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Comments ( 36 )
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For me, a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant followed by either a movie or dancing. Afterwards, just enjoying each others' company until I needed to get her home. Call me old fashioned and a hopeless romantic, but I'm not a fan of one night stands or really sex before marriage unless I was sure she was the one. :twilightsmile::raritystarry:

5678053 About the same really, minus the dancing because I can't dance so probably a movie.

5678059 I can't dance either, but I still enjoy it. :raritywink: There are a lot of things we can't do at the start, but with practice, we will eventually get better. :twilightsmile:

5678060 The hard part would be finding a girl who will put up with my quirks and incredible nerdyness.

5678063 Well isn't that what this group is for? :raritywink:

Hoesntly, I've already wanted to find someone who knew how to fight or martial arts, or just really liked it. Ideally, I'd love it if we sparred or watched a match. Plus, how funny would it be to go out somewhere nice where we both have black eyes and bruises. :rainbowlaugh:

Another ideal date would be to go to a huge arcade and challange her to almost every game. If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit competitive. :scootangel:

5678053 Something nerdy would be awesome. My (corny and admittedly kinda dumb) fantasy in life is to propose to my hypothetical lady in an arcade, with the beeping and flashing of our favorite cabs going off behind us.

But, datewise, I'm a dinner and movie kinda guy. Nothing to fancy, because I'm a casual type of person and I'm already gonna be nervous enough about the date. No point in shovelling fancy-pants etiquette on top of that.


T'be perfectly frank, I'm a guy with simple wants and needs (And slightly expensive tastes). A perfect date could be a lot of things, but for instance, my perfect type of date has to be the ever-fun picnic outing. I definitely enjoy being surrounded by nature, near those I'm trying to woo or impress. I personally find it easier for two to be themselves when outdoors.

Don't get me wrong, a fancy-pants restaurant never hurt anyone either :raritywink: but I must say I'm a fool, of sorts, and don't think I fit in well. I can pull the act, don't get me wrong, I just feel like a stiff.

Now, as for the perfect 'first date', then I'm definitely inclined to agree with you. Over time, when two get comfortable with each other, would I suggest a picnic-outing, but for first impressions I'd have to say stick with the public. A movie afterwards, maybe, but a dance certainly not! I'd be laughing my end off trying to move my limbs in such a manner (In other words; not only can I not dance, once I've started to... there's no stopping this dance machine :rainbowlaugh:).

Anyway, "We need more hopeless romantics in life!" Seriously, it's a good thing :twilightsmile: They tend to have more creative ideas for a romantic setting, more interesting ones as well. So good on ya for being an example!

(I apologize for the somewhat long answer!)

5678053 That sounds really romantic! but I'm not going to have sex until marriage cause I'm a christian. :twilightsheepish:

5678065 That would be funny. I respect people that pursue martial arts. The amount of discipline needed is truly impressive.

5678072 I'm a nerdy guy too. And I don't think that's a dumb fantasy. It's what you want so you should go for it! :twilightsmile:

5678091 I'm with you on the outdoors theme. If it was an all day date, I probably would take her to the park, go on a walk maybe a picnic. I have a lot of ideas for the ideal date, but didn't want to end up writing another story. :rainbowlaugh: Anyways, no need to apologize for the length of your answer.

Thank you all for replying! I feel loved. :yay:

5678053 As long as she's okay with my collection of swords I'll do anything :rainbowkiss:

5678053 Scary movies and going out to drink coffee at a zip-trip... yeah I know, I have low standards when it comes to dates. :rainbowlaugh:

On the other hand it is the person's beliefs that are where my high standards come in. As long as she is a good fearing woman with similar christian beliefs who doesn't mind the fact that I am an adult man who watches a cartoon based around fluffy little ponies and does youtube readings of some of the grimdark fics based around said cartoon then everything is okay. :pinkiehappy:

5678151 Thanks. I'm actually a christian too. Roman Catholic, and boy... are they strict. :pinkiegasp: My parents know I'm a furry and are ok with that, but I haven't told them I like MLP. (Although they know I'm a kid at heart so maybe they wouldn't care either.)

5678155 I have a few swords and a longbow as well. I LOVE going to Renaissance fairs. Now that I think of it, another perfect date would be where she would be happy to dress up with me if I took her to one.

5678161 I'm a wimp and don't like scary movies. :fluttercry: Never understood the rush of purposely scaring yourself. (I do have an overactive imagination so maybe that's why. :rainbowlaugh:) Also I think that's all I could ask. She doesn't have to be a fan of the show or like some of the things I do, but she is willing to look past that and see me for who I am. :twilightsmile:

5678173 I love Renaissance and medieval fairs too :twilightsmile: Taking a girl there and dress up and all for it would be so much fun :rainbowkiss: Like the medieval week on Gotland! Oh, now you've given me ideas here, lol :rainbowkiss:

Majin Syeekoh

I think a date is more about the company than the venue, so I'd be fine with a fast food joint as long as we both hit it off.

That and also women who know that kinda stuff are more interesting to talk to in my opinion.

Also, Praise the Love!

No one can dance. Everyone just likes trying. Anyone who appears to actually be able to is merely a very good faker. :derpytongue2:

Anyway... My general take on dating. A lot of people without relationship experience don't get this, because they've been exposed to the "dating" paradigm of fiction so frequently and so pervasively, but you know what the secret to a good date is?

That it's not a "date."

