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Welcome to the Quarterly Displaced Idea Thread
December 2016
January 2017
February 2017

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August - November 2016
Pre-2016 Thread
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Lord Dominator Displaced

MC gets talked into dressing up as Lord Dominator by a friend who is a huge fan of Wander Over Yonder. Friend wanted to wear the cosplay, but wasn't tall enough. MC doesn't really know the show too well, but thought the costume was cool.

Friend buys MC either the Frostonium Ray that gives Dominator ice powers in the show:

Or buys him a toy of one of the Dominator-Bots:

MC winds up getting Displaced into Equestria, and is pretty pissed to realize that underneath the Lord Dominator armor, he now looks like: :trollestia:

An idea I've been thinking of lately is a Displaced Goku Black story where, unlike the recent Zamasu based story, the character is not evil or anything, continuing the trend of villain-like heroes.

The main character could be an old fan of Dragon Ball who's never seen Super and is recommended by a friend to go as the mysterious Evil Goku, having no real idea of who he is or his powers (besides being even in strength with SSJ2 Goku in his base form).

The item that would trigger the events would have to be one of the Potara Earrings. The only other option would be the Ring of Time but I don't think having the ability to go to the future would be good for the plot.

The best way to power scale him would be to have most of his power locked, having to regain it through intense battles and Black's instant Zenkai Boosts.

This would eventually lead him to unlock the power of Super Saiyan Rose in a more convenient time rather than having it right from the start.

This could also lead him to start upgrading his abilities, such as going from the Ki Knife to the Ki Sword to the Ki Scythe.

I know it's pretty generic but I think it would be pretty enjoyable to read.

This is the only idea I have to present; but first a brief history:
A young lovable smart:yay:, named (insert name here) goes to comic-con cosplaying his favorite, but well known RPG hero, when a run-in sale with the merchant transports him to the old ages of Equestria, when Celestia and Luna had just defeated Discord. Who is the now transformed (semi) protagonist?
This guy:
If you don't know who Shulk is let me provide a link to help explain also spoilers.

The item in question that triggers the transformation/dimensional warp, is the monado itself.

I can imagine him becoming a visionary/guard for Celestia due to his ability see the future and being on Luna's s:yay: list due to Zanza being inside of him might benefit the story bit,
but other than that I was hoping you or anyone else who might see this would add to this, and to be honest most of my ideas get shot down anyways, but like I said this is only story I have and it would be nice to see it made, since I can't write unfortunately.

I don't know about you, but there's a lack of Rayman Crossovers(Not the Raving Rabbids, but the classic ones, or Origins if you prefer that)

It involves a Young Carefree Man going to the Cosplay with his Big Brother and two Sisters, Cosplaying as their favorite characters of a different game while the young one cosplays as his favorite platforming Character he plays as on a Playstation game, until the Merchant incident sends him and his Siblings into the Magical Land of Equestria right during the Crystal Empire incident, and also Separated.

And by becoming the mighty Rayman, he loses all the limbs for his hands, feet, and also lost his neck, but still alive with floating hands and head and body. I could think he'll be the main hero, but doesn't start off with those powers until he progresses. And I could imagine that Displaced character battling against Mr. Dark and his minions trying to invade Equestria, just like in the game.

Master of Death Harry Potter and Dobby
A guy gets displaced as an immortal harry potter with only Dobby either who was either a stuffed plushie or possibly a friend or younger sibling. Shenanigans ensue as he travels the land in a pre mane 6 equestria. Could potentially have him raise celestia and luna or help out when discord came around.

Equestria... kinda sucks.

Well, I guess I'm rather biased. A majority of Equestria is actually pretty nice, the populace is accepting and accommodating towards each other and even those they view as outsiders. They have a bustling populace that for the most part has a fairly low crime rate. Their technology level is sporadic, at times being awe-inspiring and at others completely depressing.

I can't for the life of me figure out the discrepancies. Unpaved roads and toaster ovens. Horse drawn carriages and zeppelins. I even heard rumors of a magic powered helicopter.

Oh yeah, they have magic, did I forget to mention that? An entire third of their population could be considered wizards, magical abilities and all. While a majority of them only have a base grasp of telekinesis, there are a few that have mastered far more arcane abilities.

The other two thirds aren't to be dismissed, however. Uncontested physical strength, and unaided free flight. Truly, all three sub races are quite awe inspiring.

If only every single one of them didn't take a single look at me and instantly assume I was some sort of a pet.


