD, heck i dont like most of them most of the time, but when i find one i like i read it and im happy, especially if i didnt find it on my own.

Well, if they are setting rules, it means they have to follow the rules to avoid hypocrisy. They don't want gore fics, they should not accept and show gore fics. If they want to keep things kid-friendly, then they should keep it kid friendly, even if it means by removing their mistakes and keeping the standards. Because if they are going to make an astringent standard, they should fucking follow it.

*shrugs* there is always exceptions to rules, in one sentence you (or if its not you, look at all the threads here and see that 90% of people are) complain how the rules are to strict and rigorously followed in the other you complain how they should be followed. Dont try to say how this doesn't mean anything for, they wouldnt have this exceptions in the first place if they just blindly followed rules .

They do not have to listen to me. But if they truly are saying they hold the best that this fandom has to offer, I will be here, pointing out the bullshit every time it starts it up. And so should those that agree with me.

I wasnt talking about just you, but the group as a whole, your part of it and they just get burned by us more if they actually follow what some of us say.

Thats the core of the problem, all can here agree with you because "HELL YEAH EQD SUX!!!" , but all want something different, they give in to one part the other starts complaining. They dont the first part just continues to complain. There is no pleasing us and never will be.

Eqd will accept any fic sent? It will just suck more. They change the rules? Suck more. They shut down? We lol at them and fondly remember how they suck.

Why wont we ever be pleased? lets try to see:

They do not have to listen to me. But if they truly are saying they hold the best that this fandom has to offer, I will be here, pointing out the bullshit every time it starts it up. And so should those that agree with me.

They host what they think is the best the fandom has to offer, they wont host what you think is the best of the fandom, simply because you are not part of the staff, or seth himself (or are you? :rainbowhuh: )

If they werent subjective and judge things on their experience and feelings, how would they judge it? Like you im talking in general because its not just fanfics people have "problems" with. How would you judge things, are 100% sure you would treat a genre you like the same way as some you hate?

Fact is EQD is and will remain a personal blog with staff who have a "big boss", all they can do is try to influence him, what by their own words doesnt always work.

Its the people that "give" Eqd "power", you cant deny its giant and you cant deny there is no other site that could give a story that much viewers. Thats what makes them the best, not what stories they post but that the stories will at least get some more views then they would not otherwise.

Maybe try to compromise with them, they do not point out any mistake and just inform you if they accept the fic or not, you and your editors (if you have them) go figure out what they have to do. Im sure that would make judging for them easier and if you make their life easier why wouldnt they make your?

978159, how does excluding certain genres raise the quality of the site?

I honestly think their policy of "offend as little people as possible" stifles creativity. From what I heard, there was a Naruto crossover that was technically sound and well written but it got canned because it provoked a lot of anger.

Also, their fanatical adherence to the rules of grammar is just odd. Yes, grammar is very important, because without it, the story's unreadable. But the content is just as important; without good content, you don't have a story. You have a grammar guide.

The way I see it, grammar's like the framework of a car. Without it, the structure falls apart. The story content is the body of a car. Without it, you have an unappealing skeleton.

976796 Their excuse for FoE and Project Horizons is that they were "grandfathered" in, back when they "didn't have much of a choice". No FoE fics are allowed to be featured.


The point isnt prison or a fine or removing a story, the point is unfairness of future rules affecting the action of the past. Is one supposed to look into a crystal ball and determine what type of fics will be allowed on EQD in the future and how the rules will change a year or two from now? Some fics are ongoing and they get the punishment, completed fics not so much.

If they are so determined to follow the new set of rules, they are required to make sure every fic follows the same adherence, no matter if they were accepted in the past. They did the same with Cupcakes, they should do the same with every fic that breaks them. They do not need to see a Crystal Ball. If they want to accommodate past work, they have to adjust whatever rules they plan to make to do so.

