The Doctor is in trouble and it’s up to Twilight to help. Instructions on what to do are written in his Diary, but the text scrambles itself to hide it’s secrets. So with no other clear options, she decides to read from page one.
Sunset Shimmer has fled back to Equestria, forced out of place by her double. The local versions of her friends try to make her feel comfortable, but Sunset is upset and scared. Worse still, she's becoming unstable again. She didn't come back alone.
"So... Doctor... care to take a stroll in our private garden?" The First Doctor encounters the Two Sisters in the pre-classical era, and the encounter changes the destinies of all three of them forever.
On a perfectly ordinary day in Equestria, school teacher Cheerilee notices something... a lot of things wrong with one of her students. She and her boyfriend Big Macintosh set out to investigate and end up taking a trip through time and space.
Fleeing from the Time Lords the Doctor accidentally damages the barrier between his own universe and that of Equestria an event that may lead to disaster for both universe. Now he must visit Equestria again and again to solve the problem.
In Honor of the 50th Anniversary, a ponyfication of the 20th anniversary. All five original Doctors join forces to fight an evil going back to Gallopfreyan antiquity.