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JD Reviews: Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) · 3:24pm Apr 8th, 2021

Oh my, oh my, oh my! It's been a fat ol' second since I've done one of these reviews, and for a blockbuster to bring back the theaters! This is my review of the long-awaited Godzilla vs. Kong! Enjoy! :twilightsmile:


What a great way to get back into theaters! Godzilla vs. Kong is nothing if not a spectacular blockbuster meant to shock and awe you. The sheer level of destruction shown in this movie is jaw dropping, with two legendary monsters battling on the big screen for the first time in over 40 years. And let me just say, the fights are not disappointing. The CGI is absolutely stunning, with a size and scale unlike anything else in the MonsterVerse. Each monster deals their own satisfying blows, each monster has their own incredible moments, and of course, we have our definitive winner finally decided!

Enough of the pros, let's talk about the cons. Though I did enjoy some aspects of the human story (great to see Madison back and the human side to Kong's story was pretty great) it is once again riddled with contrivances and stupid moments that made me tilt my head on a few occasions. The leaps in logic that occur in this film are head-scratching to say the least, but they are not overly in your face. They happen, they're there, and you move on the fights.

Besides, monke vs lizard in Hong Kong was worth the price of admission.

Overall, a great entry in the MonsterVerse! 9/10! What were your thoughts?


This movie took some risks, and that's admirable in and of itself!

First of all, Skull Island is basically devastated because of a freak storm that killed all the natives except for one, Jia. Though it was a little disappointing that we never got to see all the Titans moving to Skull Island that was teased at the end of KOTM. Still, I would say Jia's story with Kong was the strongest human element in this movie, and possibly the best human element in the MonsterVerse. Still like John C. Reilly tho.

One of the things that was a little weird was the main human plot. Apex apparently needs a power source in the Hollow Earth to strengthen their machines, and they need Kong to lead them to the power source... or... Yeah, I need to see the film again. Remind me if I was on the nose. Regardless, it was hard to get invested in the human stakes this time around. Oh well. As long as we get monke to fight lizard, then I'm game.

Gotta say tho, seeing the Hollow Earth was amazing. The possibilities for future entries in the MonsterVerse just skyrocketed. Here's hoping we get some more sequels! Getting there was a little wonky, what with the wormholes and crap. Didn't really make a whole lotta sense. Kong journeying into the Hollow Earth to see the home of his ancestors and retrieve the axe was awesome tho. Plus, Godzilla having the power to blow a hole directly to the center of the planet with just his breath was ridiculous. In a good/insane way :).

Loved the Hong Kong fight. Easily the highlight of the film. Godzilla and Kong absolutely decimate the city, and we finally have our definitive winner (TeamGodzilla for life!). But even with Kong defeated, he still helps take down Mechagodzilla before the machine had the chance to kill Godzilla. So if Kong could defeat Mechagodzilla, could that technically mean he'd have another shot at beating Godzilla in the future? It's nice to leave the fans with the kind of open-ended question. :ajsmug:

Kong lays claims to the Hollow Earth as his new home, and we have our ending... with no post credits scene. :( Honestly, I really hope we get more entries. There's so much more Godzilla and Kong material the MonsterVerse can delve into. We've only scraped the top of the barrel!

Fantastic entry overall. Some weird and stupid moments, but didn't detract from the main focus of the film. 9/10! What were your thoughts?

Report JDPrime22 · 706 views · Story: The One True King ·
Comments ( 28 )

Well if you ever cover this as part of your next project. You can always tackle all the cons and improve it in your own words.

This is easily had the best fights in the monsterverse. No question.

The human characters were fine. They did there job and didn’t get in the way too much. Team Kong was better because it was mostly focused on Kong and what he was doing. Also exploring the hollow earth was really cool and I kind of wished Kong and Godzilla fought there once dealing with the weird gravity and things like this.

The only thing I can say I’m really disappointed in is serizawa’s son. He was completely wasted here. Having someone who was so pro Godzilla only for there some to be the complete opposite could have been interesting and he could have been a decent human villain. It really felt like a lot was cut off from the movie due to the last movie’s reception and it really feels like it here. I hope they have survive the shock and return in future movies.

It was nice seeing Godzilla win after losing in the original. Even though Kong beat Mechagodzilla, he needed Godzilla to power up his ax, so I think Godzilla still is the over all winner here.

Also I really loved that Ghidorah is pretty much brought back to life as Mechagodzilla kind of like the Kiryu Mechagodzilla. Also a lot of fans speculate that the head controlling Mechagodzilla was Kevin. I guess dying really turned him into a bloodthirsty killer.

Also I just noticed but I think Mechagodzilla is the Kaiju that consistently gives Godzilla the hardest time in fighting him. The showa has him turn Godzilla into a blood fountain and nearly kills him twice, Heisie nearly kills him if it wasn’t for Rodan, millennium fights him to a stand still and sends him back into the water with a little help from mothra, and now this absolutely beats the crap out of Godzilla and needed both Zilla and Kong to beat him.