Besides the unfamiliar plumbing, the derisive attitude of the governing populace to one of my 'race', and the general uselessness of my current purpose -While the ponies of Ponyville might have acquiesced and made me their 'police officer', in the end it is an empty gesture designed solely to placate me and fill up my otherwise empty days.- I've discovered a rather disturbing facet of my new form.

Not only do I find my thoughts drifting ever towards the possibility of raising children in the future -an idea that simultaneously intrigues and disgusts me, based off of the fact that the only available breeding stock would be little better than near mindless animals as well as the general unease relating to my new form- but I have begun to have...


I've maintained my composure out in public, but behind closed doors and tucked away down darkened alleys, the shuddering ache overtakes me. The shivers arc through my chest, pooling in my stomach. My legs ache and twitch, urging me to simply leap forth and take the prize my body desires. With ever mere glance in her direction, my eyes lock onto her back end and demand I act.

I've got to do something soon. I've seen some of the ponies, they've seen my unfettered reactions. If I'm not careful...

They might actually get the wrong idea and assume I'm crushing on Carrot Top.

The fact that I get hungry every time I look at her butt isn't exactly a step up.


This was either the best idea... or the absolute worst.

The main pros are that the adolescent group known as the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' are young, energetic, and driven. Sadly their main source of activity seems to be a progressively random list of attempts to gain a 'cutie mark'. After a single afternoon of interacting with them, I've already figured out what would probably suit them best. Or at the very least, I have a strongly backed suspicion as to what their 'special talents' might be.

Applebloom has an inquisitive mind, and constantly is looking at the underlying structure of how things work. To add to that, she also seems to have an interest in building, specifically in woodworking. Despite this 'obvious' aptitude, she prefers to continue her activities with her two friends in 'searching' for a mark.

Scootaloo is the most obvious of the trio, a firebrand and a devious Evel Knievel that proves to be quite capable on that scooter of hers. She's performed stunts I never would have attempted or even imagined attempted back home, and seems to have an unwavering drive to seek out more dangerous routes through town. At one point I saw her take advantage of a misplaced plank, turning the obstruction into an opportune ramp.

Sweetiebelle by far was the most difficult to suss out. She followed in her friends steps, giving just as much energy to every task as they did. But she seemed... distant. Slightly askew, as if she were just going through the motions. She was having fun, but nothing they did spoke to her. Until That one moment, where she wasn't thinking about the world around her. A sweet voice crept forth from her lips, and filled the air between us with dulcet tones of surprising emotion.

So she was a singer. Too bad she has a crippling sense of poor self worth.

So here I stand, after having recruited the whole gambit. Applebloom and Scootaloo don't need the benefits a neighborhood watch program will instill, mainly camaraderie and physical improvement. But Sweetiebelle will improve immeasurably from stepping outside of her comfort zone.

I'll help her gain confidence, no matter what.

When I was a little kid, I saw a certain animated movie. Aladdin. Even way back then a particular line stood out, and struck me in the face with how sad it was in the grand scheme of things.

Ultimate power. Itty-bitty living space.

For all the Genie was capable of, no matter the heights to which he could ascend... He was bound. No matter what he did, in the end he would always return to the lamp. He would always bow before the will of those that held the lamp. He was a servent, a prisoner, a slave.

When I landed in Equestria... I found myself in a similar prediciment. Not bound to a lamp, nor to a master.

Bound to the expectations of those around me. Bound by the bigotry of those who see me as nothing more than 'another one'. Bound by this world in and of itself.

I can't leave. With all the powers I've gained, with all the abilities at my disposal... I'm chained to this world. Bound by one beyond my powers.

As long as I'm stuck here, my wife... my beautiful little baby girl... I'll never see them again.

And he knows that.

I refuse. I refuse to sit, and rot on this world. I refuse to simply give up on those I've left behind. I refuse to be the foil the princesses of this land see me as for their chosen few.

I am not Discord. With all my powers, I can see why they would confuse me with him. But I'll show them. I'll show them just what I am.


I think a fic where group of cosplayers end up in Equestria during the season 2 premier as the full roster of the Brotherhood of Dada might be cool.

Unfortunately don't think I'd do a very good job with it, but I can think of some running gags.

