• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

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  • 3 weeks

    Hey guys.

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  • 7 weeks

    Heyo guys!

    Just wanted to give you a quick update on progress. The latest chapter is written, and I have started on writing the chapter after that. So the story is moving ahead nicely. :twilightsmile:

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  • 8 weeks

    I'm so sorry guys, but I have to put this story on pause.

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  • 10 weeks

    Writing: 100%

    Editing: 0% (Will start soon.)

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  • 14 weeks
    New New Cover

    Soooo, due to popular demand, the old cover has returned, until I have made a better one. Thankfully I can still use the artwork, just without the text. But don't worry, you guys have your cute Luna back. :twilightsmile:

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    8 comments · 720 views

Comic Test · 1:41pm Jul 9th, 2021

So recently I challenged my artist with something new. :pinkiegasp:

I told her to create a test page for me. I want to do certain stories, and in them have art, but not just art, comic pages to better illustrate certain scenes. This was something new for her, as she usually did one picture at a time. So this was new for us, I needed to write a script and come up with ideas for each panel, and she in turn had to make it a reality. :twilightsmile:

I think she did amazingly with this little test page. Don't you? :raritywink:

Big thanks to my favorite artist, Hoodwinked MCShelster !!! :twilightsmile: :pinkiehappy: :ajsmug: :rainbowkiss: :raritystarry: :yay: :heart:

Comments ( 8 )

Yeah, she did. It looks great!

She did amazing work now you got me wondering if the pony lives that is in the chest

Amazing comic! Good job Artist

Gotta say, this look great! Good job on the artist, all power to her.

this is why james bond packs a life vest and a ciggarete case, to both not drown and to burn down wood
smh worst detective ever.

He is just a Colt, and yes he will survive. Mostly though, this was more a test. But I had this scene in my head, so I wanted to get it drawn. :)

To be fair, he is just a foal, and he did get knocked out first. XD

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