Do you think you might make a sequel to The One True King that follows the Godzilla vs. Kong storyline?

I went into this movie expecting big simple* monster mayhem, and that was exactly what I got. I think I still prefer KOTM as my favorite MonsterVerse movie, but this is definitely not far behind.

I will say that I agree with 5492936 that Ren Serizawa was the biggest let-down of the movie for me. Hopefully the novelization adds some more, but that doesn't change the movie.

Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed it. 7/10

*I say "simple" and not "dumb" because I feel like the latter carries inherently negative connotations, and I don't particularly like to use it. GvK isn't really dumb so much as it is straightforward, I feel.

Kahnac on Deviantart made a fan theory that really explains some confusing points in the story. You should go check it out sometime!

We are planning to make one.

I gotta agree with your view and the views of Jade Dawn and sonicandmario826. The plot was kinda trash, but it does its job and quickly gets to the kaiju action. The leaps in logic were kinda shitty as well. Ren was an underwhelming character. However, that doesn't detract from the overall experience. I'd actually give it a 9.5/10 due to its amazing CGI and the fact that it delivers squarely on its title and doesn't give a fuck about plot. As long as we see lizard/dino and monke beat the crap out of each other. MechaG was an added bonus. It also beats KotM and earned its rightful spot as my top 1 favorite movie overall.
As for my own contribution to my opinion? The soundtrack was amazing...but I prefer Bear McCreary's take.
Also, here's a meme.
Kongtards* when all their monke memes didn't make Kong win

*There is a difference between just being a Kong fan and liking the big monke in general and being a Kongtard.

I look forward to reading it when it gets published. I have a few suggestions that might make this story and the future one more epic, if you want to hear them.

Apparently the whole point of the monsterverse was to lead up to this confrontation but the producers would be willing to do more if the movie went well.

In my rewrite of Godzilla vs. Kong, Ren actually created Mechagodzilla to fill in Godzilla's place should he die and is on the side of the heroes rather than a wasted villain. Maia Simmons also defects from APEX after Kong saves her life and causes her to start questioning her father's ideals and goals.

The Movie was absolutely amazing, sadly i had to watch it at my Place due to none of my Theatres being open, but it was still a great film, i can't wait for your version of the Events

Comment posted by Paulli deleted Apr 9th, 2021

I saw the movie on HBO Max, and I while recognize its flaws, I do appreciate all the work put into it.

Fuck Yeah it was Epicness Incarnate

The only flaws I saw were that human villains were just generic dumbass power hungry wastes of castings especially Ren Serizawa he got wasted the most

I give it the same ratings as you did 9/10

I think I still like King of the Monsters a little bit more, if only because it's plot was a little more focused, but still, not a bad movie at all.
Okay, did anybody not realize that Apex was evil? Like, right from the beginning? (Also, what did they think was gonna happen, using Ghidorah's skull for the AI?)
Cool to see Mechagodzilla, and even cooler to see Kong and Godzilla's teamwork to take him down. Mechagodzilla's design is good, even if it's less streamlined than classic versions.
I hope, if we get more sequels, we get Godzilla versus Destroyah.

Overall, there are some pacing issues with this movie, the human elements were pretty boring, but the fights, particularly the Hong Kong fight made it all worthwhile.

I'm pretty sure in your story, a Hollow Equus will be some place worth a visit. And an ancient war to study.

(Original comment deleted by accident).

5492916 Exactly what I had in mind. :ajsmug:

5492936 Serizawa's son could have been one of the strongest human elements. Maybe he was vengeful for having lost his dad to Godzilla, I don't know. Anything other than nothing would have been nice.

5492941 Planning on it.

5492955 I'd say KOTM is still my favorite as well.

5492956 Might have to!

5493003 My buddies were in denial about Kong losing lol

5493031 I think it's doing pretty damn well so far, so here's hoping! :scootangel:

5493032 Now this would have offered dynamic characters!

5493221 :heart:

5493341 Same. :twilightsmile:

5493519 We definitely need a Destroyah in this universe. :pinkiecrazy:

5493685 Hollow Equus or Hollow Earth? I like the sound of both... :applejackunsure:


My buddies were in denial about Kong losing lol

Same lol. Some friends of mine didn't care about having the movie spoiled for them, so they asked me who won after I watched it at Easter. I told them Godzilla won, but they refused to believe and started going on about how Kong was monke and monke always wins.

I wonder if the MLP version of Godzilla vs. Kong will introduce new topics, like sexism and corrupt politics?

5493913 Why would it need to?

I like to believe that there are some stallions in Equestria who believe an Alicorn should be a stallion rather than a mare, and they see the Mane Six's mission of spreading friendship all over the world as nothing more but a joke/propaganda.

Seriously though, remember when everyone thought Kong would win because of the memes and the first trailer?

5494054 How little did they know that monke can only do so much.

I hope the MonsterVerse continues, this is so far my favorite movie in the universe, and Godzilla has so much untapped lore to adapt still, with the added charm of having Kong around.

Solid 10/10!!!

