• Member Since 9th Mar, 2019

Alpha Wolf 4500

When it comes to most of my stories, don't make assumptions. Not only is there a 99.9% chance that you're wrong, but it's also frustrating to me.

Stories by my bud! 4 stories
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Total Words: 21,575
Estimated Reading: 1 hour



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After waking up one day, ready to help the other pegasi weather teams with all the snow, Lightning Sprint's day is changed when she begins to sneeze... again and again.

A couple of friends drop by to see how she's doing and cheer her up but one visit in particular is a pleasant surprise.

Chad belongs to Alpha Wolf

This is a Canon story in the FaM Universe

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to First Orders Received

As Lucian gets back to the Hive after finishing his mission, he goes for a check up and a debrief whilst the officers and Queen Chrysalis herself discuss his progress and how the mission went. Upon reading Lucian's report, a decision is made and Lucian has to face the consequences of his actions during the mission. These consequences will make Lucian decide what kind of changeling and what kind of soldier he will choose to be.

This story is a Canon story in the FaM Universe

Chapters (1)

In Appleloosa, the tavern is one of the most populated locations. For this reason, many members of staff need to be hired. One of these members of staff is Meadow, a unicorn mare who works as a bartender. Along with her two good friends, Early Bird and Sugar Spice, as well as the rest of the staff, Meadow works hard to bring in customers and earn those sweet sweet bits. This shift in particular, however, will test the staff's resolve. Buckle down, it's gonna be a long night.

Chapters (1)

When Lucian is given his first ever mission, it comes as a surprise that it is a mission he must undertake alone. His orders are given to him by Queen Chrysalis herself and a high ranking changeling officer. With a desire to succeed, Lucian sets out to secure the artifact and return it back at any cost.

This story is an canon interseasonal story in the FaM Universe

Chapters (1)