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A thousand years after the Princesses disappeared from Equestria, Twilight Sparkle meets a lost Cloudsdale scout named Rainbow Dash. Together they look for a way to end the thousand-year night and dispel the darkness that has spread across Equestria.

Edited by Pascoite
Contains fairly mild grim-dark. Inspiration taken from the Dark Souls games, but it's not strictly a crossover.
Chapters titled "Arc #: Chapter Name" are part of the main story. Chapters titled "Character: Chapter Name" are one-shots about other characters, set in the same world, and aren't necessary in order to follow the main story.

Chapters (10)

All magic vanished from the world when Discord fell. Along with it, the might of the unicorns and alicorn princesses dwindled. Even the Elements Of Harmony lost their potence and were lost in the sea of time.

Left without the guidance of the alicorns and the magic of harmony, the ponies soon raised Equestria to a country ruled by science and industry. But still, some remain who dream of magic.

As the mysterious beast Magia threatens the world, a sickly filly named Twilight Sparkle and five friends take it upon themselves to delve into the caverns beneath Canterlot to find the burial ground of magic, the Lunarium.

This is an ongoing Rewrite. The story in and of itself was finished in April 2013 but needed some massive editing. This new version features all new scenes, better descriptions, less mistakes, 3D-Effects, and a gratis code for the DLC-Character "Emo Pie", which on any other occasion would've been a pre-order bonus only.

Or something.

Current Coverart by: kmrshy, go check 'em out.

Also thanks to everybody who helps/ed editing this story, no matter if you did only help me with one chapter or all. Thank you for turning this rewrite from another mess into a brilliant story!

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Dreams and Disasters

Rainbow Dash has a new problem.

It isn’t that her relationship with Twilight Sparkle has diminished in the year that they have been together, even despite Twilight’s new position as an Equestrian Princess. If anything, the past year has brought them closer together than before. As far as Rainbow Dash is concerned, her life is pretty much perfect. That is, until she notices that her colors are fading.

In a panic to discover what is happening to her, she stumbles headfirst into an ancient secret dating back to long before the formation of Equestria, with her family in the middle. With Twilight and her friends, both old and new, at her side, she will once again venture out into the wide world of Equus, not for love, but for answers. About her family, her heritage, and the theft of the oldest artifact known to pony kind: The Celestial Prism.

Takes place canonically shortly after the Season 3 finale and well before the Season 4 Premier

Chapters (29)