Strong romantic relationships grow organically from incidental interactions with preexisting acquaintances in the course of getting familiarized with them in a non-romantic context first. Deliberated attempts at structured construction of a romance come off as forced and awkward, which is why so many people think that dating, especially super-nervous super-lame first dates, is a chore that kinda sucks, and why that method's success rate at creating a long-term relationship that lasts is very low.

The ideal date isn't to try to go on a date with romantic intent as a plan. It's more of something that may (or may not) spontaneously happen in the course of doing stuff with someone you find yourself getting along with and liking as a person before you ever even thought of them in romantic terms.

5678173 Well thats what I meant about the show. As long as she is excepting of it I'm fine.

5678053 An ideal date?
Me and my girlfriend playing video games all night long.

I guess that's why I'm still single :twilightblush::ajsleepy:

That just seems more like a good first date rather than an ideal date, though I suppose everyone is different.

I think my ideal date would be after being with someone for awhile so that they've already gotten to know me and what I'm like. That way we could talk about more detailed things and get excited over the hobbies we're interested in. It would mostly be talking to each other so a movie or food would be out, can't really talk with your mouth full. Maybe a drive or a hike, or maybe go to an exhibit. There's nothing I love more than getting to know someone who's interesting.

5678315 I see where you're coming from. Of course that's just kinda my layout for spending time with someone. Eat good food, do an activity we both enjoy and spend even more time together. If one thing doesn't go right, even better. We improvise. It doesn't have to be a fancy restaurant all the time, that would be really boring. :ajbemused: Could be just the two of us relaxing at home, watching tv, cuddling, heck even showing her some MLP episodes if she's up for it. What I described would be for special occasions, an anniversary, birthday or just to celebrate. But I totally agree with you, if you try to stick to a preplanned date, then you're not doing it right.

5678375 It would be awesome to play videogames with a gf, especially one of my MMORPGs FFXIV. That game kinda forces you to make friends lol. :rainbowlaugh:

5678461 Why not treat every date like its the first? I think that's the problem with some marriages, they just stick to the old regime of go out, eat and spend time together. Wait... that's exactly what I put. :facehoof: Anyway as I mentioned to Winston, that type of date would be for special occasions. A date does not always involve leaving the house, although for me I spend too much time at home, that's why I like to go out. Some girls that I dated actually enjoyed the dates I took them on, some didn't, it really just depends on the person.

I hope I'm not coming off as attacking you guys for your opinions. I'm just trying to clarify what I meant by my original post. All this was was to get the group active, finding similarities between ourselves and overall just have a discussion about our interests. So please, keep the replies coming! :raritywink:


Why not treat every date like its the first?

Why would you want awkwardness and uncertainty for every date? :rainbowlaugh:

5678635 Lol. How about why not try to impress your date just like you would on the first date, should be easier since you know them better, right?

5678661 I don't think I've ever tried to impress anyone, much less a date. :rainbowderp: Either they'll be interested in me or they won't. No sense in trying to show myself off at a radical level when that's not how I always am.

Haha, wow. Someone out there must be really sour about dating to have gone through the whole thread and downvoted every single post (up to 5678461 )

my ideal date is going to a restaurant, then a movie, then home video games >:D

I tend to go with the flow most of the time.

But in my ideal date, I would take my lady on a tranquil walk to the beach. Followed by a a drive back home with David Bowie blasting in the car speakers, and ending it with seeing Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door.

But I don't have a lady, and that may sound boring so there is that.

Group Admin

5678053 Oooo look
A thread I can interact with :raritystarry:

Anyway, I think it'd be on the shore of some body of water (really any haha) under a willow tree
Maybe we'd dance, maybe not, as long as it's with him.

And I'm with you. I'd rather wait until I'm married to have sex :twilightsheepish:

5734308 Hey, if you both like it then it's not boring. :raritywink: Walking on the beach is usually a good way to go, especially barefoot, love the feeling of the sand beneath my feet. :twilightsmile: Then music to fill the ride home and a movie, perfect to strengthen your relationship just by doing things you both enjoy.

5734435 Exactly the reason I made the post. :raritywink: There might even be a chance someone else see's your post and decides to pm you if their interested. :yay:

Outside dates are the best too. Not as restricting as the dinner date or going to a movie, and depending on where you live can have some amazing sights to see.

I'm gonna come up with some more interactive posts like these and hope they get just as great a response. :raritystarry:

Group Admin

5734480 Oh
By interact before I meant something I could say. I actually am not single as of this comment, though I was when I first joined the group. And who knows? Maybe I'll be single again soon.
He lives far away, which is why I can only dream of a date xD

5734484 Ah a long distance relationship. Had a few friends that tried that out. Half of them it worked out, half didn't. :twilightblush: Guess it depends on the people involved. Wish the best of luck for the both of you. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

5734486 And I wish you luck in finding the one :twilightsmile:

5734484 You need to be extra careful with those kinds of relationships, though. I speak out of experience, as I recently left a nine year long distant relationship. All was good, we met many times during these years, and I was about to ask her to marry me. But what happened? She told me that during four of those nine years, she'd been cheating on me with another guy, and then she had the audacity to say that it wasn't cheating if she liked him more, and also that girls can't cheat, only guys.

So be careful and thoughtful in your relationship, and hopefully things'll go well for the both of you :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

5734505 Well, we're not 'other side of the world' long distance. Not even 'other side of the country'
Still, it's rather far, and we're only teenagers, so who knows what might happen?

Group Admin


Well, my ideal date is a simple one: a walk in the park not too far from a plaza where we could eat, dance, watch a movie before coming home and slowly go into a cuddle for the rest of the night.

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