This has become my top favorite Monsterverse movie.

I, of course, loved the fights, but what I loved about it more was that we could fully SEE the fights. In Godzilla (2014), you could see the monster scenes well enough in the theatres, but when it came to Blue-Ray and Digital Download, the scenes were so dark, I had to turn my TV's brightness to max, and even with that, it was still hard to see. In Godzilla: King of the Monsters, you could see a little more of the scenes, but most took place during a storm and the only good lighting was from the flashes of lightning. Plus, they kept switching between the fights and the human drama. Now, in Godzilla vs Kong, you could see everything as some of the fights took place in the day, or were in a brightly lit area like Hong Kong, even the underwater scenes were fairly visible.

Given the success thus far with the film, I can imagine that the Monsterverse isn't done yet.


5495040 The lighting definitely made a huge difference! I'm pretty confident we'll get more MonsterVerse films considering how successful this one was!

I'm late, my appologies.

I know I made quite a big review for the last thing that you review (I think it was the end of MLP, right ?) but while writing this I just finished watching an anime that I think scared me for life (Redo of the Healer, I do NOT recommend it to anyone that dislikes stuff such as psychological and physical torture along with a lot more non-family-friendly things, even the censored version that I chose to watch. In fact, I don't recommend it at all if you don't want to have an existencial crisis about right and wrong) so this is gonna impact this comment quite a lot, not to mention that it's been quite a few days since I've seen GvK already so I'm going from memory alone here.

First of all, let me state that I absolutely LOVED the movie, easily the best Kaiju movie since Pacific Rim and that's saying something given that PR is my favorite movie ever.

There are quite a few things that make me think that (HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD):
1-The action. The main catch of the movie, of course. Seeing Kong and Gojira battle it out in Hong Kong was, like you said, the definite highlight of the movie but I think it would be unwise to forget about the Mecha G fight, which I'll note probably has the best music of the whole movie. There's not a single action scene that I think was wasted or useless, even the Warbats scene serves to show something.

2-The CGI/Scenery. They managed to create characters and environments that were sometimes entirely made in CGI (IE: Hollow Earth) and still make it impressive without it looking dull. It goes back again to Hong Kong but I also loved how, even at night, there wasn't a single frame that looked dark, which makes sense given how bright of a city Hong Kong is. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't give me Pacific Rim vibes but it makes it all the better.

3-The power scaling. Many people are going to disagree with me but I think that the way the Gojira VS Kong fight was handled is the best way they possibly could have done it. With the feats that Gojira has shown in the movies and especially in the comics, there simply was no way that Kong would win without heavy use of Plot Armor. And I'm glad that they choose to stick with him losing but not without putting quite a fight first. The fight showed both Kong and Gojira's advantages and disadvantages while putting neither of them above the other in the spotlight. I could go on about how the movie also made Gojira even stronger than he already was and which now puts him on a step almost of the level as Heisei Gojira's base form when it comes to power but that's another topic altogether.

4-The Kaiju Characterization. We can clearly see that whoever worked on the movie knew just how each Kaiju acted and how they'd fair in the situations they were put in in the movie. Gojira is not seen as the "savior" and "good guy" that some people wrongfully thought he was but as a force of nature and more importantly, an alpha predator that would stop at nothing to break any that dares challenge his position as the alpha. Moreover, I'm sure lots of people would think that the "smile" he did in the Hong Kong fight was misplaced and didn't fit a Kaiju but I think that it's a perfect way to show that Gojira isn't all good and in fact takes pleasure in destroying his competition, which I really enjoy because it's a side of him that we never saw in any other incarnation of the Kaiju.

5-Mecha Gojira. Yeah, it itself is a reason to like the movie. I gotta say that when I originally saw Mecha G's design for GvK I was quite disappointed with how it looked and thought the design pretty bad. But once I saw the movie, it all changed. The souless and mechanical face it has makes its design unique and truly scary, and for me reaching the feat of making me uneased at watching a fictional character which only happened once before, I congratulate the movie. The fact that it's controlled by Ghidorah's mind also makes this even the case because while Mecha G in itself is a powerhouse made to destroy Gojira, the only thing that it, or more accurately its pilots, lack in each of the incarnations is the experience to defeat Gojira. Indeed, the only other incarnation that had a semblance of experience fighting Gojira was Kiryu and we all know how it absolutely smacked Kiryu Goji and this time it's the worst enemy of Gojira that controls the thing made specially to destroy him. Really was great to see all that.

I could go on and on about the good things of the movie but then I'd be turning in circles so I'll stop at this.

Overall, GvK is the movie that we needed in those times, a great action blockbuster to take us out a little from what's happening in the world and it succeeded perfectly at that. It isn't flawless (tho I personally don't find any major flaws with it) but it sure as hell is a great movie that I'll make sure to rewatch more than once. The only thing that I regret from this movie is just how it makes me realize just how good Pacific Rim Uprising could have been if only it had been directed by other people...

Trully a movie that I recommend to anyone that even remotely cares about action or Kaijus.

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