Whether you like it or not, change in policies will always be unfair to someone. However, not following them with the current line-up is hypocritical and unfair to everyone.

there is always exceptions to rules, in one sentence you (or if its not you, look at all the threads here and see that 90% of people are) complain how the rules are to strict and rigorously followed in the other you complain how they should be followed. Dont try to say how this doesn't mean anything for, they wouldnt have this exceptions in the first place if they just blindly followed rules .

Considering my argument is just two things (unfairness on strikes and how the claim of being the best is bullshit with their rules), it may not apply in this thread. However, for argument's sake, yes, I can see a few people are angry at either the strict rules. But from what I'm seeing, they are actually angry at the hypocrisy displayed by EqD rules and some pre-reader's actions.

There is always exception to the rules is a matter of general life. It is always affected by something else larger than these rules. However, we still have to point them out. Otherwise, there's no point following them.

I wasnt talking about just you, but the group as a whole, your part of it and they just get burned by us more if they actually follow what some of us say.

Thats the core of the problem, all can here agree with you because "HELL YEAH EQD SUX!!!" , but all want something different, they give in to one part the other starts complaining. They dont the first part just continues to complain. There is no pleasing us and never will be.

Never once have I said they had to please me. I am pointing out that their claim to being the best is bullshit by limiting rules and stifling creativity, and how their strike system is also fairly unfair. This is actually a very generalized complaint, nothing very specific. Complainers will always be present. However, a lot of them are valid because of such limiting rules EqD has.

Eqd will accept any fic sent? It will just suck more. They change the rules? Suck more. They shut down? We lol at them and fondly remember how they suck.

You are missing my argument here.

They host what they think is the best the fandom has to offer, they wont host what you think is the best of the fandom, simply because you are not part of the staff, or seth himself (or are you? )

If they werent subjective and judge things on their experience and feelings, how would they judge it? Like you im talking in general because its not just fanfics people have "problems" with. How would you judge things, are 100% sure you would treat a genre you like the same way as some you hate?

Look at my argument again. I am calling bullshit on how the rating limitations counters their claim to be the holder of the best. Too limited in range, too limited in what can be shown. That is why genres aren't limited. This is why characters aren't limited. So why the hell are ratings limited themselves? It makes no sense.

Fact is EQD is and will remain a personal blog with staff who have a "big boss", all they can do is try to influence him, what by their own words doesnt always work.

I can agree. That's why I still haven't called out any pre-readers.

Its the people that "give" Eqd "power", you cant deny its giant and you cant deny there is no other site that could give a story that much viewers. Thats what makes them the best, not what stories they post but that the stories will at least get some more views then they would not otherwise.

No, that makes the site 'popular'. The best at getting people to read your fics? Yeah. The best the fandom has to offer? Absolutely not.

Maybe try to compromise with them, they do not point out any mistake and just inform you if they accept the fic or not, you and your editors (if you have them) go figure out what they have to do. Im sure that would make judging for them easier and if you make their life easier why wouldnt they make your?

Look, my stance is clear. Change the strike system, so that any mistake found by the next pre-reader can be marked, but not a grounds for a strike. And to increase the age range of stories that can be put in there. The latter will at least convince me that they are at least trying to do the moniker of being the best some justice.


how does excluding certain genres raise the quality of the site?

You'd have to ask them. I honestly don't see that.

I honestly think their policy of "offend as little people as possible" stifles creativity. From what I heard, there was a Naruto crossover that was technically sound and well written but it got canned because it provoked a lot of anger.

Well, Naruto does piss off a few people. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyways, agree.

Also, their fanatical adherence to the rules of grammar is just odd. Yes, grammar is very important, because without it, the story's unreadable. But the content is just as important; without good content, you don't have a story. You have a grammar guide.

The way I see it, grammar's like the framework of a car. Without it, the structure falls apart. The story content is the body of a car. Without it, you have an unappealing skeleton.

Maybe change the rule? Is it readable? Okay, let's move the characterization and narrative. That would make the pre-reader's life a bit easier. I can understand why they want to adhere to strict grammar rules.