1: Malcolm surprising Pinkie (his power to "come as no surprise" means he doesn't tip off her Pinkie Sense), a lot
2: Twilight going full FPK and Lesson Zero because she's trying to make friends with Number None.
3: The Alias Cosplayer questioning his existence, constantly. (the canon origin of Alias makes him/her/it/yes the undead reflection of an insane, comatose German actress, so the very fact he's active as a Displaced in the first place makes no sense...though it could be a useful plot point)
4: Sections from the POV of Frenzy being terribly written, up until he run into someone equally as illiterate as him whereupon his dialogue shifts into the queens English (well, maybe not the Queens English, we shouldn't expect miracles).
5: Byron trying not to eat people.
6: Sleepwalk being nice to Luna.

Edit: How have there been no takers for this?

Okay so I was playing transistor (great game by the way) when, not only did I just think "hey it be cool to see someone make a displace fic of this" but how you could even pull of someone being dragged along with Red and becoming Transistor.

in a nutshell, you have two friend that go to game-con, one is dressed up as Red but couldn't get her hands on a transistor replica, the other is just going in his casual clothing. Red's friend come across the merchant, who just so happens to have a transistor replica for sale. He buys the replica for Red, however as he's giving the replica to Red, their both suddenly transported to MLP and Red's friend become transistor on the trip there.

If someone does make a Transistor displaced story could you give me a link? Thanks!

A guy gets transformed into harbour princess/seaport hime from kantai collection, thought it would be funny since that's my cosplay for comic-con in march :pinkiehappy:

Displaced Negan from the Walking Dead in a Fallout Equestria verse.

Greetings and Bienvenue, Equestria

Displaced went to a con dressed as Vincent Vladislav Argost, the villain from The Secret Saturdays.

While there, he lost his mask, and wound up being given a replacement one by a guy who looked a lot like Argost's assistant, Munya.

Gets Displaced and winds up in Equestria as Argost, and now has the villain's uncanny knowledge of Equestria's countless cryptids/monsters.
Also, (image below is spoiler for Secret Saturdays) he is now also a yeti like Argost secretly was.

Story could go virtually any direction, such as:
- Displaced follows the original Argost's example and decides he wants to rule Equestria with an army of monsters.
- Displaced becomes a figurehead for Equestrian monsters that don't want to be feared and hunted.
- Displaced has to try and survive in Equestria while being hounded by Agent Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon) of S.M.I.L.E. = the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria.
- Some combo of the previous ideas.
- Your own idea!

Hello All again. December is almost over, so I will share a couple more Idea for anyone.

- Displaced geek going to a Con as Guy from Final Fight and Street Fighter, who happens to be a Martial Artist, but an Orange Belt rather than a Black Belt. Ends up in Equestria with DBZ elements and ends up invited by a Team of three looking for members for the Ultimate Martial Arts Tournament(Similar to Dragonball Fusion which I played.)

- A Displaced who is Semi-Master at Chess, Ending up as a Pretender(From Dominions Game Series) Sea Dragon in the Magical Land of Equestria where tribes are at war(Way before the show) and that Displaced ends up being Merponies new God in the Ascension war.

- A Displaced becoming Marth from Fire Emblem, ends up in humanized Equestria where the Humane-Six used the Elements on him thinking he's the agent of chaos, but then the Elements punishes the bearers and seals the Powers until they earn his forgiveness. BUT INSTEAAAAAAD, Twilight and her friends turns evil against Equestria.

- A Displaced mute ending up in Equestria with powers of The Gamer (With ARK: Survival Evolved Elements) and must craft and survive against Royal Guards and Hunters who sees him as a Monster. It won't be long before he escapes Equestrian Borders and builds a house here, before very later becoming allies with Changelings, Dragons, etc, when Princess Celestia turns tyrant after Denouncements from other nations.

- A Displaced becoming Optimus Prime from Transformers ending up in Equestria with Kaiju Monsters like Godzilla and such since this is the 'Amalgam'verse' he's in, and also ends up Teaming with Kaijus when Decepticons decided to invade for Energon.

- A Displaced Otaku ends up having Chaotic powers to conjure Rider Belts or Sentai Henshining Devices and dragged to Canterlot High where he starts playing Superheroes and Supervillains, until a Rider-Sentai war has been declared after such Misunderstandings, and that Otaku ends up siding with Kamen Riders to protect Canterlot High and the Students against bigot Sentais.

