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Andrew Joshua Talon

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Short Hand: Equestrian Differences 3 · 1:38am Aug 22nd, 2021

Shepherd was chilling out with Fluttershy and Treehugger in Fluttershy's cottage.

Treehugger: "Dude... You're a human."

Shepherd: "Uh, yeah. You said that."

Treehugger: "It's like... Cosmic. You're an alien. That's so wicked sweet."

Shepherd: "It... Has its moments."

Fluttershy: "Treehugger is an expert herbalist!"

Shepherd: "Uh huh...?"

Treehugger: "Yeah. I put some herbs in these brownies. Want some?"

Shepherd: "Um... What kind of herbs are we talking here?"

Treehugger: "Dude, don't be so stressed. Be mellow. The herbs just help you, like, relax and realign your chakras."

Shepherd: "I don't have chakra. Can't do ninjutsu."

Fluttershy: "I've checked the herbs myself, Shepherd. I-I promise, they aren't harmful to you."

Shepherd: sigh "... Well, it's been a while since college, but... What the hell."

Shepherd takes a brownie, takes a bite... Chews...

Shepherd: "..."

Shepherd manages to swallow it, barely. He chugs some water, and gasps for breath.

Shepherd: "Blechhhh... What's this texture?!"

Treehugger: "Hay."

Shepherd: "You put hay in brownies?!"

Treehugger: "Dude, I'm a pony."

Shepherd: "Geh... I..." His pupils dilate "Wooooaaahhhh... Wh-What the hell is this?!"

Treehugger: "Those are the herbs kicking in... It shouldn't be too bad, just relax and-"


Shepherd screams and throws himself out the nearest window.

Fluttershy: "Treehugger! That wasn't supposed to happen!"

Treehugger: "Must've been the aphrodisiacs. My bad."

Fluttershy: "THE APHRO-WHAT?!"

Comments ( 7 )

Eh, that's always been the low-hanging fruit with Treesy. (Well, not fruit, per se...) I like to think she generates her own cannabinoids through earth pony magic, much in the same way Pinkie produces stimulants.

Shepherd thought they were cannabinoids... Treehugger was actually trying to help out Fluttershy and herself.

I wonder if PCP is an aphrodisiac in Equestria?

I think Treehugger put LSD instead of the "herb" we thought it would be in those special brownies.

Treehugger: "Must've been the aphrodisiacs. My bad."

Fluttershy: "THE APHRO-WHAT?!"


This made me laugh way too hard.

Makes me think of that side mission in GTA V. Are those clowns over there?! :rainbowderp:

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