While my stance is really more on the limitations of what can be posted, I'll also agree to this.

979972, I think they should really focus on the characterization and the story. I don't give a shit if someone uses Chicago or Oxford style (from what I heard EqD only accepts Chicago style) in a story. I care that the story's engaging, the plot makes sense, the characters are consistant and not acting like idiots.


Also, the hypocrisy of "family friendly" for fanfiction really astounds me. They'll feature Hotdiggitydemon's PONY.MOV series which is extremely family unfriendly in addition to raunchy drawfriend art.


Technically, those weren't written fanfiction. But yeah, that doesn't matter. :facehoof:

Ugh, I should take a break and forget about EqD. I'mma go back to writing. Later guys.

The rest i can ignore i guess since we obviously wont agree on it. :rainbowlaugh:

Look, my stance is clear. Change the strike system, so that any mistake found by the next pre-reader can be marked, but not a grounds for a strike. And to increase the age range of stories that can be put in there. The latter will at least convince me that they are at least trying to do the moniker of being the best some justice.

They already do that, they dont give you a strike if you miss to dot the end of a sentence or something small, like they repeated even here a million times.

They said they put the strike system in for people who sent their fics in repeatedly without even bothering to fix what was pointed out to them.

Looking at their stats page, 54 of 5945 are fics perma rejected because of 3 strikes. Thats 0.9% of total fics...

Maybe they "limit the creativity", if you write just to get on EQD. They do provide a nice boost of views but if you write not to be famous but to write what you want then views are nice but not your goal in life. Just like getting on EQD is nice if your fice can pass, but if not its not the end of the world or meaning that your fic is bad.

No, that makes the site 'popular'. The best at getting people to read your fics? Yeah. The best the fandom has to offer? Absolutely not.

They also give them the "power", they as long as the majority think of them as the best they can use that and only a small part will care (of 343 of us here, how many are pre-readers, i saw at least 4 or so, and how many are like me mostly here to just lol at the whining)

I dont mean posts like yours who actually try something, but i doubt you will get anything done, its the people that should be your goal and changing their view of EQD, but for that you would have to provide them a better alternative to EQD. Then they can either change or go down.


They already do that, they dont give you a strike if you miss to dot the end of a sentence or something small, like they repeated even here a million times.

They said they put the strike system in for people who sent their fics in repeatedly without even bothering to fix what was pointed out to them.

:facehoof: I am talking about Strikes that should have been there in the first place when it was first pre-read. Please, again just read what I just wrote.

I said some users found they have been given strikes by stuff the first pre-reader missed.

That is absolutely unfair.

Other than that, I have absolutely no problems with their 'grammar' nazism. I actually half-support it.

Maybe they "limit the creativity", if you write just to get on EQD. They do provide a nice boost of views but if you write not to be famous but to write what you want then views are nice but not your goal in life. Just like getting on EQD is nice if your fice can pass, but if not its not the end of the world or meaning that your fic is bad.]

Holy fucking hell. Are you comprehending what I'm telling you?

My stance is that calling themselves the best the fandom has to offer is not a deserving and a bullshit notion if they put very strict limits what can be entered. That is my stance. Again, please, read and understand before you respond because you seem to have no clue what I'm trying to say.

I do not care, at this stage whether I get in EqD. Why? Because its bullshit. I have a home here on FiMFiction, and the only reason why I'd even want to submit again is because I may have a fic that fits to their rules, not because 'I want to get in' or because I want to 'be the best' shit. My mindset is that them claiming to be best is bullshit. If it gets in, cool. If not, no problem.

Again, my problem is people and EqD itself is living under the bullshit pretense that they are the best, and some minor issue in regards to strikes. Other than that, they can go fuck themselves with KY and a nice pineapple for all I care, because I really don't give a shit afterwards.

I understand completely its their site, and its their rules, and its their discretion.

I also understand that its bullshit, hence why I spoke out.