5709464 A Displaced in Tarb's Amalgam'verse? That's a new one...

Journal Entry 1:
My name is Simon Parker.
Celestia and Luna gave me this recording crystal to keep a record of my thoughts after I made it clear that I... might start to forget things.
My name is Simon Parker and I do not belong in Equestria. I wound up here after I bought a crown at a convention. I've already forgotten why I even wanted the crown, but I have it now... and I can't seem to get rid of it. Either it won't let me, or I won't let me... I'm not really sure anymore.
I met Celestia and Luna shortly after I came to Equestria, and I was able to use to crown to help them fight some being called Discord. We stopped him, but the way he smiled at me before he was turned to stone... It's like he knew what would happen to me...
My name is Simon Parker, and I am turning into the Ice King.

Journal Entry 12:
My name is Simon Parker.
I've tried to get rid of the crown, but it's temptation is too strong. And not just for me.
I think Luna might have tried it on. Did she want to spare me its madness, or did she simply want to feel its power?
I've seen the way she looks at the crown.
But it's my crown.
My name is Simon Parker.

Journal Entry 15:
Simon here.
I'm having trouble getting warm. But part of me wants it to get even colder...
Simon Says... wait. That's not right...

Journal Entry... 22?
My mind is going... Daisy... Daisy...
... I could go for a daisy sandwich.

Journal Entry?
Where is Gunter? I need to find Gunter. He would know what to do. How to stop all these horses from taking my crown.

These horsies keep trying to take my crown, but they can't have it. Only kings get crowns and I'm the only king!

I've heard there's another king. Does he have a crown? Do the horsies try to take it from him too? Maybe he knows what happened to Gunter...

Eeheehee! I found the other king! He lives in a cold, cold place that just sooooo globbin' amazing.
His name's Som-bro! We's gonna be a couple a bling kings bros up in here!

OMGlob. Best news ever! Som-bro's saying a couple of princess are coming to meet us! And we each get one!
... I mean the math checks out, I guess, but what princess is gonna go for Som-bro when they get a gander at this handsome hunk of an Ice King?

Group Admin

As a precaution, please do not use too many pictures. Videos are not allowed.

Someone create some memelord. I don't care what it is, just do it. Bonus points if it's done well.

PS: It's yer boi.

Group Admin


Like Pinksuit? If not, just start talking with Short.

5708855 Dang it. I can't get this idea out of my head now. I think I'm going to have to claim it for myself. Should I delete my suggestion from this thread?

Someone goes to a convention and buys the Witchblade gauntlet. However, instead of getting turned into someone who is bonded to the Witchblade when they get displaced to Equestria, they get turned into the Witchblade itself and are forced to bond to a pony to defend Equestria against the warring factions of the Darkness and the Angelus.

I recommend the pony it bonds with be Lyra. :trollestia:

(Similar concept could also work with a Displaced who is turned into either the Darkness or the Angelus.)

Fulgore anyone?

I have one that's been boiling away in my mind for awhile. How many of you folks have played Payday 2? Yep that's where I'm going with this.

A group of friends dresses as the Payday gang for a video game convention and get their butts displaced. Given the new skills that the heisters have, they decide to go on the largest crime spree Equestria had ever seen. Considering how crazy some of these heists can get, I feel it could work well.

You may be wondering how crazy I mean. Well... when robbing a bank, it's recommended to use a stealth approach and sneak the bags out... These guys will just drive a bus through a wall in a parking ramp and into the bank to get the bags out... I am not making that up.

I've actually got an idea that's not actually about what the person is displaced as, but more about who they are.

What if a little kid got displaced? Maybe their parent bought him/her something from the merchant and it transported the kid to Equestria, where one of the main six or one or both of the princesses take care of them, maybe being cautious about him at first because of their appearance, but take pity on them because they learn how young they are.

I'm thinking that a displaced character like this would be a pretty fun and innocent fic to crossover with other displaced fics. Maybe make the kid the little brother/sister that all the other displaced that meet them just can't help but like and want to play with them. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

It can be up in the air what the kid gets displaced as.

5732769 The idea has potential. For instance, what if the kid was wearing a Godzilla costume? :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

Sounds along the right lines of it. Every pony would be panicking and trying to ward him off like with the Ursa Minor, not realizing he's only a kid. I bet Fluttershy would be the one to feel sympathy to him and find out his age.

5733448 I could see him becoming friends with Spike afterwards.

I haven't seen any kids or younger children sent to Equestria as a displaced, and I think that it would be interesting to see how crossovers with older displaced characters. I've seen a few older displaced becoming enemies with other older displaced, and I'm wondering if anyone would be able to start a conflict with the kid and follow through with it.