They also give them the "power", they as long as the majority think of them as the best they can use that and only a small part will care (of 343 of us here, how many are pre-readers, i saw at least 4 or so, and how many are like me mostly here to just lol at the whining)

I don't mean posts like yours who actually try something, but i doubt you will get anything done, its the people that should be your goal and changing their view of EQD, but for that you would have to provide them a better alternative to EQD. Then they can either change or go down.

I do not get your stance here dude. Are you saying 'Don't Complain Because Shit Won't Change'? Because if you are, we're done with this conversation. Just because one is settled in their ways does not mean we can't speak out.

Am I hoping for things to change? Of course. I like this community, this fandom. ... granted, some have some really odd quirks, but so do I. And I believe that EqD is doing everyone a disservice by limiting whatever the hell they want.

And as for your point of having an alternative, we have a much better alternative to EqD. Its called FiMFiction. Granted, its not a perfect replacement, but at least its better. Here, there is no stifling of creativity, no bullshit notion that they are the best. In fact, the matter of not being as big as EqD actually makes this a more creative environment to work. Yes, we have a couple of deviants now and then, some foalcon coming in the featured section (which just kills the notion of viewing mature stories), but at least we aren't too hampered with political bullshit. It still happens, of course, especially on some groups, like ACB, but we quickly called knighty out on that bullshit and he at least listened. Can EqD do the same?

I don't think so.

Question, Define what you mean by "Best", that is the only thing i do not understand and obviously if you do not define that i cant understand anything else you say since you base all on the concept of "the best".

The rest here you might as well ignore since its just me talking about your words the way i see it, being human and not you its obviously different from your view:

Do you see that your best is not the same as what i find the best or what some other one find the best? EQD would surely not be the best even if it "took all the best of all". Simply because most think of it as " if you dont like it it cant be the best" (for you).

And as said just a sentence before everyone has different "bests". Its just a frigging word that is so subjective that im not even sure why you are mad at it. You say they dont have to please you, but you "demand" they post only the best ( if someone has a different opinion from you about what is best they are just wrong or? And if not then what makes it not already the best, but for someone else?)

And im not saying "Don't Complain Because Shit Won't Change" im saying "Dont complain if you do want to offer a better alternative" , Fimfiction and EQD cant be compared for a million reasons.They arent even intended to be compared.

Fimfiction is a dumping ground of fanfics, the ratio of good vs bad is much much worse then in EQD regardless of how you look at it, simply because there is so much posted here on a daily basis. FImficiton here made me go think "oh well no" just for seeing the human tag in a story because of 0 quality control.

EQS is a personal blog showing what they find to be the best (refer to the question at the top and tell ill add here the question, why do you see it as them saying it is being the "objective" best, because you obviously do). To me EQD is a bonus site where i can sometimes find a story i like, i dont have the time to go through even ~20% of the fic posted here daily and i surely miss out on several ones i would find great. If something on fimfiction is like EQD its the groups that show the "best" , but again the "problem" is not all their best is what i find to be the best (or you or someone else).

I am talking about Strikes that should have been there in the first place when it was first pre-read. Please, again just read what I just wrote.

I said some users found they have been given strikes by stuff the first pre-reader missed.

That is absolutely unfair.

Other than that, I have absolutely no problems with their 'grammar' nazism. I actually half-support it.

Its called being human and everyone being different, or are you trying to tell me you expect everyone to see everything?

But more importantly, how is this "unfair" more important then the "unfair" of past stories having to follow future rules? Ill follow your word to me on it and tell you the same, you have to adjust to it since it is the rule. If it changes one day again just adjust.

Although the "simple" solution is once a pre-reader gets a story and sends it back, it is returned to him again. But that means bigger waiting since he gets other stories he has to deal with first. They probably had that before but was thrown out because of the waiting time. Or maybe not because they "feared" the complains from higher waiting times.


Question, Define what you mean by "Best", that is the only thing i do not understand and obviously if you do not define that i cant understand anything else you say since you base all on the concept of "the best".

Do you see that your best is not the same as what i find the best or what some other one find the best? EQD would surely not be the best even if it "took all the best of all". Simply because most think of it as " if you dont like it it cant be the best" (for you).


You do not get the point. You are not understanding the point.

Let me say it again, since you apparently missed it.

The best for me is being the better. It is a very, as you said, subjective criteria where that can be defined in one-dimensional measurement. Best in thought is a single judged criteria. I am not repeating myself anymore than this.

But for them to claim to hold the best in fandom means they have to have a wide range in regards to whatever stories they can publish. It cannot be limited into just a single range. That is not how to showcase the best.

Understand this before you reply again because you are just circling around the argument without adding anything that I have already answered.

And im not saying "Don't Complain Because Shit Won't Change" im saying "Dont complain if you do want to offer a better alternative" , Fimfiction and EQD cant be compared for a million reasons.They arent even intended to be compared.

Fimfiction is a dumping ground of fanfics, the ratio of good vs bad is much much worse then in EQD regardless of how you look at it, simply because there is so much posted here on a daily basis. FImficiton here made me go think "oh well no" just for seeing the human tag in a story because of 0 quality control.

That is your problem. Not mine. You do not see how creativity is more promoted here, you can can just stop right there. We're not talking about FiMFiction claiming to be the best. They aren't. EqD is. So my argument is strictly on their side. Do not deflect what I'm trying to point out more than this. Its useless.

EqD wants to claim they hold the best the fandom has to offer. I just call that claim bullshit because of its rules. That is all.

EQS is a personal blog showing what they find to be the best (refer to the question at the top and tell ill add here the question, why do you see it as them saying it is being the "objective" best, because you obviously do). To me EQD is a bonus site where i can sometimes find a story i like, i dont have the time to go through even ~20% of the fic posted here daily and i surely miss out on several ones i would find great. If something on fimfiction is like EQD its the groups that show the "best" , but again the "problem" is not all their best is what i find to be the best (or you or someone else).

Yet their 'best' is limited to one range, not as they claim, to have the best the fandom has to offer. Again, this is what I'm pointing out. Again, you are missing the fucking point. And again, you are spouting useless replies.

Its called being human and everyone being different, or are you trying to tell me you expect everyone to see everything?

.......... you know, I think you are very slow.

I do not have a problem with the second pre-reader finding mistakes the first pre-reader missed. But I do take issue when they give another strike when it wasn't the writer's fault the first pre-reader missed it.

But more importantly, how is this "unfair" more important then the "unfair" of past stories having to follow future rules? Ill follow your word to me on it and tell you the same, you have to adjust to it since it is the rule. If it changes one day again just adjust.

You are slow.

It is unfair because these new writers are now following the same rules that EqD has put up. And yet are faulted unfairly when a second opinion is placed. I already gave a suggestion. That whatever fault the second pre-reader finds should be considered grounds under the first strike, not having an additional strike.

As for what's unfair, if EqD wants to keep things family friendly, they have to remove not so family friendly stories. To not do so is completely unfair to everyone involved. This is why I claim that their family friendly stance is bullshit. I am not trying to get those old stories out. I'm trying to show that if they cannot follow their own rules, then its hypocritical.

Although the "simple" solution is once a pre-reader gets a story and sends it back, it is returned to him again. But that means bigger waiting since he gets other stories he has to deal with first. They probably had that before but was thrown out because of the waiting time. Or maybe not because they "feared" the complains from higher waiting times.

I don't give a shit about what policy they want to do with their pre-readers. I do give a shit if they treat what is submitted and their writers in an unfair and hypocritical manner.

I think the more important problem is not the censorship rules, it's the length rules. The absurdity of that was exemplified with their Flash Fiction contest thing.


They require FLASH FICTION to be 3000 words long, longer than their usual minimum requirements.

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