Displaced Cersei Lannister story. Main character is cosplaying as Cersei Lannister and pulling off bloody brilliant acting skills, ends up buying either a replica of one of Cersei's favorite wine glasses or accessories or dresses, and ends up in Equestria. MC has to learn about politics, so they have to hit the books. May or may not be language barriers involved, but I'm not certain about that. Either way, some of Cersei's madness starts pouring into our MC's head, and after all that studying up on politics, our MC plots to become Queen and possibly make a real replica of the Iron Throne. Shit hits the fan, other than that I've got no idea. Just shooting this idea out there for anyone to pick up. I have no understanding of politics, nor do I think I could do this idea the justice it deserves.

Has anyone done an Inuyasha displacement?


Are there any plans for a "War of Return" or similar sometime soon?


I would so cross over with that idea... An Emotion Lord in Equestria, good god.

Group Admin


A War of Return? I assume you mean Displace trying to get home, and honestly no. I sincerely hope people don't try writing another War yet. At least, those without experience.


Perhaps it could be spearheaded by someone with experience? After all, with the Displaced and the Void Dwellers split on such a controversial topic, it would probably need the guidance of the person in charge him/herself?

Group Admin


Perhaps it shouldn't happen in general, these things don't end well.


True. But, if someone such as myself, who tends to be pretty far behind the curve on things like this, came up with such an idea, then perhaps it's already on other writers' minds.

This bears watching, in case it spreads.

Group Admin


At this rate, I may be pressed to outright ban Wars in general, due to the issues they cause. Its not the case of being behind the curve, everyone thinks of returning, but a War of Return would not accomplish much unless all of the fics involved were at their end. It would also allow those writers to trip over each other. Simply put, at current time, it is not the best idea.

Land of the overemotional, amiright?

"Cachews in yo mouth!"


He'd be rather effective against the Changelings, I imagine.

That or he'd be viewed as a direct food source. Who knows what kind of emotions would constantly be roiling off of him...

The Abyss Watchers

Possibly a group of friends (like 4 or 5) are sent to Equestria, a few tainted by the abyss and the others forced to kill their tainted friends. Would be cool if they had to fight Manus or something.

Or maybe Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, the only boss the hunter BACKS AWAY FROM.

Shit, sometimes I wish I could write.

Someone get displaced as Gene Starwind from Outlaw star.

I have a Idea that is based kinda off "The Gamer" manga where some poor random smuck (Perfered as a guy before turned female, but this is one of those "Free" ideas) gets turned into the gamer and just to add a spin to it you could make it to where they replaced the mind of a existing character. Though you see very little in vampiric displaced so why not add that to the gamer abilities?

What about someone being Displaced as Venger, the villain from the Dungeons & Dragons animated TV show?

Basic concept: MC gets Displaced as Venger. Once in Equestria, Shadow Demon (perhaps the Nightmare freshly banished from Luna) claims that MC can get back home if he acquires the Elements of Harmony - which could function similar to the magical items the kids from the TV show had.
MC at first tries to optimistically ask for the Elements so he can use them... but not many ponies seem willing to trust a demonic being like him, so he is forced to flee before the Elements of Harmony can be used against him. Afterwards, he begins to mount increasingly villainous attempts to acquire the Elements until he starts to lose track of why he wanted them in the first place.

Huh. Might be a little difficult to keep it from becoming like Darth Vulcan now that I think about it...

For those unfamiliar with Venger, here's a "Best of" video.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


Could turn out Harry was Starswirl the Bearded

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

Looking into an old idea of mine. Not sure how I'd decide most of the perks to it, but it could be fun.
Basic synopsis of the story:

There are legends in Equestria. The Mare in the Moon, the Harmonic Gemstones, and the Empire of Crystal are just a few.

There are legends across Equus. Tirek the Destroyer, The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, The Lord of Absolute Chaos.

There is a fact in the Dragonlands. The Dragon King will return.

Lately I'm kind of retro.

That seems to them something like:


What better antagonist to send to a magical world than a being whose mission is to destroy all those who believe in magic.

Something random I came across: The Spellweaver from Dungeons and Dragons.

Bizarre and obscure, but a rather intriguing being to be Displaced as...

Quick question, does it count as an idea if I suggest someone makes a list with all the Displaced's tokens and summon speeches?

Cause I'm going through a bunch of stories to just find out what the exact words of their speeches were, and it is tedious.

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